The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 127 The third round of competition exam questions 3

Chapter 127 Third Round Competition Exam Question 1
"Oh?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes, "Can this door open automatically? Oh, is this the same as the sensor door in our era?"

"Uh," Yitang was taken aback when he heard it, sometimes he really didn't understand what Tang Lin was talking about.This girl seemed to come from another world - she couldn't communicate.

Tang Lin waved to him, "I'm not kidding you anymore, you go back, I'll go in right away!" As she spoke, she went up a few steps, and when she was half a meter away from the closed stone gate, the stone gate opened automatically, and the oncoming , is a magnificent Zen room.

The scenery in the meditation room gave Tang Lin an unexpected sense of shock.If it weren't for the background of the underground palace behind her, it would be gloomy and gray.And inside the stone gate, there is a setting like a Buddhist temple.Bright and clean.She really thought she had come to the temple.

Originally, it was thought that this Master Yichan must have committed some crime and was imprisoned here by the emperor.

But seeing it with her own eyes, Tang Lin immediately rejected her idea.This is not detention, it is clearly that the treatment is more thoughtful than outside.

She couldn't figure it out, since she is a great master, why would she rather be imprisoned here if she doesn't spread the Dharma widely among the people?
Although standing at the door, Tang Lin could clearly see all the furnishings of the secret room inside the stone gate.She scanned around, and finally her eyes fell on the bald old man who was sitting cross-legged on the cushion at the moment.

The red cassock, holding a string of Buddhist beads, with a kind face and nine silver-white ring scars on the bald forehead, is reciting the scriptures silently with his eyes closed, and the Buddhist beads are turned flexibly and deftly by his thumb one by one, quite quietly.

A monk with nine ring scars on his head is generally a master.If there were twelve, it would be Shakyamuni Buddha.

She had studied Buddhism before, so Tang Lin could tell the monk's cultivation level at a glance.

Tang Lin walked in lightly, her boots stepped on the carpet, and there was no sound, but there was no half-dead swaying.She went straight to the Buddha statue and sat cross-legged next to a Zen master, while she knelt down on the cushion in front of the Buddha statue and bowed devoutly to the golden Tathagata Buddha.

During a prostration, Master Yi Zen's kind eyes were half opened, and the Buddhist beads in his hands were still turning flexibly and virtuously. After a while, he closed his eyes.

During the three prostrations, the corners of Yitang's lips curled up slightly, revealing a rare gratified smile.He turned and left.

There was no one at the door, and the stone door closed automatically.

After the three prostrations, Tang Lin stood up slowly, brushed the wrinkled pants at the knees, and then turned sideways to Master Yichan beside her.

Master Yichan was just as he had seen before, with his loving eyes lightly closed, reciting scriptures silently.

Tang Lin clasped her hands together, kowtowed to him, and said politely, "Master, Master! This disciple obeys my order to come here. I have to ask Master to teach me a half spoonful of internal energy!"

Master Yichan opened his loving eyes. Although Tang Lin gave him the visual sense of exotic clothes, but the kindness of Tang Lin's words made him lick his lips in satisfaction. Before he made a sound, Tang Lin had quietly seen the image of virtuous and respected.

She put her hands together again and kowtowed, "Master!"

Master Yichan stood up slowly. Seeing this, Tang Lin stepped over in a few steps, bent down to help the master's arms, and helped the master up.The master looked at her, and after a few minutes of sizing, a grin began to hang from the corner of his mouth.

The more you look at this girl, the more moldable she becomes!
Tang Lin smiled ashamedly and said, "Master, I don't know if this disciple is qualified to be instructed by the master?"

Master Yichan smiled softly, put the hand holding the Buddhist beads on Tang Lin's shoulders, and led her to a chair beside her to sit down, "Son, sit down first!"

Tang Lin was flattered, "Thank you, master!" After sitting down, the master had already sat beside her.

Master Yichan sat like a clock, looked at Tang Lin with loving eyes, and said calmly: "The emperor sent someone to tell me about your arrival tonight. Tang Lin, right? Son, I have seen countless people, except for the emperor, are you The second one makes me feel that... it can be molded!"

"Ah," Tang Lin was slightly startled, her joy could not be concealed, "Is what the master said true? Disciple can be molded?"

"En!" Master Yichan nodded lightly to show that what he said was true.

"Master, I..." Tang Lin suppressed her smile and wanted to ask the other party some questions, but since the other party was a master with profound Buddhism, she was a junior, how could she ask the master like this.He smiled indifferently, "It's okay!"

Master Yichan's eyes flickered, how could he fail to see Tang Lin's thoughts, "You want to ask me why I am here?"

Tang Lin smiled ashamedly, "Master, this disciple is not a talkative person, nor is he fond of gossiping like ordinary people in the market. I just feel sorry for Master. I can see that Master is by no means a mediocre person who only knows how to read scriptures to get by. , or when a monk hits the clock one day. The master puts the nine precepts on top, which shows that the master is not only a highly respected master, but the master's realm is close to my Buddha. In other words, the master is in the mortal world , but with a high heart and a broad chest, he has escaped the world of emotions and desires, and he is a living Buddha in the mortal world!"

"Hehehe," Master Yichan laughed heartily, becoming more and more optimistic about Tang Lin. "Not bad, not bad, he is a talking child. Little Tang, have you practiced my Buddha Dharma before this?"

Tang Lin smiled ashamedly, "Cultivation can't be said, it's just research!"

