The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 122 Don't Mess With Tang Lin!

Chapter 122 Don't Mess With Tang Lin!

Sister Lei was very polite, and kowtowed to Tang Lin, "As long as Miss Tang likes it, Sister Lei has no objections!"

"Thank you!" After thanking Tang Lin, she took Feng Die Wu's hand, and the two walked into Lan Yuan talking and laughing. Immediately afterwards, Cao Dan, Han Xueyan, Shao Qi and Yun Lei also followed in. .

When Fu Yushu stepped into the threshold of Lanyuan, he felt lingering fear.He thought of one person, and that was Du Yuanyuan.During the two days of competition, where there was Tang Lin, there was Du Yuanyuan. It was not difficult to see that Tang Lin and Du Yuanyuan lived together.

outside the door,
Before Tang Lin even set foot on the threshold, she entered with a voice, "Sisters, I'm back!"

Hearing the sound, Yun Shan and the others were excited, and they all said that the boss is back, the boss is back!
Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun looked at each other, and they were a little surprised when these women called Tang Lin the boss.

Yun Shan was the first to run to the door. She had an excited smile on her face, but when she saw Tang Lin holding the hand of a beautiful woman, followed by several extremely handsome and extraordinary men, her expression froze immediately.

Tang Lin was amused by her stupidity, and pushed her, "What are you doing standing there?"

Yun Shan recovered from embarrassment, and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry boss, I blocked your way!" As she spoke, she stepped aside and stood by the door.

Han Xueyan saw two people sitting and standing next to the dining table in the room, and rushed in happily, shouting: "Brother Yu, Sister Yun!" After a few steps, she climbed to Yu Zichen's side.

"Xue Yan, long time no see!" In Yu Zichen's eyes, Han Xueyan is like a kid next door, he wants to pet him every time he sees her.

However, for Shao Qi, not only has he met the second prince and the second concubine several times, but he also has a very good relationship with them, but he never thought that these two people would appear at Tang Lin's place at this moment, and they were also with his Sister-in-law knows, what's going on?

Yu Shengjun not only sent him to mix in the contestants, but also sent the second prince and second princess to mix in?

What is Yu Shengjun's plan?
"Heh, Big Brother Yu, Sister Yun, you don't even say a word in the palace!" Cao Dan came over and complained to Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun, "If it wasn't for Sister Wu's disclosure just now, I wouldn't know you were in the palace. !"

Yu Zichen smiled helplessly, and said ashamedly: "The two of us have been working in the kitchen and seldom come out for activities. It was not long ago that we learned about your situation from the person in charge!"

After Yun Lei walked into the room, he stood in front of Yun Shan and greeted each other face to face: "Junior Sister!"

Yun Shan grinned and grinned, "Senior Brother!" Unexpectedly, her senior brother and her boss got along well, which made her really excited.

Du Yuanyuan stood in the far corner of the room, almost close to Tang Lin's bed. She glanced at Feng Diewu and the others, and finally her eyes fell on the handsome man in white at the door, and she was startled.

When Fu Yushu saw her, he gave her a calm look.Then he walked into the room, leaned over to Yu Zichen and the others, and did not forget to say hello happily, "Long time no see, both of you!"

"Hey, isn't this our buyer, Brother Tianze!" Yu Zichen was shocked when he saw Fu Yushu, and the two of them reached out to each other's hands and shook hands tightly.Anyone who sees this action will think that the two brothers are as deep as the sea.

After letting go, Fu Yushu looked at the only one sitting, Guan Eyun, her complexion was a little pale, he originally wanted to say hello to her, but his complexion made him change the greeting into a greeting, "Zi Chen, Are your siblings okay?"

Yu Zichen said: "It's okay, it's just that I'm not used to the environment in the palace!"

"Brother Fu!" Guan Eyun nodded to Fu Yushu and greeted with a smile.

Fu Yushu smiled back, "Well, you too!"

Tang Lin greeted: "Xue Yan, Xiao Cao, Big Brother Fu, Big Brother Qilin, Big Brother Yunlei, you all stop standing still, sit down quickly, it's rare that all of us from Jundiexuan get together, how wonderful it is!" easy!"

After pressing Feng Die Wu to sit down, Tang Lin told Du Yuanyuan and the others: "Yuan Yuan, the boss is going to entertain these friends tonight, so you can eat your dinner in the opposite room, I have already ordered someone to deliver your meals there It's over!"

A few people responded reluctantly, "Yes, boss!"

After that, several people left the room one after another.

When Du Yuanyuan left, he and Fu Yushu looked at each other, exchanged glances with each other and left!
After walking out of the room, Yuxin stood in the yard and said sullenly: "We are also contestants, why can't the boss treat us like those people?" Du Yuanyuan added coldly, "They are the boss's friends, and you... are the boss's. Come on, tell me, will the treatment be the same?"

"Yuxin, don't complain, the boss really cares about us!" Yun Shan comforted.

Yuxin curled her lips and said, "So what if you don't care."

Mei Chun'er said: "Yun Shan, it seems that your brother is also inside!"

Yun Shan nodded, "Well, he's here!" She looked towards the door of the room, only to see a table of people moving, and her eyes stayed on those few people she hadn't seen before, "Those two girls, And that young master, they shouldn’t be contestants, how does the boss know them?”

