The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 124 Tang Lin is full of traps! 1

Chapter 124 Tang Lin is full of traps! 1
One thing, she couldn't figure it out, is it true that Yu Shengjun is not close to women?He keeps throwing women away...

Afterwards, she was sent to the queen's bedroom, leaving one lady-in-waiting behind, and driving the rest out.She smothered the maid to death, then took off the Xia Pei and the phoenix crown, put them all on the bed, and then put down the curtain.Then she took off the clothes on the maid and put them on by herself. Then she walked to the door, opened the door, walked out, and said to the others: "The Empress ordered me to pass the meals in the kitchen. You stay here and I will go first." !"

In this way, Du Yuanyuan slipped out successfully.

Fu Yushu had already hidden Shihe in the queen's bedroom.

After Du Yuanyuan's voice fell, Fu Yushu came out from behind the screen of the bedroom, holding Shihe in both hands.

He put Shihe on the big carved bed, and quickly put on the phoenix crown and Xiapei on Shihe. After everything was ready, he dragged the maid to the back of the screen, took out a soft sword from himself, and stabbed a few times on the maid. Down.

Next, he went back to the bed, took out a pill, gave Shihe a dose, carried Shihe to a place not far from the bed, and then pushed the table next to him, and the vase on the table Then it fell to the ground and smashed like this.After smashing the vase, he immediately took a few steps away, then jumped onto the beam and hid.

The maids and eunuchs at the door pushed the door open and rushed in. Seeing Empress Cheng Huan lying on the ground, they all shouted, "Your Majesty has passed out, hurry up, go to the imperial doctor, go to the emperor—"

The imperial hospital is the closest to the harem, but it is very far from the imperial study.

So, not long after, the imperial doctor came first.

At this moment, Shihe has been laid on the big carved bed, her eyes closed, but her eyelashes blink from time to time, as if she is about to wake up soon!
The imperial doctor sat by the bed and began to check her pulse, but during the diagnosis, the imperial doctor's expression suddenly became strange, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is the queen pregnant?"

This news not only scared the maids and eunuchs, but also scared Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu, who was hiding on the beam, was dumbfounded when he heard what the imperial doctor said, and asked himself over and over again, "Is she... pregnant? Is she pregnant?"

A eunuch panicked and said: "You just got married, how could you be pregnant? Now your empress is doomed!"

A court lady asked anxiously: "Doctor, what should we do now?"

The imperial doctor calmed down, "Let the old man take the pulse of the empress again, I guess the old man made a mistake, this matter can't be messed up, if you slander the queen, you will be punished by beheading!" So, he went on to feel the pulse for Shihe.

At this moment, Shihe suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a middle-aged man in official uniform lying beside the bed, immediately withdrew his hand, and sat up suddenly, "What are you doing?"

The imperial doctor immediately knelt down, "My minister kowtowed to the empress!"

"Empress?!" Shihe was very confused, she glanced around, the maids and concubine, as well as the gorgeous and joyful room in Dunhuang, came into her eyes, and said a few words, "Where is this?" The imperial doctor replied: "Mrs. Hui, you are in the palace right now!"

"The dormitory?!" Shi He became even more confused, "What dorm?"

"Uh," the imperial doctor was taken aback, thinking, why is this Empress Cheng Huan pretending to be stupid, she just paid homage to the emperor not long ago, why can't she remember where she is now. "Back to your empress, it's in your bedroom, the queen's bedroom—Ruining Palace!"

"What?" Shihe was taken aback, and realized that the world is cold and cold. She immediately lifted up her long skirt and got out of bed. Unexpectedly, she felt like vomiting again. She immediately covered her mouth and leaned over to the side of the bed, "vomit ——”

This action of hers undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to everyone present.

The imperial doctor's face was covered with cold sweat. It seems that he did not diagnose the wrong pulse. Empress Cheng Huan is...pregnant!
Seeing Shihe's reaction, Fu Yushu suddenly recalled all kinds of things about Shihe in the past month. Indeed, she had such an embarrassing reaction in front of him many times. At that time, he thought she was not feeling well, but unexpectedly... ...she was pregnant with his child!
God!She was pregnant with his child, but he didn't know it!

Shi He patted her chest lightly to ease her breath.After she calmed down, she looked at the imperial doctor, only to find that the imperial doctor was sweating and looking at her with horror on his face.

She looked at those court ladies and eunuchs again. These people also had terrified expressions.

Shihe frowned, "What's wrong with me?"

One of the more courageous eunuchs said: "Madam, are you really...pregnant as the imperial physician said?"

"Huh?!" Shihe's brows frowned even tighter, "Pregnant? I'm pregnant?" Could it be that the reaction of wanting to vomit these days is her reaction of nausea?

If so, wouldn't she be pregnant with Fu Yushu's child?

Thinking of this, Shihe was overjoyed for a while, and then she was overjoyed with joy, "I'm pregnant? I have his child? My God, I told Yushu to know." Immediately got out of bed, dragging her long scarf to the door.

The imperial doctor was taken aback, Yushu? !
However, before she took a step away, the maids and eunuchs stopped her one after another, all with terrified expressions.

The imperial doctor was already breaking out in a cold sweat, "Your Majesty, do you know that you have already caused trouble? You should be pure and pure, why do you have a child? Isn't this embarrassing to the Emperor?"

"I'm not some empress!" Shihe explained coldly, "Get out of the way!"

"Your Majesty, you can't leave yet. Let's explain the situation clearly when the emperor comes. We believe you must have some difficulties!" An eunuch said nervously. Although Shihe is pregnant, he is still afraid of Shihe's current status.

