The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 116 The winner is king, the loser is bandit! 1

Chapter 116 The winner is king, the loser is bandit! 1
Yifeng nodded, "Yes! Then Miss Tang needs to deal with 11 more people!"

The remaining contestant No. 310 was very shrewd. They knew that Tang Lin's intentions were on them, so they evaded and stopped fighting the medical needles she fired.They were also smart, and they ran to the other side to climb one after another, so as to avoid Tang Lin's medical needles and grab the clearance plate.

Yu Shengjun counted the remaining contestants on the scene, and there were still 11 to be eliminated. He said to Tang Lin: "There are eleven more!"

"Okay, that's it!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin clenched her pistol tightly and aimed at the contestants who were suppressed by other contestants.There were more than a dozen of these contestants. Because they couldn't take the lead, they were suppressed below, and they were trying their best to jump up to the high place and get the clearance plate.

When Fu Yushu and Yunlei flew up to the top of the big pillar with light work, Tang Lin had already started shooting. This time, no matter how dodge the eleven contestants who were suppressed below, they couldn't escape her medical needle.

By the time Fu Yushu and Yunlei took down the clearance plate and landed on the ground, Tang Lin had already dealt with the last 11 people.

At the scene, there were only 290 seven people who did not get the clearance disc.

Since there are no extra contestants, there are only three people who have already obtained the clearing disc.So, the rest of the contestants stopped fighting each other. They all looked at the stick of incense on the big tripod, and then flew up to the top of the wooden platform on the big pillar to get the clearance disc.

Seeing that so many people jumped up to the high place with the help of cloth strips, and got the customs clearance disc, Cao Dan and Han Xueyan were still looking up at the same place, staring blankly, without any action, even though they both People are already on the list of competitors for the next round.

Fu Yushu and Yunlei handed the customs clearance disc to Yifeng, and then retreated away from the training ground.

When Fu Yushu left, he took a look at Du Yuanyuan who was outside the training ground, and she happened to be looking at him too.She gave him a gentle smile Tang Lin they never got.He received this smile and left with a faint smile.

Afterwards, people successively got clearance disks, handed them to Yifeng one by one at last, and then walked out of the training ground.

Until there were only two Han Xueyans left at the scene.

The incense was almost burnt out, but the two of them didn't do anything, they just looked up and didn't see the high place at the top.It was almost noon, and the sun was getting hotter, and the light dazzled everyone's eyes for a while.

Cao Dan looked away from above, and then said to Han Xueyan: "Let's try?"

Han Xueyan pursed her lips and frowned, "I can't climb it, it's too high." She has never climbed a tree as tall as a person, how could she climb a big pillar.

"If you don't want to go, then I'll try it now!" After finishing speaking, Cao Dan rolled up his sleeves and walked to the side of the big pillar. Climb up, as if grabbing a rope, climb up.

Halfway through the climb, Cao Dan was out of breath.His feet were tightly wrapped around the strips to stabilize his body and prevent him from falling.

He didn't know that besides Tang Lin who was looking at him anxiously, hoping that he would get the clearance disc quickly, there were two other people around.

Lu Yitang noticed that Sun Bailing's fingers were entwined beside him, and he was very nervous watching the competitors climbing. He thought something was wrong, and asked concerned: "Master Sun, are you okay? You look very nervous!"

Sun Bailing looked slowly, smiled at him, and said calmly: "It's okay!" After speaking, he looked at Cao Dan again.

Cao Dan looked down at the ground, and suddenly felt dizzy, so scared that he immediately raised his head, patted his chest with one free hand, and let out a few breaths, "Scared me to death, it's so fucking high !"

He looked around at the crowd, and when he saw Tang Lin, Tang Lin was pointing fingers at him with an anxious expression, really encouraging him and worrying about his final result.Suddenly, he felt sad.He needs someone who cares about him so much, he might as well have met Sister Tang who he has known for a month.

Only Sister Tang would really want to help him, hoping that he would pass the level successfully.If it wasn't for Sister Tang's special care, he would have been dealt with... just like the other contestants.

He looked at other places, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of a person, that was Yu Xinrui, who was standing in a corner outside the training ground, wearing a luxurious princess costume.She looked at him with only coldness in her eyes, which remained unchanged.

It seemed that if he messed up the matter, she would punish him severely at all.

In her face, in her eyes, he could not see a trace of tenderness.Of course, she couldn't have a soft side to him.Only in the play can there be tenderness between them.Drama is drama after all, and reality is reality after all.

She doesn't love, and he doesn't want to either.They don't intersect with each other.

Cao Dan withdrew his gaze, sighed lightly, then pulled himself together and continued to climb up.

When he successfully climbed to the top and got the customs clearance plate, Tang Lin saw that the incense in the cauldron was about to burn out, and then looked at Han Xueyan, who was still unmoved, which made her a little anxious "If you don't fight for the opportunity, what is she doing? Is it fun to stand still?" Angrily, she put her hands on her hips.

Yu Shengjun smiled, and reminded lazily: "Xiao Tang, your friend is still standing still, the incense is almost gone!"

Tang Lin's face puffed up with anger, "Useless guy!"

At this moment, Cao Dan took the customs clearance disc and slid down from the high place along the cloth strips. After finally standing firmly on the ground, he showed the customs clearance disc in his hand to Han Xueyan in front of him, and said excitedly: "Hey, I got it!"

