Chapter 91

While waiting slowly, of course it is impossible to just wait. Since we know that every step of the next development is almost unchanged, how can we not make some 'preparations' in advance.

While waiting slowly, Xibo Hou Jichang, who was imprisoned in Yuli City, could be said to be the number of days in the future, the sage of Xiqi, and he was also gaining weight every day.

And not long after, Di Xin also arranged for him to shave his head bald again, and then he shaved it shiny.

It also no longer restricts its freedom, of course only limited to the surroundings of its residence.

As soon as they went out, there were people from Yuli City leading sheep and carrying wine, and they even knelt down to greet them.

"With the attention of a sage in Yili, all things are truly radiant."

Then countless people watched and worshiped.

"The heart of a saint is the same as the sun and the moon, shining everywhere."

All kinds of voices kept coming.

With his Xibo Hou Jichang's mentality, it is impossible not to feel strange. Of course, he knows better than anyone else whether he is a saint. When did he have such a reputation and radiance near this Great Shang Chaoge?

It was obvious that someone wanted to flatter and kill him again!

And with the passage of time, he already knew about the intercession of Uncle Wang in the Nine Great Halls, so what kind of intercession is it?Obviously, he wanted to trap his Xibo Hou Jichang to death.

Furthermore, the farewell wine and the poison sent to aid his liberation made him more certain that it was definitely arranged by that Uncle Bigan again, who wanted Di Xin to kill his Xibo Hou Jichang again as a saint.

And everyone in the world knows that the only ones who can be called saints are the Great Shang Monarch, the former Three Emperors, or the famous Qi practitioners in the world, and those legendary ancient gods.

But obviously no one cared about the title of the saint, so how could his Xibo Hou Jichang be called a saint?Isn't it the same as the poem written by Nasi Tiantai, the so-called holiness spreads Yang Xitu!Obviously, he wanted to frame his Sibo Hou Jichang.

So I realized it very quickly, and I didn't know what it was like in my heart.

The one who didn't really want to kill his Xibo Hou Jichang turned out to be that Uncle Wang Bigan.

On the contrary, Di Xin wanted to save his life, and only wanted to imprison him for seven years before releasing him to Xiqi.

When he really realized it, his heart was extremely complicated, and he had to thank Nadi Xin for his protection, so that his Sibo Hou Jichang could survive.

So he simply continued to pretend to be crazy. Of course, his 'condition' was obviously getting better every day. Now that he knew that Di Xin no longer wanted to kill him, there was no need to continue pretending like that.

Naturally, Zhang Xin tried his best to come to visit once, and then he found out that the whole city of Yuli had been casted by Qi practitioners, so it was difficult for Zhang Xin and Jiang Ziya to get in, let alone take him away.

But if he knew that he was in trouble for seven years, he could deal with it calmly, but he was given delicious food and drink every day, and he was shaved with a shiny bald head, but it made him think about it and couldn't figure it out.

And Yi Jiang and Su Quanzhong's mentality Di Xin can also guess.

It can be said that because Daji is not of one mind with his family, it is already equivalent to being kicked out of the house, and she is betrayed by her true relatives. Although Daji is a demon clan, she doesn't care about that family relationship at all.

The two of them had conspired long ago under Su Hu's arrangement, they just wanted to enter the palace to respond to Xibohou's internal affairs, and then stir up wind and rain.

But I didn't want to 'just plan' to come to Chaoge, but I didn't want it anymore, and just let the two of them live in Chaoge, so the two of them naturally hated themselves.

But seeing that he was accompanying the general, he was even more vicious from the confidant of the commander of Chaoge's imperial army, and even fell in love with the beauty of Su Ningxiang who had changed his name to Yijiang.

Yi Jiang is also clever and clear in mind, and will soon be able to enter the palace and become a noble concubine under the advice of his father, the prime minister of the great merchant, Jiang Ziya.

Then if his body is evil by his confidant general, and then he knows about it, wouldn't it be right for him to kill his confidant general in a fit of anger?
And Su Quanzhong also thought the same, but after getting along with each other, the two brothers and sisters understood each other's thoughts with just one look.

