The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 118 Boss, Shi Ya likes the emperor! 1

Chapter 118 Boss, Shi Ya likes the emperor! 1
"Of course!" Yu Shengjun said lightly.

Tang Lin smiled happily, a little excited, "Really? That's really great!"

Very good? !Yu Shengjun squinted his eyes, and realized that Tang Lin's words were a little bit wrong, "The request you want to make can make you so excited? What is the request? Do you want me to give you the pass token of Da Nei, or do you want me to give you the pass?" I give you a marriage..."

"Neither of them," Tang Lin hurriedly said to stop Yu Shengjun from continuing. She was afraid that if she didn't stop him, the more he said, the more outrageous he would become.He said with a dry smile, "Your Majesty, Xiao Tang doesn't want a token of access, nor does he want you to give him a marriage!"

Yu Shengjun hurriedly replied, "Even if you want me to give you a marriage, I won't allow it!"

Tang Lin frowned, "Your majesty, what are you talking about?" He just said it if he was dissatisfied, why did he speak so quietly, he really is a strange emperor.

Yu Shengjun smiled apologetically, "No, nothing!"

"Oh," Tang Lin continued: "Your Majesty, Xiao Tang's request is very simple. Xiao Tang has two good sisters in the folk, and they became the new court ladies by mistake. In fact, they were all ignorant. It's not that they want to become maids of honor. However, their names and family backgrounds have already been recorded on the list of maids of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. My Majesty, Xiao Tang, I beg you to send these two good friends of Xiao Tang Sister, let it go, don't bring them into the palace, they don't intend to become palace maids at all!"

Yu Shengjun seemed to have noticed something, his eyes narrowed, and he asked: "You just said, those are your two... good sisters?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes!"

"Okay!" Yu Shengjun readily agreed, "Then you tell me, I ordered the chief to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and ordered the internal officer in charge of the list of maids of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to help you cross the names of your good sisters, so that they don't have to enter The palace. By the way, have they entered the palace yet?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "Not yet!"

"That's all right," said Yu Shengjun, looking at An Lin under the pavilion, and called: "An Lin!"

Hearing the sound, An Lin trotted up immediately, and stood in front of Yu Shengjun with his waist bowed, "Your Majesty, the old slave is here."

Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin and asked, "Your two good sisters, what are their names?"

Tang Lin originally wanted to directly say that they were called Lianxin and Yueyue, but the owner of Fengyue Tower said that all the maids who entered the palace had changed their names, and she didn't know which name to say, so she asked first: "Your Majesty, I heard that the maids of the people are the palace maids. In the end, it is necessary to change the name, is there such a thing?"

Yu Shengjun tightened his expression, "Why do you ask such a question?"

An Lin replied: "Miss Tang, the rules in the palace are like this. All the maids entering the palace don't need to change their names. This is convenient for investigating the background of the palace maids in the folk. Usually, just call them by nicknames!"

"Things, why is this..." An Lin's answer made Tang Lin very unexpected. She lowered her head and thought carefully, then analyzed and analyzed, and finally realized that she had a feeling of being fooled.

At the beginning, she was so focused on Lian Xin and Yue Yue, she didn't pay attention to anything at all, and, being in ancient times and not modern times, she didn't pay much attention.But now, she realized that she was careless at that time, really too careless.

If Lian Xin hadn't been renamed, why did the owner of Fengyuelou tell her that Lian Xin had changed her name?
Tang Lin really couldn't figure it out, she was a visitor from another time and space, logically speaking, she didn't have any enmity with Fengyuelou, why did the other party want to trick her?It's not always true if they say it's a prank, the other party clearly arrested Lian Xin and Yue Yue, which means it's true.

But why did the owner of Fengyue Building tell her that Lian Xin needed to change her name?
"Director An," Tang Lin turned to An Lin and asked, "Does the maids recruited in the palace need to wear different necklaces?"

An Lin was a little confused, "Huh?"

Yu Shengjun was also confused by Tang Lin's question, "What do you want to say?"

Tang Lin shook her head lightly, and took a deep breath, "It's nothing!" At this moment, she felt a fire in her heart, but on the surface, she didn't let it out.In her life, what she hated the most was being used by others.

Yu Shengjun said to An Lin, "She just wants to cross out the names of her two good sisters in the new list of maids!"

"Ah?" An Lin was startled, "But your majesty, no maids will be recruited in the palace this year!"

"Yes!" Yu Shengjun suddenly realized, "Why did I forget that I don't recruit palace maids!"

Now, what these two said made Tang Lin feel that she was being used or tricked.If the other party uses him to achieve some purpose, does it have anything to do with being a court lady?If it is a prank, it is a little possible, after all, she robbed Fengyuelou's business, which caused Fengyuelou's business to be bleak.

But the palace does not recruit maids, even if Fengyuelou wants to send her away from Jundiexuan, she will definitely return to Jundiexuan if she finds that the palace does not recruit maidens, then Fengyuelou's plan will fail.But the other party still does it, why?
It doesn't seem like a trick, the other party doesn't seem to be tricking her, but wants to use her to do something!

By the way, the jade pendant worn by the maid of honor!
Tang Lin was about to find out the jade pendant hanging around her neck. At this moment, Yu Shengjun asked, "What are their names? I ordered someone to investigate!" Perhaps, Tang Lin's two good sisters could be used to find Tang Lin identity.

