The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 101 She can make as much trouble as she likes!

Chapter 101 She can make as much trouble as she likes!

"Your Majesty," General Li said, "Xiao Tang is very gifted, and she has an intuitive sense of military spirit. As long as she has been trained in the barracks, she can immediately see it. She said, one, there is a majesty in a general, Different from ordinary people; second, she judges whether a person is a general by looking at their physique; third, she judges each person by their height. Therefore, Xiao Tang easily found out [-] generals, and even We and these scheming old guys were also seen through by her piercing eyes!"

An Lin interjected, "Your Majesty, among all the contestants, except for General Shao, none of the contestants knew that you ordered three hundred generals to dress up as civilians and mix among the contestants. How did Miss Tang know that? "

It was General Qin who answered An Lin's question, and she said, "Your Majesty, the general was the first to be found by Xiao Tang. The general remembers that she told her two friends that all the contestants were fooled by the emperor." , were all deceived by the emperor, the emperor did not let three hundred generals hide in the forest, but let them act as contestants, mixed in tens of thousands of contestants. She also said that she had experienced similar exam questions before , so I know how your majesty arranges the prey!"

After hearing this, Yu Shengjun laughed happily, quite boldly, "I have to say, this little girl is indeed a talent!" Experienced a similar game?"

General Qin nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, the general heard clearly what Xiao Tang said. Your Majesty, from this point of view, this girl from Xiao Tang must be the queen of the general, otherwise, how could she be so proficient in the emperor's formations! "

Yu Shengjun said again: "After ignoring whether she is a general, tell me how she broke the formation in the forest? Inside the eight trigrams formation, the universe formation, each formation is beyond the ability of ordinary people. Even if it's you, you can't figure it out, so how did that girl get out?"

General Shen said: "Back to the emperor, the last general accompanied Miss Tang out of the shortcut, and this shortcut is not the shortcut that the emperor told the last general and others, but what the emperor saw with his own eyes in the end, General Shao The passage from the ground to the end point!"

Yu Shengjun said: "As early as 2000 years ago, this was the residence of a certain tribe, so it is not surprising that there is such a passage, but it has not been discovered by us until now. Tell me, how did she discover the passage?"

"There is no need to find out," General Shen summarized what happened at that time, "Miss Xiao Tang found us, and then took me and others to the mountain wall at the corner of the stream. The mountain wall is made of granite. It was destroyed by the wind and rain, so it looks like a day for hundreds of years. And Miss Tang, she seemed to know that there was a passage there, she found the switch easily, opened the entrance door of the passage, and led us to wait for seven People went straight to the end of the passage. At that time, I was very curious why she did not take the mountain road, but the tunnel. The explanation that Mo Jiang gave to Miss Tang at that time is still fresh in my memory. She said that in fact, all the contestants are far away from The end point is only two or three mountains away. As long as you walk out of these two or three mountains, you can see the end point. She said that because the mountains and forests are full of various formations, she can crack them, but when you go out It takes a lot of time, so it is more straightforward to go through the underground passage. Therefore, Miss Tang was the first person to reach the end, and she was hiding behind the last general and others, so you didn't see it, Your Majesty! Miss Tang didn't seem to want to Let the emperor find her, so she appeared at the last joint!"

General Li said with a chuckle: "This Miss Tang, she is naughty, the emperor dares to tease her!"

Yu Shengjun sighed softly, and at the same time smiled helplessly, "The first round of exam questions that I worked so hard to come up with was actually seen through by her alone, but through her performance, I understood one thing. , except for her, none of the other contestants passed the level!"

"Your majesty..." General Li had something to say, but he was afraid that the emperor would punish him for what he said, so he hesitated to speak.

Yu Shengjun said: "Li Aiqing, but it's okay to say, I don't blame you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After receiving the emperor's assurance, General Li dared to say what was in his heart, "Your Majesty, it's not that those contestants are too stupid, but you, Your Majesty... are too smart, beyond what they accept. If the content of the test questions is simpler, there may be many contestants who pass the level!"

After listening to General Li's words, Yu Shengjun's eyes darkened a little, and his tone of voice became a bit stern, "In this world, there are many people who are smarter than me. It's not too much for me to ask a question like this. Don't take it too seriously." If the exam questions are more complicated, how can there be such a talent as Xiao Tang. Well, I have finished asking, and I understand the situation, you go home and rest. Shao Qi stays here, and I have something to say."

"The last general resigns!" Apart from Shao Qi, the other three generals walked out of the imperial study together.Yu Shengjun looked at An Lin, and ordered: "Go tell Zhang Xiangyang and others to come!"

"Yes!" After saying that, An Lin bowed his back and walked out of the imperial study.

After An Lin went out, Shao Qi's expression was a bit solemn, he looked at Yu Shengjun, and asked: "Your Majesty, keep the last general, do you want to discuss those spies from the anti-imperial society and the enemy's country mixed in with the contestants?" ?”

Yu Shengjun nodded, got up, went around the table and walked down, "This matter is to be discussed, but I have mentioned it to you in advance, so I won't mention it tonight. You came back in a hurry, and I haven't realized that you are here What happened to the ambushes on the way back to court?"

