The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 108 Not qualified to challenge!

Chapter 108 Not qualified to challenge!
No one expected that the emperor would be so decisive that he would give him such an official position as the second place without even thinking about it.

Lu Yitang was very shocked in his heart, but on the surface, he was not as shocked as he was in his heart. He kowtowed slightly to Yu Shengjun, "I obey, thank you Lord Long En!"

Yu Shengjun explained: "Lu Aiqing, I have wronged you for half a month. Because the old ministers who are about to retire have not yet arrived. After they retire and return to their hometowns, you will take their seats and share the country's worries!"

This sentence surprised Lu Yitang, and immediately knelt down, "Thank you, Lord Long En!" A deep look flashed in his eyes.Just don't drop him for another county job.In the ruling and opposition parties, he can accept any official position.Very convenient to do business.

"Your Majesty," Prime Minister You Shen also walked out of the center of the hall, and said something to Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at him, and said loudly: "Shen Aiqing, speak up if you have something to say!"

Prime Minister Shen glanced slightly at the number one scholar Sun Bailing standing aside, then looked at Yu Shengjun, lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, as far as I know, the number one scholar Sun Bailing is also a good talent with both civil and martial arts, morality and ability." Since the deadline for retired officials has not yet expired, why not also appoint Sun Zhuangyuan as a counselor, and together with Lu Bangsan, assist the contestants who stand out in each round, and do their best to help the emperor select a group of bodyguard candidates that are rare in a century! "

"Oh," Yu Shengjun suddenly smiled, "You two prime ministers, you really have a tacit understanding, and you both hope to recommend the two of them to Nangong as counselors."

The two prime ministers lowered their heads very low, not daring to look into Yu Shengjun's eyes. They were worried, wondering if the emperor suspected their purpose in doing so.On the one hand, they are also rejoicing that their words have achieved good results.

In the past, every time the emperor broke a decision, he had to think carefully.Now, he readily agreed.It seems that what the emperor cares most about is his group of guards, so he specially finds counselors to help select people.

Yu Shengjun said: "The selection of Ouchi bodyguards is very important, and I am very eager to get a group of useful bodyguards. Since Lu Bangyan and Sun Zhuangyuan are both talented in both civil and military skills, I will designate you as the candidates for this Ouchi bodyguard selection competition." Counselors, do your best to help me coach the outstanding contestants. If someone can pass the tenth round, I will reward you a lot!"

"My minister thanked Lord Long En!" Sun Bailing and Lu Yitang bowed their thanks together.

"There is one more important thing," Yu Shengjun looked at the Minister of the Ministry of War, and ordered: "pass on the order, yesterday's first round of Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, all members passed the customs. At dawn, the Ministry of War and the bodyguard organization must send The arrangements for the second round of the match were properly arranged, and the match time was delayed by mistake!"

Minister of the Ministry of War obeyed and said, "I understand!"

The sky is bright.


Du Yuanyuan and the others were fast asleep when suddenly Tang Lin's cell phone in the backpack next to her pillow rang. It was the ringtone of a song.As soon as the time was up, Xin's singing came out from the speaker of the mobile phone, "Death—all love!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone on the bed was startled awake, and they all shouted in horror, "Ah—assassin—"

These women are indeed all possessing unique skills.As soon as she heard the sound, Dong Chenchen immediately jumped out of bed to get her spear gun, and Yun Shan got her whip from under the bed. He Shiya got the sword in her hand, and as soon as He Shiya sat up, she didn't know when, there were three or four small daggers between her five fingers.Only Mei Chuner and Yuxin were more afraid, and hid in the corner of the bed, covering themselves with the quilt.

After their respective weapons were in hand, the singing had already moved to the lyrical part, "Love each other as if every day is the end..." Before the second line of the lyrical part was sung, the bell stopped.

The sound is gone, but everyone is still on guard.

Dong Chenchen panted, "Just now... what was that sound?"

He Shiya looked to the side, and found that Tang Lin, who was sleeping on the last bunk, had already woken up and was looking at the group of people in front of her with rolled eyes, "You guys... want to rebel or what?"

Yun Shan asked in horror: "Boss, didn't you hear it? It seems to be the voice of King Yama!"

"Nonsense!" Tang Lin gave Yun Shan a weak look, then got out of bed, put on her socks and military boots, walked to the closet, opened the closet, took out her backpack, and took her Take out your phone.Turn on the phone again, and point it at everyone, "Listen, it's the sound of the alarm clock. Don't make me cry and howl every day. I thought the sky was falling." After finishing speaking, he played the song again.

"Dead—all love!" With this frightening tone again, everyone was still in shock.

"Then you continue to be afraid, I won't accompany you!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin simply turned off her mobile phone, put it in her pocket, and then picked up the aqua blue coat that was placed on the back of the chair by the wooden table and put it on.After putting it on, I picked up the comb, combed my straight hair, and tied it all on my head.

Yuxin slowly put down the quilt, but she was still very afraid of Tang Lin's cell phone, her lips tremblingly asked: "Boss, will that voice...will come out?"

Tang Lin gave her a blank look, "It scares you, no more, I'll set the alarm clock to vibrate tomorrow!"

"Boss, what is that?" Yun Shan asked curiously, "It's scary, could it be a hidden weapon?" "It's a mobile phone, so it's not worth wondering about!" After speaking, Tang Lin sat down on the chair in front of the wooden table, Then facing the dim yellow mirror on the wooden table, he straightened his collar.

