The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 105 I don't think you are a woman! 2

Chapter 105 I don't think you are a woman! 2
Yun Shan couldn't help but widen her eyes, and with a "wow", she stared at Tang Lin's plump and perfect breasts, "Boss, your...that bellyband that wraps your special!"

Mei Chun'er was stunned, envious, "It's the first time I've seen it, so beautiful!"

Tang Lin wrote lightly: "It's nothing to look at, we have a lot of these underwear!"

Wow!Dong Chenchen and the others were silently amazed, without blinking their eyes!
Yuxin looked at herself, and immediately pursed her lips, hating herself for not having Tang Lin's good figure.

Nangong Square.

Because there were too many contestants left in the first round, the palaces near Nangong could not accommodate so many people, so Yifeng ordered people to set up tents in Nangong Square for all contestants to have a place to rest.

Fu Yushu, Cao Dan, Han Xueyan, and Yunlei were the last few to choose tents. In the end, they could only choose the smallest tent that was placed in the corner of the square, and the space could only accommodate five or six people to sleep.

The other contestants all chose large tents.

After dinner, Fu Yushu and Cao Dan played Go in the tent, but they didn't know where they got it.

Yunlei sat next to him, watching the chess game.

At this time, Han Xueyan walked in from the door with a depressed face. Fu Yushu saw it and immediately asked: "Xue Yan, what's the matter? This is the second time you have entered the tent since nightfall. What are you doing the rest of the time?" gone?"

Cao Dan laughed and said, "Brother Xue Yan is very handsome. There are no less than a hundred girls participating in the selection of the inner body guards. He must have gone to strike up a conversation with a girl!"

Han Xueyan walked to a corner sullenly, then sat down next to the tent, feeling sad.

Now, Fu Yushu and Cao Dan were not even in the mood to play chess. They walked over together and sat on one side. Fu Yushu first asked: "What's the matter? Are you worried about tomorrow's result, afraid that you will be eliminated?"

Han Xueyan shook her head and said sullenly, "No!"

Cao Dan asked, "What is that?"

Han Xueyan said: "I saw a man who looked like my brother-in-law today, but after I came back from the Royal Forest, I searched for him in the square at night, but I couldn't find him. I was very anxious and worried to death!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Cao Dan comforted, and then asked: "Tell us, what does your brother-in-law look like, and we will help you find it!"

Han Xueyan seemed to remember something, and immediately said to the two of them, "It's the person who walked out of the underground passage with you today!"

Fu Yushu was startled, "One of the three generals?"

Han Xueyan immediately shook her head, "No, it's the one who came out before you, the one who talked to the emperor!"

Fu Yushu's eyes tightened, "He?" He suddenly remembered that Han Xueyan had revealed to him in the back garden of the Lu Mansion that her brother-in-law was Shao Qi and her sister was Han Lingying.Could it be that Qilin is...

Cao Dan was startled and said, "You mean, Big Brother Qilin is the one you mentioned who looks like your brother-in-law?"

Han Xueyan frowned, "Kirin?!" The name...

Cao Dan said: "Yes, Qilin, we met him today. He told us his name is Qilin, and we don't know what his surname is. Why, is he your brother-in-law, or just a guy who looks like you?" Is it just my brother-in-law's?"

Han Xueyan frowned and said: "I don't know if he is my brother-in-law, but he looks quite similar. When I see him and ask him, I will know what's going on, but I just can't find him!"

Fu Yushu said, "I haven't seen him since nightfall!"

"What's the matter?" Cao Dan was not only confused, but also confused, "How long has it been since you saw your brother-in-law? From your tone, it seems like you haven't seen each other for a long time, otherwise you wouldn't be unsure Brother Qilin is your brother-in-law!"

Han Xueyan slowly narrated: "Five years ago, my brother-in-law and my sister came out of their hometown together. They wanted to come to the imperial capital to do some errands. They said they would be able to return home in a month, but their trip was Five years, five years, they have not returned home once, and there is no news at all. I came out of my hometown this year just to come to the capital to find them. I didn't come to participate in the selection of Ouchi guards. People like my brother-in-law come in, and I will follow in!"

Cao Dan sighed: "Unexpectedly, you still have such a story. But Xue Yan, five years ago, you were only thirteen or fourteen years old. After five years, even if your brother-in-law saw you, he would not recognize you." of!"

Han Xueyan gave him a blank look, "Five years is not a long time, and I haven't changed much, how could you not recognize me?"

Seeing her rebuttal, Cao Dan compromised, "Well, what you said is right!"

At this time, Yunlei, who was still sitting not far from the three of them, said, "Qilin is a contestant, and he is probably around here. We will search tent by tent, and we will definitely find him. Brother Xue Yan, will you come again?" Ask him clearly, and you will know if he is your brother-in-law!"

Han Xueyan said in frustration: "But I have searched most of the tents, but I still haven't found him!"

Yunlei gave a suggestion, "The three of us have all seen him, why don't the three of us also go out to help you find him? One more person, one more strength!"

