The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 129 The third round of competition exam questions 3

Chapter 129 Third Round Competition Exam Question 3
"Your Majesty!" An Lin came in with a cup of tea, "The tea just arrived from the imperial dining room!"

"Put it on the table!" Said lightly, Yu Shengjun turned around, and slowly returned to the dragon chair beside the imperial table to sit down.

An Lin put down the teacup, then stepped back and stood aside.

Yu Shengjun took the tea casually, and when he was about to take a sip, the aroma of the tea reminded him of something, his expression paled, and he immediately looked at An Lin.

An Lin's back felt cold, and he immediately knelt down, "Your Majesty, this old slave is guilty. This old slave shouldn't have ordered the Imperial Study Room to prepare such a cup of tea, which made the emperor's mind flustered again. This old slave deserves to die. I beg the emperor to punish this old slave." !"

However, Yu Shengjun's mood was not as violent as An Lin imagined.

Yu Shengjun put down his teacup, as if he had let go of something that disappointed him.He didn't lose his temper, but the emotion on his face at this moment was surprisingly light, and there was a deep sense of melancholy, "Tell me, why did you order the Imperial Study Room to prepare this cup of tea? I don't know, I haven't drunk this kind of tea for ten years." ?"

This was Mu Lingxuan's specialty tea back then.

An Lin bowed his head and knelt tightly, and said truthfully: "Since Empress Cheng Huan escaped from the palace, the emperor often suffers from insomnia at night. Last time, the emperor, Commander Zhang and other guards mentioned the topographic map of the palace and the topographic map of the underground palace. So tonight, in order to unravel the knot in the emperor's heart, the old slave boldly ordered the imperial dining room to make this cup of tea. The emperor, the person who has the topographic map of the palace, and the five guards in the palace are Commander Zhang and Dark Cold. , Yifeng, Yitang, Yishuang. And six books. In addition, there are you, the emperor, the second prince and the left and right prime ministers! Anyone who has a topographic map of the palace and a topographic map of the underground palace is the most trusted by the emperor. You mentioned it to this old slave back then, and you will always believe these fourteen people. Therefore, it was not because of the help of these people that Empress Cheng Huan was able to escape from the palace, but..."

Yu Shengjun looked cold, "Continue talking!"

An Lin took a breath and continued: "There are not only 15 people who know the topographic map of the palace and the topographic map of the underground palace. It is you, the emperor, Mu Lingxuan, the younger sister of the emperor of the Northern Kingdom who is the imperial concubine. Back then, the two countries fought endlessly. For the sake of the common people, the two countries reached a consensus, hoping to form a permanent alliance through marriage!"

When An Lin mentioned this, Mu Lingxuan's immature face appeared in Yu Shengjun's mind ten years ago.This face looks so innocent, so naive, so immature...but it almost caused him to lose his country.

Yu Shengjun grabbed the teacup, and when An Lin raised his head, the teacup and water were smashed to pieces on the ground.Coldly said: "She is already dead! Back then, she stole these two topographic maps, but she didn't have a chance to send them out. Did she die in the execution room of the underground palace?"

An Lin said boldly: "Yes, Your Majesty, Concubine Mu Gui is dead, but why do you still worry about her deception? Concubine Mu Gui is dead, and the people who helped Empress Cheng Huan escape from the palace are among the dozen or so people among!"

Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief, and was no longer so cold and violent, "I will not doubt these fourteen people, I will not doubt my emperor's younger brother, and I will not doubt Zhang Xiangyang and my four beloved guards. The two prime ministers and the six Shang Shu, I will not doubt it! I believe in my judgment. I have an intuition that they will not betray me!"

An Lin reminded: "Your Majesty, if there is no topographic map of the palace, how can the villain easily help Empress Cheng Huan escape from the palace? It must be..."

Yu Shengjun raised his hand wearily, "You go down first, I will deal with this matter myself. Thank you for your good intentions. But I want to tell you that Concubine Mu Gui is not worthy of my grievances, but It’s definitely not a knot in my heart.”

"The old slave dare not, then...the old slave will leave!" An Lin was not glad that he was not punished by Yu Shengjun, but he hoped that Yu Shengjun would punish him, which would prove that Concubine Mu Gui's position in his heart was no longer faded.

Just because Yu Shengjun didn't lose his temper, Mu Guifei was still a knot and a scar in Yu Shengjun's heart.

After An Lin retreated, Yu Shengjun leaned on the dragon chair, feeling very calm.He was analyzing something in his head.He didn't doubt the fourteen people who knew the topographic map of the palace and the topographic map of the underground palace, but remembered ten years ago, in the torture room of the underground palace, he saw an empty torture room...

Thinking of this, the corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled up in a confident and gloomy arc.Just like ten years ago, when he saw the empty cell with no one in it, the corners of his lips curled up in such a confident and gloomy arc.

Instead, he was not in a hurry to find out who provided the topographic map to help Empress Cheng Huan escape from the palace.
On the contrary, in his weird and evil, confident and gloomy smile, some people... have become his prey!

Beilin Kingdom and Yuxin Dynasty are the two largest and strongest countries on this continent.

How did Beilin attack Yuxin back then, how did it invade the land of the Yuxin Dynasty in order to expand their land...

Back then when Beilin wanted to rule the Central Plains, how did it kill Yuxin's people...

The smoky battlefield,

How did the first emperor die at the hands of the generals of the Northern Kingdom?

This scene is unforgettable to Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at the candle flame on the lamp stand on the left side, and smiled charmingly, but also gloomy and cold, and said softly and lowly to the flickering fire light: "You all think that each of you can hold me Keep it in the dark? A bunch of little guys, you really can't control yourself! Let's see how I play you to death..."

