The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 106 Conspiracy surfaced.

Chapter 106 Conspiracy surfaced.

Dong Chenchen smiled contemptuously, "If you can't climb up to such an official son, just say it, we won't laugh at you for marrying a poor boy. Don't brag, what kind of prime minister's son, I think it's a beggar in a beggar's den by the roadside Not too far!"

"Say it again?" Du Yuanyuan's face turned completely gloomy.

Dong Chenchen thought about getting addicted, but Tang Lin stopped her by shouting, "Dong Chenchen, shut up and stop provoking conflicts!"

"Oh." Dong Chenchen reluctantly agreed, and then gave up bickering with Du Yuanyuan.

Tang Lin looked at He Shiya, who was lowering her head and staring at the petals on the water.Since coming to the bathhouse, He Shiya has not made a sound. She fell in love with this quiet, elegant, and very temperamental woman out of curiosity. "Shiya?"

He Shiya was not brought back to her senses, and she was still staring at the petals on the water. Although she was in a lively world, she was already living in her own world, and she didn't hear or ask about everything around her.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on He Shiya.

Yuxin pushed He Shiya's arm and called out, "Shiya, what are you thinking? You're so preoccupied!"

Pushed by her like this, He Shiya came back to her senses, only to realize that everyone's eyes were on her, and she asked puzzledly, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Yun Shan said, "Everyone is waiting for you!"

"Huh?!" He Shiya frowned, and asked incomprehensibly, "What are you waiting for me?"

Yuxin said happily: "Wait until you tell the sisters about you and your sweetheart, Shiya, just Yuanyuan said that her sweetheart is the prime minister's son, what about you? Your sweetheart should be rich Your son, right?"

Hearing this, He Shiya's face darkened, her red lips parted, with a hint of self-mockery, "Having a sweetheart doesn't mean that the sweetheart has me in his heart!"

Tang Lin frowned, "I can hear what you seems like you are secretly in love with someone else!"

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback.

Tang Lin corrected: "I just secretly like others, but they don't know! Shiya, is this the case with you?"

He Shiya is not as shy as everyone else, maybe her relationship history has disappointed her too much, she nodded lightly, and said lightly: "Boss, you are right, I secretly like someone, but The other party doesn't know!"

Tang Lin asked, "Have you ever pursued it yourself?"

He Shiya shook her head.

Tang Lin didn't understand, "Why?"

He Shiya said: "Don't dare, I don't have that courage!"

Tang Lin reminded: "If you don't take a step first, you will never know if the other party has you in their heart. Secret love is quite torturous. Shiya, you don't want to bear this torture by yourself, so go early Confess to the other party, lest when you have the courage to confess, the other party already has someone else, and then you will regret it!"

"I think..." He Shiya said with a gloomy expression, "We have no results!" That person has a habit of cutting sleeves, and he likes men, not women.

Tang Lin asked inexplicably, "Why?"

"Because he might like a man!" He Shiya wanted to say this very much, but she didn't say it in front of everyone, so she answered Tang Lin's question, "Maybe it's... the wrong family No way!"

Yun Shan nodded sympathetically, and said, "It's really hard to match up a good marriage if you don't belong to the right family!"

With a cold face, Du Yuanyuan said in a bad mood: "Everyone should care about the boss's sweetheart, and say it about you!"

"That's right," being reminded by Du Yuanyuan, Dong Chenchen immediately became curious about Tang Lin's sweetheart, "Boss, do you have a sweetheart?"

Tang Lin answered very simply, "Yes!"

Everyone is interested and can't wait to learn more.

Yun Shan asked curiously, "Then what is his background?"

Tang Lin answered again very simply, "I don't know!"

"I don't know?!" Everyone didn't believe it, and continued to interrogate Yun Shan as the interrogator: "Since you don't know, how dare you pour your love into the other party's heart? Could it be that, like Shi Ya, you, boss, also secretly Like each other?"

Tang Lin immediately denied, "It's nothing!"

"Then what's going on?" Yun Shan wished she knew the whole story right away.

Tang Lin said: "I have a sweetheart, and we are in love. But at present, I don't know his family background, and he doesn't know my origin. We just met in an inn and a restaurant, In the end, he also left without saying goodbye in the inn and restaurant. He left, and I also came to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, and I don't know if we will meet again!"

Dong Chenchen said angrily: "How could he do this? He left without saying a word. Didn't he intend to make our boss sad!"

He Shiya asked intentionally or unintentionally, "Boss, it seems that the emperor likes you very much. He also prepared clothes for you, and allowed you to participate in the first round of the competition. In the end, he originally planned to put you under house arrest, but he let you go again." You, this kind of behavior shows that..."

Tang Lin interrupted her, and said angrily: "Stop talking, I'll get angry every time I mention this stupid king!"

He Shiya was startled, "What's the matter? If you say that about the emperor, if the people in the palace hear it, you will be killed!" Tang Lin's expression and these reactions obviously did not have a good impression of the emperor.

