Chapter 121

After leaving the kitchen, Tang Lin did not go back directly to Lanyuan, but walked towards Nangong Square.

Nangong Square.

There are still many tents in the square, but compared to yesterday, there are several times fewer.

In the corner of the square, there is a place to receive meals.Everyone in the kitchen has already prepared the meals.These meals were specially provided for the three hundred contestants.At this moment, those contestants lined up in several teams, and Jingtiao came up to receive their meals in an orderly manner.

Swallow Die Wu was wearing a plain dress and an apron, standing behind the dining table like the other cooks.On the stage, there are several wooden basins, which are full of various foods.She is distributing meals to the contestants who are queuing up to receive their meals.

She is specialized in distributing the dishes. She spoons two or three different dishes into the basin, and then serves them to the contestants who come up to receive the dishes.

At this moment, Fu Yushu and the others were lined up in a line, and there were more than a dozen more before it was their turn to get the meals Feng Diewu shared.Since they didn't look forward, they naturally didn't see that the person who was sharing the food was someone they knew.

The other cooks who served the dishes were all women, but they were all old and fat women. Therefore, many contestants were placed on the side of Feng Die Wu.They are all a group of people who watch beauties do business, so they naturally want to get the meals given by beauties.

At this moment, standing in front of Feng Die Wu, No.1 in the team is a handsome man.Seeing the beauty of Feng Die Wu, he couldn't help being moved, and courted openly, "Girl, are you free tonight? How about we go to the Royal Forest to see fireflies?"

"Fuck you, the beautiful people don't have time to talk to you," the contestant at the back said unceremoniously to the handsome man.

Fengdiewu concentrated on doing her own business and ignored these people.Because this person's words were too frivolous, she wanted to teach him a lesson.So, half of the food was given to this person less. "Your meal is ready, take it away!"

Others have a pot full of food, but he has only so little, the handsome man is not reconciled, "There are so many others, why is it only mine?"

"Ah, is that so?" Phoenix Diewu deliberately pretended to be stupid. She glanced at the meals that other cooks gave to other contestants, and then said to the handsome male contestant: "Maybe there are still a lot of dishes over there, or you How about waiting in line over there?"

The handsome man is a smart man, he knows that his frivolity makes Feng Die Wu unhappy.He didn't care about it, and didn't queue up in other lines. He shook his head and sighed, "That's all!" He took his own rice bowl and walked away.

The next contestant who was also obsessed with Swallow Die Wu also said to Swallow Die Wu, "Why don't I accompany you to see fireflies tonight?"

Feng Die Wu's phoenix eyes were annoyed, she put down half of the dish that was originally full,
Seeing this, the contestant hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Xiaosheng offended, offended. Girl, please don't reduce my food, if I don't have enough to eat, I won't be able to compete tomorrow!"

"Next time, be careful with your words!" Feng Diewu glared at the man, filled the spoon with food again, and put it in the rice bowl.

The man ran away with the rice bowl in his hand, fearing that Feng Die Wu would take back his life, he ran very fast.

There are still a few people left and it will be her turn. Han Xueyan looked ahead, but unexpectedly, she saw Phoenix Diewu serving dishes to the contestants. She was startled and turned around immediately with excitement, "Brother Fu..." Standing Fu Yushu, she almost bumped her forehead against his lips.

Fu Yushu took a step back in time, but stepped on Cao Dan. Cao Dan let out an "Aiya" and frowned, "Brother Fu, watch carefully."

Han Xueyan blushed and lowered her head, "I'm sorry Brother Fu!"

Fu Yushu was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect to have such a scene with Han Xueyan, so he said casually: "It's okay. By the way, you were so excited just now, what's wrong?"

Han Xueyan immediately raised her head, the blush on her face was gone, she said anxiously, "I saw Sister Wu!"

"Huh?!" Fu Yushu frowned, "Phoenix Butterfly Dance?"

Han Xueyan nodded excitedly, "Yes!" Immediately, she turned around again and pointed to the front, "Look, isn't that cook who is serving the contestants Miss Wu?"

Cao Dan also heard Han Xueyan's words, and he and Fu Yushu looked forward together, and sure enough, they saw Phoenix Diewu at the same time.Feng Die Wu was dressed the same as in the restaurant before, they would not mistake anyone, it was Feng Die Wu.

Cao Dan exclaimed in surprise, "It's really Miss Wu!"

Fu Yushu wondered, "Why is she here?"

Han Xueyan said: "It will be clear when I ask later!"

Shao Qi and Yun Lei, who were behind Cao Dan, looked at each other, wondering what Cao Dan and the others were talking about and what they were excited about.

Feng Diewu has been immersed in her own work, and did not look at the team in front of her, so naturally she did not see Han Xueyan and the others.As for Han Xueyan and the others, there were four or five others who received the food and it was their turn.

At this time, Tang Lin had already arrived at Nangong Square. She looked around, saw the crowded place, and walked over immediately.


There are two more people, it's my turn, Han Xueyan can't wait to give Fengdiewu a surprise.She doesn't make a sound now, she just waits for Feng Die Wu to share the food with her before making a sound, she thinks, Sister Wu must be very unexpected!

At this moment, someone suddenly patted Phoenix Die Wu's back from behind! "Who?" Feng Diewu turned around abruptly, and Tang Lin, who was wearing a water-blue navy suit, immediately caught her eyes. After confirming that it was Tang Lin herself, she was immediately startled, her pupils widened, and she said in surprise: "Xiao Tang ?!"