It has been ten years since he left this move!

It is not certain who is whose pawn...


Yitang sent Tang Lin to the gate of Lanyuan, "Here we are!"

Tang Lin took off the black scarf, looked at the sky, and immediately yawned, "Oh—so sleepy!"

Yitang smiled when Tang Lin was not paying attention to his face. She was so charming when she yawned, and she was really happy for the master.However, after a while, he became solemn again, "Since Master Yichan told Miss Tang not to go to the meditation room again, then Miss Tang, you don't have to go. I will explain this matter to the emperor myself!"

"Well, I got it, let's do it like this!" Tang Lin was already so sleepy that she fell down and could sleep the earth until it collapsed, and she didn't have the energy to talk to Yitang any more. She wished that Yitang would leave quickly so that she could go back to sleep.

However, the class is very energetic.When he went to the meditation room today, Master Yichan told him that her internal strength and lightness kung fu could compete with the emperor.He was very curious, how could she make herself, who had no inner strength, become a master of martial arts in half a night?

He asked, "Miss Tang, how did you do it?"

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes in sleepiness, and asked impatiently, "What?"

Yitang said, "It's about internal strength, how is it refined?"

Tang Lin gestured irritably, using this to describe, "Last night, it was like this, that, this...then..." After tossing for a few minutes, she stopped, "That's it, the master opened my Ren Du's second vein , I have internal strength, is that okay?"

Suddenly, without any warning, a palm strike came at such a fast speed that no one could catch it.

Feeling the strong wind of the palm, Tang Lin quickly stretched out a palm to catch it, and stuck it together with Yitang's palm.Two internal forces are in confrontation.

Tang Lin's drowsiness disappeared, she looked at the palm of her hand, and then smiled evilly at Yitang, "Good guy, you just wanted to test me, let's see how I can fight back!" After finishing speaking, she pushed it even harder——

Unable to accept it, Yitang immediately withdrew his hand and took a few steps back.Although he was not injured, he was already concussed by Tang Lin's palm.After closing the momentum, she looked at Tang Lin and suddenly smiled, "It's incredible, Miss Tang, you are indeed the emperor's lucky star!"

Tang Lin gave him a contemptuous look, "Just blow it up, I'm leaving!" She pursed her lips and smiled, and ran into Lanyuan happily, "Heh oh, I have internal energy, I finally have internal energy—"

Seeing her jumping in, Yitang smiled helplessly, turned and walked away.

Tang Lin slept from morning to noon.

When eating in the morning, no matter what Dong Chenchen and the others called her, she just grabbed the quilt, unable to wake up, sleeping like a dead pig.It was noon, and the delicious food finally made her give up the bed and get up.

After washing her face and sitting down at the dinner table, Tang Lin waved to everyone, "Sit down, sit down, eat!"

After eating for a while, Tang Lin asked: "Is today's round of competition over?" It should not have started yet, she didn't hear the drumbeat.

Mei Chun'er said, "No!"

Tang Lin frowned, "Then why haven't you started yet?"

Yun Shan said: "Boss, today's game will not start until nightfall!"

"Ah?" Yun Shan's words shocked and surprised Tang Lin. "It only started at night? It's so dark at night, what kind of competition is it? Really!"

Yun Shan revealed: "Boss, we also inquired about it this morning. The title of today's round of competition is: Working with Ghosts."

"Spray" a mouthful of rice, and Tang Lin sprayed it out. Looking at Yun Shan, she said in astonishment: "What did you say? What did you just say? Working with ghosts? The theme is working with ghosts? Are you mistaken? This round of competition, What exactly are you doing?"

"Boss, listen to my explanation, okay?" Yun Shan rolled her eyes at Tang Lin, who was making a fuss, and then said, "This round of competition is mainly to test the contestants' adaptability and visual ability at night, as well as their direction at night." Discernment, and guts!"

"Okay," Tang Lin gave a thumbs up, and she couldn't help admiring the person who wrote the question, "Your Majesty, he... is really good, and he really paid a lot of money!"

Yun Shan continued: "In order to create an atmosphere and to be realistic, the Nangong Back Mountain was chosen as the venue for the competition. The Nangong Back Mountain is next to the Royal Forest. It's not big, but... absolutely... gloomy... forest!"

When she spoke, her voice was very thin, as if it was the voice from the underworld.

Mei Chun'er was so scared that she yelled "ah", and quickly covered her ears, "Stop talking, I won't listen, I can't listen, it's so scary!"

Tang Lin said to Yun Shan: "Don't talk to her, just keep talking!"

Yun Shan smiled resentfully at Mei Chun'er, and when she faced Tang Lin, she immediately became serious, and she said: "The back mountain of Nangong is a forbidden area, and no one is allowed to enter except for the guards of the Ministry of War. General, you can't go in. I heard that the bodies of people who were wronged before were all piled up in the back mountain. There are definitely a lot of messy graves, graves, and coffins there, which is very bad luck. This time In order to select the best guards in all aspects, the emperor used the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain as the competition venue. The rules are very simple. All the players are put into the back mountain at the same time. There are guards guarding them. As long as someone can come out normally after the specified time is over, with no abnormality in body and spirit, then he will stand out in this round of competition!"

Dong Chenchen added, "Boss, the premise is that no one knows what else there is in the back mountain besides the random graves. I heard from others that there are ghost fires, headless ghosts, life-threatening ghosts, and all kinds of ghosts. It's really scary! "

(End of this chapter)

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