The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 112: A ghost is on the body!

Chapter 112: A ghost is on the body!

Yu Shengjun looked at the group of players on the opposite side who were trying to clear the disc with guns, and wanted to ask Lu Yitang some questions, "Lu Aiqing, do you think among the 15 people, there is one who can persist until the No. [-] round?"

Lu Yitang didn't go to observe those contestants, and immediately said what was in his heart, "Your Majesty, the so-called "one man guards the gate, ten thousand men can't open it", to build such a high elevated bridge, people without extraordinary skills will definitely not be able to climb it Yes, besides defeating other contestants! If 300 people pass the level, then the martial arts of these 15 people have reached the point of perfection, and if they persist until the tenth round, there should be some!" Yu Shengjun asked: "No Can you make it to the No.[-] round?"

Lu Yitang said: "I don't dare to make hasty conclusions, it depends on the remaining players from this round to observe!"

Looking at the sky, it was not yet time for the game to start, so Yu Shengjun picked up the teacup that had already been filled with tea on the table, and took a sip.While sipping his teacup, Yu Jiao glanced at Sun Bailing next to him, and finally looked away calmly.

At this time, Yitang and Yishuang walked up the stone steps and came to Yu Shengjun.

Yitang lowered his head and said something in Yu Shengjun's ear.

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing at the side noticed this whisper, but they just paid attention and didn't dare to be overly curious.

After Yu Shengjun knew about it, he looked at the other aisle of the martial arts training ground below, and he saw what Tang Lin said. Tang Lin brought the people in the same room with them, and they all came to watch the competition openly, and they were not afraid of being discovered. !

"Go, let Tang Lin come up!" Yu Shengjun said to Yitang in a voice that only two people could hear.

Yitang nodded, and then got off the high platform alone.

At this moment, Tang Lin, Du Yuanyuan and the others were standing behind the guards at the edge of the martial arts field. Because the martial arts field was surrounded, no one else was allowed to enter. They could only stay outside and watch the match.

There is a place to sit behind them.A stone fence is built, the stone fence is two meters high, there are five steps, each step can be done, and the stone fence surrounds the martial arts training ground almost in a circle, outside the stone fence, you can't see the martial arts training ground inside of.Because a high platform was built at the entrance, it became a gap and was not surrounded by stone railings. Therefore, in Tang Lin's words, the training ground became a "U-shaped" structure.

At this moment, some officials from the ruling and opposition parties, as well as the eunuchs and maids who have nothing to do in the palace, are sitting on the highest steps in order to better watch the situation on the field.

The reason why extra people are not put into the martial arts training ground is mainly for safety reasons.Once the competition starts, those contestants will definitely rush to grab the clearing disc. At that time, the martial arts training field will be in chaos, and there may be bloodshed.

In order not to cause more people to be injured, so the guards are guarding all around to prevent unnecessary people from entering.

Tang Lin and the others were standing on the edge of the training ground. If you looked to the left, you could see the big figures on the high platform. If you looked to the right, you could see tens of thousands of contestants.The two sides became the opposite pattern, and they were in the middle.Now, the three sides become a triangle form.

Tang Lin casually glanced at both sides, and then looked at the big pillar in the middle of the martial arts field not far in front of her. The height of the big pillar made her only able to see the top when she raised her head high. The height of the building is too high, how can things be placed in such a high place?"

Yun Shan was sweating for senior brother, "I wonder if senior brother can get the things above!"

Du Yuanyuan pulled his lips coldly, and reminded everyone bluntly: "If I hadn't guessed, there would still be 1 places today. With more than 300 people, only [-] people can pass the level. If you don't fight to the death, it won't be a competition. !"

"Just seeing blood?" Mei Chun'er broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of someone lying in a pool of blood, "Isn't this sending you to death?"

Dong Chenchen added, "Otherwise, how would you know that the official position of guard is so attractive?"

After Tang Lin pondered, she thought of a person——Han Xueyan.Han Xueyan doesn't even have fist skills, how could he climb the elevated shelf to get the customs clearance disc?Moreover, being able to squeeze into the crowd is considered her skill.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared behind Tang Lin.

Tang Lin noticed it, and turned around to look. She was a little surprised that this person was the guard next to the emperor. She asked, "What's the matter?"

After hearing Tang Lin finished speaking with others, everyone turned around and their eyes fell on Yitang who was wearing a mask.It turned out that they were the guards next to the emperor.

Yitang's gaze was only on Tang Lin's face, and he didn't pay attention to the envious or deep gazes of other people, and said softly, "Master, please!"

Tang Lin looked up at the high platform not far away, and the emperor seemed to know that she would come over, so he waved to her.Yu Shengjun deliberately showed his kind side in front of others, he didn't lose his temper, and when he saw someone who was interested, he showed it directly with his actions, just to let others see that he was a little... out of tune.

Yu Shengjun had never been like this before. With Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing present, he seemed to be a different person. No matter who he was, he could not smell murderous aura or chilling domineering aura.

For Lu Yitang, Yu Shengjun is the majestic king of a country, how can he lower his figure and wave to others?Moreover, there is such a childlike smile on the corner of her lips!

Rumor has it that the emperor is not like this...

