The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 107 Scary Cell Phone Ringtones!

Chapter 107 Scary Cell Phone Ringtones!

Ruo Qilin is Han Xueyan's brother-in-law, and Han Xueyan's brother-in-law is Shao Qi.Shao Qi is the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, but Han Xueyan's sister is called Han Lingying, and in the harem... there is a concubine named... Han Lingying.

If what Han Xueyan said is true, her brother-in-law and sister are really Shao Qi and Han Lingying, then Shao Qi and Han Lingying should be a couple, why is Han Lingying in the harem?Was it Shao Qi who dedicated his woman to the emperor?
There are rumors outside that Shao Qi has never been married by order, nor does he have a woman he likes.He fought on the battlefield all the year round, many young non-commissioned officers entered his camp and never came out again.Rumor has it that he has a good reputation, so he hasn't started a family yet.

As rumored, Shao Qi is such a person?So what happened to Han Lingying?

If Shao Qi was the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, why did he use the pseudonym Shao Qi to join the contestants?Did the emperor mean it, or did he mean it?It should be the meaning of the emperor, otherwise the emperor saw why he regarded him as a contestant.

Why did the emperor send his generals to join the contestants?Could it be that the emperor heard the wind, so he sent his own people to mix with the contestants in order to observe the enemy's situation?
"I have something to do with Xue Yan, you guys rest first!" After finishing speaking, Shao Qi took Han Xueyan's arm and pulled her out of the tent.

Seeing the figures of those two people disappear at the door, Fu Yushu turned his head, his eyes were unfathomable.

After Shao Qi and Han Xueyan had left for a while, Yunlei hurriedly put the sword on the table, "Oh, I have to go to the toilet!" Clutching his belly, he ran out of the tent.

"Yunlei seems to be in pain, I'll go see if he's okay!" Fu Yushu was worried about Yunlei, said something to Cao Dan, and then walked out of the tent quickly.

They were all gone, Cao Dan was lying on the carpet bored, "I'd better sleep on my own!" However, after closing his eyes for a while, the figure of a beautiful woman kept running through his mind, and by his ear , From time to time, the woman's voice came, "The person who is admitted to the first place will be the day you fulfill your promise..."

A series of memories with the woman kept appearing in his mind,

In March of that year, the peach trees in the peach garden at home were full of gorgeous peach blossoms. When the wind blew, the peach garden turned into a world of red snowflakes.Wearing a white robe, he has an independent temperament. He dances a sword in the garden, and dances in a sea of ​​flowers, showing so many charming poses.Her father took her, and she appeared in Taoyuan, who looked like a fairy who did not eat fireworks.Her voice like a lark called him softly, "Master Shen, I am Bailing!" How could he resist the voice of heavenly aura and the beauty of the city? From now on, no one can replace his heart in her.

It's just because the marriage is destined, but the evil fate can't be avoided no matter what,

In the autumn of that year, the rustling autumn wind swept the leaves of the forest, and he was full of expectations for her appointment, and it was time to mention the marriage.She came, and brought her, the victim of the Emperor's House--Princess Xinrui.She avoids their relationship, how cruelly he is disintegrating his affection for her, "My lord, only by becoming a son-in-law can you convince your father that your future is limitless..."

"Shut up!" He broke off the bamboo flute in his hand, and since then his love has been cut off, "Even if it is death, I will not be with it!"

He turned in pain,
Her teary eyes met, and she begged humbly, "After all, I am the one you loved, so can't you help me?"

"If you want me to convince my father, it's okay, unless you come out to show me the champion, I really want to prove your extraordinary IQ, your tricks to deceive people's feelings!" He threw down the cruel words with a heartache, and decided to leave .

All that was left to her was a determined back that she was no longer qualified to fall in love with...

As soon as the memory was collected, Cao Dan sat up abruptly, and landed his fist hard on the ground with an extremely painful expression, "Sun Bailing, what did I, Shen Dan, owe you in my previous life?" Looking at the light of the lamp on the table, His eyes became sharper.

After a while, calming down, Cao Dan got up and walked out of the tent, heading straight for the only dining room in Nangong...

In a deep and dark courtyard that can be freely entered and exited near Nangong Square, a man dressed in white stood in the shadow of a tree, with his back to the door.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a bald head stepped into the courtyard, stopped one meter behind the man in white, lowered his head and cupped his fists and said, "Young master!"

The man in white said coldly, "Who told you to sneak in?"

Feeling the cold air emanating from the man that could freeze people to death, the bald man trembled and said with trembling lips: "Yes, it is the young lady! The young lady said that she was worried that you, the young master, would not be able to assassinate the emperor alone, but would be killed by the emperor instead." Assassination, so I privately sent me and Hong Niang to help!"

The man in white asked, "Where is Hong Niang?"

The bald man said: "The matchmaker said that there is an excellent opportunity to assassinate the dog emperor tonight, so..."

"You bastard!" The man in white flicked his sleeves, and a gust of cold wind hit the bald man immediately.The bald man didn't touch his sleeves, but was struck by the extremely lethal wind from his sleeves, and fell to the ground with a burst of sweetness in his throat.

