The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 119 Boss, Shi Ya likes the emperor! 2

Chapter 119 Boss, Shi Ya likes the emperor! 2
She couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure out why Shihe wanted to escape from the palace, and even more couldn't figure out why Shihe wanted to find someone who looked exactly like her to enter the palace instead.

"Don't you know?" the outspoken court lady revealed, "On the night of the wedding, Empress Chenghuan passed out in the wedding room. Later, the imperial doctor came to treat her and found out a shocking secret. It turned out that Empress Chenghuan was pregnant for more than a month. Yes. At that time, when the queen woke up, there was a big quarrel, and then the adulterer came to the door and killed the imperial doctor who diagnosed that Queen Chenghuan was pregnant, and killed all the palace ladies and maids. The eunuchs, and the Imperial Forest Army guarding the gate of the palace. When the emperor arrived, the imperial doctor still breathed a sigh of relief and told the emperor about the fact that Empress Cheng Huan was pregnant for a month, and also told the emperor about the fact that the empress was taken away by an adulterer! The imperial doctor After disclosing the situation, he closed his eyes. In a rage, the emperor ordered every place in the imperial city to be on alert to arrest Empress Cheng Huan and the adulterer alive. Unfortunately, those two still escaped. We I heard that the emperor sent all the guards out to hunt down the empress! Once Empress Cheng Huan is found, she must be dead without a place to bury her!"

"Stop talking, this is the crime of beheading!" The palace maid who spoke cautiously glared at the sister and signaled her to stop talking.

Tang Lin raised her hand and said coldly, "Let's go!"

The two maids tugged and left together.

The afternoon sun was bright, not too hot.

Tang Lin returned to Lanyuan, walked to the door of the room, and saw everyone standing at the dining table, waiting for her, the boss, to be seated.The dining table was already filled with rich delicacies, and these dishes were all made by Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun.

She could immediately tell that the dishes on the dinner table were made by Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun, that was because these dishes were all good dishes of Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun.

Now, she is very sure that Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun are in the palace right now, in Nangong's kitchen.

While Tang Lin was talking with the court lady, the kitchen had already ordered the dishes to be delivered to Lan Yuan.

Without her, no one in the room dared to move. After all, she was the boss, and they could only move with her permission.

She hasn't come back for a long time, and Du Yuanyuan got a little impatient waiting.

Tang Lin glanced at the meals, and then said to everyone: "Stop standing, eat, don't wait for me!" After speaking, she walked over and sat down.Immediately afterwards, others sat down one after another.

After Dong Chenchen picked up the chopsticks, he asked curiously, "Boss, what does the Emperor want you to do?"

Tang Lin picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of green vegetable and put it in the mouth, chewed it a few times before answering Dong Chenchen's question, "It's nothing, just chatting about unimportant topics! Chen Chen, don't be idle, eat quickly , if the food is cold, it will not taste good!"

Dong Chenchen said "Oh". Seeing Tang Lin's face, she must be unwilling to reveal anything, so she stopped asking.

After eating for a while, Tang Lin glanced at everyone secretly, with a sly look in her eyes, coughed twice on purpose, and reminded: "Everyone, do you still remember the bet made in the morning?"

At this time, everyone stopped eating, and each of them lowered their heads, with shame on their faces.

Tang Lin said: "We agreed in the morning, if I win, I will not only continue to be the boss, but also want something from each of you!"

Yun Shan glanced at the black whip she had put on the bed, then at Tang Lin, and asked nervously, "Boss, what do you want us to give you? Could it be... is it our favorite weapon in each of our hands?" ?”

Tang Lin gave her a blank look, "What do I need your weapons for? I...don't know how to use your weapons!" When she said this, she felt a little guilty, saying that she wouldn't use their weapons, but in fact she Whether it will work is still a mystery. "Besides, I can't even take care of my weapons, so I still have to take care of you?"

Du Yuanyuan narrowed her eyes, her eyes were a little deep, she remembered what Tang Lin said just now, "I...don't know how to use your weapons!" That's really great, Tang Lin doesn't know how to use them The weapons in the middle, then she will use these weapons as the subject of betting specifically in the future, and if she doesn't believe it, she won't be able to win Tang Lin once.

Yuxin was puzzled and said: "We are the most valuable weapons, the boss doesn't want our weapons, so what does he want?"

"Boss, what I very simple!" Tang Lin looked at everyone with a mysterious smile on her face.In everyone's eyes, this smile is very insidious, weird, and mysterious. For a moment, everyone feels cold on their backs and arms, and their hearts are even more cautious.

Tang Lin felt the cold air emanating from several people, and couldn't help laughing out loud. These ancient people really amused her, "Don't be nervous, you guys, I don't want your lives, why are you panicking?"

"Then what exactly do you want, Boss?" Yuxin couldn't bear Tang Lin's mystery anymore. If Tang Lin didn't say anything, she would definitely faint from nervousness.

"You wait, I'll ask you later!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin looked at Du Yuanyuan and said, "Yuanyuan, I don't want your sword, I don't want anything on you, let alone your life. I want an honest... answer from you!"

Du Yuanyuan frowned, a little surprised by Tang Lin's words, "Just one answer?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes!"

Du Yuanyuan asked: "What answer?"

Tang Lin took out the jade pendant from her body, tore off the rope, put the jade pendant on the table, and asked Du Yuanyuan, "I just want to know the source and function of this jade pendant. Don't lie to me, if you let me know You lied to me, and I will not forgive you lightly!"

