The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 114 I Didn't Choose a Beauty

Chapter 114 I Didn't Choose a Beauty
What does the emperor mean?Could it be that the emperor knew that there were spies among the contestants, and now he wanted to take this opportunity of the competition to ruthlessly wipe out those who opposed him?How did the emperor know that there were spies mixed in?
"Oops!" Fu Yushu exclaimed suddenly in his heart, suddenly, he thought of Matchmaker, the female assassin who had been dealt with by Yu Shengjun last night.

Fu Yushu panicked, "The matchmaker has... been in trouble?"

"Brother Fu, who did this?" Cao Dan didn't see that those hidden weapons were issued from Tang Lin's hands. His eyes were sharper than ordinary people, so how could he not see that something was wrong.But in front of Fu Yushu and others, he seemed to have his own reasons, and he didn't want everyone to think that he was an extraordinary character, so he played out his usual ignorance to the end.

Fu Yushu looked at Tang Lin who was shooting needles with a pistol on the high platform. In front of Cao Dan, he purposely said uncertainly, "It should be Xiao Tang who is in charge!" In fact, he already knew that it was Tang Lin who did it. Yes, but I don't want to show my sharpness too much and let others stare at me, so I say uncertainly.

Cao Dan pretended to be surprised, "What?!" Immediately, he followed Fu Yushu's gaze and looked at Tang Lin who was standing on the high platform.He just glanced at Tang Lin secretly just now, but he didn't look at it openly for fear of revealing something. Now that he has used Fu Yushu as a favor, he can finally look at Tang Lin openly, especially the emperor behind Tang Lin. .

Like Fu Yushu, Cao Dan also had the same mentality, "Is she the emperor's man?"

If it wasn't for the emperor, how could she remove some "unnecessary" contestants in front of the emperor?

Han Xueyan looked at the highest point, but she couldn't see the end at all, and suddenly she looked sad again. She looked at Shao Qi beside her, and asked anxiously, "What should I do, Brother Qilin?" After the first round of competition ended , she originally wanted to be eliminated directly in the second round, she had no interest in being a bodyguard at all, but since meeting Shao Qi, she changed her mind.At this moment, she wants to get the clearance disc more than anyone else.

Shao Qi was holding his chin, trying to think of a way for Han Xueyan.If you directly win the two customs clearance discs, this will break the rules of the game, and if the emperor finds out, it will definitely make the emperor suspicious.If you take a copy, what about Xueyan?
on the high platform.

Tang Lin had finished shooting all the medical needles, walked back, sat next to Yu Shengjun, immediately took out the empty magazine from the pistol, and without looking at Yu Shengjun, she sent her hand to him to ask for the magazine, "Give it to me! "

One after another, the medical needles were sucked back by the watch held by Yu Shengjun, and finally stuck to the watch.

Yu Shengjun focused on the situation at the game site all the way, and he didn't do what Tang Lin said at all. He didn't put the sucked medical needle into the disinfectant water for disinfection, let alone put the medical needle into the empty magazine for her Inside.

Now, seeing her hand in front of him, he couldn't react, "What?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin almost choked out of breath. Suddenly, she turned her head, stared at Yu Shengjun with her cold eyes, and gritted her teeth: "Your Majesty, don't you play Xiao Tang like this? Didn't Xiao Tang ask for it?" Your Majesty, will you help Xiao Tang put the medical needles into the magazines? Look at it," pushed two or three empty magazines in front of him, and then said impatiently: "Over 100 rounds of medical needles are all used up, Xiao Tang How do you use it now? After the incense burns, how can Xiao Tang help you get rid of the useless contestants?"

Yu Shengjun pursed his lips, showing a gratified smile.His queen lost her temper, she really lost her temper, and the temper was still in an emergency, not vexatious.This is a woman who cares about the big picture.

"Don't be so hippie," Tang Lin glared at him, took the watch, and took off the medical needle on the watch by herself and put it in a basin for disinfection.The medical needles were soaked for a while, and then she picked them up one by one and loaded them into the clips.After filling a magazine, she took out a red container from the cloth holster around her waist, pulled out the stopper, pointed the container at a glass with half a glass of clear water on the table, and poured water into the glass. A drop of red potion.After dripping, she plugged the container and put it back in the gap of the cloth cover at her waist.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Lin put the magazine loaded with the medical needle into the water cup and soaked it, and then quickly loaded the magazine into the pistol. She didn't have time to tell Yu Shengjun what to do, so she got up and walked to the front, and asked Those contestants shot.

When she installed the magazine just now, she was delayed for some time. During that time, several contestants were kicked down from a high place.If there were not Ouchi guards who were specially responsible for saving people, those contestants would have fallen to the ground long ago.

Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin, and at the messy things on the table that he hadn't seen before, then got up, walked to Tang Lin's side, and then turned around and ordered a few guards, "Bring the table over here!"

Immediately, four guards moved out and moved the imperial table behind Tang Lin.

The watch was sitting on the table, sucking back the medical needles from the contestants.

Yu Shengjun avoided pointing himself at the watch, so as not to be stabbed.Based on what Tang Lin had taught her earlier, he helped her sterilize the medical needle, put it into the magazine, and then soaked it in the water cup.