There was a broken bottle on the ground, Shihe picked up a piece and pointed it at the people in front of him, "Get out of the way! If you don't let me go, I will die with you!"

A court lady wanted to come up and snatch the broken bottle from Shi He's hand, "Your Majesty, don't do this!"

Shi He raised her hand violently, and immediately the maid yelled in pain, "Ah," and then, she saw the maid retract her hand, and then hid behind the crowd.

The chaos on the scene made the imperial doctor feel helpless, "Your Majesty, please don't do this, the emperor will be here soon!"

"If he dares to come, I'll kill him!" Shi He said ruthlessly, thinking that she was bound into the palace inexplicably and became the emperor's woman, she felt very sad for a moment. "Why, why did he treat us like this? It's not enough for him to harm the person I like, why should he harm me? Have we offended him?"

No one could understand what she was saying, but everyone was worried that she would do something stupid.

Shihe sniffed, feeling desperate for her bumpy life, her tears kept flowing like a collapsed dam, "I hate him, I hate him—"

An eunuch and the imperial doctor winked, so the imperial doctor behind Shihe began to approach Shihe step by step, stepping very lightly, not letting himself make a sound.He intends to restrain Shihe from behind, lest Shihe threaten with death.

But at this moment, a white shadow flew past with a "swish", and then a "squeaky" sound came from behind the imperial doctor.Slowly, the imperial doctor's eyes widened and he fell to the ground.

Fu Yushu drew the sword suddenly, the sword was already filled with the imperial doctor's blood.

The imperial doctor hadn't passed away yet, and Fu Yushu's sword hadn't completely killed him, but he just left him a sigh of relief, so that he could wait for Yu Shengjun's arrival and tell Yu Shengjun the situation here.

When the maids and eunuchs saw the shining sword and the blood on it, they took a deep breath and widened their eyes, and the next second, they screamed at the same time, "Ah—"

Immediately afterwards, these court ladies and eunuchs began to run towards the door, and it was important to escape.However, it was too late.

Fu Yushu's figure flashed, and then he raised and lowered his sword a few times, neatly.When he turned his head to look at Shihe, these maids and eunuchs who were about to escape fell to the ground together.

This bloody scene had already stunned Shihe. She looked at Fu Yushu, her lips trembled, and she couldn't say anything, but her tears were still falling, obviously she was terribly scared.

The movement of the Imperial Forest Army came from outside.

Fu Yushu stepped up to Shihe's side with his left hand around her waist, "Let's go!"

When the two reached the door, the Royal Forest Army patrolling outside the gate of the palace had already surrounded the door.

Fu Yushu looked at these people with cold eyes.He gripped the fingers of the sword tightly, and then his eyes turned cold. He took Shihe to meet him, and started a fight with more than a dozen imperial guards.

During the fight, Shihe couldn't help herself at all, Fu Yushu took her wherever he went, and she couldn't do anything except screaming and hugging him.

After all, the Imperial Forest Army was different from the Ouchi guards, and they were all killed by Fu Yushu in the blink of an eye.

There is a figure in the dark corner, and this person is Xiao Du.Because he was standing in a dark place, because he was frightened into a fool, he was not seen by Fu Yushu when he stood in this place, but with the help of the palace lantern, he could see Shihe's face clearly.

At this moment, Shi He looked at the corpses all over the floor, her eyes suddenly became hard, and she said angrily, "I hate him!"

"Stop talking, let's go!" After finishing off the people in the queen's bedroom, Fu Yushu immediately left with Shihe.

Fu Yushu walked out of the gate of the palace. He seemed to be very familiar with the terrain here. When groups of patrols were about to come, he walked towards the dark corner.

In a corridor, Fu Yushu grabbed Shihe's arm and kept walking forward.Since Shihe was not familiar with the terrain of the palace, and the sound of fighting kept coming from her ears, she lost her mind for a moment, stepped on a wooden board, then tripped, and hit a pillar in the corridor hard, her lower cheek and the rough The pillars rubbed past each other, causing her to cry out in pain, "It hurts..."

"He'er!" Shihe's cry of pain made Fu Yushu terrified, "Is there any problem?" He touched her lower cheek, but when he touched something sticky, his heart tightened suddenly, "It's bleeding! "

Shi He held back the pain and said, "I'm fine, let's go!"

"Then hold on, I'll take you out quickly!" After finishing speaking, he held her hand tightly and walked straight to the corridor, which became more and more remote until the figures of the two were submerged in the depths of the corridor.

When Yu Shengjun rushed from the imperial study to Ruining Palace, the patrol army was already disposing of the corpses on the ground. At this moment, Xiao Du was holding the head of the imperial doctor, shaking, "My lord, my lord..."

The imperial doctor still breathed a sigh of relief, he raised his hand vigorously, trying to tell Xiao Du something, "Emperor, empress..."

At this time, Yu Shengjun threw his robe and entered, seeing the corpses all over the ground, his eyes were painful and fierce, and he yelled at the people around him, "What's going on? Where is the queen?"

"Emperor, Your Majesty!" The imperial doctor wanted to say something to Yu Shengjun, but his life was almost exhausted.

Yu Shengjun walked around a few corpses and came to the imperial doctor, then squatted down, seeing the pale and bloodless appearance of the imperial doctor, his heart ached, "Wu Yu doctor, are you okay?" He shouted: "Quick, go and send the imperial doctor!"

(End of this chapter)

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