The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 117 The winner is king, the loser is bandit! 2

Chapter 117 The winner is king, the loser is bandit! 2
Although everyone in the audience saw how Tang Lin leaped in the air with ease, like a fairy swinging in the air.But not everyone thinks like Tongtang and Yishuang.Shocked, everyone present.

However, some people are jealous; some people are upset; some people find it exciting; some people are envious;

He Shiya was jealous; Dong Chenchen felt excited; Yun Shan, Yuxin, and Mei Chuner were envious; among the contestants Hou was resting in a corner of the training ground, Cao Dan and Han Xueyan in the training ground were all worried; Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing were worried; Du Yuanyuan wished Tang Lin would fall and die; the emotions in the eyes of Fu Yushu and Shao Qi... were complicated.

Except for these people, most of the people were amazed, they all found it incredible, and they all found it very shocking!

Tang Lin was like playing on a swing, swinging from one side to the other.When she was about to fall to the ground, she pressed the belt on her waist with her right hand, and the steel wire automatically retracted immediately, and her body rose again.

When she was almost at Han Xueyan's side, she lowered herself a little, and when Han Xueyan was staring at her in a daze, she stretched out her right hand, supported Han Xueyan's delicate waist, and said to her in a hurry, "Hold on to me!" !"

Han Xueyan felt that her feet had left the ground. She was very scared, so she hugged Tang Lin's arm tightly.

Since the steel wire had wrapped around her waist, Tang Lin wouldn't fall if she let go of her hands.So, she put her right hand around Han Xueyan's waist, and her left hand pressed the shrink button on the belt. After pressing it, she immediately stretched out her hand and grabbed the steel wire on her head.

The steel wire was shrinking rapidly, and the faster it was retracted, the faster her and Han Xueyan's bodies would fly up to the top of the big pillar.

Within a few seconds, they had reached the top.

Tang Lin grabbed the edge of the wooden platform, and then motioned to Han Xueyan, "Quick, take the clearance plate!"

Han Xueyan was like catching a duck to the shelves, he had to listen to Tang Lin, and hurriedly took the only clearance disc on the wooden platform into his hands.

Seeing that she had finished holding it, Tang Lin pressed the belt again and pressed the loose button, and the steel wire automatically extended immediately, while her and Han Xueyan's bodies fell quickly until they finally landed safely on the ground.

She let go of Han Xueyan, and urged: "There is no time, quickly bring the clearance disc to the event manager!"

"Oh, good!" Although she hadn't recovered from the shock, Han Xueyan could still hear the meaning of Tang Lin's words. She took the customs clearance disc, turned around and left, and ran quickly to the peak below the high platform.

Tang Lin pressed the shrink button on the belt, and immediately all the steel wires were retracted into the belt. Now it seemed that it was really just a belt, a very ordinary belt, except for tightening the crotch, except for an ordinary belt that could hit people.

In fact, for Tang Lin, this belt is not an ordinary belt, but a belt with many functions.This belt not only hides steel wires so that it can replace Qinggong to jump to a higher place, it can also use the steel wires to climb over walls, and it can also be used as an iron rod.Just press the button, and the soft belt becomes extremely rigid. It could have been folded, but when it is vertical, it becomes a stick that can break anything and beat people until the body feels numb, itchy and painful. iron rod.

After she finished collecting the steel wire, she walked towards the high platform on foot.

This time, Han Xueyan had already run to Yifeng, panting and presented the clearance disc, "Here!"

on the high platform,
Yu Shengjun looked at the incense sticks on the cauldron, just as the ashes that hadn't fallen off were burned, and immediately dispersed, announcing the end of the game.

Regarding the scene of Tang Lin playing in the world like a fairy just now, many people are still unsatisfied, and many people still want to watch it again.It's a pity that the fairy in their eyes no longer continued to perform.

Everyone knew that in the trials, no one was as surprising as Tang Lin.No one has Tang Lin's outstanding skills.

Yesterday, everyone in the audience paid attention to the first round of bodyguard selection competition. Since then, those contestants who have found a way out to qualify for the competition through Tang Lin's guidance have already looked at Tang Lin with admiration.

Today, they admired Tang Lin again.

Among the [-] contestants who stood out, Tang Lin was undoubtedly listed as the goddess in their hearts.They all know that the reason why they passed the two rounds today is all thanks to Tang Lin. If she hadn't pointed out the way out in the first round and found the generals; Opponents, they can't win.

Another thing they were very sure of was that if Tang Lin didn't want them to win, they wouldn't be able to win at all.Including Fu Yushu and Shao Qi, they also know this.Without Tang Lin, they would have been eliminated yesterday.

However, Tang Lin's outstanding performance in the two rounds undoubtedly became a double-edged sword among all the players.They thought that if Tang Lin was not a contestant, it would be justified.If so, then the "first guard" may be insulated from them.

But no matter what the result was, they all really wanted to see Tang Lin's performance.She always gives people unexpected shock and surprise.

That's it, the game is over.

After Yifeng announced the end of the game, Yu Shengjun drove back to the main palace.

Under the extreme envy and admiration of Dong Chenchen and others, Tang Lin chattered all the way, asked Dong for hope, and returned to Lanyuan. Along the way, Tang Lin couldn't agree with a word except for smiling back at them.