"This..." Han Xueyan looked at him, with tears in his eyes, "Brother Yunlei, is it too much trouble for you..."

Yunlei stood up, smiled and said, "You're welcome, you should!"

"Yes!" Fu Yushu stood up and said, "Brother Yunlei's suggestion is good. Let's go out and look for it together. When midnight arrives, if we can't find it, we will come back to rest. When the game starts tomorrow, we will naturally see him." Already!"

Han Xueyan said gratefully: "Brother Fu, thank you!"

"Don't cry, you're like a girl, we're all men, we can't shed our tears easily! Let's go, we'll accompany you to find someone!" After finishing speaking, Cao Dan put Han Xueyan's shoulders in a very friendly way, and walked out with his shoulders crossed. tent.

Women's bathhouse.

After soaking in the bath for a while, Tang Lin felt extremely comfortable all over her body. She stretched her waist, yawned, and felt a little sleepy. She looked at everyone who was playing in the water energetically, and asked: " Are you willing to leave?"

Yuxin immediately refused, "I don't want it, it's so comfortable here, I don't even want to go back to sleep!"

Tang Lin gave her a blank look, and kindly reminded: "If you soak it any longer, the skin will fall off!"

Yuxin pursed her lips and said, "I'm willing to drop it!"

"Boss, just soak for a while!" Mei Chun'er begged.

"Okay, let's soak for a while!" At this moment, Tang Lin felt that she was really useless as the boss. "Yeah, let's talk, don't go to play in the water, find some topics to talk about, for example, do you have any sweethearts?"

As soon as the most embarrassing thing about my daughter's family was mentioned, everyone's faces were blushed immediately, especially Yun Shan and Yu Xin.

Tang Lin was surprised that the group of people who were so noisy before became quiet one by one, "Isn't it? I was so crazy just now that I could scream the sky down, but now when it comes to the matter of my sweetheart, why are they all ladies?" ?”

Yun Shan said awkwardly: "What's your sweetheart to talk about, let's talk about something else?"

Tang Lin said indifferently: "Boss, I like to listen to topics about your sweetheart today. Yun Shan, let me start with you. Tell me, do you have a sweetheart?"

"This..." Yun Shan lowered her head, embarrassed to say.

Tang Lin urged in an orderly tone, "Say it quickly!"

Yun Shan didn't dare to disobey the order, but at the same time she wanted to express herself, so she nodded weakly, "Yes!"

Tang Lin guessed wildly, "Could it be your senior brother?"

"Huh?" Yun Shan's eyes widened, "Boss, how do you know?"

Tang Lin shrugged and said, "It's just a wild guess, I didn't think I was right. Yeah, how far have you all grown?"

Yun Shan's face turned red suddenly, and Tang Lin gave Tang Lin an annoyed look, "What has developed to such an extent...Boss, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Okay, don't discuss this!" Tang Lin changed the question, "Well, if you have a sweetheart, raise your hand!"

Yun Shan raised it first, then Du Yuanyuan, followed by He Shiya, but when He Shiya raised her hand, she hesitated again and again.

Tang Lin asked the other three people, "You don't have any?"

Yuxin looked sad and said: "My elder brother used to be a bodyguard in Ouchi, but he died because of a mission. Commander Zhang said that the person who killed him was the person who rebelled against the imperial society. This time I am here to participate in the selection of Ouchi bodyguards. I just want to use my identity as a bodyguard to wipe out all the people who rebelled against the imperial society, and avenge my brother! Because of this incident, my family has never found me a marriage, so my sweetheart... I don’t have any!"

Tang Lin sighed and understood Yuxin's mood at the moment. The other party's purpose was to avenge her brother, while her purpose was to fulfill her grandfather's wish.

"Oh, why are you so depressed?" Seeing that everyone was depressed because of Yuxin's matter, Dong Chenchen immediately cheered up the atmosphere and talked about his own affairs, "I have been walking in the rivers and lakes all year round, and I am used to being a wanderer. , I, Dong Chenchen, don't care if you have a sweetheart or not!"

Mei Chun'er said weakly: "Look at my appearance and figure, everyone will understand why I don't have a sweetheart!"

Tang Lin encouraged: "Chun'er, don't be discouraged, you will meet your true destiny sooner or later!"

Encouraged by her, Mei Chun'er's mood suddenly became brighter, "Well, I believe what the boss says!"

Tang Lin looked at Du Yuanyuan and asked, "Yuanyuan, your sweetheart should be the son of a rich family, right? Besides, I believe he is also good-looking!"

Du Yuanyuan smiled coldly, the coldness on the surface could not be changed, "If you say that my sweetheart is the prime minister's son, would you believe it?"

Dong Chen and Chen joked: "There are only two prime ministers in the imperial court, one is the left prime minister and the other is the right prime minister. I don't know which prime minister's family the prime minister's son is mentioned by someone? It seems that the two prime ministers are surnamed Fu , and Zhao!"

Du Yuanyuan didn't point it out directly, she seemed to be hiding something, afraid of being exposed, "The surname is Fu or Zhao, it's none of your business?"

(End of this chapter)

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