The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 115 Does the emperor want to bet?

Chapter 115 Does the emperor want to bet?

Lu Yitang smiled wryly, "Unpredictable, how can we find out what kind of bodyguards the emperor wants? Perhaps, these people are too old to meet the standards for recruiting bodyguards, so they are all eliminated!"

When he mentioned it like this, Sun Bailing understood what was going on, "So I don't want to be old!"

Seeing no less than a dozen bodyguards around him, Lu Yitang sighed: "Look at those bodyguards who stand out from the crowd in the past years, and you will understand that their speed of saving people just now is no less than those of the contestants. What the emperor wants is still martial arts." , and a young, strong, quick-witted person!"

Sun Bailing said: "There are hundreds of contestants in the palace, and those are talented people selected by the commander of the Ouchi guards from the people. Those talents are the top experts!"

Lu Yitang looked away, and said calmly: "Whether it is or not, I hope they can take care of themselves. I heard that every round of competition in the future will kill people. I don't know if it is true."

At this moment, Du Yuanyuan and others who were standing outside the martial arts training ground had been staring at those who wanted to snatch the clearance disc.

The contestants who had no martial arts skills, those who were old, those who were underage, etc. were all dealt with by Tang Lin, and finally they were dragged away by the Imperial Forest Army one after another. None of them were spared and cleared out of the competition scene and out of the palace gate.

In a blink of an eye, there were only five to six thousand people left at the competition site, and less than half of the stick of incense on the cauldron was burned.

Shao Qi glanced at the big cauldron on the high platform and saw that the incense was almost half burned, so he quickly turned his gaze back to Han Xueyan who was beside him, and said, "Xueyan, brother Qilin is going to get the clearance plate first, don't worry , there will be a chance to get it!"

After finishing speaking, under the watchful eyes of Fu Yushu and others, Shao Qi jumped up in the air, stepped on the heads of several people, until he firmly grasped a red cloth strip, and then he kept jumping up with the help of the cloth strip Going up, in the process, he kicked several people with good martial arts to go down.

Soon, he jumped onto the wooden frame, and was about to climb a few more steps to reach the top, but he was attacked by the man who was fighting on the wooden frame.

But Shao Qi fought his way out on the battlefield, without extraordinary hard work, how could he be appreciated by Yu Shengjun and become the Generalissimo of Soldiers and Horses.He saw a few people punching him, and he fought back fiercely. These people were not as tough as his hands and feet, and they were so painful from his beating that they all avoided him in the end.

It's important to clear the board, Shao Qi didn't deal with these people anymore, his hands were hooked on the edge of the wooden platform, and he leaned upwards. In just the blink of an eye, his upper body was already higher than the wooden platform.

There are [-] customs clearance disks on the wooden platform, which are very conspicuous, giving people a feeling that they will become prosperous after they get them.

Shao Qi took a clearance disc, and he looked at the people nearby.Because he has already climbed to the highest point, everyone's eyes are on him. If he takes away the two clearing discs, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

Big things matter!He can't do that!
In the end, Shao Qi only took a customs clearance disk, and then slid down the ground along the cloth strips, pushing out of the crowd and getting behind the crowd.

Han Xueyan saw him walking in front of him holding the customs clearance disc, and she was so excited, "I got it! Brother Qilin, you got it! I'm so happy!" She was so happy that she cried, her eyes gradually filled with tears, and slowly slipped away. down the cheek.

Shao Qi glared at her intentionally, "Manly man, Brother Xue Yan, why are you crying?"

Sensing the meaning of his words, Han Xueyan immediately stopped crying, "There's no need to cry."

Seeing that Shao Qi had already got the clearance disc, Cao Dan also wanted to try his luck to see if he had the ability to get the clearance disc, but when he saw that there were thousands of people robbing them, all of them were highly skilled in martial arts, he shrank Foot, afraid to go.

Fu Yushu, on the other hand, saw that Shao Qi got it, and he also stepped forward and walked forward, but he didn't grab the clearance disc immediately, but walked in to observe the situation.

Du Yuanyuan, who was outside the martial arts training ground, often saw that Fu Yushu didn't move, she was very worried and anxious.If the emperor sees something and suspects Fu Yushu, then the next person Tang Lin will deal with must be Fu Yushu.

"I'll send the customs clearance disk, you three can figure it out!" After speaking, Shao Qi took the customs clearance disk and went to the high platform.

Seeing his disappearing figure, both Han Xueyan and Cao Dan frowned, with bitter faces, and sighed together, "Oh."

"Two brothers, I'm going too!" After finishing speaking, Yun Lei left the two of them and walked forward.

After a while, Yunlei's figure disappeared among thousands of people.

At this time, Yifeng came down from the high platform.When he got to the bottom, Shao Qi happened to have come over.Shao Qi handed him the clearance disc in his hand, "Here, I got this without cheating!"

Yifeng put the customs clearance disc in the wooden box that had already been placed behind him, and then said to Shao Qi: "Good job, congratulations on your success. You are now resting outside the martial arts training ground. Players who get the clearance disc are not allowed It's in the training ground!"

"Yes!" In response, Shao Qi walked out of the martial arts training ground. He couldn't let go of Han Xueyan, and watched what Han Xueyan was doing while walking.Han Xueyan didn't make any moves until he was already standing outside the field.

She really wanted to stay in the palace, but he would rather she leave the palace earlier, so as not to implicate her in the future.

