The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 104 I don't think you are a woman! 1

Chapter 104 I don't think you are a woman! 1
Mei Chun'er rubbed the back of her head, smiled innocently, nodded and said, "Chun'er understands!"

He Shiya had already lifted up the quilt, got out of bed gently, put on her shoes dignifiedly, then walked over lightly, owed Tang Lin, and then knelt down gracefully, even the kneeling posture was so elegant and dignified, Without losing the style of a lady.She lowered her head slightly to Tang Lin, and said lightly: "Boss, please accept Shiya...a bow." After she finished speaking, she really lowered her head and kowtowed. Unclear expression.

Tang Lin immediately helped He Shiya up, flattered and said: "Oh, Shiya, what are you doing, it's enough if you have the heart, you don't need to do such a great gift!"

"Thank you, Boss, for treating Shiya so kindly," He Shiya nodded politely at Tang Lin as she spoke.

Tang Lin didn't know what to say, "You're welcome!"

Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen were left standing on the bed, staring at Tang Lin intently.Yun Shan waved at them, and said anxiously: "Yuan Yuan Chen Chen, what are you still doing, why don't you come down to meet the boss? Since you lost the bet, you have to admit defeat, you can't deny it, can't you do it?" Honest people?"

Mei Chun'er interjected, "Exactly!"

Dong Chenchen Jianghu has a lot of loyalty, but she cares too much about face, and she is not reconciled to become someone else's subordinate, but keeping integrity is the most worthwhile thing for her to show off to others.After dawdling for a long time, she reluctantly got out of bed and came to Tang Lin. She was about to kneel down, but Tang Lin held her hands in time.

Tang Lin said comfortingly, "I'm very happy to see you coming. If you make a bet or not, just treat it like farting and ignore it." Such words should achieve good results Bar?

Sure enough, her three or two sentences brought out Dong Chenchen's tears. Dong Chenchen held her hands tightly, and was very moved: "Xiao Tang, no, boss, I, Dong Chenchen, swear that I will never let you down!" Starting today, I, Dong Chen and Chen Sheng, belong to the boss, and death is the ghost of the boss. If you betray the boss, you will be struck by lightning and you will die. Boss, Yun Shan is right. To be a man, you must keep your promises. How can Dong Chenchen regard gambling as a joke!" Hearing what Dong Chenchen said, Tang Lin felt at ease, and at least being able to conquer Dong Chenchen, who cares about face, is a good harvest. , but, how should Du Yuanyuan deal with this?

Tang Lin looked at Du Yuanyuan who was already lying on the bed and was about to cover himself with the quilt to sleep. The other party's posture was obviously about to breach the contract.

Seeing Du Yuanyuan's attitude, Dong Chenchen said angrily: "Hey, so-and-so, what do you mean? In today's bet, who would boast too much? How shameless you are, aren't you a woman? "

Du Yuanyuan couldn't bear it anymore, sat up suddenly and turned his head to stare at Dong Chenchen, his face was swollen with anger, "Why am I, Du Yuanyuan, not a woman?"

Dong Chenchen pouted coldly, "I don't think you are a woman!"

Du Yuanyuan was so angry that he went mad, and immediately got out of bed, stepped in front of Dong Chenchen, and in front of everyone, without any warning, took off her clothes, and suddenly the spring light in the clothes appeared in front of everyone, "You Do you dare to compare? Say that I am not a woman, but I think you are not. You have no face, no body, no material, and you dare to argue with Du Yuanyuan what a woman is? Pooh, shame on you!"

"What did you say?" Dong Chenchen was completely annoyed, and immediately raised his hand to slap Du Yuanyuan, but was stopped by Tang Lin.

Tang Lin gave her hand a hard shake, then stood between the two of them, and said grumpily, "Okay! Have you had enough trouble?" Looking at Dong Chenchen, and then at Du Yuanyuan, she was annoyed Said: "Du Yuanyuan, listen, you can treat gambling as a joke, it's your interest, and I, Tang Lin, don't blame you. For a person like you, I, Tang Lin, can't accept you as my subordinate. It's only because you're mad at me!"

"I'm going to piss you off!" Du Yuanyuan stared into Tang Lin's eyes and said, but her heart was already softened. She really didn't want to be a person who broke her word, but she was more face-saving than Dong Chenchen, and she refused to lose face That's all.

"Huh?" Tang Lin narrowed her eyes slightly, "What do you mean?"

Du Yuanyuan turned aside with a cold face, "You know it well, so you still need me to say it?"

Tang Lin gave a wry smile, pretended to be stupid and froze, "The problem is, I, Tang Lin, don't know!"

"You," Du Yuanyuan suddenly turned his head to Tang Lin's face, Tang Lin denied her intentions and deliberately made things difficult for her, so angry.However, if he doesn't take the initiative to confess, the other party will definitely use this to pretend to be stupid again. "I mean... I will be your subordinate!"

"Oh!" Tang Lin pretended to suddenly realize, "This is what happened!"

Dong Chenchen urged: "Then show some sincerity!"

Du Yuanyuan gave her an annoyed look, meaning "Dong Chenchen, you wait", and then reluctantly knelt down on one knee for Tang Lin, his posture was too cold, and his tone was too cold, "Boss, please accept Du Yuanyuan bows!" After finishing speaking, he kowtowed immediately, and after raising his head, he continued: "I, Du Yuanyuan, am not a person who does not keep his word. I will bet with you in the future to win back the position of the boss, you Dare to accept it!"

The corners of Tang Lin's mouth hooked slightly, and she raised a confident and seductive arc, "Anyone of you can bet with me again, and whoever wins will take back the position of boss. I, Tang Lin, will never deny it!"

