The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 130 The third round of competition exam questions 3

Chapter 130 Third Round Competition Exam Question 4
Tang Lin raised her chin and thought for a while, then asked Yun Shan, "How long is the match?"

Yun Shan said: "It starts after dark, and it doesn't end until four o'clock!"

Tang Lin took a breath and felt that the pores all over her body were erected. It wasn't because she was afraid, but because she felt very irritated, "Isn't it three o'clock in the morning? Wow! The night is dark and windy, and it's weird again. In the mountains and forests, if you go in and stay in the middle of the night, you must feel refreshed!"

The corners of everyone's mouths began to twitch. They all thought that Tang Lin would be afraid, but unexpectedly, Tang Lin would say excitement.

"Midnight..." Du Yuanyuan lowered her eyes and pondered for a while. She felt that the opportunity had come, and she immediately said to everyone: "I want to be the boss. If you dare to accept the challenge, we will enter the back mountain together tonight, and who will be able to get out in the end?" Come, and whoever lives in peace, wins!"

Yuxin frowned, "But, we are contestants in the fourth round, so we are not allowed to participate in the third round!"

Du Yuanyuan looked at Tang Lin, winking, "Isn't there still our boss, boss, sacrifice your beauty, let the emperor allow us to spend half the night in the mountains at night!"

Tang Lin lazily said: "Du Yuanyuan, please be clear. I am the boss now, and you have no right to order me! Boss, I don't want to sacrifice my appearance to win the emperor's approval. If you want to enter the mountain, find a way to go, don't ask me." !"

Du Yuanyuan knew very well that apart from Tang Lin, none of the six of them could get close to the emperor.But going to the back mountain tonight, one can create a chance for her and Fu Yushu to get along, and two, she can regain the boss's seat and suppress Tang Lin. She will definitely not let this opportunity go.

Tang Lin refused to give in, so she had no choice but to lower her airs and beg: "Boss, how do you want to persuade the emperor to let us in?"

"Well...let me think about it!" Tang Lin really thought about it seriously, which made Du Yuanyuan very annoyed.After thinking about it, he immediately said to Du Yuanyuan: "Yes! If you want me to persuade the emperor to allow you to go in, that's fine. But you, Du Yuanyuan, must rub my back and feet at night. Not only that, but also massage my whole body when I sleep. If you agree, how about I go to persuade the emperor every minute?"

Du Yuanyuan gritted his teeth angrily, "It's too much!"

"Don't promise to pull it down!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin picked up her chopsticks and continued to eat her own food.

Yun Shan is very curious about the back mountain of Nangong. It is said that the place is a ghost, and she is also afraid of approaching it, but her curiosity makes her want to go in and see what is inside.So, she pulled Du Yuanyuan's hand and said, "Okay, Yuanyuan, you just agree to the boss's request, and I want to go in and have a look. I promise, I will never compete with you for the boss's seat, okay? Just Did you promise her?"

Dong Chenchen has always been full of challenge, full of curiosity about unknown things, and the desire to challenge.For the back mountain competition at night, she wanted to go in even more than Yun Shan to see if it was as scary as Yun Shan said.

She also gave up the previous suspicion and begged Du Yuanyuan, "I won't compete with you for the boss's seat anymore, just agree to what the boss said!"

Du Yuanyuan said sarcastically, "Dong, are you begging me?"

When the tone dropped to this point, Dong Chenchen felt that he was already very good at talking, but he didn't expect Du Yuanyuan to say that about her, and immediately became angry again, and settled the old and new grudges together: "Hey, are you looking down on people?"

"Don't quarrel with you!" Yuxin stopped the two of them, lest they fight.

However, since Tang Lin's party last night, after seeing those beautiful men, her heart was full of joy.She thought, if all these handsome men were eliminated tonight, then she would have no way to get to know one.

She thought, taking advantage of this opportunity tonight, it would be good to go to the back mountain to meet one of them.

So, she also begged Du Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, I beg you too, just agree to what the boss said. As long as you agree, how about I rub your back and feet after that?"

"Who wants you to wash your feet?" Du Yuanyuan gave Yuxin a cold look.

"Pretend I didn't say anything." Yuxin pursed her lips and lowered her head sullenly.

Du Yuanyuan thought, since he was going to enter the back mountain anyway, he could only agree to Tang Lin's request.What if I could see Fu Yushu, regain the position of boss, and sacrifice my dignity for one night?
Before this, she was often active at night, so no matter how weird the place was, she would not be able to scare her. On the contrary, Tang Lin would definitely be scared enough tonight, and it would be best if she could be scared to death in the back mountain.

If Houshan can't scare Tang Lin to death, she will personally go out and scare Tang Lin to death.She has a lot of poisonous tricks.

She is sure of the position of boss!Maybe after Tang Lin died inside, she wouldn't have to wait for Tang Lin to rub her back and wash her feet, so why not do it?

After thinking of this, Du Yuanyuan raised the corners of his bright lips, showing all kinds of charm for a moment, and said to Tang Lin: "Okay, I promise you!"

Tang Lin said "Yes" lightly, without much excitement, while chewing the food, she said, "I'm going to catch up on sleep in the afternoon, and I'll talk to the emperor about it in the evening. Tonight, you guys go in Come on, I won't go in!"

Not going in?No wonder!Such an exciting dark and stormy night, let's see how she can spoof other people.

