The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 109 Boss, follow you

Chapter 109 Boss, follow you

"You guys can do it, wait for me, hum!" Du Yuanyuan said angrily, and then returned to Lanyuan aggressively.


Fengyue Building.

On the second floor, in a certain room.

A middle-aged woman pushed open the door of the room, walked in, and then stopped before the beaded curtain in the inner room.There was a woman in the middle, wearing a set of dark blue loose clothes, sitting by the dressing table, looking at her face covered with a veil in the mirror.

"Miss!" The middle-aged woman lowered her head slightly and said solemnly.

A woman's voice came over, a little lazy, "Is Tang Lin already regarded as a queen?"

The middle-aged woman's complexion was extremely bad, and it took a while before she dared to speak out, "Miss Hui, not at all!"

"Huh?" The woman frowned, and her cold eyes finally fell on the middle-aged woman, "I ordered you to take full responsibility for Tang Lin's affairs, how did you handle it?"

The middle-aged woman lowered her head in fear, trembling her lips, and said truthfully: "Miss, there is no news in the palace that Empress Cheng Huan has been found, and just received a letter sent by Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu said, Tang Lin went to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, and did not replace Lian Xin and Yue Yue as palace maids."

The woman clenched her fists angrily, "This woman, how dare you lie to me!"

Feeling the woman's anger, the middle-aged woman was terrified, and hurriedly reminded: "Miss, don't get angry, be careful of the fetus!"

After being reminded by her like this, the woman realized that her temper was a bit bad, and it was indeed not good for the fetus, so her anger slowly dropped a little.She lowered her head and caressed her belly affectionately, but when she thought that the Ouchi guards would find her soon, and Fu Yushu would be implicated, she was worried, "That woman broke her promise, she broke her promise, what should I do, what should I do... ..."

"Miss, don't worry!" The middle-aged woman said, "Master Fu's letter said that as long as the documents are in our hands, then Tang Lin will definitely become a palace maid. It's just a matter of time. Tang Lin probably went to the wrong place. I went to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition by mistake!"

Thinking of Fu Yushu, the woman said worriedly, "He is the son of Prime Minister Zuo's residence, and his family did not hesitate to offend the emperor because of my affairs. If my affairs come to light, it will definitely implicate their family!"

The middle-aged woman smiled slightly and said: "Miss, Mr. Fu loves you, and the prime minister loves his son so much, he will help his son take you away from the emperor! With Mr. Fu here, you can raise your baby with peace of mind. No need to worry about other things!"

The woman sighed softly, and said worriedly: "He said he would go away for half a month, and I don't know what he is going to do. I am very worried about him!" From these words, it can be seen that the woman did not know that Fu Yushu was going to attend the university. Guard selection contest.

The woman was a little puzzled, "Since he has traveled far away, how did he know that Tang Lin went to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition?"

The middle-aged woman said: "It is estimated that Mr. Fu is worried about Miss, so he sent another person to watch Tang Lin all the way!"

"Li Niang," the woman called the middle-aged woman, and said with emotion: "You said, if I hadn't saved Yushu back then, wouldn't this be the case today? Could it be that I'm the queen of the world now? Instead of the sin queen who is constantly being chased by Ouchi's guards?"

Li Niang said softly: "If Mr. Fu doesn't show up, how will Miss know that she loves Mr. Fu so much. The marriage is destined. Since Miss meets Mr. Fu who is dying, it means that Miss and Mr. Fu are destined! ..." He hesitated.

The woman frowned slightly, "Just what?"

Li Niang was puzzled, "Since Mr. Fu loves you so much, why doesn't he marry you in?"

"You are stupid," the woman reminded: "I am now wearing a sinful body. If he publicly marries me, this matter will definitely reach the emperor's ears. When I came to Fu's house, how could I ask him like this? Now, I just hope that the emperor can take back his order and stop chasing me. Since I got to know Yushu, I only know that he said that he is the son of Prime Minister Fu, but I really I haven't been to his house, so I don't want to be with his family in my heart, but... I am a guilty body now, how can I harm them."

Li Niang was a little worried, "A person as outstanding as Mr. Fu will inevitably attract bees and butterflies..."

"No!" The woman said confidently, "Yushu only loves me in this life, besides, I already have his child, there is no way he will leave me and the child, I believe in him! But having said that , he dared to betray me, you know my personality, I will definitely..."

Through the bead curtain, Li Niang couldn't see the emotion in the woman's eyes clearly.When Tang Lin came back after washing her face, breakfast had already been brought to the dining table in the room by a special person, and everyone in the room had already sat at the dining table. image.

The food is not as rich as Jundiexuan Restaurant, but it is already considered good, but Tang Lin glanced at the dishes... a little familiar.

Seeing that she was only looking at the dining table and not sitting down, Yun Shan asked, "Boss, why don't you sit down and eat? What are you looking at so engrossed in?"

Tang Lin hissed and pointed her lower lip, recalling where she had seen these meals.After thinking for a while, he suddenly exclaimed: "Ah! I remembered, isn't this the dish that Zichen and Eyun are good at cooking?"

Everyone was bored and looked at Tang Lin with weird eyes.

Tang Lin immediately asked them, "Where is the kitchen?"

Everyone shook their heads, saying they didn't know!

