The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 103 I, Tang Lin, Are the Boss!

Chapter 103 I, Tang Lin, Are the Boss!
An Lin nodded, "Old slave understands!"

"It's time for me to go back to the bedroom!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun flicked his dragon robe and strode towards the door, ignoring Tang Lin behind him, but every time he took a step, his heart became anxious. I hope she can stop him and admit her mistake to him.

However, he had already walked to the door, and there was still no voice from her behind him, so he felt a little desperate.Anyone in this world can accuse him of what he has done in front of him, except her and his mother.

As long as the two of them sued him, he felt like his inner world was completely broken, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't help himself.

Just when he was about to step out of the door, Tang Lin's voice came, "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun's eyes became hot, and a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.After looking slowly, he turned around and looked at Tang Lin with pretended indifference, "Is there anything else?"

"I'm sorry!" Tang Lin apologized with red eyes, "I didn't know that person was the assassin who wanted to kill you just now, so I misunderstood you. I was wrong, please forgive Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang will never accuse you rashly again! "

Yu Shengjun smiled suddenly, turned back and hugged Tang Lin fiercely, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I don't blame you, after all, you don't know the inside story!"

Tang Lin's body froze, not knowing what to say.

Yu Shengjun let her go, then patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "Okay, this matter is over. You can go back to where you should go later, I don't want to put you under house arrest. one thing……"

"Huh?" His hesitation made Tang Lin frowned slightly, "What else does the emperor want?"

After looking at her for a while, Yu Shengjun said: "You are extremely witty, it is undeniable. After the first round of competition, I found that you have many things that a guard should have, but you are not good at martial arts. You can pass the intelligence test, but there are several rounds of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition that rely on force, and your martial arts must be improved!"

Tang Lin gave him a blank look, and muttered: "I am a modern person, how can I have internal strength, and I don't have a master to teach me, how can I improve my martial arts? Besides, the competition has already started, even if I have a master to teach me, I can't do it." Might learn that fast!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Let me handle the matter of improving your internal strength for you! The second and third rounds of the competition are about kung fu, so you don't have to participate. Starting tomorrow night, every At midnight, you go to a place with my guards!"

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, puzzled, "To a place? What place?"

Yu Shengjun explained: "Your internal strength is too weak. I entrust you to a martial arts expert to teach you. I guarantee that you will have a strong internal force in a short time. With your physique, you should be able to accept it." Quick study!"

"Really?" Tang Lin was very happy, "You really want to help me find Master?"

Yu Shengjun said weakly: "Do you look like I'm joking?"

Tang Lin said gratefully: "Your Majesty, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

Yu Shengjun was very happy that she accepted his kindness, but on the surface, he said indifferently: "You're welcome, you can do it yourself!" On the way back to Lanyuan, Tang Lin was able to pass all the way without hindrance. Sure enough, no Yulin army dared to stop her The way out, the organs arranged around, did not target her.

Tang Lin wondered whether Sister Lei's words were bluffing. The Yulin Army didn't embarrass the contestants at all, and there were no traps around.

When she reached the gate of Lan Yuan, Tang Lin stopped suddenly, and heard the emperor's words, "I really have a personality, I like it, think about it, how about being my woman? I will give you the back seat!"

Recalling this, Tang Lin's eyes widened in disbelief, "God, he knows I'm a daughter?" In other words, the emperor didn't have the habit of cutting sleeves at all?What he likes is not a man at all, but a woman?

Gradually, Tang Lin's heart began to panic. An emperor who could kill with a single tear, even knowing that she was his daughter, made her feel more and more eerie and terrifying, and she felt panicked.Why did he treat her so well?what purpose?Could it be that he really wanted her to be his queen?
Doesn't the emperor have a queen?And it was the Empress Cheng Huan that Xiao Du was talking about.

When Sister Lei came out of Lanyuan, her rigid side disappeared instantly when she saw Tang Lin, and she put on a flattering smile, "You're back!"

"Huh?" Tang Lin raised her head and looked at Sister Lei inexplicably, wondering why the strict Sister Lei in the morning would talk to her in such a friendly tone this time.

"Don't bother you, I'm leaving first!" She bowed her head to Tang Lin, and then Sister Lei walked past Tang Lin and walked away.After walking a few steps, she turned her head and stared at Tang Lin's back, wondering in her heart, "It's so easy to win the emperor's favor, how did she do it?"

"Forget it, don't think about it!" Tang Lin shook her head, no longer worrying about the fact that the emperor knew that she was a daughter, and walked into Lanyuan.

It was late at night, but Kelan Garden was still brightly lit, especially the room of Du Yuanyuan and others.

Yun Shan, Dong Chenchen and the others sat on the bed and whispered, sometimes laughing loudly, sometimes keeping their voices down, sometimes yelling like a lunatic, sometimes mysteriously like meeting a ghost .

Du Yuanyuan didn't have the same interest in fighting as everyone else. Her bed was next to Tang Lin's and He Shiya's, and she was sleeping under the quilt, but the scene was so noisy that her ears were covered with calluses. Sitting up, he glanced coldly at the four people piled up on the beds next to He Shiya, and shouted: "Is it over, you guys? You like to quarrel outside, don't quarrel with me here, a bunch of lunatics!"

