The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 111: The first husband is off, and ten thousand people are not open!

Chapter 111 One husband is in charge, and ten thousand people don't open it!

Yuxin looked at Dong Chenchen at the door, and asked, "Chen Chen, what method did you use?"

Dong Chenchen pursed his lips and cried out for himself, "I told the big brothers of the Imperial Forest Army that if they let me out, I will become a guard in the palace and give them...half of all my salary!"

"Pfft," Du Yuanyuan snorted and laughed, seeing Dong Chenchen's aggrieved look, he felt extremely happy, "So you will have such a day, tsk tsk, I thought you have great abilities, but you are just a paper tiger! "

Dong Chenchen's eyes immediately burst into anger, staring at Du Yuanyuan, and said angrily, "Say it again?"

"Stop arguing, let me try it," He Shiya said to the two of them, then Lianbu walked out of the room and headed for the door.

Dong Chenchen pulled a stool and sat down, and said to himself: "They don't want to give these people monthly salaries, are they all greedy for money?"

Tang Lin couldn't help smiling, and explained, "Chen Chen, it's not about your salary, it's about you."

Dong Chenchen pointed at himself, "Me?" Tang Lin was puzzled, "The problem is me? Boss, what do you mean?"

Tang Lin said: "Because those imperial guards can't see the shadow of salary in you, what I mean is, they can't smell that you have the smell of Ouchi guards in you, so they conclude that you will not become Ouchi guards, Therefore, will they let you go out? You can’t even be a bodyguard in the palace, how can you have a salary for them? This is not nonsense.”

After Tang Lin's analysis, Dong Chenchen felt that what he said made sense, "Oh, so that's what happened. In fact, they were worried that I would not be able to become a bodyguard in the palace, so they rejected me?" Suddenly he looked angrily again, "Damn it, I, Dong Chenchen, are the material to be the bodyguards of the Ouchi, they are blind!"

Tang Lin chuckled and said nothing, only Du Yuanyuan showed a contemptuous smile in a high-profile way, "Overestimating one's abilities!"

Dong Chenchen glanced at her and said angrily, "I don't have time to argue with you!"

At this time, He Shiya came back from the outside. Although she didn't have the depressed expression of Yuxin and Dong Chenchen, she also looked a little sad.She walked in, shook her head at everyone, and said in a muffled voice: "My family has a lot of money, and they said that I would give them a lot of money as long as they let us go, but they just drove me back. I really can't figure out why!"

Tang Lin explained: "There are hundreds of people living in the palace. Who knows which family is the richest? Those imperial guards are smart people, and they won't be easily fooled. They haven't investigated, so they won't believe anyone What a player said!"

He Shiya realized something, "It turns out that this is the case, no wonder."

Tang Lin looked at Du Yuanyuan, Mei Chun'er, and Yun Shan, "It's up to you, who will go first?" "Who else is there besides me? Are you counting on these two useless cowards? Oh, and vowed to win back the boss." I'm not afraid of blowing my mouth away!" In front of everyone, Du Yuanyuan severely hurt Yun Shan and Mei Chun'er.

When Yun Shan was about to refute, Du Yuanyuan's figure had already left the door, and she curled her lips in grievance, "What, do you hurt people like this? He is not a coward, it's just that he is incompetent!"

Mei Chun'er was not as wronged as Yun Shan, she felt that Du Yuanyuan was right to scold her, she was indeed a coward.

Seeing Du Yuanyuan's disappearing figure, Tang Lin secretly tightened her eyes. This person is too cold, to the point of being heartless. If she doesn't lower this person's vigor, she may not be the boss for a long time.

Once there is a chance in the future, I must kill Du Yuanyuan's spirit first!

Du Yuanyuan didn't come back until the drum stopped.

Tang Lin kept looking at her watch and waiting for Du Yuanyuan. It was not until the past 10 minutes that Du Yuanyuan appeared at the door.

On Du Yuanyuan's face, there was still the same indifference.

