The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 128 The third round of competition exam questions 3

Chapter 128 Third Round Competition Exam Question 2
How, she didn't know, she only knew that she woke up in a different time and space!
Tang Lin asked: "Master, how can you tell that the disciple is someone from outside the sky?"

Master Yichan chuckled and said, "This old man can figure it out by pinching his fingers, do you believe it?"

In modern times, Tang Lin would not believe it, but now, she believes it, nodded and said: "Master, disciple believes. Even the time-traveling disciples have caught up with me, so I must believe that you have the ability to predict the future. By the way, master, you can count on your disciples." Forget it, this disciple wants to know if he can return to the future world!"

Master Yichan shook his head, and said truthfully: "I can't figure it out, but I think you are extraordinary. If you are not someone from outside the sky, how can you be so different!"

Tang Lin was a little disappointed, thinking that she would meet someone who was a prophet.But she was not disappointed for long, and asked Master Yichan again, "Master, as I said just now, why are you here...?"

Master Yichan sighed, and said truthfully: "I have excellent martial arts in my body, and they are all unique skills. If anyone can get it, once they succeed in cultivation, they will be invincible in the world!"

Tang Lin wowed, "So powerful? Amazing!" The martial arts of Emperor Ganqing was taught by this master.

The master continued: "People in the martial arts, in order to obtain the unique knowledge of the old monk, no matter they are decent or villains, they all unite to deal with the old monk, in order to seize the unique knowledge of the martial arts from the old monk!"

Tang Lin listened carefully.

Master Yichan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "I'm ashamed to say that, seventeen or eighteen years ago, I accidentally got my hamstring picked up by my brother from the same school. Since then, I can no longer practice martial arts. I have no martial arts on my body." I can't practice my unique skills, but at that time, I was dealt with by the alliance of all parties in the martial arts. Because of my poor martial arts, I escaped all the way, was hunted down all the way, and finally, when I escaped with less than half my life left..."

"Have you been caught?" Tang Lin became more and more cautious as she listened, her fingers were twisted together.

Master Yichan shook his head, and said with a hearty smile, "I was not captured alive, and the secret books of the unique skills on my body were not taken away either!"

Tang Lin frowned and said, "But everyone in the martial arts world is chasing and killing you to steal your skills. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you won't be able to escape. Then why..."

Master Yichan continued: "When I really couldn't run anymore, in order to find a place to hide, I just... slipped into the emperor's tent! At that time, the emperor was still a child, only six years old!"

Tang Lin asked nervously: "Then, did the emperor see you at that time? At that time, the emperor was so young that he probably didn't understand. He must have yelled when he saw you, right?"

"No, no, no," Master Yichan explained, "At that time, the emperor didn't yell!" He slowly explained the situation at that time, "Although the emperor was only six years old at the time, this little emperor really made me... ...I admire it!"

"Oh?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows with interest.

Master Yichan said: "At that time, it was the little emperor who led the troops to the fallen city. It was a scorching noon at that time, and the little emperor and the soldiers were resting on the way. I knocked out a soldier, and then put on the soldier's shirt. The clothes hid in the emperor's tent, and as soon as he came in, he happened to meet the emperor and a group of military officers discussing how to recover the lost city, at that time..."

"Pfft..." Master wanted to continue talking, but Tang Lin couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The master frowned, "What does this mean?"

Holding her waist, Tang Lin held back her laughter and said, "Master, you just said that the emperor is discussing with a group of military officers how to recover the fallen city? Master, don't make it up. How can such a nonsense thing be recovered by a little boy?" Fallen city? My disciples have never heard of it! During Kangxi’s ascension to the throne, there was still Xiaozhuang listening to the government behind the curtain, but the emperor... did he also have a mother who taught him how to pacify the world?"

"Hey, you child," Master Yichan smiled helplessly, "I'm not talking nonsense? The emperor at that time was already sensible and a young adult. He was born when the country was in extreme danger. Naturally, the burden is much heavier than other people! The emperor faced Yuxin's city that was captured by the enemy one by one, faced his father's death on the battlefield, and faced the displaced people in the chaos of war... He, naturally Mature!"

This time, Tang Lin could no longer laugh, and said solemnly: "If I were a disciple, perhaps, at that age, a disciple would endure so much humiliation!"

Master Yichan continued: "At that time, the old man was seriously injured, and he came to the camp with his last breath. At that time, his arm was bleeding profusely, and he was stabbed with a sword when he was fleeing. At that time, I thought that the military officers would arrest the old man. , But, I was wrong. I will always remember the emperor's expression at that time. When he saw Lao Na coming in, he looked at Lao Na's arm calmly, and then explained a few words to those military officers calmly. Those military officers left In the end, there were only two of us left. The emperor, who was not tall, walked up to the old monk and asked if he needed medical treatment? His Majesty’s good intentions. He indeed sent an imperial doctor in the army to heal the old man! Since then, the old man has followed the Emperor’s side and escaped the relentless pursuit of the people in the martial arts world!”

After understanding these clips, Tang Lin encountered another question that she wanted to ask, "At that time, how much did the country of the Yuxin Dynasty fall?"

Master Yichan said: "Hundreds of cities have been captured. Except for the imperial capital and a few counties near the imperial capital, the enemy country has almost captured Yuxin's country."

