The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 102 Help Tang Lin Improve Her Internal Strength!

Chapter 102 Help Tang Lin Improve Her Internal Strength!
Yu Shengjun looked at the four people in front of him, the people he trusted the most, and ordered them one by one: "Yifeng, tomorrow's second round of competition must be fully prepared, and there must be no trouble! One hall, one frost, You are responsible for keeping an eye on the [-] contestants who hold invitations, of course, except for Tang Lin, you don’t have to keep an eye on her. Commander Zhang, Yifeng will be solely responsible for the matters of this year’s Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, but you also You can't be idle, you have a lot to deal with!"

Zhang Xiangyang nodded and said: "This subordinate understands, please tell me, master."

Yu Shengjun said: "No matter what method you use, I want to see the real Queen Chenghuan within these three months, and I also need to know who is the person who helped Queen Chenghuan escape from the palace, and find out the background of that person." Second, find out the enemy spies who sneaked into Marshal Shao's barracks and falsely preach the oracle, and the three groups of people who assassinated Marshal Shao along the way; third, strengthen the distribution and management of internal guards, and guard against counterattacks during the selection of Ouchi guards People from the meeting will attack the palace at night!"

Zhang Xiangyang took the order: "This subordinate understands that this subordinate will definitely go all out to complete the task!"

"Yifeng," Yu Shengjun faced Yifeng and ordered again, but this time his tone was not so harsh, "During the selection of Ouchi guards, no matter what Tang Lin did, whether she was pretending to be a royal guard or a court lady, just open your eyes." Just close your eyes and don't embarrass her. Nangong and other places, she can walk around casually, but if you find her coming in the direction of the main palace, you must inform me. She likes to participate in the Ouchi guard selection competition, and I will allow her with a hundred hearts You can play however you like, as long as she likes. But because she is not yet my queen, I don't want people from the main palace and harem to meet her face to face, lest there will be gossip when she becomes the queen in the future!"

Yifeng nodded and said: "This subordinate knows what to do, please rest assured, master, this subordinate will secretly take good care of the future queen!"

Yu Shengjun smiled gratifiedly, "Well, with your words, I feel relieved. Alright, everyone go to their own business!"

"Yes!" Zhang Xiangyang and others responded one by one, and then retreated one after another.

Not long after those people left, Yu Shengjun also put on a mask and left the Imperial Study Room...

The night is getting darker.

The small palace where Tang Lin was under house arrest was brightly lit.

At this moment, several maids brought the food to the table, put it down, and retreated together.

An Lin stood by the dining table, just looking at Tang Lin who was devouring it, shaking his head and laughing from time to time, reminding him from time to time: "Eat slowly, don't choke!"

While chewing the food, Tang Lin kept sending food to her mouth, and said indistinctly, "I've been hungry for a whole day, and I finally saw something to eat, can't you let me eat to my heart's content? It's just right to choke to death." , I can’t be happy anyway!”

An Lin chuckled and asked, "Why can't you survive?"

Tang Lin gave him a blank look, and said weakly: "I made such a big mess for the emperor, will he let me go? A joke! Tomorrow I will definitely be in front of civil and military officials, how can I beat Tang Lin!"

An Lin smiled helplessly, and said: "You blamed the emperor wrongly, he didn't mean that!"

Tang Lin didn't believe it, "It's no wonder, you are a fool!"

At this time, a voice came from outside, "The emperor is here!"

When Tang Lin heard the sound, she immediately put down her chopsticks, then hid under the table, then poked her head out and said to An Lin: "Director An, when the emperor comes, please ask him to sit down, don't tell him I'm below! "

An Lin said in horror: "What do you want to do?"

Tang Lin gritted her teeth and said, "Even if it's death, I still want to see his true face clearly. I plan to take off his mask when I'm caught off guard. That's it, I'll hide for now!" After finishing speaking, she quickly retracted her head to the tablecloth in.

Soon, Yu Shengjun came in, An Lin saluted, "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun looked at the messy dining table and said with a smile, "Where is the person?" Immediately, he sat down in Tang Lin's seat.

"Your Majesty..." An Lin's eyes widened when he saw Yu Shengjun sitting down.

But An Lin's reminder was already too late, Tang Lin popped out from under the table and climbed up Yu Shengjun's body until Slicky Qiu's hand touched his mask—"Oh!" Tang Lin yelled in pain immediately on Yu Shengjun's eagle mask, and her brows were all wrinkled together. She looked at her hand, only to find that her fingers were clamped by Yu Shengjun, and then squeezed Her fingers twisted on the back of her hand, they were about to break, and the pain was unbearable, and her fingers never touched his mask again.Because her martial arts were not as strong as Yu Shengjun, Yu Shengjun easily restrained her hand.The pain caused her to shed tears easily, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Your Majesty, I was wrong, please let go of my hand, it is about to break!"

Yu Shengjun raised the corners of his lips, revealing a slightly evil and proud arc.His right hand clamped Tang Lin's right hand, and the two were facing each other at this time.Suddenly, he turned her right hand around, and her body had to follow suit. Her back was so easily leaned against his strong chest. Still in shock, he had already let go of her right hand, a strong and powerful arm. Wrapping around her willow waist, he hugged her tightly.

At this moment, Tang Lin was leaning against Yu Shengjun, facing the messy dinner table she made, panting heavily.When he found that his waist was tightly encircled, his eyes instantly burned with anger, and he immediately opened the arm and struggled, baring his teeth and scolding: "Bastard, let me go!"