Du Yuanyuan came over, took the comb on the table, and inadvertently glanced at the pendant on Tang Lin's neck. This pendant is Shihe's property and was given to Tang Lin in Fengyue Tower, and told Tang Lin to enter the palace Finally, be sure to wear this pendant.

Seeing this pendant that was so familiar to him, Du Yuanyuan's eyes widened a little, full of astonishment.Without Tang Lin's consent, she grabbed the pendant around Tang Lin's neck and asked in a threatening tone: "Where did you get this jade?" If she didn't remember it, it was a piece that proved the identity of Empress Cheng Huan Jade pendants, every concubine in the harem has a jade pendant that symbolizes each other's identities, and only the original people hold it.This piece of jade should be on Shihe's body, why is it on Tang Lin's body?Could it be that Tang Lin is Shi He?

Seeing Du Yuanyuan's reaction, Tang Lin was really puzzled, but the other party's rude behavior angered her.She snatched the pendant back and put it back in her clothes, "It's just a piece of jade, so you should be surprised? Don't forget that we are master-servant, please respect it!"

Du Yuanyuan couldn't wait to know, "Your name is not Tang Lin, is it?"

Tang Lin was taken aback, and retorted, "Why am I not called Tang Lin anymore?"

Seeing the two quarreling, everyone looked over, but the two quarreled a little too much, and they didn't dare to stop it.

"Tell me, where did the jade pendant you wear come from?" Du Yuanyuan asked irritably, ignoring the master-servant relationship between himself and Tang Lin, anxious to know the source of the jade pendant.To her, the story of this jade pendant was more important than the master-servant relationship between her and Tang Lin.

Tang Lin stood up and stared coldly into Du Yuanyuan's eyes, "No, yes, report!"

"You," Du Yuanyuan blushed with anger.

Tang Lin warned clearly word by word: "Du Yuanyuan, now I am the boss, and you are just one of my subordinates, you are not qualified to talk to me in such a tone, you are not!"

Du Yuanyuan's expression softened a bit, "I just want to know where the boss got this piece of jade, nothing else!"

"Oh?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows with interest, folded her arms around her chest and faced Du Yuanyuan, and reminded: "Who said just now that my name is Tang Lin? Why, you suspect that my name is fake? How can you tell me that my name is fake?" What doubt? Why do you doubt?"

"I..." Du Yuanyuan's face was flustered, as if Tang Lin had asked a question that she could not answer.

Tang Lin took off the jade pendant, held it up in front of Du Yuanyuan, and asked coldly, "Do you know this piece of jade?" The owner of Fengyue Building explained that this piece of jade was worn by the maids entering the palace.Moreover, the jade worn by each court lady is different. No one else has seen this piece of jade except the people in the palace. How did Du Yuanyuan know about it?
If she told a lie, Tang Lin would definitely be suspicious, so Du Yuanyuan chose to answer the truth, "Yes, I know it!"

"Oh?!" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows slightly curiously.She put the jade pendant back into her pocket and no longer wore it. "have you seen?"

Du Yuanyuan lied and said: "My family owns a jewelry shop, I have seen all the jewelry pendants in it, and the jade pendant in your hand should come from our family!"

Tang Lin was puzzled and said, "Since you know it was designed by your family, why are you so surprised when you see this jade pendant? You also said that my name is not Tang Lin at all, what you said... is very contradictory, isn't it?" ?”

Du Yuanyuan's lying skills are very high, her eyes don't dodge, and she doesn't show a trace of lying. She said sadly: "I haven't been back to my home for several years. Only when I see familiar things will I have such a strong reaction. I I thought that the people who owned the things designed by my family were all my family members! Boss, I’m sorry, I was too excited. I thought you had things from our family, and thought you were from our family! That’s why I told you that you It's not called Tang Lin at all, but it's the same as mine, with the surname... Du!"

Tang Lin squinted her unfathomable eyes, "Is it really like this?" Du Yuanyuan has always been cold and arrogant, how could he be so interested in explaining to her so clearly.

Du Yuanyuan nodded, "Yes!"

That being the case, Tang Lin stopped understanding, "Oh." Turning around to leave, she was stopped by Du Yuanyuan, and she turned around and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Uh..." Du Yuanyuan hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Boss, why do you have things from my house?"

Tang Lin smiled playfully, "Hehe, I must have bought it at your jewelry store. Okay, let's not talk about it, I'll wash my face!" After finishing speaking, she walked out of the room without looking back.

As soon as she left, Du Yuanyuan's face became gloomy, and he wondered in his heart: "It is clearly the property of Queen Cheng Huan, how could it be in Tang Lin's hands? Queen Cheng Huan has been locked in a secret place by Yu Shu, how can I get out? Yes Did Yushu let her out?"

Thinking of this, Du Yuanyuan walked away.

"Hey Yuanyuan, where are you going in a hurry?" By the time Yuxin finished speaking, Du Yuanyuan's figure had disappeared at the door.

Du Yuanyuan walked out of Lan Yuan in a hurry. At the gate of the palace, he was completely surrounded by the imperial guards guarding the gate. Among them was the imperial guard who gave orders, and said sternly: "Without the order of the Holy Majesty, all contestants in the palace are not allowed to step out." Half a step from the palace!"

Du Yuanyuan said irritably, "Can't I go out and find someone?"

The Imperial Forest Army was ruthless, without a hint of friendliness, and said: "No!"

(End of this chapter)

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