"Why?" Everyone asked in unison.

Tang Lin took a few mouthfuls of rice without wiping off the rice grains from the corner of her mouth, and said, "Because I'm afraid of ghosts!"

Everyone, "..."

Mei Chun'er anxiously said: "But Boss, if you don't go in, what should I do? I'm also afraid of ghosts, I'm afraid of the night!"

Tang Lin gave her a blank look, "Afraid you'll still go in?"

Mei Chun'er said weakly: "I also want to practice courage!"

"What about you, Shiya?" Tang Lin asked, looking at He Shiya who seldom spoke.

He Shiya has her own principles, it's not her competition, she doesn't want to participate, even if there are good sisters to toss together, she is not interested, because she is indifferent by nature and has no interest in joining in the fun. "I won't go!"

"Well, okay, then..." Pointing to the others, Tang Lin said, "It's just you guys!"

After eating, Tang Lin started to sleep again, she was not afraid of getting fat.

Royal study.

Yu Shengjun was reviewing the memorial, his expression was quite quiet.

Yifeng came in from the door, and finally stood in front of the imperial table, bowing to Yu Shengjun, "Master!"

Yu Shengjun didn't look over, and while reviewing the memorial, he asked: "How is the arrangement?"

Yifeng replied: "Back to the master, the surrounding area of ​​the back mountain has been completely closed, and no one can escape. The part that should appear at night has been prepared, and it will definitely test the courage of every contestant. I dare not go out at night!"

Yu Shengjun wrote lightly: "If you are afraid, don't come to participate in the competition. You are really overwhelmed. Now that you are ready, then step back, and keep a close eye on the contestants in the square, and don't let them walk around randomly. !"

"Yes, this subordinate understands, then this subordinate will leave!" After finishing speaking, Yifeng turned and left, but was stopped by Yu Shengjun. He turned around and asked in a puzzled way: "Master, is there anything else?"

Yu Shengjun put down his brush, looked over, and ordered: "Tell the two counselors to talk to those contestants and give them some tips. Maybe these contestants will perform better at night!"

Yifeng sneered, "Master, this place in the back mountain... I'm afraid the two counselors went in, and we were the ones who carried them out in the end!"

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows, "Is that so? I can't help but be scared by the exam questions I asked?"

Yifeng lowered his head and smiled, "Master, what should I say? For the first question, without Miss Tang's help, I am afraid that all contestants would have been eliminated, and you would have no chance to see how the spies survive. This For the second question, there are so many masters, but there are only 300 people who stand out. If there is no Miss Tang, then those contestants will be over even if they grab a stick of incense, and none of them will get the clearance disc in the end. What's more, will some suspicious characters have a chance to stay! For the third question tonight, the subordinates don't know if Miss Tang will join in the fun, but women are afraid of the night and ghosts after all, so Miss Tang probably won't be interested ! But the master's third question, it is estimated that not many contestants can pass it!"

Yu Shengjun raised an evil and lazy smile, "As much as you can leave, I will take good care of the rest in the future. They can't be busy, I haven't played enough, I have to play more." ..."

Yifeng clearly saw the viciousness behind that evil smile.

"Then Miss Tang, she..."

Yu Shengjun said indifferently: "If she wants to go in, we can't stop us, can't we? However, I really want to experience this girl's courage. If I don't experience it now, she will know my methods in the future. Don't be scared to death!"

Yifeng raised his lips, "This subordinate understands!"

Nangong Square.

Swallow Die Wu sat alone on the stone steps in the square in a daze after everyone distributed the meals.Fu Yushu and the others all went back to the camp to play chess and eat at the same time.A bunch of men were inside, and she didn't want to join in the fun, so she had to sit here alone in a daze.

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing passed by.

They were going to communicate with the contestants, but when they saw Phoenix Die Wu, Lu Yitang stopped and looked over.

Sun Bailing also stopped, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yitang said to her: "I'm going to visit a friend, you go talk to the contestants first!"

"That's fine!" After saying that, Sun Bailing walked away.

Lu Yitang took a few steps to the stone steps where Fengdiewu was, and then slowly sat beside her. Before she recovered, he shook his hand in front of her, "Miss Feng, do you still remember?" next?"

Hearing the sound, Feng Diewu turned her head to look over and saw a familiar face with delicate features, she was startled, "Master, it's you!"

Lu Yitang smiled humorously: "It's not me!"

Unexpectedly, it was the son who sent her back to the gate of Jundiexuan restaurant that day. Feng Diewu was very happy, but she couldn't help but blushed when she was so close to the other party, and asked shyly, "Master, why are you here?" What about here? And..." Only then did she notice the official uniform on his body.

People who can appear in official uniforms in the palace must be ministers in the ruling and opposition parties.

Did he...

Feng Diewu stared in shock, "My lord, are you... an adult?"

"Look, I scared you," Lu Yitang said with a chuckle, "I'm the counselor for this Ouchi bodyguard selection competition!"

"Oh" Phoenix Die Wu understood a little bit.

He admired her appearance without makeup and clothes, "Miss Feng, you look good!"

When Feng Die Wu heard it, her ears became hot, she blushed and lowered her head, "Really, thank you for your praise!"

Lu Yitang saw the apron on her body and judged why she appeared in the palace, "You work in the kitchen of Nangong, right? Is Jun Die Xuan not good?"

(End of this chapter)

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