Master Yichan shook his head and smiled emotionally: "No wonder, I think you are destined for my Buddha!"

"Master is serious!" Tang Lin said ashamedly, "People who lost their lives at the hands of disciples are as numerous as ants. Ashamed disciples, they failed to understand the compassion of Buddhism and gave a warning to the wicked in the world. In the end, their fragile lives were buried in In the hands of disciples!"

"Son, you don't need to condemn yourself!" Master Yichan enlightened, "There are all kinds of evil in the world, and you can't teach them. You have to kill them to punish them. Only then will the undead regret their precious life at the beginning. In the next life, they will not dare to be wronged as evil people. If everyone If you can be as merciful as my Buddha, then this world will no longer be the world. All living beings are in a variety of forms, and there is no one who is stubborn. How can someone be enlightened and realize all kinds of things in this world! To live is to live and to be enlightened. If you realize the deviation, you will take the path of extremes, and you will be punished if everyone thinks about it. Then you will realize the right way, and you will be lucky in life, lucky in life!"

Tang Lin smiled gratefully and said: "What the master said is very true, the disciple has been taught!"

Fortunately, she had communicated with a respected master before, otherwise, she would be playing the piano against the cow at this moment.

After observing her for a few more times, Master Yichan uttered the truth, "My child, you don't need to learn from this old monk anymore, you are already a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

"Huh?!" Tang Lin frowned slightly, puzzled and said: "But master, anyone who knows martial arts can tell that this disciple is not a person with martial arts, and this disciple doesn't even have basic skills. How can he be a dragon and a phoenix?"

Putting her in modern times, it can be said that she is a dragon and a phoenix among people.But in the ancient times where masters were like clouds and light skills were like easy meals, how could she be regarded as a dragon and phoenix among the people!

Master Yichan truthfully said: "Son, although I don't know where you were born, I always feel that you came from outside the sky. According to this, your body is a body from outside the sky, and your own capabilities are beyond its capabilities. Now, your body is just It's limited!"

"Restricted?!" Tang Lin frowned.

Master Yichan said: "If my feeling is correct, Xiao Tang, you are already a peerless master!"

"Heh, heh heh!" Tang Lin laughed and laughed again, still with the wry smile shaking her shoulders. "Master, stop teasing this disciple! I know which onion my disciple is now, how can I be a peerless master!"

"You give me a realistic yet unrealistic feeling!" Master Yichan said, "You seem to come from beyond the sky, and you seem to be different from us... If my feeling is right, my son, you are in this place, The longer you stay, the higher your internal strength! This is a factor caused by the crossing of time. In other words, in your place, you are already extraordinary, and your skill at that time has also reached the highest level. Realm. This place is not where you were before, so your potential is limited! It will be released slowly in the future before you can return to what you were before."

Tang Lin digested it for a while, and finally came to a conclusion: "Master, what do you mean, I am a master in that world, and I am also a master in this world? My body must slowly integrate into this world, so that I can be like this one." The people in the world are as strong as before, so hereafter, they will be as strong as before?" Suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed: "Yes, how could I forget that my era is modern, and here is In ancient times, the natural aura was different across time and space! In that technological world, human potential was suppressed by all aspects, so it was difficult to practice light exercises. But it is different here. It is far away from the hustle and bustle, and it is a natural world, which is most suitable for developing the body. potential!"

"You..." Master Yichan frowned, and encountered something he couldn't explain in his heart, "You really aren't from here?"

Tang Lin giggled, "Master, just treat this disciple as someone from the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!"

The master seldom annoyed her, but he acted deliberately, "Nonsense! You are a good person, how can you be a person in the Land of Ultimate Bliss? People will be there after passing away. You are living a good life, how can you lie to me like this! "

Tang Lin stopped her smile and straightened her expression: "Master, I'm afraid that the truth will make your heart hurt!"

"It's okay for you to talk about it!" It seemed that Master Yichan really wanted to know the truth.

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Okay! Master, in fact, to you, I am just... a descendant!" What I said is still half-knowledgeable.

Tang Lin explained: "It's the descendants of your current generation. If I'm not mistaken, the Yuxin Dynasty should be a...a great dynasty that hasn't been recorded in the history books!"

Master Yichan was a little confused when he heard that, "The future generations?"

Tang Lin explained in detail: "It's people who were born a few generations after the current generation. It's easy to understand. It's equivalent to Master, you are in this dynasty now, and you suddenly go back to the dynasty hundreds of years ago! "

At this time, Master Yichan understood, his eyes widened, he was very surprised, and sighed: "So you came from the future!"

Tang Lin smiled and nodded, "Yes, Master!"

Master Yichan looked at her again, "Will all future dynasties be dressed like you?"

Tang Lin looked at herself and said, "Almost!"

Master Yichan thought deeply for a while, and said, "In this way, isn't your previous dynasty separated from the current dynasty by a long distance?" He shook his head again, "No, that's not how it is calculated, it should be separated from the current dynasty." with a..."

"Time and space!" Tang Lin spoke out for him, "Using our words to explain, it is separated by a time and space!"

Master Yichan was puzzled and said, "It's inconceivable that such unimaginable things actually exist. Son, how did you come here?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "I don't know!" She recalled the situation that day, remembering that she was next to a big rock, and then found a jade pendant in the rock, and then the sky changed, and when she reacted, she was caught by a ball of light submerged.

(End of this chapter)

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