As a result, Elai was fascinated by Yijiang's beauty, and he was "bought" very smoothly. When doing things, Yijiang even took the initiative to flatter him, hoping to let Elai eat his marrow and taste, and from then on he became obsessed with her body and couldn't stop.

But in the end, Elai turned out to be a 'beast', completely a monster, not something his human body could resist.

The whole night of attacking, Su Quanzhong got two dark circles under his eyes, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

Both brothers and sisters couldn't help being dumbfounded, but fortunately, the beauty trick succeeded, and there was only one result left. If Elai didn't want to be killed by Di Xin, he had no choice but to betray Chaoge and seek refuge in Xiqi.

Then, in the excitement, excitement, waiting, and self-cultivation of the two of them, it didn't take long to wait for You Hun, who was almost the second courtier of Chaoge, to come to 'visit'.

In the end, he didn't want to be fooled by Yi Jiang's beauty again.

So in an instant, the hearts of the two brothers and sisters couldn't help but move again, wouldn't they also use beauty tricks to buy them off!And if it is exposed, it will be a death penalty, and from then on, you can only do things for yourself obediently?
Then it was another night of beatings, and after all, You's body was incomparable to Evil Lai's. After eating and wiping off his body, he left with a weak body, but left another "opportunity" to find an errand for Su Quanzhong.

As a result, the next day, the two brothers and sisters happened to run into Yin Libai, who was accompanied by Di Xin's general.

As a result, the two of them were greatly relieved of their hatred, and they repeated the old plan again. Sure enough, the subordinates of the licentious and immoral Hunjun were all the same as the Hunjun.

It was as if they had discovered a huge opportunity, and after using a beauty trick to buy Yin Libai, who was with Di Xin and his general, the two of them also became even more inspired.

Wouldn't it be possible to use this strategy repeatedly to buy Chaoge's civil and military personnel?
Not long after, Yi Jiang became the imperial concubine of a great merchant, and no one dared to reveal it at that time, and both held the handle in the hands of the two, but they could only be used by them.

Then, Chao Tian, ​​Lei Kai and other hard-core generals of the Chaoge Forbidden Army were all bought and captured by the two beauties one by one. Death penalty is inevitable.

What's more, it was an unexpected harvest. I didn't want to disclose the news that Yi Jiang would soon be able to enter the palace as a noble concubine of a great merchant, to Huang Feihu, the king of Zhenguo Wucheng who had already intended to join Xiqi.

As a result, under the implication of the two men's beauty tricks, Huang Feihu, who didn't want to be the normally serious Zhenguo Wucheng King, couldn't help but do the same.

It can be said that you love me, and Yijiang is even more flattering. While enjoying it, he only feels relieved. Huang Feihu is also very happy. Anyway, he was going to take refuge in Na Xiqi, so why not...

Then the same Uncle Wang's Weizi, Jizi, Weizi Qi, and Wei Ziyan also heard that Yi Jiang became the daughter of Prime Minister Jiang Ziya, and would soon enter the palace to become a noble concubine of a great merchant.

In the end, they both had the same mentality as Huang Feihu, and they were successfully bought by the two beauties, and they felt extremely happy in their hearts.

After waiting quietly, they finally reported to Chaoge in two ways.

Jiang Wenhuan, the son of Jiang Huanchu of Donglu, led Dongbohou himself, and gathered 40 horses to take the Dongfang Youhunguan, a great merchant.

E Shun, the son of Nanbohou E Chongyu, also led Nanbohou himself, and also led 20 troops, and took Sanshanguan in the south of the great merchant.

The world shook instantly.

But no one knew that Di Xin was no longer in Chaoge.

 Update time: 00:05; 11:30; 17:00; sometimes the network may be delayed.In addition, if you like the book friends, please bookmark and vote for it after reading it. The reward is even more grateful, thank you Tianya.Today is Tian Ya's birthday. I just realized it was reminded by someone. It is written at the end. I don't know if anyone can see it.

(End of this chapter)

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