Du Yuanyuan and He Shiya walked behind Tang Lin and the others, their expressions were very bad.One behaved very coldly, the other was very calm, of course, abnormally calm.

Back in Lanyuan, Yun Shan moved the stool behind Tang Lin diligently, and flattered her, "Boss, sit down!"

"Thank you!" Tang Lin sat down rudely.Mei Chun'er and Yuxin came over immediately, one stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders and back, the other knelt on the ground and beat her legs, and asked if she was comfortable.

Being the boss is good, and with such treatment, Tang Lin closed her eyes happily, breathed out very comfortably, and said lazily: "It's comfortable."

Yun Shan and Dong Chenhou were by their side. They looked at each other, and then looked at Tang Lin together. They both seemed to have a lot to say to Tang Lin.As for Du Yuanyuan and He Shiya, they were not interested in flattering others. Hou was on the sidelines, watching Tang Lin enjoying it with almost no expression.

"Boss," while Tang Lin was being served comfortably, Yun Shan asked cautiously, "Which master did you learn your qinggong?"

Tang Lin squinted her eyes and looked at Yun Shan, "Qinggong?! Master?!" After arguing for a long time, this girl doesn't know that she is using ultra-thin steel wire?But having said that, how can these people see those thin steel wires.

Yun Shan frowned, thinking she said something wrong, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin didn't want to explain, so she said casually, "Oh, it's all right!"

"Then boss, how long did you learn to have such a profound lightness kung fu?" Now, it was Dong Chenchen who asked the question.

Tang Lin still didn't want to answer, because she didn't want to reveal her secret weapon. She yawned and felt sleepy, "I'm tired!"

Everyone still had a lot of questions to ask, but seeing Tang Lin saying that she was sleepy, she didn't ask any more.However, from the martial arts field all the way to Lanyuan, they had been inquiring for so long, Tang Lin was always fooling them, and they couldn't get a useful answer at all.

At this time, a little father-in-law came to the door, "Excuse me, who is Tang Lin?"

Everyone looked towards the door one after another.

Tang Lin was the last one to look over, and seeing a little father-in-law, she frowned and asked, "Elder-in-law, what's the matter?"

The little father-in-law said: "The emperor invites Miss Tang!"

Tang Lin frowned again, "Looking for me? What are you doing?"

The little eunuch shook his head, expressing his ignorance!

Tang Lin thought for a while, and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, I know!" The emperor lost a bet to her, and she must have sent her to terminate the contract.Immediately got up, walked towards the door, and said to the little eunuch, "Let's go!"

Seeing her father-in-law personally asking Tang Lin to leave, and seeing Tang Lin's back following her father-in-law away, Yun Shan tilted her neck and pursed her lips, envious and jealous of Tang Lin, and frustrated for herself, "Boss How lucky, I can be summoned by the emperor sometime, how wonderful it would be!"

Dong Chenchen insulted her bluntly, "In the next competition, if you perform well, you will also get special care from the emperor. There is only one truth in this world, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit!"

Mei Chun'er dejectedly said: "The problem is, among us, none of us are as capable as the boss!"

"A group of useless people who spoil their own prestige by taking advantage of others is simply a failure among us women. I don't know why Commander Zhang chose you pigs!" Du Yuanyuan glared at them, then returned to her bed.

Dong Chen and Chen Gang wanted to fight back with words, but Yun Shan stopped him. Yun Shan shook her head at her, signaling her that the overall situation was the top priority.

Dong Chenchen didn't fight back!
Nangong, Feihe Pavilion.

Yu Shengjun was sitting at the stone table on the Feihe Pavilion, sipping tea, An Lin stood behind him, guards guarded the pavilion.

At this time, Tang Lin followed the little eunuch, and was taken to the Feihe Pavilion by the little eunuch, and finally followed the little eunuch to the Feihe Pavilion.

The little eunuch came to Yu Shengjun and bowed his waist, "Your Majesty, Miss Tang is here!"

Yu Shengjun put down his teacup, waved his hand lazily, "Go down!"

"Yes!" The little eunuch and An Lin agreed together, and then they both bowed and retreated from the Feihe Pavilion, and stood outside the pavilion.

Yu Shengjun raised his hand to Tang Lin, "Please sit down!"

Tang Lin sat down unceremoniously, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's mouth curled up. This handsome curve had a sense of mystery. He looked at Tang Lin and said, "Do you know why I'm looking for you this time?"

Tang Lin didn't give herself time to guess, and said directly: "Just now in the competition, Xiao Tang made a bet with the emperor. The emperor is the emperor of ninety-five years, but he lost to the contestants twice in the bet. Tang came to discuss whether the contract can be terminated! Your Majesty, what Xiao Tang said was too much, but this is what Xiao Tang wanted to say!"

Yu Shengjun just pursed his lips and smiled, very lightly, but Tang Lin could see that something was wrong. His smile proved her idea was wrong, "Your Majesty, could it be that what Xiao Tang said is wrong? Could it be that you sent Xiao Tang over, Didn't you want to terminate the contract?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "Why did I terminate the contract with you? If I lose, I lose. How can I play tricks?"

Tang Lin was very puzzled, and frowned tightly, "If the emperor didn't come to ask Xiao Tang to terminate the contract, why did the emperor ask Xiao Tang for it? Could it really allow Xiao Tang to make a request?"

(End of this chapter)

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