Tang Lin asked: "But the country is about to fall, so how did the court turn defeat into victory? In just over ten years, it not only expanded Yuxin's land, but also prospered everywhere, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. How did it do it?"

The master smiled, "You have to ask the emperor about it, it's his credit!"

Tang Lin got bored for a while, "How can a six-year-old child be so good? Such a dynasty, which was more difficult than ours in China during World War II, survived, and, in just a dozen years, revived the economy. !"

Master Yichan smiled and said: "My child, some people are born for the common people, just like today's sage. Back then, when the first emperor died, the people of Yuxin, and even the court thought that Yuxin would be destroyed. In the hands of a child, he finally turned his hands into clouds and his hands into rain. The enemy's country retreated steadily! After the war subsided, in order to avoid those martial arts people who snatched the best knowledge, the emperor placed the old monk here. Without his permission, no one can do it. I can't see the old monk. The old monk is originally a Buddhist, and it is enough to exchange for an inch of peace and rest."

Tang Lin asked: "The emperor's martial arts should be taught by you, the master?"

"No," the master explained, "because of the old monk's legs, he can no longer practice martial arts. The old monk thinks that the emperor is very talented, and he is the pride of the people in the world, so he gave him the secret book of unique learning. His foundation is more than ordinary people, so Just pointing out one or two from the sidelines, the other moves are all comprehended by him on his own, and they all performed very well in a short period of time!"

"Wow!" Tang Lin said in disbelief, "The emperor is so smart? Master, I am really curious about what the emperor looks like after you say that! He is only in his early 23s, um, he is still very young!"

The master was surprised: "Why, you haven't seen the real face of the emperor?"

Tang Lin shook her head and said: "I haven't seen it before, because he wears a mask all day long, and the disciples can't see it. One time, the disciples secretly went to take off his mask, but in the end, he restrained the disciples, and he was still in front of him. As for the disciple, kill an assassin!"

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable," Master Yichan looked at Tang Lin and praised in shock.

Tang Lin frowned and asked, "Master, what's incredible?"

The master said: "The emperor is very measured in his behavior and has his principles. He will not easily do these things for a woman to help you now, and he will not easily send a woman to the old monk! Because of the old monk There are martial arts skills, the emperor has already ordered that no one can get close to the old monk, because he is afraid that someone who steals the unique skills will sneak in! He set a precedent for you, tell me, don’t you think it’s unbelievable?”

Tang Lin nodded, understanding, "That's true! By the way, Master, the disciple will compete the day after tomorrow, but he has no internal strength. It will definitely not be released so soon for my use!"

Master Yichan said: "My old man has a method, which can release your confined internal force in half a day!"

Tang Lin's eyes lit up, and she saw hope, "Master, what method? Master, you don't know that if you hang too much steel wire for a long time, your back will hurt. So, I want to try light work, and I don't use steel wire instead!"

Although he couldn't understand what she was talking about, Master Yichan didn't ask, and he only gave her four words, "Four words: get through your—Ren Du Ermai!"

The night is deep.

Above the treetops, the crescent moon is bleak.

Wave after wave of patrol troops passed around the imperial study room, patrolling one after another.

The environment outside the Imperial Study Room was very quiet, apart from the footsteps of the patrolling army, even the sound of needles falling could be heard.

The night was so deep that the fog fell, and finally condensed into water droplets, which were stained in the flowers and plants on the flower lawn outside the Imperial Study Room.Obviously, more than half of the night had passed, but the imperial study room was still brightly lit, and there was no intention of resting.

An Linhou was standing at the door of the imperial study room, just like the other eunuchs, taking a nap standing up.

In the imperial study room, Yu Shengjun rested one cheek on the table, while the other hand was placed flat on the table, and his slender and clean fingers were tapping on the table from time to time.With his deep eyes open, he has thought about a lot of things in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the door of the imperial study room was opened by An Lin.

Yitang walked in, walked to the imperial table, and cupped his fists at Yu Shengjun who was already looking at him, "Master!"

Yu Shengjun asked in a low voice: "How is the arrangement?"

Yitang said: "Return to Master, Miss Tang has already entered the meditation room, and, besides, she chatted with Master Yichan very speculatively!"

Yu Shengjun lowered his eyes and smiled, his smile was bright and shallow like a spring breeze, "That's good!"

"Master..." Yitang looked worried, and said with concern: "You haven't gone to bed early for several nights in a row. This subordinate is worried that your dragon body will not be able to bear it. You should go to bed as soon as possible. Dragon body is important!"

Yu Shengjun got up, folded his hands behind his back, and walked down slowly, with a sad look on his face, "I really want to go to bed, but I can't sleep!"

Yitang said: "Master is worried about the affairs of the country, whether the people in Li can eat well, drink well and live well. His subordinates deeply admire him for working hard on state affairs. But master, state affairs are constantly being dealt with, and you still need to rest! If the master sleeps No, you might as well pass it on to the harem..."

Yu Shengjun turned cold, waved his hands, and tried to lower his angry voice, "Go back and rest!"

"Master, don't be angry, if you don't mention it in the future, this subordinate will leave!" Yitang was very sensible, knowing that his words made Yu Shengjun unhappy, so he didn't say anything, and exited the imperial study very obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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