When he pretended for the first time, his movements were clumsy, but he became proficient after pretending a lot.Before Tang Lin finished shooting the medical needle in the magazine in the pistol, he had already filled a magazine.

Soon, the medical needle in the pistol was used up again. Just when Tang Lin was about to turn around and go back to reload the magazine, Yu Shengjun sent his hand over, with the magazine she wanted on the palm of his hand. He smiled and said softly: " alright!"

Tang Lin was taken aback, but didn't think much about it, and immediately took the magazine to the pistol, and when she was about to load it into the pistol, she asked, "Have you soaked it in the water from the cup?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Soaked!"

Tang Lin smiled with satisfaction, "Well done, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Next, while loading the magazine, Yu Shengjun watched Tang Lin shoot at the contestants. He seemed to have a photographic memory. He had loaded the magazine once before, but now he loaded it, so he didn’t need to look at it at all. Worried that those needles would pierce his hands, An Lin looked shocked and was already sweating for Yu Shengjun.

However, Yu Shengjun didn't listen to what An Lin said at all, he loaded the clips while looking at the players on the training ground.When Tang Lin loaded a magazine again, he personally signaled her to deal with which contestants, "The bald man in the wooden frame, help me deal with it!"

Tang Lin's pistol immediately aimed at the wooden frame on the big pillar, and she saw a bald man, and it was the bald middle-aged man with whom she had a language exchange in the royal forest.

She didn't ask Yu Shengjun why he wanted to get rid of the bald man who was about to get the customs clearance disc. To her, this bald man was quite capable, not an ordinary person, but he seemed a bit old to be an Ouchi guard , she also felt that it was not suitable to continue to compete.On the one hand, because of her sacred destiny, she had no choice but to point the pistol at the man, pull the trigger directly, and a medical needle was fired immediately, and within seconds the man was hit.

Yu Shengjun's hands never stopped loading medical needles into the magazines, and at the same time, he never forgot to go out himself, through Tang Lin's hands, to eliminate useless contestants. Of course, he didn't want to eliminate suspicious contestants.

Now, he described his next goal, "Get rid of all those who have nothing but brute force and no light work!"

"Okay!" Tang Lin responded readily. She replaced the empty magazines, quickly took the magazines that Yu Shengjun gave her, loaded them into the pistol, and continued to shoot at the contestants. This time, only the empty magazines were shot. There are some strong contestants.

The two cooperated seamlessly and had a tacit understanding. One was responsible for shooting the prey, and the other was dedicated to providing tools and information about the prey.

Yifeng and An Lin were very excited to see Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun cooperate so seamlessly.

In a blink of an eye, thousands of contestants have been poisoned with blunting agents. Some of them are floating in the air, and some are standing on the ground. Every step they take is slower than a snail.Of course, there are still many people who want to get the clearance disc.

Seeing that the bald man had landed from above to the ground, Fu Yushu's eyes hurt, and the sharpness hidden in his eyes seemed to be able to kill all the contestants.He looked at Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun on the high platform, secretly gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Similarly, seeing the bald man fall, Du Yuanyuan, who was watching from the edge of the martial arts field at the moment, had a strong killing intent in his eyes.

No one knew that Yu Xinrui was standing in a certain corner with sharp eyes.In the blink of an eye, thousands of people were shot by Tang Lin's pistol, and they were all poisoned with blunting agent.

Then when they were annihilating again, Tang Lin asked Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty, the person who should be exterminated next should be someone who is 35 years old?" Therefore, those who do not meet these standards will be eliminated.

Her words were exactly what he wanted, "That's right, anyone who is not in the age range of 35 to [-] will not be accepted!"

"Okay, put it on Xiao Tang!" It's been a long time since there was no prey to hunt, and Tang Lin's hands were already itching.When she was in the army before, she was hunted down by hunters as prey every time she practiced, but now she finally got a chance to hunt prey, how could she not be happy.

Pointing the pistol at those contestants who looked older, Tang Lin pulled the trigger again and fired.

After a while, Yu Shengjun asked Tang Lin: "These people who have been poisoned with the blunting agent, how can they return to normal?"

Tang Lin shot a few shots of medical needles before replying to him, "Two hours, that is, one hour to recover. Your Majesty, don't worry, these contestants will be fine. They are just blunt agents, and they don't need it." Life!"

"Yeah!" Yu Shengjun nodded in understanding, then waved his hand, motioning for An Lin to come over.As soon as An Lin arrived, he immediately ordered: "Go and order the Imperial Forest Army who are on standby to take all the contestants who have been poisoned with the blunting agent out of the palace gate!"

"Yes!" Responding, An Lin stepped off the high platform quickly.

Tang Lin looked at the stick of incense on the big cauldron next to it, it had already been burned by a third, it seemed that she had to speed up.

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing stood by the edge of the martial arts training ground. They were in charge of observing the contestants. They didn't feel sorry to see batch after batch of people who could only use brute force but no martial arts were taken away by the Imperial Forest Army.

It's just that they feel sorry for the older contestants.

Those contestants in their early 35s and [-]s were all seniors in the martial arts world, and they were masters. How could they not regret that they were dealt with by Tang Lin.

Sun Bailing sighed, "I can't figure out what the emperor is thinking. Although these people are a bit older, they are definitely first-class masters. It's a pity!"

(End of this chapter)

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