The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 113 Jun Lin Tianxia, ​​Cooperating Seamlessly

Chapter 113 Jun Lin Tianxia, ​​Cooperating Seamlessly

"Your Majesty!" Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun and said, "Xiao Tang needs an assistant and a basin of water, can you prepare for Xiao Tang?"

Yu Shengjun immediately clapped his hands behind him, and An Lin came to him immediately, and he ordered: "Go, prepare a pot of disinfectant water!"

"Follow the order!" After finishing speaking, An Lin stepped back.

"As an assistant..." Yu Shengjun smiled charmingly, looked at Tang Lin and said, "I will be your assistant!"

"Your majesty, listen to Xiao Tang now, and Xiao Tang will teach you something," Tang Lin said, putting the pistol on the table, and then unzipping her coat, and the gray-green tights she was wearing immediately into Yu Shengjun's eyes.

But he didn't have the urge to spurt blood because of Tang Lin's figure, and his eyes fell on her waist.

A cloth cover was wrapped around Tang Lin's waist, and her chemicals were covered on it.She glanced down, then pulled out a green container.The container is white and contains green potion.

Seeing so many colorful small bottles on her waist, Yu Shengjun was stunned. It was the first time for him to see these things, so he couldn't help asking curiously: "These things, What are they all?"

"Chemicals!" Tang Lin said three words lightly, and then took off the stopper of the container.

At this time, An Lin ordered someone to come up with a basin of water.

The person carrying the water put the basin on the table, and then withdrew.

Tang Lin poured a drop of the green potion in the container into the basin, then plugged the stopper, and put it back into the gap in the waist.

Immediately afterwards, she took out a small dagger from her body, stirred the basin on the table in front of her with the dagger to muddy the water and potion, put the dagger on the table, and took off the watch on her wrist.

She adjusted the watch, then gave it to Yu Shengjun, and explained: "Your Majesty, there is a universal magnet in this watch. This magnet works very well, but I just adjusted the function. Now this magnet only works. For absorbing medical needles!"

Yu Shengjun didn't hear clearly at all, but he obediently took the watch into his hand.This crystal watch looks small and delicate, but it has a very bright function. It is a watch with a wide range of functions necessary for military affairs.

He had never seen such a thing before, and he was very curious about where Tang Lin got it, "This thing... where did you get it?"

Tang Lin was seriously busy with her own affairs, she didn't look at Yu Shengjun, and threw him two words, "Team!"

Yu Shengjun couldn't understand, but he didn't ask for an explanation anymore.

Tang Lin took out two magazines from the gap in the cloth cover at her waist, picked up a magazine and continued to say to Yu Shengjun: "Your Majesty, what is contained in this magazine is not a bullet, but a medical needle. These little The syringes are filled with blunt agents that make the body move slowly. As long as these blunt agents are injected into the contestants, it will save a lot of trouble. Your Majesty, Xiao Tang is wearing a hundred medical needles. Tang shoots these medical needles into the contestants with a pistol, and within two seconds, all the medical needles pierced into the contestants' bodies will be sucked back by the magnet of the watch you are holding. Your Majesty The task is to put all the sucked medical needles back into the basin for disinfection, and then put these medical needles into the clips for Xiaotang’s convenience. Just now Xiaotang has put a drop of magical potion in the water, Of course, it came with disinfectant. The needles are used for the second time. They are afraid of carrying viruses. To avoid the needles carrying human viruses, they have to be sterilized, otherwise many people will be harmed. venereal disease!"

Then, Tang Lin personally practiced how to put the syringe into the magazine.

Although I don't understand what she is talking about, Yu Shengjun already has a general understanding of how to do it, but I can't guarantee that I can do it completely, "Then... I will try it, if you don't understand, teach me again. I!"

Tang Lin chuckled, this is an emperor who accepts education with humility, which is worthy of praise. "Your Majesty, I don't understand that Xiao Tang will teach you, so now... can we start the competition?"

"Okay, let's start!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun looked at Yifeng and ordered: "Yifeng, you can start!"

Yifeng took the lead and said: "Yes!" After finishing speaking, he walked to a guard at the side, took a signal flare from the guard's hand into his own hand, then walked back, faced all the contestants on the side of the training ground, and took a look. , then unplugged the signal flare, and then pointed it at the sky, only to hear a "boom", a blue smoke line flew into the sky, drawing a perfect arc in the air, and finally, it exploded in mid-air , blooming a very beautiful blue pattern.

After sending out the signal flare, Yifeng yelled loudly towards the martial arts training ground: "The competition—start——"

Immediately, the tens of thousands of people made gestures like broken bamboo, and rushed to the big pillar together, most of them shouted desperately, "Come on—"

As Yifeng's order stopped, all the contestants, like a swarm of bees, refused to give in to each other, and used their best skills to run towards the big pillar. The scene was chaotic, but it was magnificent.

In an instant, wave after wave of fast runners were already approaching the big pillar.

Due to the large number of contestants, the number of colorful cloth strips wrapped around the pillars is very small, but only a few dozen people can catch one for their own use.