Everyone thought that she had successfully persuaded the imperial guards, so Yuxin immediately ran to the door and asked, "How is it?"

Du Yuanyuan walked into the room and glanced at Tang Lin slightly, with shame in his eyes.She walked up to Tang Lin, lowered her head slightly, and said the truth reluctantly, "I...failed!"

Hearing the sound, the corners of Tang Lin's lips hooked slightly, and the corners of her mouth were curved very evilly, without losing elegance and arrogance.She stood up and took two steps, facing the door, with her back to Du Yuanyuan, and said in a lazy and reminding tone: "After all, I am a subordinate, if one thing can be done so easily, how can I do it?" How about easily losing to me? Sometimes... don't be too selfish, this way, it will make people very uncomfortable, understand?"

Du Yuanyuan secretly clenched his fists on both sides, gritted his teeth and replied calmly, "Understood!" No one has ever dared to be crazier than her. Today, she saw it!In the future, if you don't frustrate this person's sharpness, you will definitely let the other party ride on your head.

Feeling the cold air on her back, Tang Lin wasn't afraid, instead, she raised a more beautiful arc, which was so bewitching and unfathomably beautiful.He said lightly, and then walked out of the room, "We each silently count to fifty, and then come out to find me!"

Looking at Tang Lin's cold back, Du Yuanyuan clenched his lower lip and swore in his heart: "I, Du Yuanyuan, is the young wife of the prime minister's mansion of the Yuxin Dynasty, the future queen of the mother of Chu, and it is already the limit to commit myself to this. How can I let you, a little girl, ride on my head again? Tang Lin, wait for me Du Yuanyuan, sooner or later you will taste the taste of bullying me, I see how arrogant you will be then, you are not the only one People can steal the show!"

The gate of the palace.

Tang Lin stopped five meters away from the door. While sizing up the guards at the door, she took out a miniature pistol, took a magazine from the cloth holster around her waist, and immediately put it into the miniature pistol.

There is no bullet in the magazine, it is just a needle tube that is as long as the bullet but thinner than the bullet.

After loading it, Tang Lin pointed the pistol at the imperial guards, and started to pull the trigger, "咻咻咻——" The needles were shot out one after another, at an extremely fast speed, and finally all the needles pierced into the bodies of the imperial guards.

Because the speed was too fast, and the Imperial Forest Army didn't know that Tang Lin was sending hidden weapons, they all got caught immediately.Their bodies were all controlled by a small amount of muscle stiffening agent in the needle tube. When the muscle stiffening agent touched the blood, their whole bodies froze in an instant. At this moment, they stood at the door like stones, maintaining their original postures.

At this time, Du Yuanyuan and the others all came over.

Seeing those imperial guards still standing at the door, Du Yuanyuan felt a little relieved. If Tang Lin can't help it, it proves that she is not very useless.But she still couldn't help saying, "Heh, you are indeed our boss. I don't know if we can call him that in the future!"

Tang Lin ignored Du Yuanyuan's contemptuous gaze, she put back her pistol, and stepped out of the door in front of the guards.

Seeing that she was not stopped by the Imperial Forest Army and went out without incident, Du Yuanyuan was dumbfounded, "This..."

Yun Shan and the others also wondered how Tang Lin did it, but they were not dumbfounded like Du Yuanyuan, but followed Tang Lin's footsteps as quickly as possible.

When Tang Lin passed by the last imperial guard, she stopped, but didn't look back.She pressed a button of the watch on her wrist, then turned around, raised her hand forward, and immediately there were a few weak sounds of "咻咻咻". The magnet with strong internal magnetic force was sucked back, and all of them were attached to the surface.

Du Yuanyuan and others didn't see clearly what happened just now, they only heard a very small voice.

Tang Lin turned around, took off the needles, and walked forward.

Du Yuanyuan always wanted to know why those Imperial Forest Army didn't stop them, and how Tang Lin did it, but because of face, she didn't want to ask in person.But she is not the only one who is more curious than her.