Everyone applauded, "Boss, well said!"

Tang Lin looked at Du Yuanyuan, helped Du Yuanyuan up, arranged Du Yuanyuan's clothes, and praised: "Yuan Yuan, as a woman, you do have enough capital to win the favor of any man, but in terms of betting, I also hope Work harder, the boss seat is waiting for you anytime!"

Du Yuanyuan smiled proudly. No one at the scene could have such arrogance, "Don't worry, you will call me boss soon!"

After a while, Tang Lin prepared her clothes and planned to take a bath, but she didn't know where the bathhouse was, so she asked Du Yuanyuan who was on the next bed, "Yeah, Yuanyuan, have you taken a bath? Where is our bathing place? Is it in the bathhouse?"

"Bath?" Du Yuanyuan frowned, "Why take a shower? You're not dirty!"

Yun Shan interjected, "Boss, what Yuan Yuan said is right, and his body is not dirty, why should he take a bath tonight, go to bed early, recharge his spirits and compete in two days!"

"No way?" Tang Lin looked at everyone with a dry smile, with an expression of seeing a monster, "I'm from the south, and it's not winter now, I have the habit of taking a bath every night. Please, take me to the bathhouse for a while ?”

"Boss, I'll accompany you!" Saying that, Yu Xin, who had already been lying down, sat up, "I also have the habit of taking a bath every night. Before entering the palace, I was worried about whether there is a place to take a bath in the palace!" She She is a beauty-loving Xiaojiabiyu. If she doesn't take a bath for a day, she feels that she is not charming enough.

"Then let's go together!" Tang Lin was a little excited.It must be exciting to be accompanied by someone.

"I'll go too!" With Yuxin taking the lead, Yun Shan was unwilling to be lonely and joined in the fun.She was faster than Yuxin, she got out of bed as soon as the quilt was thrown.

Seeing that Yun Shan joined in the fun, Mei Chun'er, who was still eating at the dinner table, also planned to take a bath, so she raised her hand and said, "Boss, I will accompany you too!"

"Okay, okay," Tang Lin was very pleased, "Then let's go together! Hurry up, take your clothes!"

Immediately, Yun Shan and the others began to search for clothes in the cabinet.

Yun Shan is a person who can easily get information. While looking for clothes, she said to everyone: "I heard that the palace takes special care of contestants with invitation cards. , and the arrangement was very good!"

Yuxin was folding her bright red bellyband together, when she heard Yunshan say that, she was very curious, "Yunshan, what do you say?"

Yun Shan said: "I also inquired about it from the girls in the opposite room. They said that the bathing place is guarded by a special person, and no man can enter if he wants to peek. Although it is a big bathhouse, it is very disturbing." People linger and forget to return!"

After being told by Yunshan, Dong Chenchen poked her head out from under the quilt, scratched her neck, and complained: "Yunshan, it's all your fault, it makes me feel itchy now, and I want to take a bath too." Take a bath!"

Yun Shan smiled, "Then go, you can't sleep anyway!"

"That's right!" So Dong Chenchen immediately got out of bed and said while putting on his shoes, "Wouldn't it be a waste if there is a bathing place!"

Du Yuanyuan, who was about to fall asleep, was seduced by everyone's topics. She was very uncomfortable lying on the bed at the moment, and wanted to join in the fun with everyone, but she couldn't hold back, so she pretended to be cold to the end.

Tang Lin noticed Du Yuanyuan's actions, so she whispered something in Yun Shan's ear.After listening, Yun Shan gave her a "no problem" look, then walked to Du Yuanyuan's bed, stretched out her hand and tore off Du Yuanyuan's quilt, "Oh, Yuanyuan, you can go with us, and Shiya," he didn't forget to push He Shiya who was closing her eyes but not asleep, "Without you, we wouldn't be able to do anything!"

Someone took the initiative to pull, and it took care of face, so Du Yuanyuan reluctantly said: "Okay, I will follow you this time, and this time is not an example!" After finishing speaking, he pretended to get out of bed slowly and put on his shoes.

He Shiya sighed softly, she didn't embarrass everyone, she got up silently.

After everyone prepared their clothes, they went out together and went to the bathhouse.

The bathhouse was not very far from Tang Lin and the others' room. When they came to the entrance of the bathhouse, they saw two women guarding them. Both were middle-aged women in their 40s.

There are only fourteen women who live in Lanyuan.Tang Lin and the others had seven rooms, and the rest were the seven in the opposite room.The women in the opposite room had already gone to take a shower very early, and Tang Lin and the others were the last batch.

With the permission of the two middle-aged women guarding the door, Tang Lin and the others entered the women's bathhouse smoothly.

The environment in the bathhouse is very elegant, the floor is covered by gray-black clean wooden boards, without any dirt.Behind the white screen, there is a circular pool, which is very large and can accommodate more than 20 people. At this moment, the pool is surrounded by coils of steam, and the picture is like a dream.

The water in this pool is the water in the hot spring. The spring water can automatically flow into the pool and flow out from the other side, constantly changing.

The surface of the water is covered with rose petals.

Tang Lin and the others lifted the white curtains and stood by the pool together. Then they put all the clothes on the pool table one after another, and began to untie their belts, their coats, and their shoes.

After a while, Tang Lin has been watching other people walking into the pool one after another. Some of these people are slim, some are well-proportioned, some are plump, some are fat, some are thick...they are different from each other. .

After He Shiya's slender and slender feet stepped into the water gracefully, Tang Lin began to take off her clothes, first the belt, then the coat, and then the inner coat.However, after all the underwear fell to the ground, the modern underwear that she did not change today came into everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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