Han Xueyan pouted while watching.When Cao Dan was happily looking for Yifeng with the customs clearance disc, she took a step, walked to the cloth strips, and started to climb up clumsily while holding onto the cloth strips.

But she was not strong enough, and she slipped down after climbing one meter high.

The more Tang Lin looked at it, the more she wanted to dig into the ground, "Why did I keep the idiot? Isn't this my own brand? I know it's a useless device, why should I protect her?"

There was less than one cup of tea left before the Kung Fu incense was burned, and Yu Shengjun reminded again: "Xiao Tang, the incense is almost finished. With your friend's current situation, even if you burn three sticks of incense, you will not be able to climb to the top." , let’s give up, end it soon!”

"Your Majesty," Tang Lin asked suddenly, "Can Xiao Tang help her get the clearance disc?"

"Are you talking nonsense?" Yu Shengjun frowned and said, "It's so far away, and you don't have light skills, and you don't have to climb vigorously. Besides, the incense is almost burnt out, so you can't do anything." Get the clearing disc on time!"

Tang Lin was full of confidence, "Your Majesty, as long as you allow Xiao Tang to help, Xiao Tang will definitely get the clearance disc before the end of the game!"

"Really?" Yu Shengjun didn't believe it, the right time and place were not meant for her, it was impossible for her to do it.

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Really! Do you want to bet, Your Majesty?" Yu Shengjun said straightforwardly, "I am very happy!"

"Okay!" Tang Lin also responded readily, and she said, "If Xiao Tang can help his friend get the customs clearance disc before the end of the game, what will the emperor lose to Xiao Tang? If Xiao Tang loses, Xiao Tang will be at your disposal by the emperor. Steam it, boil it, bake it, eat it, whatever you like, you can do whatever you want!"

Yu Shengjun lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "How about this, if I lose, I promise you a request, no matter what you want, or have any requirements, I can satisfy you, how about it?"

Tang Lin curled her lips into a smile, "Deal!"

Yu Shengjun pointed to the big cauldron not far away, and reminded: "Look, it's almost burnt out, as long as the smoke is gone, you will lose!" This time, he must have won.She neither flew up to the wooden platform with light skills, nor did she have the physical strength to climb up, and this place is [-] meters away from the wooden platform, even if she ran to the wooden platform, the incense had already been burned! .No wonder she won.

"Your Majesty, just watch!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin faced the training ground with sharp eyes.With her hand, she pressed a button on the knife card on the belt at her waist. It was a belt, a white belt.

After pressing that button, a steel wire in the shape of an arrow shot out of her belt.This steel wire is very thin, like a thin needle for mending clothes.

In fact, this steel wire is the latest product of the 21st century. It is an invisible coercion. It is not only thin, but also extremely strong. It can be continuously burned by fire and cut by knives.Its biggest function is that it is easy to carry, so it can be wrapped into several loops and hidden in the belt. As long as you press the button, the side with the arrow will shoot towards the opposite building at the fastest speed, and finally penetrate firmly. On buildings, it is a tool that agents in the world most want to buy.

This kind of steel wire is called ultra-miniature steel wire, which is several times thinner and stronger than ordinary steel wire, and it will not break in the middle and cause death.

Hearing the sound of "咻", under Yu Shengjun's inadvertent capture, he caught a very invisible silk thread, flew out from Tang Lin's body, and sent it to the high end of the big pillar 100 meters away.

In the blink of an eye, the arrowhead of the steel wire had penetrated into the highest point of the big pillar.

Tang Lin pulled the steel wire to see if it was stable. After confirming that it was stable, she glanced left and right, looking for something.When she saw a guard standing on the edge of the platform wearing black gloves, she thought for a while, ran over, and stretched out her hand to the guard, "Can I borrow your gloves?"

The guard became confused and raised his hand, "You mean this?"

Tang Lin nodded and said decisively, "Yes!"

The guard looked at the emperor, and after receiving the emperor's permission, he took off a pair of gloves and gave them to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin took the gloves and put them on. She walked back to the stage, then stretched her left hand upwards to grasp the steel wire.After holding on tightly, her body suddenly leaned forward. No one expected that she would jump from the high platform, which frightened many people!

An Lin and Yu Shengjun reminded in horror, "Be careful—"

However, when their voices fell, a flying shadow with a very beautiful, ruthless, and elegant figure flew over the high platform from the high platform to the big pillar, and was surrounded by countless people. Under his gaze, a beautiful arc was drawn, like a fairy descending to earth.

Even a person with the best lightness kung fu may not be able to fly from the high platform to the big pillar.

Tang Lin grasped the steel wire and flew smoothly from one side of the high platform to the other side. When passing by the middle, she drew an arc like a fairy descending to earth, attracting the attention of all the audience.

Yitang, Yishuang, and Yifeng suddenly noticed a shadow flying over their heads. They thought it was something, but when they looked, they realized it was Tang Lin.They couldn't see the 200-meter-long steel wire on Tang Lin's body, so they all thought Tang Lin flew over with lightness kung fu.

However, they were very entangled, because the three of them knew that Tang Lin had no internal strength and could not do light work, so how could she use light work?
They couldn't explain the reason anyway. In the end, Tang Lin undoubtedly left a big question in their minds, a question they really wanted to know the answer to.

(End of this chapter)

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