Yun Shan was the most curious one, and immediately ran to Tang Lin's side, and hurriedly asked, "Boss, what method do you use to make those Imperial Forest Army obedient? What did you say to them?"

Yuxin interjected, "I guess, it must be that our boss is so beautiful. The boss must have told those imperial forest soldiers just now that if they let them go, she would marry one of them. After that, everyone wanted to marry her, so no one wanted to marry her." Stop the boss! Boss, am I right?"

Tang Lin just smiled low-key, and did not reveal the real situation, "Don't ask, if I tell you the method, how can I use it in the future? This is to save myself a way, and leave a way out!"

Dong Chenchen nuzzled and said: "Boss, you are really stingy!"

Tang Lin was not angry, but smiled lightly, and said, "That's the way I am. Don't be stingy. Do you want to share everything you have? I'm sorry, I can't do it. I'm a special soldier, and it's important to eliminate one on the battlefield." One, otherwise, I have to pack up my things and go back to my hometown. In the end, I can only watch the heroic appearance of those special soldiers on TV and envy me, but I can’t have such a side, what a pain!"

Except for Du Yuanyuan, no one else could understand Tang Lin's words at all.But Du Yuanyuan was just a little skeptical. From the mention of soldiers in Tang Lin's words, she concluded that Tang Lin should be born in a general's family, otherwise, she would not have said such a thing.

After Tang Lin and the others walked away, Yitang and Yishuang came out from the corner.

Yishuang turned his head to look at the motionless Imperial Forest Army, then looked at Tang Lin's distant figure, and said in disbelief: "Without internal strength, Miss Tang is already a master. No one can stop her from doing what she wants to do. The master's master has learned a whole body of internal strength, and that Miss Tang..."

Yitang solemnly said: "I hope she will always be loyal to the master, otherwise... the consequences will be unimaginable!"

martial arts field.

When the drums stopped, a loud voice came out, "The emperor is here——"

As soon as they heard that the emperor had arrived, all the people in the martial arts field, including all the imperial guards, all the contestants, and all the guards, knelt down one after another. The scene was very grand and the voice was even louder, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live! age!"

Followed by An Lin, Yifeng, Lu Yitang, Sun Bailing, and several guards, Yu Shengjun, who was wearing a dragon robe, appeared under the high platform of the martial arts training ground, walked up the stone steps, and soon stood beside him. Get up on the high platform, and then face the martial arts training ground in front of you.

Yifeng and others are on both sides behind him.

Yu Shengjun took a look at the martial arts field, then raised his hands, and said loudly: "Be flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After thanking, everyone stood up one after another.

The high platform is at the entrance of the training ground, and all the contestants are at the other side without the entrance. The distance is too far. Fu Yushu and others can't see who those people on the high platform are. They can only walk to the center of the training ground. to see clearly.

Yu Shengjun gave Yifeng a look, then returned to the throne and sat down.

Yifeng knew what that look meant, so he faced the training ground and the contestants, and said loudly: "Today is the second round of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. Open". Have you all seen the high shelf on the martial arts training ground? On the shelf, there are [-] customs clearance discs. Among you, whoever gets the clearance disc within the specified time will hand it over to me in person. In the hand, that person can participate in the third round of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. But, listen carefully, those who have the ability to get the customs clearance disk cannot take several copies at a time. If anyone is found to have committed a foul or cheated, he will be disqualified ! Competitors, out of ten thousand of you, only [-] stand out. Whether you can pass the customs smoothly depends on your ability, I wish you good luck! The competition time is only one stick of incense," pointing to the big tripod beside him, Continued: "As long as the incense in the cauldron is burned, the game will be over. Now that the time has not come, let's analyze how to win the customs clearance disc. When the time comes, follow my order, all of you It’s time to grab the customs clearance disc! But there are words first, you can be injured, but you can’t die, otherwise you will be punished severely! Well, get ready and get ready!”

(End of this chapter)

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