The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 125 Tang Lin is full of traps! 2

Chapter 125 Tang Lin is full of traps! 2
"Your Majesty!" the imperial physician said weakly, "I have something to say... to you!"

Yu Shengjun lowered his head and moved closer, "Say,"

The imperial doctor told Yu Shengjun in a voice that only two or three people could hear, "Your majesty, the empress... has had an affair with someone else. She has been...pregnant for a month. Just now...a man took... ...the one who took away the queen, the emperor, and... and the man's name, he, his name..."

After talking about this intermittently, but before revealing the man's name, the imperial doctor let out a low "uh" voice, the voice was squeezed out from his throat, and then his eyes suddenly widened, as if his body had been hit hard. made him react like this.Finally, he closed his eyes, buried his head in Xiao Du's arms, and died.

Xiao Du quickly shook it a few times, and shouted: "Master Imperial Physician..."

Yu Shengjun glanced at the imperial doctor, then at Xiao Du calmly, then slowly got up, looked at the corpses all over the floor, took a deep breath, clenched the five fingers of his right hand into a fist, and his face turned cold .

Suddenly, he yelled at the door, "Come here!"

Several people walked in immediately outside the door.

Yu Shengjun coldly ordered: "The order is passed on, the entire imperial city is on guard, everyone is only allowed to enter, not allowed to leave, even if the palace is searched, I must find Queen Cheng Huan, do you hear me?"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, all the people staying in Ruining Palace left.

Yu Shengjun took a look at the corpse on the ground, then walked out of the bedroom door, and looked up at the sky.In the sky, there is only a dark moon.Facing Mingyue, he said fiercely in his heart, "Shihe, I remember you!"

In the huge palace, following an order from Yu Shengjun, all the imperial guards and guards were mobilized, and frantically looking for people in every palace and courtyard...


Zhang Xiangyang and the leader of the Imperial Forest Army returned to Ruining Palace together.

Zhang Xiangyang first told Yu Shengjun the situation, "Your Majesty, all the palaces and courtyards have been searched, but Queen Chenghuan and that man were not found!"

"A bunch of waste!" Throwing down a sentence coldly, Yu Shengjun shook his sleeves and walked away. When others reached the gate of the palace, only one sentence came behind him, "Call all the inner court guards to the Nangong training ground to gather, I want to kill people!" !"

"Yes!" Zhang Xiangyang and Yin Long, the leader of the Yulin Army, agreed, and then followed Yu Shengjun's footsteps.

After all the big shots at the scene had left, Xiao Du came out of the bedroom. He looked at the door of the palace, and the corner of his mouth raised a cold and relaxed arc, "It's good to be furious, and the young master's goal will be achieved in this way!"

When Fu Yushu returned to Lanyuan, Tang Lin and the others were still talking and laughing in the room. He walked in, sat down in his seat, and joined everyone's conversation. It took Du Yuanyuan a while to return to Lanyuan.

Considering that there will be a competition tomorrow, it is not advisable to go to bed late, so Tang Lin said to Cao Dan and Fu Yushu, "Xiao Cao, Brother Fu, and Brother Qilin and Brother Yunlei, you have a competition tomorrow, go back early and rest!"

Cao Dan said: "This is not enough!"

Seeing that his wife's face turned green again, Yu Zichen suggested that he should not stay here any longer, "Then let's come here first tonight, the days are long, and we will still have a chance to get together in the future!"

Next, Tang Lin sent everyone to the gate of Lan Yuan. Feng Die Wu was the last one she sent away. She said to Feng Die Wu, "Die Wu, your job is so easy, and you will often come to Lan Yuan to play when you have time!"

Feng Diewu nodded, "I will, Xiao Tang, then I'll go first!"

Tang Lin waved her hand, "88!"

Fengdiewu frowned, "What?"

Tang Lin chuckled, "It's nothing, go back, go to bed early!"

"Oh, good!" Feng Diewu didn't say anything, turned and left.

After seeing off Phoenix Die Wu, Tang Lin went back to her room.When she was standing at the door of the room, five or six people in the room were all staring at her, looking like they were questioning her.She smiled, flattered and said: "What's the matter?"

Yuxin came over, took Tang Lin's hand and shook it, pouted her mouth and said coquettishly, "Boss, how do you know so many handsome young masters? Besides, those two beauties make Yuxin feel ashamed!"

Tang Lin glared at her, "Nympho!"

Yun Shan asked: "Boss, three of them should not be contestants, right? Who are they?"

Tang Lin said: "They are my friends, and they are working in the palace kitchen now. Aren't you curious why I receive special care? The reason is very simple. These three friends of mine knew that I was here, so they added food to me. Already!"

Mei Chun'er was envious and jealous, "Boss, you are lucky!"

"Boring!" Throwing down two words, Du Yuanyuan went to his bed.

Dong Chenchen sighed and said: "Being close to the emperor, knowing the contestants, and knowing the chef...Boss, Chun'er is right, your life is really wonderful, you can't even think about being happy!"

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "Damn you all!"

"Stop talking, go to bed!" Said, Mei Chun'er climbed onto her bed.

Everyone lay down one by one, but Tang Lin remained motionless. Yun Shan asked puzzledly, "Boss, we have already cleaned up the dinner table for you, and there is nothing to do. Why don't you go to bed?"

"I'm going to a place tonight, and I can't sleep yet, you guys go to bed first!" Tang Lin walked to the cabinet and said while doing her own business.She tore off the belt-like cloth cover around her waist, opened the cabinet, and took out the backpack, into which she put the chemicals.

Du Yuanyuan carefully watched what Tang Lin was doing,
Tang Lin felt the curious gaze behind her. She didn't want to lock the backpack at first, but now she changed her mind.She pulled up the chain of the backpack, and the chain snapped into a slot on the backpack.