The man in white turned around, and it was Fu Yushu. He stared coldly at the bald man, annoyed and hated, "Who gave her the power to act without authorization? Over the years, she has attacked the emperor many times without success. How can she be so good?" Opportunity? Go, find her as soon as possible, and stop her. If her assassination fails, the emperor will definitely notice that we members of the anti-imperial society are mixed with the contestants. Next, we don't know how we were made things difficult by the emperor. "

"Yes, young master, the monk will do it now!" After finishing speaking in one breath, the bald man stepped back immediately.

As the Grand Marshal of the Army and Horses, Shao Qi has the power to move freely in the palace. He dragged Han Xueyan to a deserted corner near Nangong, then let her go, held her shoulders, and solemnly reminded: "Yan'er, From now on, you can't treat me as your brother-in-law!"

Han Xueyan was puzzled, "Why?"

At this time, Yun Lei's figure appeared behind the two of them, he nodded to Shao Qi, and called softly, "Master!"

Han Xueyan stared at the two with wide eyes, ""

Shao Qi said: "We will tell you everything!" Late at night.

Yu Shengjun stepped into the bedroom, and the maid was about to help him undress him, but he pushed the maid away indifferently, "I'll do it myself, you go out!"

"Yes, I will leave, servant girl!" After bowing, the maid turned around and left.

Yu Shengjun didn't undress himself, and lay down directly on the dragon bed, intending to sleep with his clothes on.He looked at the top of the bed with tired eyes.One national event after another worried him.No one can destroy his strength in front of others, but after others, no one can relieve his fatigue.

Finally, he took out a jade pendant from his pocket.Staring at the jade pendant, he couldn't help but think of the monk who gave him the jade pendant.

That is a highly respected master.

When the master presented the jade pendant to him, the master said: "Your Majesty, you must firmly remember that this jade must not be lost. The most important person in your life needs it!"

"Master, what does this mean?"

"The country changes, when to rest, only love lasts, eulogy from generation to generation!"

Looking at the figure of the master going away, Yu Shengjun did not understand what the master wanted to express until now.Send him a jade pendant, not for him, but for the most important person in his life, who... who is that person?
Yu Shengjun sat up quickly, put the jade pendant back into his arms, and shouted towards the door: "Come here!"

An Lin quickly opened the door and walked in, "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun ordered: "Pass the order down, and let the top three of the scientific examination see you tomorrow!"

An Lin nodded and said: "Observe the order!"

blink of an eye,

Five watch arrives.

It was dark and not very bright yet.

An Lin called at the door of Yu Shengjun's bedroom, "Your Majesty, it's morning!"

Yu Shengjun had woken up, was sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking about something, when he heard An Lin's voice, he responded casually, "Got it!"

After a while, the door of the bedroom was opened by the maid.The maid came to Yu Shengjun, bowed her body, then lowered her head and asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to change your clothes now?"

Yu Shengjun stood up and stretched his hands so that the maid could change his clothes.

Golden Palace.

All the officials knelt down on one knee, and the voice was like surging waves, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Yu Shengjun wore an eagle mask today, flicked his clothes, and sat down domineeringly.

An Lin faced His Royal Highness, all civil and military officials, and preached loudly in a loud voice: "Zhuan, the top three in Xin_ke, the number one scholar Sun Bailing, the second place Lu Yitang, and Shen Gong, the best candidate, see you!"

After a while, the Sanjia of Xin_ke, wearing brand-new official uniforms, walked into the Golden Luan Hall together, walked to the center of the Golden Luan Hall with their heads slightly lowered, and then the three of them knelt down together and said in unison: "Long live my emperor, long live, Long live!"

Yu Shengjun waved his sleeves casually, "Excuse me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After the ceremony, the top three members of Xin_ke got up together, and then they raised their heads together and looked up the hall.Seeing that the emperor was wearing a mask, the three of them were slightly taken aback, but none of them were overly curious about what was going on.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the three of them, first Tanhua Shen Gong, this is a young man with a weak appearance and a rather talented look between his brows.Then he looked at Lu Yitang among the three of them. This was Lu Wanwan's son. He had known him for a long time, but he did not expect him to be so outstanding in appearance, handsome and gentle, with a unique temperament.

When his eyes fell on the face of the number one scholar, Sun Bailing, Yu Shengjun was slightly taken aback, feeling quite special about this number one scholar whose brows were full of heroism but also exuded femininity.

Yu Shengjun stood up, walked a few steps, looked down at His Royal Highness, the three outstanding talents he personally selected, and asked: "I personally corrected your test papers, and I appreciate your talents very much!"

The three kowtowed together and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your commendation!"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled slightly, and he said loudly: "Tell me, what kind of official position do you want?"

"This," the three of them were startled, perhaps they didn't expect the emperor to ask them such a question, and they didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this time, Prime Minister Zuo Fu listed the center of the hall, kowtowed to Yu Shengjun, then raised his head, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, the old minister learned that the second place in the list is Lu Yitang. , Both civil and military. In martial arts, he is not inferior to Ouchi guards; There is a lack of a counselor. Lu Bang has both civil and military skills, and he will definitely be able to pick out a group of elite guards for my emperor from the parameter contestants!"

Yu Shengjun said without hesitation: "Then it's settled, Lu Bangyan, as a counselor, you will help me to pay attention to the contestants who stand out in each round, try to enlighten them, and let them do their best in the competition!"

(End of this chapter)

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