"Here," a look of panic appeared on Du Yuanyuan's face, but he quickly hid it, "This jade something designed by my family, that's all I know, and I don't know anything else, really!"

Tang Lin caught the panic, which made her immediately sure that the other party was lying.However, this also proves that Yupei does have a story, and it has something to do with Du Yuanyuan. "Are you sure what you said is true?"

Her eyes are sharp, as if she can see whether everyone is lying or not.Du Yuanyuan tried her best to shock herself, so as not to let herself have any obvious fluctuations, she nodded calmly, "It's true, boss!"

Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief slowly, picked up the jade pendant and looked at it again and again, "I thought it had a lot of background!"

Du Yuanyuan asked cautiously: "Boss, where did you get this jade pendant?"

"Give it to me alone!" Tang Lin didn't reveal the situation of getting the jade pendant, she deliberately told Du Yuanyuan like this, letting Du Yuanyuan guess wildly, so that she could find something wrong on Du Yuanyuan's face.

Sure enough, Du Yuanyuan's curiosity became serious, and he asked cautiously, "Boss, is this jade pendant... a man gave you, or a woman?"

Du Yuanyuan thought that Tang Lin didn't know that he was tricking her, but in fact, Tang Lin was tricking her.

Tang Lin stared into Du Yuanyuan's eyes and deliberately said irony, "Man!"

"A man?!" Du Yuanyuan was slightly startled, then lowered his head, his eyes were flustered, and he said in a low, hoarse voice, "Could it be Yushu?"

Tang Lin caught a hint of pain between her brows, and was startled.Not only did Du Yuanyuan know about the jade pendant, but he would have such a reaction when he said it was a gift from a man. Why would she care that it was a gift from a man?Could it be that this jade pendant... actually belonged to her, Du Yuanyuan?
No, according to the analysis, the jade pendant should belong to Empress Cheng Huan, Shi He, and Shi He should have the same face as her. That jade pendant must not belong to Du Yuanyuan, but Du Yuanyuan shouldn't have such a reaction!

But Du Yuanyuan had such a reaction, why?
Could it be that she made a mistake in her analysis, in fact, this jade pendant does not belong to Empress Cheng Huan?
"Yuanyuan, are you okay?" Tang Lin called Du Yuanyuan.

"Ah?" Du Yuanyuan suddenly came back to her senses. Seeing Tang Lin looking at her, she calmed down, making herself look the same as before, "Boss, I'm fine. By the way, Boss, do you want to ask me anything else?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "There's nothing to ask." Then, she said to everyone: "Let's do this first, and I'll ask you a few more questions when I have time!"

After lunch, Tang Lin was alone in the room in a daze, analyzing the affairs of Empress Cheng Huan. Except for He Shiya who was sitting at the dining table and wiping her little daggers, everyone else was practicing martial arts in the yard, so that they would be able to survive the day after tomorrow. Superb performance in the game.

When Tang Lin recovered from the analysis, she looked behind her, but there was no one except He Shiya.She saw He Shiya sitting quietly at the dining table alone, wiping her small daggers with a piece of silk.

For He Shiya, Tang Lin became curious for a moment.Ever since she met He Shiya, He Shiya seemed to have always been hostile to her. Although there was no direct confrontation, she could feel that He Shiya hated her very much.

Why does He Shiya hate her so much?
Tang Lin came over and sat opposite He Shiya.He Shiya raised her head and stared at her lightly, nodded and smiled slightly to show politeness, then lowered her head again.

Tang Lin didn't understand that He Shiya looked like a well-educated lady, a talented woman from a scholarly family, her looks and temperament were incomparable to others, but why was He Shiya hostile to her Tang Lin ?
"Shiya," Tang Lin planned to take this opportunity to have a good talk with He Shiya, "Why are you always hostile to me?"

Hearing the sound, He Shiya's body trembled, apparently frightened, her hands shook uncomfortably, a finger accidentally touched the dagger, and a bloody path was drawn, and she groaned softly "uh" in pain for a moment, Dai's eyebrows frowned, and she quickly covered her fingers with her other hand to prevent the wound from bleeding.

Seeing that He Shiya's finger was scratched a little, Tang Lin felt a pain like a needle prick in her heart.Since she was a child, she had a very strong feeling that she would not regret the death of bad people, but she would feel pain when good people were injured.Immediately got up, walked quickly to the cabinet, opened the cabinet, took out the backpack, and took out the Band-Aid in the backpack.

After walking to He Shiya, he pulled a stool and sat down, and took He Shiya's hand, "Give me your hand!"

He Shiya struggled slightly at first. She didn't want Tang Lin to be pitiful, but she couldn't hold back Tang Lin, and Tang Lin pulled her hand over in the end.Tang Lin tore off a piece of Band-Aid, and gently stuck it to her injured area. The movements were very gentle, not harsh or rude, for fear of hurting her.

Seeing Tang Lin bury her head in helping her treat the wound, He Shiya's nose felt sour, and she suddenly felt a sense of aging.Thinking about these three days, she was jealous of Tang Lin's outstanding performance, she was jealous of Tang Lin being favored by the emperor, she was jealous of Tang Lin's intelligence...

She didn't have jealousy in the first place, what made her jealousy grow endlessly?

After Tang Lin put the Band-Aid on her finger, she instructed softly, "Wait two or three days before tearing it off, and the wound will be gone. Remember, be careful in the future, such a beautiful hand, don't touch it again." It's time to spend!"

(End of this chapter)

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