Shao Qi calmed down for a while, and was silent for a long time before answering truthfully: "On the way back from the border, the general encountered three waves of people, but he didn't know where he came from!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Recently, the people who opposed the Royal Society became more and more rampant, and they all came to the palace. It's a pity that I didn't succeed in my trick of waiting for the rabbit. This time, I will mix you in as a contestant. I just want you to keep an eye on these contestants. Among these people, it is estimated that there are not only people from the Rebellion Society, but also spies from the enemy country. By the way, there is one thing I haven't asked you yet!"

Shao Qi respectfully said: "Please speak, Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun said: "It's the person who pretended to be me and sneaked into your barracks, and pretended to be the imperial decree!"

Shao Qi stated in detail: "It is true that there was such an incident. That night, the border gate reported urgently that the Holy Majesty was coming, so the general went out to greet him in person. What he saw at the time was indeed the emperor, and then I invited you to the camp to discuss it in detail. The situation at the border, but the emperor suddenly ordered the last general to hand over the military talisman. At that time, the last general was very shocked, so he asked the reason, but the emperor didn't give a good reason at all, and just ordered the last general to be arrested. But in the later conversation In the middle, the last general recognized that the emperor at that time was not you, but a person who knew how to disguise himself. That person disguised himself into your appearance, and came to falsely preach the oracle! The last general tore that person's face , saw the real face, but the man held one of the generals under the general hostage on the spot, successfully walked out of the camp, and then headed towards me towards the court. The general immediately ordered the two non-commissioned officers under him to hunt them down with all their strength! "

After listening to Shao Qi's detailed description, Yu Shengjun said: "The spy escaped, and the non-commissioned officer under you didn't catch him! But this matter cannot be left alone. I have already ordered the Ministry of War to investigate this matter strictly. The spy! By the way, how can you be sure that the spy is from the enemy country?"

Shao Qi said truthfully: "At that time, the fake emperor ordered the general to hand over the military talisman. He said that the two countries had become friends a month ago and would not invade each other since then. People and horses go to support! If you are not from the enemy country, how can you think of transferring the army under the banner of the last general?"

Yu Shengjun asked again: "What did you say that made you see that that person is a fake?"

Shao Qi said: "The man used "I" instead of "Zhen" to address himself from the beginning to the end, and he suddenly realized it later, so he didn't make a big mistake!"

Yu Shengjun asked calmly: "At that time, if that person was me, I would have handed over your soldier talisman just like that, and even ordered your non-commissioned officers to arrest you. With such unfair treatment, why didn't you take me away? Killed directly? Then..." Rebellion.

"The last general dare not," Shao Qi knelt down in fear, and the words in Yu Shengjun's words scared him into a cold sweat. "The last general's military talisman was given by the emperor, and it is only natural for the emperor to take it back. The last general doesn't's unfair!"

"Really?" Yu Shengjun looked at him and asked softly, the emotion in his eyes was unusually calm, but his eyes... were very deep.At the end, she suddenly smiled and helped Shao Qi up, "Shao Aiqing doesn't need to be nervous, I'm just joking!"

Yu Shengjun's words seemed to be a joke, but to Shao Qi's ears, he couldn't laugh.He never expected that the emperor was such a deep person. Before standing beside the emperor, he had never felt that he was with the emperor like a tiger, but now... he has.

He always thought that the emperor would treat him like a friend and trust him forever, but he overestimated his intuition and underestimated the emperor's thoughts.

A wise ruler who can govern such a great country so well, if he is not deep, how can he suppress the minister who holds the military power and the life and death power of the people.

Shao Qi nodded in panic, "Everything that the general said is true, and he has no two intentions, please learn from the emperor!"

Since becoming the emperor's general, for the first time, the emperor did not give Shao Qi face, and his cruel words hit his heart like a knife.Whether he has the heart to rebel, the emperor will say this sentence in front of him, which seems to be a joke but is not a joke.The emperor was knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, and felt that it was time to suppress him, a military officer with supreme military power.

Think about it, if the emperor is not afraid of his officials, one day the officials will come back to oppose him...

Yu Shengjun deliberately gave Shao Qi an annoyed look, "Hey, why are you so nervous? I've said it all, what I just said was just a joke, it's not true. Well, you're tired too, go back and rest first." Gently patted Shao Qi's shoulder to comfort him. "As for the impersonation of the emperor and the three waves of people chasing and killing you, you don't need to investigate these matters. I will send other people to investigate. Your current task is to help me secretly monitor the movements of all the contestants who cleared the level and find out Come spies!"

Shao Qi clasped his fists and said, "The general obeys orders!"

Yu Shengjun waved his hand towards the door, and said calmly: "Go, go back and rest first!"

"Yes, the last general will leave!" After finishing speaking, Shao Qi exited the imperial study room, and when he reached the door of the imperial study room, he stopped in his footsteps, and quietly turned his head to look at Yu Shengjun who was returning to the throne to sit down. Shows many emotions.After turning around, his face... changed and became very stiff.His eyes were also extremely cold.There was a murderous look in his eyes for a moment.

With this forbearing murderous aura, Shao Qi walked out of the imperial study room quickly.

After a while, An Lin came in with Commander Zhang, Yifeng, Yitang and Yishuang.

Yu Shengjun ordered An Lin: "An Lin, go ask the imperial dining room to prepare a rich meal, and then send it to the palace where Tang Lin is under house arrest!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this old servant will do it now!" After speaking, An Lin stepped back.

(End of this chapter)

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