"Guess for yourself, I'm going to eat!" After that, Du Yuanyuan turned around and walked coldly into the room behind him, which was the room where other female contestants lived.

He Shiya went in right after Du Yuanyuan, and Mei Chuner went in right after...

into the night.

The sky is like ink.

The palace lanterns have been lit.

Royal study.

Yu Shengjun was immersed in reviewing the memorial, while An Lin stood quietly aside.

At this time, Yifeng and Lu Yitang walked into the imperial study room together, and finally leaned forward before the imperial table and kowtowed, "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun raised his head when he heard the sound, he was still wearing an eagle mask, the most conspicuous thing was the eagle ring on the middle finger of his right hand.This ring flashed light for a moment, and it caught Lu Yitang's eyes. Lu Yitang noticed the existence of the ring and was amazed in his heart. It was such a unique ring. If he had not miscalculated, this ring was enough to command a party. .

"You are here," Yu Shengjun said in his usual tone, warm but not angry.He looked at Yifeng and asked, "How is the preparation of the materials for the contestants who stand out in the second round?"

Yifeng went up two steps, put the envelope in his hand on the table, "Master, these are the materials of the [-] contestants who stood out today, and my subordinates have already sorted them out this afternoon!"

Yu Shengjun picked up the envelope, took out a piece of black and white paper inside the envelope, opened it, and looked at it.

On the paper, several names were crossed in red.

When Yu Shengjun was about to ask why, Lu Yitang explained: "I observed the competition process today, I found that there are several people who are expected to be cultivated, so I drew a line under the opponent's name so that the emperor can remember !"

Yu Shengjun browsed the list from the beginning to the end, there were many names he was not familiar with, but only two he was familiar with, and he read them unconsciously, "... Qilin... Fu Tianze..."

"Your Majesty, these two must be masters!" Lu Yitang said intuitively.

Yu Shengjun took another look, then put down the letter paper, was silent for a while, and then said to Lu Yitang: "Lu Aiqing, if the contestants with the red line on them are not eliminated in tomorrow's competition, then the fourth round Before the game, we must coach these people more, so that they can play better in the next game!"

Lu Yitang raised his fist, kowtowed and said, "I understand!"

"Lu Aiqing has been tired all day," Yu Shengjun waved his hands, "let's go home and rest first!"

"Wei Chen resigns!" After speaking, Lu Yitang withdrew.It's just that as soon as he left, Yitang and Yishuang quickly walked into the imperial study room.

The two quickly stood beside Yifeng and kowtowed to Yu Shengjun, "Master!"

Yu Shengjun's eyes tightened slightly, "You seem to have something urgent, is something wrong with Tang Lin?"

Yishuang replied: "Master, Miss Tang saw the Second Prince and the Second Concubine, and also saw the girl Fengdiewu working in the palace. Miss Tang, the second prince and the second princess, Miss Fengdiewu, and General Shao With Cao Dan and others, we are all gathering in Lanyuan at this moment!"

"Heh," Yu Shengjun suddenly pulled his lips into a smile, "Almost all the people in Jun Die Xuan got together, but unfortunately I'm alone!"

Yishuang couldn't reply, and felt sorry for his master.

Yitang was worried, "Will something happen?"

Yu Shengjun left his seat, walked down, walked back and forth among several people, and finally shook his head helplessly, the corners of his lips curled up in a helpless and relaxed arc, "I was worried that Tang Lin would have no internal strength, no fists and kicks." Something happened, it seems that my worries are superfluous now!"

Speaking of this, Yifeng thought of the scene when he saw Tang Lin flying in the air during today's competition, and said puzzledly: "Master, you mentioned that Miss Tang has no internal strength, and she doesn't know light work at all, but her performance today ...For those who don't know her situation, it is a shocking thing, but for us, it is too scary!"

"Oh?! Ha ha!" Yu Shengjun smiled gently, "Why do you think she is scary?"

Yifeng said truthfully: "A person who has no foundation of internal strength does not have the ability to leap from the high platform to the opposite elevated platform to get the clearance plate, and Miss Tang..."

Yitang added a few words, "Master, even someone like me who is good at lightness kung fu may not be able to have that ability!"

Yu Shengjun suddenly looked at the two of them mysteriously, and reminded: "I remind you guys, don't mess with Tang Lin, she seems to be just a little girl, but there are so many mysteries about her that you can't solve." It's all right, angered her, there is only death without a burial place. I remember last month when Duan Tianya dealt with Yan Qin among the people, she was able to shoot and kill hundreds of people silently at night, and she was so agile at night Meticulousness is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. Just take her performance today as an example. She can hit every target with ease, which proves that she is a master of hidden weapons. If you are asked to stand on a high platform and throw hidden weapons at any contestant , and may not be able to hit every shot. So I advise you, don't offend her!"

Yishuang covered her mouth and smiled, and muttered in a low voice, "Even if you want to offend, how dare you!" That's the future queen.

Yifeng glared at her, and she immediately recovered her serious expression.

Yitang was a little curious: "Master, how did Miss Tang do it? It's the scene where she helped the last contestant get the clearance disc today!"

Yu Shengjun weighed it for a long time, but couldn't tell why, "I can't tell how she did it!" In fact, he knew Tang Lin's tricks at that time.He saw that there was a silver-like thread passing from one side to the other. After it was consolidated, she felt relieved that she could fly over in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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