Tang Lin reminded everyone, "In short, we must beware of the emperor and stay away. No one can guess what the emperor is thinking." Even if he knows that you are a daughter, he will not tell you; With your face, you can also use your hands. How can such an emperor not be frightening. "Once it doesn't meet his taste, I don't even know how I died!"

After hearing this, Yun Shan felt chills all over her body. She rubbed her hairy arms and said in panic, "Is that an exaggeration? Your Majesty is a good emperor!"

Tang Lin said with a cold face: "Anyway, I have already reminded you that you want to get to know the emperor. Go ahead, but don't go. I will take care of the consequences for you. Some people you mess with, but some people... you mess with it." No way!"

He Shiya lowered her head, and began to lose her mind again...


The promised time has come, but Fu Yushu, Cao Dan, and Yun Lei are still looking for Shao Qi's figure in each tent, and they have forgotten that the time has come.

Han Xueyan dragged her tired body step by step towards the smallest tent in the corner of the square, with no expression on her face except frustration.She walked into the tent like a soulless corpse.

Shao Qi has come back and plans to spend tonight in the palace. He is lying in Fu Yushu's tent at the moment. He has inquired from Yifeng that Fu Yushu and the others are resting in this tent, but no one is there. wonder.

Hearing the movement, Shao Qi immediately straightened up and looked at the door of the tent, "Who?" with.As soon as she lifted the curtain of the tent and came in, Han Xueyan saw Shao Qi's face, and she was stunned. After confirming that it was like her brother-in-law's face, her eyes were gradually filled with mist.These days, nothing could make her feel more... mixed feelings like now. "Sister, brother-in-law, is it really you?"

Shao Qi looked at Han Xueyan's face, full of shock, and it took a long time before he escaped two words, "Yan'er?"

It really is brother-in-law!At this moment, the tears in Han Xueyan's eyes finally overflowed like a flood that broke a bank, and immediately ran over and threw himself into Shao Qi's arms, clinging to his back, weeping bitterly, "Brother-in-law... I've been looking for you so hard, so hard!"

Shao Qi hugged her tightly with both hands, as if he wanted to devote five years of parting feelings to this moment, "Brother-in-law is here, Yan'er will not be bitter in the future, Yan'er will never suffer again in the future , brother-in-law promises!"

Han Xueyan was excited and sad, with mixed feelings at the same time, "Brother-in-law, it's been five years, why don't you and sister go home? Why? My parents finally died of depression because of your disappearance, leaving me alone, woo... ..."

"Brother-in-law is sorry for you, it's brother-in-law's fault!" As he said, Shao Qi let go of Han Xueyan, she was a little short, he had to lower his head to see her teary face clearly, his nose and eye sockets were already flushed from her crying flushed.He wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes lovingly and distressedly, "How are you doing these five years?" The young girl back then is now a slim big girl, and the more she looks, the more delicate she becomes.

Han Xueyan sniffed and shook her head, "No, my parents passed away last year, leaving Yan'er alone. I am alone, and I miss my sister so much. Brother-in-law, where is sister? Is she here?"

"She..." Shao Qi hesitated to speak in a long voice, his eyes were deep and dark at the moment, there was a tinge of pain in his eyes, and full of murderous aura.It was well hidden, and Han Xueyan didn't see it.Not to mention his clenched fists.

Seeing her brother-in-law's expression, Han Xueyan had a bad premonition. This premonition made her unable to breathe on her own, and she cried slightly: "Brother-in-law, sister...where is she?"

Shao Qi said sadly: "She..."

At this time, Fu Yushu and the others came back.

Hearing footsteps, Shao Qi immediately stopped talking and looked towards the door.

Cao Dan raised the curtain and looked in. Seeing that Shao Qi had returned, his expression turned pale, "Brother Qilin, so you are here. We have been looking for you for a long time, and we are going crazy. You don't know!"

Shao Qi frowned, "Looking for me? Why are you looking for me?"

Fu Yushu explained in a gentle voice: "Oh, it's like this, Xue Yan saw you in the Royal Forest today, so you look very similar to his brother-in-law, so the three of us helped him find you." Seeing Han Xueyan Now, with tears still on his face, he noticed something, and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Xue Yan, is he your brother-in-law?"

Han Xueyan said happily: "He..."

"This little brother is pretty good!" Shao Qi shot in time, put Han Xueyan on the shoulder, stopped her from speaking, and gave her another look.

Han Xueyan realized it, and she stopped talking, and said to Fu Yushu and the others with a smirk, "Brother Qilin is also very nice!" But she was a little depressed, wondering why her brother-in-law didn't let her confess their relationship.

Through the dialogue between the two, Cao Dan came to a conclusion: "Xue Yan, you really have the wrong person!"

Han Xueyan smiled apologetically, "Brother Cao, I'm sorry, I might have hallucinated today and mistaken Brother Qilin for my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law is an ordinary person, how could he have the courage of Brother Qilin! So... he is not My brother-in-law!"

Fu Yushu remained silent, the curvature of his lips and the emotion in his eyes were not visible to everyone.In his eyes, Han Xueyan is a person who can't hide his emotions, showing joy, anger, sorrow and joy.At this moment, Han Xueyan's reluctant words are obviously lying...

(End of this chapter)

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