This is an induction lock, as long as there is a corresponding induction key, it can be opened, if not, no one else can open it no matter what.

After closing the cabinet and everything was ready, she waved to everyone and said with a sweet smile: "I'll go first, you go to sleep, I wish you a good dream tonight, don't worry about my safety, that's all !"

After speaking, Tang Lin walked out of the room.

After she left for about a while, Dong Chenchen was most curious about Tang Lin's backpack, "I don't know what's in the boss's bag,"

Yun Shan also had a lot of curiosity, "Why don't we open it and have a look?"

Du Yuanyuan raised his hand and said, "I agree to check!"

Mei Chun'er and Yu Xin raised it up at the same time, nodding repeatedly, "We want to see it too!"

After being tamed by Tang Lin, He Shiya is the one who listens to Tang Lin the most and the one who is most loyal to Tang Lin.Seeing that everyone wanted to rummage through Tang Lin's stuff, Dai frowned, "Isn't that bad? It's the boss's stuff, how can we rummage around!"

"It's none of your business!" Du Yuanyuan cast an annoyed look at He Shiya, who didn't fit in sociably, and then gave the others a wink, "Go!"

Yuxin and Mei Chun'er were in charge of running errands. They got out of bed, one went to open the cabinet, and the other was responsible for taking out Tang Lin's backpack, and then brought it to Dong Chenchen and Du Yuanyuan.

Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen looked at each other. The two put aside their suspicions at this moment, and reached out to rip Tang Lin's backpack together, just to find the opening of the backpack, but they pulled it for a long time, but they didn't pull out the contents.

Dong Chenchen stopped, "Why can't it be opened?"

Du Yuanyuan mumbled, "That's it!"

At this moment, Tang Lin's head poked out from the side of the door, and those who were staring at her backpack didn't notice her.Sure enough, as she expected, these people are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they will all be curious about her things!

Heh, if she hadn't locked the backpack, nothing would have happened...

Yun Shan said, "Could this be locked by the boss...?"

Du Yuanyuan said unconvinced: "This is obviously made of cloth, I don't believe it can't be opened." Looking at Mei Chun'er, he ordered: "Chun'er, you have great strength, try to see if you can tear the cloth off !"

Mei Chun'er panicked and said: "If it is torn apart, the boss will definitely spare us!"

Du Yuanyuan immediately picked up the sword beside the bed, put it on Mei Chun'er's shoulder, and said coldly: "If you don't tear it up, I will kill you now!"

Dong Chenchen said angrily: "Are you going to make it difficult for Chun'er?" He said to Mei Chun'er, "Chun'er, don't be as knowledgeable as her!"

Du Yuanyuan ignored Dong Chenchen and ordered Mei Chun'er: "Tear it up or not?"

"Okay, I'll tear it up, can I tear it up?" Mei Chun'er replied impatiently.

Only then did Du Yuanyuan take back his sword.

Mei Chun'er took the heavy and bulging backpack, then grasped each end of the backpack with both hands, and began to pull hard, the more she pulled, the harder her face and neck became red, and finally they all cried out, "Ah ——”

He Shiya was terrified and worried about Tang Lin's bag.But she didn't have the right to speak, so she could only watch like this, pity Tang Lin.

Tang Lin smiled slyly by the door, and thought, "If it's so easy to be torn apart by you, then why did I want this bag in the first place?" Just tear it, just tear it, this bag is like a rubber band—it's hard to wrap.

Mei Chun'er is known as a strong woman, she can lift a stone weighing hundreds of catties with one hand, so Zhang Xiangyang took a fancy to her and recommended her to enter the palace to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition.

However, at this moment, Mei Chun'er tried her best, but she couldn't deal with Tang Lin's backpack, and finally made herself dripping with sweat.

Seeing that she was trying so hard and the backpack was still the same, Du Yuanyuan stopped her, "Okay, okay, don't use any more effort, you won't be able to open this thing no matter how hard you try, it's not made of ordinary cloth." !"

Yun Shan felt a little discouraged, "Then we can't see what's inside?"

Dong Chenchen suggested: "Why don't we try it with the guy?"

"You finally said something useful," Du Yuanyuan picked up her sword after speaking, regardless of Dong Chenchen's displeasure.Her sword is not an ordinary sword, it is a sword that cuts iron like mud. Anything that touches her sword will be broken in half.

She signaled everyone to get out of the way, and then suddenly raised her hand holding the sword——

At this moment, He Shiya panicked, "No!"

Everyone cast impatient looks at her!
He Shiya was afraid that everyone would look at her like this, so she sat away obediently, and said with trembling lips, "This is the boss's thing. If it is split in half, the boss will be very sad!"

Tang Lin smiled gratifiedly. Seeing He Shiya's performance, she felt from the bottom of her heart that this person was sincerely loyal to her, unlike other people, who had no relationship of superiority or inferiority at all!

"Get in the way!" Du Yuanyuan glared at He Shiya, said something to He Shiya, and then without hesitation, raised the sword in his hand and swung it down violently.There was only a "dang", and the sound of the sword being struck echoed in the room.

After the sound of the sword disappeared, everyone looked at Tang Lin's backpack, widened their eyes together, and exclaimed together, "Ah—"

Du Yuanyuan looked at her sword. Although there was no gap left, she didn't believe it. She didn't believe that she was defeated by Tang Lin's backpack.She couldn't split it, so she grabbed the sword like a kitchen knife, grabbed the corner of the backpack, and started cutting Tang Lin's backpack with the sword.However, after cutting back and forth, he finally put up all his strength, and it couldn't do anything to Tang Lin's backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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