However, Tang Lin wanted to find out what was going on by herself, and she didn't intend to trouble everyone, so she shook her head at Yu Shengjun, smiled and refused: "Your Majesty, there is no need, since there is no such thing, then forget it!"

Yu Shengjun really wanted to know who her two good sisters were, but he was afraid that Tang Lin would become suspicious if he continued to ask, so he could only hold back the question, "Then... okay! Then this request is not valid, if you ask again request!"

Tang Lin was not in the mood to make any more requests, she was full of being deceived, and said sadly: "Your Majesty, Xiao Tang is a little tired, can you go back and rest first?" The landlord of Fengyue Tower, what exactly did she do?Wearing a mask and setting up evidence... there must be something hidden in it.

Her expression was a little sad, as if she had encountered some unsolvable problem, Yu Shengjun asked worriedly: "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin shook her head, and replied sullenly, "It's okay!"

Her appearance made Yu Shengjun even more worried, "I don't worry about your current appearance!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Tang Lin's face, without a hint of sadness. Although it was a forced smile, she could only do this in order to get rid of the emperor's concern. "Your Majesty, Xiao Tang is fine, I was just thinking about some old things!"

What kind of her smile is, other people can't see it, but Yu Shengjun can see it at a glance, she is perfunctory, perfunctory impatiently, she doesn't want his concern.Since he doesn't want to, then he should turn his public concerns into secrets, "Since it's all right, I won't ask any more questions. Today, you helped me select [-] good contestants, and I am very grateful to you. Now that you are tired, Go back and rest first, and I will pass it on to you when you are free and refreshed!"

"Then Xiao Tang will leave!" After speaking in a hurry, Tang Lin got up and left, and her figure quickly disappeared near the Feihe Pavilion.

After she left, Yu Shengjun took off the mask from his face. There was a lot of sadness on his handsome and extraordinary face. He told An Lin, "Be sure to arrange her food, clothing, housing and transportation properly. Sad look!"

An Lin obeyed and said: "The servant obeys the order!"

Tang Lin returned to the palace garden and sat in a daze on the stone steps at the entrance of Lanyuan. She didn't want to go in, she didn't want to go back to the room. Once she got back, those people must be making noise in her ears like flies. All deaf.

She needs to figure out that Fengyue Loulou wants to replace the maid herself.

She took out the jade pendant around her neck. No matter how you look at it, this jade pendant is very valuable, and it is extremely majestic. It must be owned by someone with status, but how could the owner of Fengyue Tower have such a jade pendant?
Suddenly she thought of someone, and that was Du Yuanyuan.When Du Yuanyuan saw her jade pendant, he reacted very strongly. Could it be that it really belonged to Du Yuanyuan's family?

At this time, two palace maids working in the palace passed by and whispered, "Have you heard that Empress Cheng Huan is about to die!"

The other palace maid spoke a little more courageously and asked, "Is that the woman named Shi He?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin was startled, Shihe? !Tang Lin was stunned. Queen Cheng Huan's name was Shi He? !This... what's going on!

The palace lady who was talking before heard what her sister said, and immediately made a booing gesture, then carefully looked left and right a few times, for fear of being overheard by someone who shouldn't hear, she said to her sister: "After all, it is the queen. Come on, how can you call the queen by her name?"

The court lady still did not change her straightforward personality, "What's the matter? Anyway, she has already escaped, and she can no longer be a queen in the future!"

The maid shook her head helplessly, "I won't tell you anymore!"

Just as the two were about to leave, Tang Lin suddenly stood in front of them with a cold expression, "Stop!"

Seeing that Tang Lin was dressed like this, the outspoken court lady must be a contestant. She raised her eyebrows without a trace of nervousness and yelled, "You are a contestant, what are you stopping us for? Go away!"

The palace lady who spoke cautiously was very afraid of the contestants. After all, all the contestants possess unique skills. Once the opponent gets angry, they don't know how to die, so they immediately apologized and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, my sister has spoken too much, girl, I I apologize to you!"

Tang Lin suddenly grabbed the arms of the two, "Follow me!"

She dragged the two maids to an unoccupied corner of the palace, then released the maids, and asked the two of them, "Tell me, what happened to Empress Cheng Huan?"

In the folks, she was somehow mistaken for Cheng Huan by a young eunuch in the palace. If the other party was not a lunatic, he would definitely not misidentify her. This proves that she and Empress Cheng Huan are exactly the same in appearance.

Empress Cheng Huan escaped, this is a fact!
The landlord of Fengyue Building approached her and asked her to enter the palace under the name of Shihe, and also wear a jade pendant with a symbolic status.Could it be that the jade pendant on her body belonged to Empress Cheng Huan?The landlord of Fengyue Tower actually wanted to let her return to the palace instead of Shihe who had escaped from the palace by pretending to be fake?
If she really entered the palace as a maid, if the people in the palace knew the source of the jade pendant, they would know that this maid of honor was the Empress Cheng Huan who escaped from the palace!

If so, then the owner of Fengyue Building must know Empress Chenghuan Shihe.If the other party is not Queen Cheng Huan, then the other party must be someone who has a certain relationship with Queen Cheng Huan.That person was wearing a veil that day, obviously he didn't want her to see his true face, could it be the real Empress Cheng Huan?

If that person is Shihe, why did she escape from the palace?Since he had already escaped from the palace, why did he find Tang Lin again and let her enter the palace as a substitute?If she really became a queen, wouldn't Shihe hand over her throne to her?Is it necessary for Shihe to do this with the prosperity and wealth in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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