Chapter 110
While chewing the food in her mouth, Tang Lin stared at He Shiya intently, feeling that something was wrong with He Shiya...

It was broad daylight.

The scene of the second round of competition was in Nangong's training ground.And the martial arts field is very close to Lanyuan.

At this moment, all the contestants have already stood in a corner of the spacious training ground, arranged and guided by the Imperial Forest Army.This martial arts training ground is as big as a military training base, enough to hold more than [-] people. It is the largest training ground in the imperial palace.

The Imperial Forest Army on the inner and outer floors surrounded the martial arts training ground respectively. Any contestant who wanted to go out had to get permission.

There is a high platform in the training ground, where the emperor's throne and the emperor's imperial table are set up. On the table, there are fruits and refreshments.At this time, several guards stood on the high platform. Although the emperor was not on it, they were all guarding there.

On the high platform, in addition to the emperor’s exclusive supplies, there is also a large cauldron, which is full of sand, but in the middle of the sand, there is an incense stick, which is as long as an arm and as thick as a thumb, and it has not been lit yet. .

This is the joss stick used for the competition, and the incense is lit once the competition starts.The end time of the game is set on the incense.

There is a small platform next to the high platform, and there are three big drums on the platform. At this moment, in front of the big drums, there are three imperial guards standing, each holding drum sticks in their hands.

In the center of the martial arts arena, there is a large pillar with a height of 30 meters. The top of the large pillar supports a wooden platform.The wooden platform is made of many wooden sticks nailed together to form a square.On the top of the wooden platform, there are three hundred booklets with grayish-yellow skin. These booklets are all tied with yellow cloth strips and tied with a knot, which looks very grand and authoritative.

These yellow books are nothing at all, they are clearance discs for passing the second round of competition.

This large pillar is surrounded by countless long strips of cloth, and these strips are of various colors.The cloth strip is very long, but only as wide as a palm.One end of the cloth strip was tightly tied to the ground five meters away from the big pillar, while the other end was tied to the top of the big pillar and under the wooden frame.Seen from a distance, the large pillars wrapped with strips of various colors are conical.

The reason why these cloth strips are tied to the top is nothing more than to provide contestants with the help of cloth strips to quickly fly up to the wooden platform at the top of the pillar and get the clearance plate.

After Fu Yushu and others arrived at the scene, they kept looking at the big pillar.They were the last to come, so they stood at the front and could see very clearly the big pillar ring they will use for the competition.

Shao Qi stood beside Han Xueyan, looking at Han Xueyan's side face, he was a little worried.Han Xueyan doesn't know martial arts, so she couldn't grab the clearance disc at all, what should I do?
"Brother Fu, what's the content of this round of competition?" Cao Dan glanced at the tall arena next to him, then looked at Fu Yushu, and asked.

Fu Yushu glanced at the big cauldron on the high platform dedicated to the emperor, then looked at the wooden platform on the top of the big pillar, and said softly: "If I read correctly, this round is mainly about force. Who can do it in a limited time? Whoever gets the thing on the top of the wooden platform will clear the level!"

Cao Dan glanced at the tens of thousands of people behind him, and suddenly said in horror: "This pillar is so small and tall, and there are so many contestants, all of whom are skilled in martial arts. Is there any chance for us to climb up to get the things to pass the level?"

Fu Yushu smiled lightly, giving people a very confident feeling, "As long as you have high martial arts skills, there is nothing you can't get! If you don't want others to get it, just beat them down one by one!"

Cao Dan's face paled a lot in an instant, and he said with a dry smile: "The quota is only three hundred, so don't we want to defeat...700...[-] people?!" Seeing Cao Dan's expression, Fu Yushu rarely took pleasure in other people's misfortunes, and laughed Said: "Brother, I wish you good luck!"

On the side, Yun Lei, holding a sword in his arms, also smiled at Cao Dan, "I wish you good luck too!"

"Alas," Cao Dan sighed and said in frustration, "I am not as skilled as my two older brothers. It seems that my unlimited future, Cao Dan, will be ruined at this second pass!"

"Unlimited?" Fu Yushu became a little interested in Cao Dan's words, "Do you think the future of becoming a big internal guard is very good?"

Cao Dan suddenly said loudly: "That's for sure. Who doesn't know that it's good to be a bodyguard? Freedom, less tasks, monthly salary...more than the prime minister, and being a bodyguard, especially a close bodyguard, That will become a celebrity in front of the emperor!"

Fu Yushu shook his head, and smiled helplessly, "Only you think it's good to be a bodyguard!"

At this time, Yifeng, the chief person in charge of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, rode a fine horse and entered the martial arts training ground from a corridor.In the end, the horse was stopped by the drum beating platform, and he ordered the three imperial soldiers holding drum sticks, "The emperor is coming soon, hurry up and ring the drum!"

The three imperial guards led the order, turned around together, faced the huge drum, and then raised the drum sticks in their hands together, and hit the drum surface, "Boom, boom, boom..." The deafening drum sound resounded for a while. Everywhere in Nangong.

At this moment, Tang Lin and the others were bored in the room, mending clothes, reading books... Although no one was idle, they all looked bored and bored. Only Tang Lin didn't feel bored and was sitting At the wooden table, humming military songs softly, while checking her chemicals.