Those contestants who knew light martial arts leaped directly from the back of the crowd, and then stepped on the heads of those contestants who did not know martial arts but had great strength, and they flew to half the height of the big pillar in minutes.

Because the pillar is too high, light work can only reach the middle of the pillar.

In the end, those contestants who can do light work directly grab the cloth strips and climb up quickly.

Those contestants who have brute force but no light work can only hold on to the cloth strips tightly and struggle to climb up. The ones on the top step on the shoulders or the top of the head below, and they don't care whether they will trample someone to death.

The most pitiful ones belong to those people who are not good at martial arts. They finally ran to the big pillar and just wanted to grab a piece of cloth and climb up to get the customs clearance plate, but their heads were stepped on by people who knew martial arts. Jump to higher ground.

A few have already climbed onto the wooden frame, and they are only a few steps away from jumping to the top of the wooden frame and taking out the clearance plate.However, there are too many people who know martial arts. Among the crowd below, wave after wave of people flew up and kicked or punched the contestants who were attached to the wooden frame at the moment.

It is more than ten meters high from the ground, if you fall from the pillar, you will definitely be smashed to pieces.

Just when the surrounding guards were about to fly over to save people,
On the side of the high platform, Tang Lin had a grim expression, and she quickly removed the magazine from the pistol and loaded another magazine. Contestants.

In an instant, Tang Lin firmly locked on to the contestant who was about to fall to the ground, and pulled the trigger of the pistol. Immediately, with one shot of the needle, she leaped from the high platform to the competition site. Finally, the needle accurately pierced into the arm of the contestant who is about to fall to the ground.

There was a small amount of blunt agent in the needle, and the contestant who had been hit by the blunt agent was about to fall to the ground with a height of three meters. The contestant thought he was dead, and yelled in horror, "Ah——"

However, at this moment, their bodies fell very slowly. In Tang Lin's words, it took five seconds before they landed one step.

Seeing that someone can lie down and land slowly out of thin air, this time, many people are curious.

At that moment just now, even Yu Shengjun was worried that those parameter contestants would fall to the ground and be smashed to pieces, but he was sweating heavily, really afraid that his guards on the scene would not be able to save them in time.

But he didn't expect that in the end, no one was killed. The parameter contestant had already been poisoned by Tang Lin's blunt agent, and his body was controlled by the blunt agent, so all his actions would be extremely slow.Therefore, these parameter players were not killed.

Tang Lin pulled the trigger one after another, and each shot hit the contestants who had been knocked off the ground from high school.

When she was in the army, she was an all-round shooter. As long as it was related to shooting, she sat firmly on the championship throne and became a legend in the army.A hundred hits, for her, is commonplace.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of contestants who were about to fall from a high altitude to the ground slowly descended as if they were being supported by a fairy.

Some people don't believe in evil, and don't believe that they can't fall, so they struggle hard to fall, but every time they move, they are so slow that they want to vomit blood.

Those who didn't get the blunting agent thought it was fun, and instead of taking the clearance disc, they kicked those who got the blunting agent.

Some people have a grudge against those who have been poisoned with the dulling agent, so they take advantage of those people who have been poisoned with the dulling agent, making it difficult to stretch their limbs, and unable to fight back, so these people start doing bad things, tickling those who have been poisoned with the dulling agent , Another slap in the face.

Those who have been poisoned with the blunting agent put on a hard face, wanting to fight back, but they have only one movement, and the opponent has already made countless movements, so they can only be beaten.

Seeing dozens of people being beaten up in the martial arts training ground moving very slowly, all the people watching were stunned. .

Except for the people on the high platform, no one knew that this was Tang Lin's masterpiece. Everyone thought that many people in this competition were bewitched.

Fu Yushu and others have been watching others snatch the customs clearance disk, but they did not act. When they saw that the people who had been poisoned with the blunting agent were moving so slowly, everyone was dumbfounded, especially Cao Dan, "the ghost is upper body." Already?" Fu Yushu's eyes were sharp, and he saw a lot of hidden weapons that were difficult to catch with the naked eye, constantly penetrating into the contestants' bodies, and those hidden weapons seemed to be poisoned, causing the contestants to instantly Slow down.

Who sent out the hidden weapon?

Fu Yushu looked along the place where the hidden weapon flew, and when his eyes fell on Tang Lin who was on the high platform not far away, he was startled, and the corners of his eyes narrowed, "Huh?!" It really seemed as Cao Dan said, seeing It's like a ghost!
Yesterday, he had seen how Tang Lin showed her housekeeping skills in the Royal Forest.Originally, she thought that her ability was limited to her familiarity with the forest, so that she could seek a breakthrough in the first place.But today, he saw a... a top expert with hidden weapons.

She is standing on the emperor's high platform at this moment. What she is doing at this moment, the emperor has witnessed with his own eyes. Not only does the emperor not stop her, but he allows her to do evil things. Could it be that she is helping the emperor?
If she didn't work for the emperor, how could the emperor allow her to use hidden weapons to deal with... some murderers?
Among the tens of thousands of contestants, there is no shortage of people who will fight against him.

(End of this chapter)

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