By the time the incense on the cauldron was half burned, Tang Lin had already eliminated four or five thousand people who had no martial arts background at all and just wanted to join in the fun.However, Han Xueyan didn't know martial arts either, so when she aimed her pistol at Han Xueyan, she let go of the finger that was about to pull the trigger.

Seeing that she didn't shoot again, Yu Shengjun asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty," Tang Lin begged, "Among the remaining contestants, there is a friend of Xiao Tang who doesn't know martial arts. Can Xiao Tang please..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Yu Shengjun threw out two words, "Yes!"

"Huh?!" Tang Lin's eyes widened in surprise, she hadn't finished speaking yet, what did he agree with?
Yu Shengjun said generously: "I allow your friend to continue the competition, but whether she can get the clearance disc is up to her. I may not let you shoot her, but she may not be able to get it." Clear the disc, after all, she doesn't know martial arts!"

Obviously, Yu Shengjun knew that Tang Lin was talking about Han Xueyan.

For the sake of being a fellow in the same building, he gave Han Xueyan this chance.

"Your Majesty..." Tang Lin stammered, "Then... can Xiao Tang... help her?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at her, "You don't know how to do light work, and you can jump to the highest point to get the clearance plate? Don't brag! Even if you want to step on the wooden ladder, there is no such high wooden ladder for you. Now, the game is almost... over!"

Tang Lin immediately looked at the stick of incense, sure enough, it was already half burnt.However, she still has a chance to help Han Xueyan, as long as Yu Shengjun allows her to help.

Yu Shengjun urged: "Hurry up, keep busy, and get rid of all the women!"

"Ah?!" Tang Lin was surprised again, "Your Majesty, Xiao Tang heard correctly, right? Are you really going to clear out all the female contestants?"

Yu Shengjun couldn't bear it, glanced at her again, and said impatiently: "When did I tell a lie? Hurry up and get rid of them all. I just checked, and none of the female contestants fit my qualifications." !"

Tang Lin said weakly: "Your Majesty, do you want a stunning female player to let her continue the competition?"

"You," Yu Shengjun almost became angry, why did Tang Lin's words make him feel so uncomfortable. "You regard me as a licentious emperor? I treat everyone equally, but I don't think any of the female contestants meet the standard. It's not that they are not beautiful, but because their martial arts are not as strong as other contestants. , I didn’t choose a beautiful woman, but a guard, make it clear, don’t wrong me, I’m from a wise king!” Tang Lin laughed, and suddenly realized that the emperor in front of her was very kind, and also quite cute.At least she said so, and the other party not only did not get angry, but also explained the matter.Well, he really is a wise gentleman.

Yu Shengjun felt uncomfortable being stared at by her, and urged: "There is not much time, hurry up, and remove all female contestants!"

"Okay!" Tang Lin reluctantly agreed. She unloaded the empty magazine, loaded it with a full magazine, and then pointed the pistol at the female contestants on the training ground. She clenched her right index finger and the trigger was immediately released. She pulled it, and a medical needle was quickly shot out by her.

Immediately afterwards, under the witness of everyone present, they saw one after another female contestants being injected with the blunting agent. Except for Han Xueyan who was disguised as a man, none of the other female contestants were spared.

Originally, there were still a thousand to two thousand people on the field. After the Yulin Army cleaned up those female players, there were only more than a thousand people left.The remaining contestants are all people with high martial arts skills, strong bodies, and quick reactions.

Moreover, all of these people have extraordinary skills and are comparable.

After dealing with the female contestants, Tang Lin stopped her movements again, and she asked Yu Shengjun: "Your Majesty, there are still more than 1000 people, and more than 700 people need to be dealt with. What are the remaining ones to be dealt with?" kind?"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled up, with a hint of laziness, he asked, "Which one do you think should be solved?"

Tang Lin faced the martial arts training ground and said seriously: "Your Majesty, from Xiao Tang's point of view, the rest of the contestants seem to have the same skills, but I think half of them are useless. How about it, Your Majesty." , Now Xiao Tang just shoots and kills at random, whoever can hide in the end, Xiao Tang will let him go, how? What Xiao Tang means is that as long as those contestants can avoid Xiao Tang's medical needle, they can squeeze into the last [-] , then Xiao Tang will not embarrass them!"

Yu Shengjun was slightly surprised, he couldn't think of what he thought of, and Tang Lin thought of it too.He nodded at her, "Well, I will do as you say!" This little woman, what else does she have besides her unique skills?
The day after tomorrow is the fourth round. Can she survive and go straight to the tenth round?

He didn't expect her to make it to the No. 15 round, but only hoped that she could make it to the tenth round. After all, the content from the No. 11 round to the No. 15 round was simply fatal.He didn't want her to have an accident under his nose.

Tang Lin fired again, saying that she was biased, yes, she never aimed at Cao Dan, Han Xueyan, Fu Yushu, Yunlei and the others.

The remaining thousands of people didn't expect Tang Lin to throw hidden weapons randomly. Some people were caught off guard and only focused on grabbing the clearance disc, and they all got caught.Their martial arts were not bad, but their reactions were a bit slow. When they realized that the emperor was testing them in this way, it was too late for them to dodge.

Soon, hundreds of people were poisoned with the blunting agent and were taken away one by one by the Imperial Forest Army.

Yitang and Yishuang will enter the training ground from elsewhere, come to Yifeng's side, and then face the contestants together.The two began to count silently, and after counting, Xiang Yifeng said in unison: "There are only 310 people left!"

(End of this chapter)

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