The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 123 Putting a long line to catch big fish? !

Chapter 123 Putting a long line to catch big fish? !
Shi He said angrily: "This is the deed of a tyrant, what a wise king!"

The matchmaker looked at Fu Yushu and shook her head helplessly, "My lord, he has been persuading the lord to resign and go into hiding, but if the lord resigns and goes into hiding, how will his disciples survive? The emperor will definitely eradicate them one by one. Now , the only way to continue to be his prime minister is to bite the bullet and accept the emperor's tricks in the dark!"

Seeing Fu Yushu's pale face, Shihe's heart ached.She is a woman with no plans, but at this moment, her pure heart has been dyed in various colors by the master and servant step by step... until she is fighting for the man she loves and the baby in her stomach. The child is becoming more and more insensitive to the lives of other people.

In this way, after Fu Yushu woke up, Shihe took him back to her home and began to take care of him...

One month will come soon, the day when the imperial decree arrives at Shifu, Shihe and Fu Yushu are in the back mountain.There is a lake in the back mountain, and a small wooden building is built in the middle of the lake.

The wooden building is ventilated everywhere, and the light gauze tent dances with the wind, so elegant.

Fu Yushu and Shihe sat on the side, their feet hanging on the lake, leaning against each other.The wound on his body has healed, and he is holding her hand, looking at the lake view.

She said foolishly: "I want to be with you for the rest of my life, no one can separate us!"

He pulled his lips and smiled softly, with his sadness behind the smile, "I... too!"

"Ouch——Shihe suddenly covered her mouth, gagging." What's wrong? "Fu Yushu stroked her back and asked worriedly.

Obviously want to vomit, but can't vomit anything.Shi He shook her head at him, smiled softly and said, "It's okay!"

At this time, the figure of Hong Niang appeared behind the two of them, "My lord!"

The two turned their heads.

Seeing that the matchmaker had something to say, Fu Yushu said to Shihe: "He'er, play by yourself first, I'll go and talk to the matchmaker and I'll be back!"

Shihe nodded obediently, "Well, let's go!"

Fu Yushu got up, walked to the matchmaker, nodded to the matchmaker, and then they walked around the corner of the small wooden building, walked across the small wooden bridge, and walked across the lake.

The matchmaker walked and said: "Young master, the imperial edict has come down. Shihe's mother has accepted the imperial edict on behalf of her daughter, and the wedding team will arrive in Qing County in more than ten days! Miss Shihe's preparations, young master, you must grasp Hold on!"

Fu Yushu looked up at the sky with a trace of emotion, "Time flies so fast!"

How could Hong Niang fail to see what he was feeling, "Young master, you really fell in love with Miss Shihe?"

Fu Yushu didn't answer in a hurry, at this time he and Hong Niang had already reached the shore.The two turned around and looked at the small wooden building standing in the middle of the lake together. The beautiful back at the corner was very quiet.

"She is different from Yuan Yuan!" Looking at the back at the corner, Fu Yushu said lightly, "Yuan Yuan never worries me, but she... makes me full of protective desire!"

The matchmaker reminded: "But young master, didn't you just like the independence of the young lady at the beginning? The young lady is not as dependent as Miss Shihe, and the young lady will not hold back the young master, but Miss Shihe... ..."

Fu Yushu's face became a bit colder, "I, Fu Yushu, can do bad things to no end, and I will never give up if anything fails to achieve my goal, but I will never let down the woman I love!"

The matchmaker didn't dare to mention any more about Fu Yushu's relationship, so she had to change the topic, "Then young master, will things go according to plan?"

Fu Yushu nodded solemnly, "Yes!"

In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.

After watching the sunrise on the top of the back mountain, Fu Yushu proposed to go back to Shifu, Shihe nodded yes, and with his support, they walked down the trail together.

When passing halfway up the mountain, Fu Yushu secretly observed the surrounding environment with deep eyes, as if he was looking for something or looking forward to something.

Not long after, a group of assassins in black clothes and black scarves jumped down from the trees or bushes one after another and ran out.In the blink of an eye, these people blocked the way of Fu Yushu and Shihe.

One of the men in black held a long sword in his hand and pointed at Fu Yushu, "Master Fu, the emperor has a decree, please follow us back!"

Shihe hid in Fu Yushu's arms in fear, "Yushu, who are they?"

Fu Yushu stared at the group of people in front of him, and said coldly: "Da Nei... bodyguards!" No, to be precise, they were just people who rebelled against the Imperial Council.

"What?!" Shihe's eyes widened when she heard this, and then her eyes became terrified, "Could it be that they are the Ouchi guards sent by the emperor to arrest you?"

Fu Yushu nodded, "That's right!"

"No," Shihe panicked, immediately blocked Fu Yushu with her body, faced the group of men in black, and ordered loudly: "I don't allow you to catch him, please leave!"

The man in black who was talking looked at Shihe, and the sword pointed at her, his eyes were very cold, and he ordered coldly: "Girl, it's none of your business, you go away, what we want is... ...He!" Saying that, the sword pointed at Fu Yushu again.

Shi He screamed, "I won't leave!"

The man in black didn't dare to do anything, he exchanged a look with Fu Yushu calmly, and after receiving Fu Yushu's signal, he immediately forced him over with his sword, "Then offend!"

When the sword of the man in black was about to approach, Fu Yushu pushed Shihe back violently, "Go, leave me alone!"