Tang Lin turned around enchantingly in front of her, and the corners of her lips curled up a bit coquettishly, "Why, don't you recognize my outfit?"

Feng Diewu held her hand tightly and said excitedly: "Xiao Tang, it's nice to see you again!"

Tang Lin asked: "If it wasn't for Zichen and the others, I didn't know you were in the palace. I haven't asked you yet. How did you come into the palace? And, like Zichen and the others, you became a cook!"

Feng Diewu couldn't answer, with an unspeakable expression, "I..."

"Sister Wu, Sister Xiaotang, it's too much for the two of you to leave a large group of us behind!" At this moment, Han Xueyan behind Fengdiewu saw that the two were getting close, and she couldn't help it jealous.

"Look, who is behind you!" Tang Lin turned Feng Diewu's body around, facing Han Xueyan, and Fu Yushu and others behind Han Xueyan.

Seeing that it was Han Xueyan, Feng Diewu was surprised again, and said excitedly: "Xue Yan?!" Slowly, his eyes wandered to Fu Yushu's face behind Han Xueyan, and he was surprised again, "Brother Fu?!" Seeing Cao Dan, she was confused now, "Why are you here?"

Han Xueyan couldn't wait to ask: "Sister Wu, leave us alone, tell me about yourself, why are you in the palace?"

Feng Die Wu was about to answer, Tang Lin said to everyone: "Don't eat here, go to my place, go to my place to eat, I live in Lanyuan now, I believe I will lead you, you should be able to get in Right. I have asked Zichen and Eyun to help us cook a table of rich food and wine, and I know Diewu is also in the palace, so I came to see everyone. Don’t just stand there, come with me!"

Everyone couldn't wait for a group of people to sit together and nodded.

Tang Lin pulled Phoenix Die Wu and said excitedly, "Let's go!"

Han Xueyan's heart had long been in Lanyuan, but when she took a step, she realized the existence of Shao Qi and Yun Lei, so she stopped Tang Lin, "Sister Tang!"

Tang Lin turned her head, "Xueyan, what's wrong?"

"The two of them..." Han Xueyan pointed at Shao Qi and Yunlei intentionally or unintentionally, hoping that Tang Lin would not be able to say that she would invite her brother-in-law.

Tang Lin also discovered the existence of Shao Qi and Yun Lei, and was a little annoyed at her carelessness, so she hurriedly said generously: "Both brothers, we are all friends now, Tang Lin kindly invites you to join our party, and I hope you two Big brother rewards!"

Shao Qi smiled ashamedly, "Miss Tang is serious, we two can go as we please!"

Tang Lin couldn't help but said, "That's really great, then let's go together!"


Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun personally brought a group of maids to the gate of Lanyuan. Sister Lei knew that they were the Second Prince and the Second Concubine, and immediately kowtowed, "To the Second Prince..."

Yu Zichen interrupted her, "Sister Lei, as long as you know who we are, don't disclose our identities, then take us to Tang Lin now!"

Sister Lei understood, "Understood!" She turned sideways, gave way, and made a gesture of invitation, "Please, both of you!"

Under the leadership of Sister Lei, Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun walked into Lanyuan, followed by the group of court ladies carrying meals.

Sister Lei finally stopped outside the door of a certain room in Lanyuan, then turned around, and said respectfully to Yu Zichen: "This is Tang Lin's temporary residence!"

"Thank you!" Yu Zichen said gratefully, and then ordered: "Then you step back first!"

"Yes!" Responding, Sister Lei left Lanyuan.

Yu Zichen looked into the room, and he saw several pairs of eyes staring at them. Since Sister Lei brought them to the door, Du Yuanyuan and others who were waiting for dinner in the room were all curious when they saw them. looked out.

None of Du Yuanyuan and the others had seen the true faces of the Second Prince and the Second Concubine, so they all thought that Yu Zichen and his wife were from the kitchen and came to deliver food.

Yun Shan whispered in Du Yuanyuan's ear, "Isn't it here to entertain the boss again?"

Du Yuanyuan said coldly: "How do I know?"

Yu Zichen walked into the door, followed by Guan Eyun.

Yu Zichen stood in a corner of the room, glanced at Du Yuanyuan and the others with calm and indifferent eyes, and asked when he couldn't see Tang Lin's face, "I'm Tang Lin's friend, where is she?"

He Shiya said politely: "Oh, boss, she's gone out, she should be back by dinner time!"

"Oh, that's it, thank you!" Yu Zichen thanked He Shiya, then looked at the door, waved to the maids, and ordered: "Bring the food to the table!"

Immediately afterwards, the dozen or so court ladies brought in the meals they were holding in their hands one after another, put them on the table, and stepped back without staying in Lanyuan.

After the last court lady left the room, Yu Zichen faced his wife, gently supported her, pulled her into a stool at the corner of the dining table and sat down, and said softly: "You are not in good health, sit down first!"

Guan Eyun did not refuse, and sat down.She looked at Du Yuanyuan and the others, they were all pairs of curious eyes, she smiled slightly at these people to show politeness.

At this moment, Tang Lin and Feng Die Wu's feet had already stepped into the gate of Lan Yuan.

Tang Lin said to Sister Lei who was guarding the gate of Lanyuan: "Sister Lei, these are my friends, let them come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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