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing followed Yu Shengjun's line of sight to Tang Lin not far below.

The moment he saw Tang Lin, Lu Yitang had a feeling of deja vu.He seems to have seen this woman somewhere before, that strange outfit...and so familiar, could it be...

Suddenly, Lu Yitang remembered such a memory, that was when he sent Fengdiewu back to Jundiexuan, the woman in strange clothes he saw at the gate of Jundiexuan, whom Fengdiewu called "Xiao Tang" woman.

That day, he only saw a side face and a cold back!

Could it be that the person below is Xiao Tang whom his father always praised?The girl his father wanted him to marry?

It really is different, this woman has a different kind of beauty, it is hard for people to look away, anyone will be interested in such a No. [-] person!
After a while, Tang Lin was brought up by a teacher.

As soon as Tang Lin came up, she showed a very bright smile when she saw the emperor, and she was insulated from all the cruel things.She came over and waved to say hello, "Hi, Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for one night, how are you doing?"

I don't understand ancient etiquette, so I can only get close with modern methods!
Seeing Tang Lin, Yu Shengjun did not forget to play it out in front of Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing, he also waved to Tang Lin, and said very enthusiastically: "Come on, little Tang, come quickly, sit beside me! "

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun in a daze for a moment. Why was the unfathomable emperor last night so enthusiastic today?This emperor, how many faces does he have?It really made her shudder!

Not daring to disobey the imperial decree, Tang Lin had no choice but to bite the bullet and force herself to walk over with a smile on her face.The emperor's throne is very wide, but there are no extra seats beside him. Could it be that she should sit beside him?

After standing next to Yu Shengjun, Tang Lin neither stood nor sat.

Yu Shengjun held back his laughter, not to mention how exciting it was.Suddenly, in front of Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing, he took Tang Lin's hand, and then pulled Tang Lin to his side, and she sat down firmly.

Tang Lin was shocked. She wanted to get up, but Yu Shengjun held her down firmly. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free.

But at this moment, he took her shoulders again, hugged her tightly, and then lifted a bunch of grapes on the table in front of him and put them in front of Tang Lin, "Little Tang, eat one?"

Tang Lin replied with a dry smile: "No need, Your Majesty?"

At such an unsightly scene, Sun Bailing turned his face away and looked away.

"Don't eat? Forget it!" Saying that, Yu Shengjun put the grapes back on the plate.

At this time, Yifeng turned his head and said to Yu Shengjun, "Master, the time has come!"

Yu Shengjun wrote lightly: "Then light the incense!"

"Yes!" Saying that, Yifeng walked to the side of the cauldron, ready to light the incense.

"That..." Yu Shengjun looked at Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing beside him, and casually ordered: "Two counselors, you can go down to watch the game. Work hard, and help me through your eyes and eyes. Pick out a group of excellent guards!"

"My minister complies with the order!" The two said together, and after they finished speaking, they looked at each other again, and then retreated together.

After the two got off the high platform, Yu Shengjun immediately let go of Tang Lin's hand, and the feeling of being out of tune disappeared instantly.He didn't order Tang Lin to stand up, but stood up by himself and walked a few steps, his eyes as deep as the sea, fixedly staring at the training ground below.

The emperor's sudden change made Tang Lin feel that something was wrong. She glanced down and saw the two counselors who had already entered the martial arts field. She was suspicious, "There must be something wrong with those two people, otherwise the emperor And I won’t pretend to be on guard!”

Yifeng lit the incense, and the smoke was floating round and round around, gradually fading away, turning into an invisible wind.

Yu Shengjun came back and sat down. As soon as he sat down, Tang Lin immediately moved to the side to prevent herself from being so close to the other party.

Yu Shengjun didn't mind her moving, and said intentionally: "Little Tang, you performed well yesterday. Without you, the selection competition for the bodyguards I organized would have ended yesterday. I think you are a talent." , want to promote you, how?"

"Promote me?" Tang Lin was surprised, "Why?"

Yu Shengjun said: "It's nothing, I just want to promote you. Today, I want to give you a test question!"

Tang Lin was surprised again: "What does the emperor want to test Xiao Tang?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Today is the second round of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. The title is "One man guards the gate, ten thousand men cannot open it." I just want to pick 300 people out of tens of thousands. But I want you to choose .Among all the players, you choose 300 people to pass the level, but these 300 people must have the ability to get the clearance plate on the elevated shelf. But among these players, all of them are equally skilled, who should you choose? Let's see!"

Tang Lin didn't quite understand, "Your Majesty, what do you mean, you want Xiao Tang to help you select [-] people who Xiao Tang thinks is feasible out of [-] people? Does the Emperor want Xiao Tang to go to the bottom to choose personally, or ..."

"Choose here!" Yu Shengjun gave a difficult problem, "I want to see the person you choose in the end, and everyone gets the clearance disc, can you do it?"

"This..." Tang Lin hesitated, her eyes fell on the martial arts training ground, and it took her a while to tell Doctor Yu Shengjun, "Yes!" Tang Lin took out the pistol, although the range of this pistol is only more than 200 meters , but it is enough to hit those contestants who want to snatch the clearing plate on the high platform.The high platform is only a hundred meters away from the elevated bridge set up in the training ground.

(End of this chapter)

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