Shihe fell to the ground, looking at Fu Yushu who was fighting with a group of men in black, her tears couldn't stop streaming down, she yelled around, "Come here, help—"

While fighting the man in black, Fu Yushu turned his head and yelled at Shihe, "Hurry up—"

While shedding tears, Shihe shook her head and said hoarsely: "No, I won't go, I won't go, I don't want to leave you... Yushu!" How could she leave him at the moment of life and death.

Fu Yushu roared: "Go away! These big inner guards will kill you!"

"No," Shihe murmured in pain, "I don't want to leave you!"

At this moment, the matchmaker suddenly appeared from behind Shihe, who was covered with a face scarf. Then, taking advantage of Shihe's inattention, she touched the fainting point on Shihe's body, and Shihe passed out immediately.

Fight, stop here.

The matchmaker got up, looked at Fu Yushu, and asked, "Young Master, are you going to continue to follow the plan? Just received the letter from the Young Madam Fei Ge, and she has secretly come to Qing County with the wedding team! Because Qing County is a bit far from the imperial capital, It is estimated that it will take about ten days to reach Qing County!"

Fu Yushu took a deep breath, closed his eyes heavily and made a difficult decision, "Then... just follow the plan!"

The matchmaker nodded and said, "This subordinate understands!"

When Shihe woke up again, she was in Shifu, her room.She glanced at the bed, but she couldn't see her mother, nor could she see Fu Yushu, so she sat up and called out, "Li Niang!"

The sound just fell, and suddenly, the door was kicked open, and seven or eight men in black silk scarves and black clothes walked in, each with fierce eyes, one of them came to the bedside and shouted coldly: " What's it called? Don't make a sound!"

Such a loud voice frightened Shihe. She was so frightened that she burst into tears. She looked at the man in black with fear, "Who are you?" The voice of the man in black was a little familiar , she seems to have heard of it somewhere.Suddenly she remembered who, her eyes widened, "Are you the Ouchi guards who assassinated Yushu earlier?"

The man in black said coldly: "That's right!"

Shihe gasped, "It's really you! Where is Yushu? Why are you at my house? What happened? When did I return home?" The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

The man in black said, "You seem to be asking too many questions!"

Shi He's throat tightened, and she choked up, "Did you do something to him?"

The man in black said impatiently: "If we can do anything to him, we still need to keep an eye on you here? Fu Yushu was escaped by him, since you are his beloved woman, fine, as long as you are in our hands , don’t worry that he won’t come back!”

"Heh," Shihe sneered suddenly after heaving a sigh of relief, "He won't come back, you just give up on it!"

The man in black said: "I can't see it all. He likes you so much. I can't believe he is so cold-blooded that you mother and daughter don't care about it!"

Shi He's heart suddenly shrank, "You...have also arrested my mother?"

The man in black sneered and said, "Yes, so what? If Fu Yushu doesn't come back for a day, I'll stab your mother once a day. I don't believe that Fu Yushu is so hard-hearted!"

"No," Shihe immediately got out of bed, knelt down to the man in black, and begged, "Master guard, I beg you, little girl, just let my mother go. My mother has nothing to do with Fu Yushu. Threat to Fu Yushu, take me well, don't hurt my mother, my mother is weak and sick, and can't stand your tossing like this..."

The man in black turned around ruthlessly, with his back to Shihe, "It's useless to ask, unless Fu Yushu appears immediately!"

Shihe cried and said: "It is said that the guards in Da Nei are good people, they are a group of loyal guards of the current emperor, and they will definitely not do anything to harm the people. My mother is an innocent people, you can't do anything to achieve your goals. this way!"

The man in black laughed loudly, then turned around to look at Shi Helihua's tearful face, and said ferociously, "Who told you that the Ouchi guards are good people? Who told you that the Ouchi guards can't harm the people? Let me tell you." , we only obey our master, we will do whatever our master asks us to do, even if we want to kill the court officials, we will not frown!"

"You guys..." At this moment, from the ferocious eyes of the man in black, Shi He completely hated the Ouchi guards to the extreme, and what the Ouchi guards called their master. " will not end well!"

The man in black smiled instead, "Hate it, just hate it, as long as Fu Yushu is caught, you mother and daughter will not be able to escape, who told you to have an affair with Fu Chengxiang's family!"

Shihe said angrily: "What did Prime Minister Fu do that the emperor treats him like this?"

The man in black wrote lightly: "I didn't do anything, but the Prime Minister is very popular. Once his reputation among the people is higher than that of our master, then our master... how can he be so high?"

"It's not like this," the prosperous Mingjun who was praised by the people in the past is disintegrating in her mind bit by bit at this moment, Shihe can't accept it, "The emperor is a wise monarch, he will not do things that harm Zhongliang, I I don't believe it, I don't believe it..."

The man in black clicked twice, "You are too young, alas, it's no fault of you!"

At this time, a man in black came up behind him, and said to the man in black, "This chick is quite unique, isn't the master going to enrich the harem recently? It's just right, add her!"

When Shihe heard this, she took a few steps back in fear, and couldn't back away when she was close to the edge of the bed. The words of the man in black completely made her lose her admiration for the current emperor, "I thought that the current emperor He is a good emperor who is diligent in government and loves the people, he is a good emperor who is not close to women and does not harm the country, how could... how did he do things to enrich the harem..."

(End of this chapter)

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