Dong Chenchen said impatiently: "Hey, so-and-so, who are you calling crazy? Explain clearly to my aunt!"

Du Yuanyuan was not as calm as He Shiya. He Shiya could sleep peacefully with her eyes closed, but she couldn't sleep because of the noise.I have always disliked Dong Chenchen, and now Dong Chenchen provoked me again, "Dong, this is not your home, please shut up!"

"It seems that it is absolutely impossible for the two of us not to fight!" Dong Chenchen grinned, rubbing his sleeves while standing up.

Du Yuanyuan lifted the quilt abruptly and stood up, keeping his eyes on Dong Chenchen's face, with a gloomy look on his face, "I've had this idea since the first time I saw you, fight? Okay, I'll accompany you, I won't teach you a lesson, You thought I, Du Yuanyuan, grew up on a vegetarian diet!"

Dong Chenchen walked to He Shiya's bed in a few steps, glared coldly at Du Yuanyuan who was on the other side of He Shiya's bed, grinned and said, "Come on, let's see who is teaching whom!"

Yuxin crawled over, pushed He Shiya's arm, and said worriedly: "Shiya, wake up, don't sleep!"

Now Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen are on both sides of He Shiya, once they make a move, He Shiya will be hurt, so Yuxin came up to remind her.

He Shiya kept her eyes closed, and Ren Yuxin shook without moving.She didn't sleep, but she didn't bother to pay attention to the people in this room. She was missing someone, and this person was the emperor. Pull the quilt and cover your head.

"You guys stop beating, okay?" Yuxin sat cross-legged on the bed, looked up at Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen and advised, "Shiya's body is already weak, and she still stood at the Royal Forest for a long time today, she must not be able to bear it , let her rest well!"

However, Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen were still fighting tit for tat. It seemed that they would never give up if they didn't have a good fight tonight.The two looked at Yuxin angrily at the same time, and ordered at the same time: "Shut up and stay away!"

Yuxin neither had the courage to contradict others, nor did she have the courage to want to be contradicted, so she obediently shut up, retreated to the corner of the bed, sat down with Yun Shan and Mei Chun'er, and looked at Du Yuanyuan and Dong Yuan together. Chen Chen.

Just when Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen were about to fight, Tang Lin was already standing at the door of the room. She looked at the two people who smelled like gunpowder on the bed, and asked with a frown, "Fight?! Has the boss approved it?"

"Boss?!" Du Yuanyuan and the others said in unison, unable to understand the meaning of Tang Lin's words.

He Shiya suddenly opened her eyes when she heard Tang Lin's voice.

Tang Lin walked in, stood by the bed and looked at the few people. The eldest sister said in a big tone: "Yes, it is the boss. From now on, I, Tang Lin, are you Du Yuanyuan, Dong Chenchen, Yun Shan, Mei Chun Son, Yuxin, He Shiya is the eldest of the six of them!"

Du Yuanyuan said angrily: "Why are you our boss?"

Tang Lin slowly pulled the stool next to her and sat down. She raised the corners of her lips and added with a somewhat smug arc: "Why? Just because I successfully brought you out of the palace today! Why, I forgot to gamble." Is there an appointment?"

After she mentioned it, everyone remembered it, and now everyone lowered their heads and had nothing to say, but they all had expressions of unwillingness.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yun Shan said, "One must be honest. Since Xiao Tang won, we should always obey her and not break the contract." Immediately got off the bed, put on her shoes, came to Tang Lin's side and knelt down, " Boss, be respected by younger sister!"

The still optimistic Yun Shan was more obedient, Tang Lin smiled gratifiedly, turned her body, did not stand up, and reached out to help Yun Shan up, "Good sister, Boss has such a loyal subordinate like you, I am deeply grateful Rejoice. Get up."

"Thank you, Boss!" After finishing speaking, Yun Shan stood up and stood behind Tang Lin.

Seeing that Yun Shan had compromised, Yuxin glanced at Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen, thinking that Xiao Tang had more power to speak, so she also got out of bed, trotted over with bare feet, knelt down for Tang Lin, and repeated Yun Shan's words. Then, "Big boss, please be respected by my younger sister!"

"Good sister, please get up quickly, kneel down for me Tang Lin, what can I do, Tang Lin, please get up quickly!" Tang Lin said flatteredly, while supporting Yuxin with both hands.

Yuxin said happily: "Boss, Yuxin will follow you from now on, she can be a cow or a horse!"

Tang Lin glanced at her unbearably, and said in a half-reproachful old-fashioned tone: "You girl, what are you talking about? After following me, Tang Lin, how could I let you act like a fool? Don't say that these bosses don't like to listen. That's it!"

Yuxin grinned lightly, "Yes!" Then, she stood beside Yun Shan.

"Boss!" Before Tang Lin could turn around and look over, Mei Chun'er's chubby figure had already knelt down in front of her, "Boss, please be respected by Chun'er, Chun'er will be the boss's person from now on, Chun'er Willing to go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire for the boss, life and death, it is my duty!"

"Oh, Chun'er, where are you talking?" Tang Lin stood up, then bent down, and helped Mei Chun'er up, "Chun'er, you are the same, you can't just hang these words in the future. Mouth, what is life and death, how unlucky, remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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