Tang Lin thought for a while, if Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun were really in the kitchen, she would see her in the future, so she immediately lost the urge to go to the kitchen, sat down, picked up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and pointed casually. Everyone, "Let's go!"

However, before Tang Lin swallowed her second mouthful of food, many footsteps suddenly came from outside the door, among which Sister Lei's voice was the loudest and stern, "Hurry up, I will ask you when the food is cold!"

Tang Lin and the others looked at the door together and saw Sister Lei walking into the room first, then standing by the door, and then more than a dozen court ladies walked in one after another.In front of Tang Lin and the others, these maids put the delicacies of the mountains and seas, shark's fin and abalone, on the table in front of Tang Lin one by one, and then cleared away all the other dishes.

After the maids retreated one after another, Tang Lin was puzzled, and asked Sister Lei who hadn't left yet, "Sister Lei, this..." She glanced at the food on the dining table, and said puzzledly, "What do you mean? Special care for the contestants?"

Sister Lei put on a kind smile on her face, walked up to Tang Lin, and explained patiently: "The kitchen said that all these dishes are for you. As for who meant it, I don't know !"

Dong Chenchen wondered: "What's going on? Why is it for our boss, not us?"

When facing Dong Chenchen, the smile on Sister Lei's face disappeared in an instant, and then she looked expressionless, and her words were very cold: "Dong Chenchen, I didn't ask you a question, why did you interrupt? A quack Women still want special treatment?"

"Does the boss have a lot of background? Really!" Dong Chenchen complained in a low voice, but everyone didn't hear clearly.She felt it was unfair, why did the kitchen take care of Tang Lin like this?

Sister Lei ignored her and looked at Tang Lin. Her attitude changed instantly, and she regained her friendly face. Moreover, the smile on her face was flattering, "Miss Tang, take it easy. If it’s not to your liking, we can prepare another one for you at any time!”

Tang Lin wondered: "I don't know the people in the kitchen, why do they take special care of me?"

"This..." Sister Lei faltered when she was asked, with a look of embarrassment on her face, "I-I don't know what's going on."

"Could it be..." Tang Lin thought, could it be that Yu Zichen and Gong Eyun knew she was here, so they took special care of her?But how did the two of them know that she was here?This is unreasonable!

Yuxin thought of something, and suddenly exclaimed: "Boss, could it be...the emperor?"

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, "Your Majesty?"

Yuxin said excitedly: "Boss, you forgot. If it wasn't for you yesterday, all the tens of thousands of contestants would have been eliminated. The emperor must be very grateful to you for helping everyone pass the first level. Therefore, I ordered the kitchen to treat you... …special care!"

Tang Lin stroked her chin and thought about it, and felt that what Yuxin said was not unreasonable.Last night, the emperor seemed to have a good impression of him. He took advantage of her, invited her to be a master, and hoped that she would be his woman... All these showed that he wanted to spoil her.

If it wasn't for the special care given to her by the Emperor Enzhun's kitchen, how could there be a second person with such power.

"Then Miss Tang, I'm going to step back first, take your time, and you can summon me anytime you need anything!" After speaking respectfully, Sister Lei stepped back.

After Sister Lei left, Mei Chuner enviously said: "Wow, boss, you are so lucky, you can be close to the emperor on the first day here, and have good food and good food to take care of you on the second day, boss, following you is so exciting Already!"

"Exciting?" Tang Lin gave Mei Chun'er a white look, "You are the only one who finds it exciting!"

Yun Shan joked: "It's probably because the emperor likes you, Boss!"

Tang Lin gave her an annoyed look, "Don't talk nonsense, I have a boyfriend, no matter how much he likes it, it's useless!"

"Boss, can we eat?" Mei Chun'er was drooling at the table of rich delicacies, but she didn't dare to start without Tang Lin's permission.

Tang Lin was thinking about something and had no appetite to eat. Seeing what Mei Chuner said, she waved her hand casually, "Eat, eat!"

"Thank you, Boss!" After talking excitedly, Mei Chun'er started immediately, followed by Yuxin, Yunshan, and Dong Chenchen, who also ate one after another, eating with gusto, only Du Yuanyuan and He Shiya did not move half point.

Holding the chopsticks and the rice bowl, He Shiya quietly looked at the table of food in front of her. After looking at it for a while, she looked at Tang Lin again, and there was a very jealous voice in her heart, "Why? Why do you get special care?"

Sitting next to He Shiya, Du Yuanyuan glanced casually at He Shiya, but unexpectedly saw the resentment in He Shiya's eyes, and this resentment was directed at Tang Lin.

"Are you okay?" Du Yuanyuan pushed He Shiya with his hand and asked contemptuously.

He Shiya looked away, and when she looked at her, a faint smile appeared on her face, "It's okay!"

Du Yuanyuan said coldly: "It's strange!" But she didn't expose He Shiya's expression just now, she just picked up the chopsticks and ate vegetables as if she hadn't seen anything.Since it is a meal for the queen, it is not for nothing.

Tang Lin stopped thinking about things, picked up the chopsticks, and started to follow everyone.After taking a bite of the meal, she suddenly felt a pair of eyes that made her feel uncomfortable. She suddenly raised her head to look at the group of people in front of her, only to find that the moment she raised her head, only He Shiya lowered her head in a panic, silently Eating small bites of rice.

(End of this chapter)

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