A long cloth cover was placed on the table, and there were dozens of slits as long and as wide as a thumb. In each slit, a bottle of medicine was inserted.These are very small chemical glass bottles that are containers.The container is filled with various chemical agents that restrict all aspects of the human body's behavior.Muscle stiffeners, muscle paralyzers, hypnotics, dulling agents... There are things that can restrict all aspects of the human body.

These things will not kill people or harm the body. They will only control the opponent's behavior in a short period of time. They are necessary chemical weapons on the military exercise ground.As long as these reagents are injected into the medical needle, and then through the miniature pistol, it can be quickly launched to the enemy at a long distance, so that the enemy's body is controlled by the drug and loses self-control.

Hearing the sound of the drum, Tang Lin and the others woke up and noticed the sound of the drum.

Yun Shan was very excited to hear the sound of the drum, but at the same time she was disappointed, "The second round of competition has begun, and the venue for the competition is the training ground. I really want to go and see it, but it's a pity that we can't go out of the palace! "

Yuxin was not depressed, she first thought of Tang Lin, she immediately came to Tang Lin, and said excitedly: "Boss, the second round of competition should start soon, it must be very lively, can you... think of a way to see ?”

Tang Lin reminded: "It's not like you don't know that we can't leave the palace, so don't worry, don't go!"

"Boss!" Yun Shan's heart had already arrived at the martial arts training ground. Seeing that Tang Lin seemed to be very indifferent, she immediately walked over and hugged Tang Lin's hand, shaking her hand while acting coquettishly, "Please, just take us there Let's take a look, okay? Let's see what's in today's competition!"

Tang Lin remembered what the emperor said last night. The emperor said that the two rounds of competition in the past two days were all contests of force.So, she told Yun Shan and the others, "It's all about martial arts, it's nothing to look at, so forget it!"

Du Yuanyuan pondered for a while, then suddenly said to Tang Lin: "Boss, I want to make a bet with you! Win back the boss' seat!"

In fact, for Du Yuanyuan, winning back the position of the boss is the second priority, and her purpose is to go out to find someone this time.

"Heh," Tang Lin chuckled, admiring Du Yuanyuan, "Yo, you can't sit still after only being a subordinate for a day? Well, the boss agrees to your challenge, and I will bet with you!" Just in time, she also wanted to watch the game process.Looking at the others, he asked, "Do you want to gamble?"

Dong Chenchen nodded solemnly and said, "Gambling!"

"Excellent!" Tang Lin smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "It's the same as last time, whoever takes everyone out of the palace and visits the competition site in person, and there is no accident, and finally returns here safely, whoever can be the boss .If none of you can take everyone out, and I can take everyone out, then... not only will I continue to be your boss, but you will have to lose something to me. As for what to lose, I have the final say !"

The corner of Du Yuanyuan's lips curled up, a little arrogantly, "Then let's make a deal!"

Tang Lin asked: "Then who will try first? I'll wait here. If I can go out, I'll go again!"

"I'll go first!" Yuxin was very confident that her beauty trap could help her win the boss position, so she was the first to set an example.

Tang Lin waved her hand, "Go, I look forward to the good news from you!"

"Wait, I can do it!" After finishing speaking, Yuxin raised a confident smile and left the room in a few steps.

After Yuxin left, everyone except Tang Lin walked to the door, expecting to see Yuxin come back soon.

Tang Lin got up from the chair, untied the water-blue coat, used the cloth cover containing the container as a belt, wrapped it around her waist in a circle, and then zipped up the coat. After tidying up, He went to open the cabinet, took out a miniature pistol from his backpack, and put it in the holster on his waist.

After a while, Yuxin came back with a dejected expression on her face.Seeing her expression, everyone knew that she had failed.

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't control those Imperial Forest Army!" Dong Chenchen has always been fearless, for the sake of the position of the boss, and especially for Du Yuanyuan to call her the boss, she gave it up and went out immediately to try.

Yuxin walked back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed in annoyance, "I thought the beauty trap would work, but I didn't expect... woohoo" This failure made her feel very ashamed.I am the material to use the beauty trap, why can't I succeed once?
Tang Lin came over and sat beside her, smiled, and comforted her: "Don't cry, failure is the mother of success, keep working hard, and one day, your beauty trick will succeed once. Because those are the Imperial Forest Army, they They are very selfish. They can be confused by you to enter Lanyuan, but they are also very rational. Once you say whether you can go out, they will immediately wake up and will not be fooled by you. After all, their responsibility is, if you let you go out It's no wonder they haven't been beheaded yet, after all, life is the most important thing, sex... only when they feel that there is no danger, they will go beyond!"

After Tang Lin's explanation, Yuxin suddenly felt that her analytical ability was too bad. She admired and envied Tang Lin's analytical ability. "Boss, you still know those people better, but I... always blindly impulsive!"

Tang Lin smiled softly, "From now on, don't be so impulsive. Whatever you do, think it through carefully before talking about it!"

Yuxin nodded, "Well, boss, I remember!"

At this time, Dong Chenchen also came back, similarly, with a dejected expression, even more dejected than Yuxin's expression when she came back.

Even Dong Chenchen failed, Mei Chun'er and Yun Shan didn't dare to leave the room.

(End of this chapter)

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