Not only did Yu Shengjun not let her go, but he also put his face close to her neck openly, and said in an ambiguous tone: "I really have a personality, I like it, think about it, how about being my woman? I will give you the back seat!"

"Fuck," Tang Lin took a sharp bite, and continued to struggle, "Let go! If you don't let go, I'll call someone!"

But her threat will only make Yu Shengjun more presumptuous, "Shout, you shout, there is no one in this huge palace who does not listen to me, if you have the ability to call out someone to help you, I will let you go!" you!"

Suddenly, he bit her earlobe.

Tang Lin felt the pain and burning sensation at the same time, and she exclaimed, "Ah! What did you do?"

Yu Shengjun smiled evilly and said, "You are asking knowingly."

"I warn you," Tang Lin put down her harsh words angrily, "My boyfriend is a man of great martial arts. He can kill people with leaves. Emperor, please be careful. If you dare to be more polite, my boyfriend will not let you go." your!"

"Oh," Yu Shengjun suddenly smiled, and wrote lightly: "Isn't he able to kill with leaves? Well, I can kill with a drop of water!"

There was a kettle on the table, and Tang Lin didn't pour water to drink. He didn't bother to pour water, so he used his left hand instead of his right to wrap around Tang Lin's waist. A teardrop.

The teardrops did not melt away from his hand or drip down his fingers. His hand raised an elegant arc, aiming at the black shadow outside the closed window in front of the door, and then elegantly and skillfully pinched it. The orchid finger and the thumb flicked the middle finger, and immediately the teardrop on the middle finger was flicked out, and sent directly to the black shadow outside the window in front.

Before the teardrops were ejected, Yu Shengjun had used internal force to freeze the teardrops, turning them into ice.The teardrop bounced off in a perfect straight line that could destroy everything.

In the blink of an eye, teardrops pierced through the paper window and penetrated into the black shadow outside the window.Suddenly, there was a muffled shout outside the window, and then a mouthful of blood sprayed on the paper window, penetrated the paper window, and on the paper window, a coquettish and bright red flower bloomed.

Tang Lin hadn't recovered from the shock of the blood flower when suddenly, the sound of a heavy corpse falling to the ground came from outside the window.

Tang Lin was completely dumbfounded by the series of movements of Yu Shengjun. She leaned on Yu Shengjun, motionless, as if she had no soul at all.

Yu Shengjun slightly turned his head to look at An Lin, and gave An Lin a wink.

An Lin understood, bowed his waist, then walked out of the door and walked towards the window in front of the door.

In a short time, An Lin walked into the door, followed by Yitang and Yishuang.Yitang and Yishuang, the two of them carried the corpse of a woman in night clothes, followed Anlin into the door, and then put the corpse down.

The corpse was lying on the ground with its back facing the sky, with its side face pressed against the ground. There was a hole in the forehead, blood was flowing continuously, and the corner of the mouth was covered with blood.

Seeing the face of the deceased clearly, Tang Lin pointed at the corpse and said in horror: "This is not..."

Yu Shengjun let her go, his eyes narrowed, "You know her?"

Tang Lin left his arms, walked around the table, came to the corpse, then squatted down, and turned the corpse over. This time, she saw the face of the deceased clearly, and she was so surprised that she covered her own face slightly with trembling hands. mouth, but not completely covering it, "This is not..."

The deceased was a woman, and Tang Lin knew it. It was the woman in red that Tang Lin knew in the Royal Forest.

In the afternoon, she managed to tame the woman in red, but now she died suddenly.

Yu Shengjun stood up, walked towards Tang Lin with one hand behind his back, glanced at the corpse, and asked Tang Lin, "Do you recognize this person?"

Tang Lin stood up, looked at the face of the deceased, and said sadly, "I don't really know her too well. She is someone I met in the Royal Forest today. She is a contestant." Confused, "After all, it's a human life, how did you kill her?"

The tone of her accusation inexplicably hurt Yu Shengjun's heart, and said hoarsely: "Are you suing me for a killer who wants to assassinate me?"

"What?" Tang Lin was startled, "What murderer?"

Yishuang explained: "She is a killer. If our master didn't kill this person in time, the hidden weapon in her hand will kill you and our master." Released, and took out a poison gas bomb from the palm of the deceased, then stood up, and continued to explain: "This is a gas bomb, which contains a poison that cannot be cured by medicine, and the deceased's martial arts are so strong, she can take it instantly." The lives of everyone in the house!"

"Oh my god!" Tang Lin was very surprised, "It turned out to be an assassin, I didn't even notice it!"

Yu Shengjun said: "You have boxing skills that are different from others, but you don't have internal strength. Ordinary people can't escape your defense range, but if you are a master, it will be difficult for you to spot them!"

Tang Lin nodded with an epiphany, "So that's what happened. I'm still surprised. I, a person who once sneaked into the government of country M and brought out traitors and escaped successfully, would not be aware of the situation around me." Movement? So it’s because I have no internal strength, I don’t even know the danger is approaching!”

Yu Shengjun ordered Yitang and Yishuang, "Take the body down and dispose of it secretly, so that her accomplices will not find a trace of her, so as not to startle the snake, then the remaining assassins will stop their actions, and I won't be able to hunt them down one by one." killed!"

"Yes!" After saying that, Yitang and Yishuang went out carrying the corpse.

Yu Shengjun looked at An Lin and ordered: "Wait to clean up the scene and restore it to its previous appearance!"

(End of this chapter)

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