The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 131 I want something from you!

Chapter 131 Want something from you!
Feng Diewu shook her hand, and quickly explained that she was afraid that Lu Yitang would think that she entered the palace out of vanity, "It's because I have a few friends working here, so... I also came in! I'm sorry, my lord, let me You are laughing!"

Lu Yitang smiled softly, "It's okay!"

Feng Die Wu said: "Master, I don't know how to call you yet."

Lu Yitang said: "My surname is Lu!" He pointed to the contestants who were playing in front of him. Seeing the happy smiles on the faces of these contestants, he was also infected, and he is very easily infected. He smiled and said : "They are so happy!"

Feng Diewu took advantage of him to look at others, but she looked at his side face and smiled happily, "Well, I am also very happy!" Especially looking at you.


Tang Lin left Lanyuan after dinner.

Because she didn't know where the emperor was, and she couldn't go to the main palace, Tang Lin had to go to Nangong Square and find Yifeng, hoping that Yifeng would take her to see the emperor.

Yifeng gave her enough face and took her there himself.

At this time, Yu Shengjun was not in the main palace, but drinking tea in the cool breeze pavilion.

A guard stepped up in a few steps in a hurry, "Master, Yifeng asked his subordinates to report, Miss Tang will be here soon!"

Yu Shengjun responded lightly, "Yes."

"Resign, subordinate!" After finishing speaking, the guard withdrew.

An Lin behind him took out a box and opened it.There are many pills in the box, which are voice-changing pills specially prepared by the imperial doctor for Yu Shengjun.He replaced the box, "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun took a voice-changing pill and ate it, and took another sip of water.Immediately afterwards, he put on the eagle mask and told An Lin, "An Lin, step back first!"

"Yes!" After speaking, An Lin got out of the pavilion.

After a while, Yifeng personally brought Tang Lin to the gazebo, and then withdrew.

Now, Tang Lin sees the emperor as if seeing her own captain, big or small, without saying hello or saluting, and sits down on the opposite side of Yu Shengjun, baring her teeth at him, and yelling sweetly Voice, "Emperor!"

This sweetness almost made Yu Shengjun's soul tremble, resisting the impulse of contempt, he said flatly: "Oh, Miss Tang, what kind of wind brought you here today? "

"Emperor" Tang Lin called out very sweetly, and looked at Yu Shengjun with winking eyes.

Yu Shengjun was startled for a moment, and licked his dry lower lip, almost being called out by Tang Lin in protest.He squinted his eyes and looked at her, "This time, what kind of trick do you want to play? Do you want to make a bet with me?"

Tang Lin giggled, "The last bet, the emperor still owes Xiao Tang!"

Yu Shengjun simply said: "Come on, what do you want? I'll give it to you right away, lest I always worry about still owe you something!"

"Is what the emperor said true?" This time, Tang Lin not only came here for the game tonight, but also came here for something. She wanted to use this thing to investigate something.

Yu Shengjun pretended to be impatient and said: "If you don't say it again, I will regret it immediately!"

"Don't, don't, my majesty, you can't go back on your word," Tang Lin quickly stopped Yu Shengjun's thoughts, "I said, can I say it? What Xiao Tang wants is very simple, one piece... one piece..."

No need for her to mention what it was, Yu Shengjun took out a pure gold medal from himself and threw it on the table, "Is it it?"

Tang Lin immediately picked it up, and was immobilized by the weight of the gold medal. She nodded to Yu Shengjun again and again, "That's right, that's it—the Ouchi Tongtong Gold Medal. Your Majesty, you are so handsome, thank you Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun rolled his eyes at her, and said weakly: "Just a thank you?"

Tang Lin giggled, and now she had an expression of asking for help, and said in a coquettish voice, "Your Majesty"

Yu Shengjun's eyes were full of frustration, "What do you want?"

Tang Lin scraped the back of his hand with the gold medal, rubbed it together, and said coquettishly: "Your Majesty, you care about Xiao Tang so much, and you cultivate Xiao Tang in this way, you are looking for a master for Xiao Tang, and you are also giving Xiao Tang a gold medal. This proves that Xiao Tang Tang is already a good helper of the emperor, the emperor will not be willing to let little Tang feel sad, right? So... the emperor... the game tonight... the sisters in our room, can you participate?"

"No!" Yu Shengjun withdrew his hand and directly refused.Deliberately.

Tang Lin didn't give up, she continued to plead in a coquettish voice, and showed her pitiful eyes: "Your Majesty"

Yu Shengjun really had nothing to do with her, so he agreed, "Okay, I promise you. But, you have to agree to my conditions!"

Tang Lin, who was about to be happy, immediately puffed up her face again, "I knew the emperor would say that! Tell me, the emperor, what do you promise?"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled up in an evil and cunning arc, and he patted his leg, "Sit on my lap immediately!"

Tang Lin stared in shock, "Isn't it too much?"

Yu Shengjun smiled sinisterly, "I'm going to do something to you today!" Tang Lin reasoned, "Your Majesty, you can't do whatever you want just because you are the Emperor. At any rate, they also have boyfriends, so if the emperor is acting like this, isn't it driving Xiao Tang to a dead end?"

Yu Shengjun narrowed his eyes, his eyes were dangerous, "Are you blaming me?"

Tang Lin turned her face to the side coldly, her voice was full of her stubbornness and anger, "Don't dare!"

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly, "It's wrong for you to contradict me like this!" Gracefully picked up the teacup on the table, opened the lid, brought it to his lips, blew on the still hot tea, and then took a sip .

While he was drinking tea, Tang Lin secretly looked at him. It was strange that this man's lips were so familiar.

Yu Shengjun took a sip, put the lid on the teacup, put it back on the table, and looked up at Tang Lin. She was watching him secretly. When she met his gaze, she immediately looked away, pretending to be calm, but It's hard to hide the appearance of being a thief.

Yu Jiao glanced at him from time to time, comforting himself nervously, he didn't realize that she was peeking at him just now, he didn't realize...

He slightly raised his eyes to look at her, with a faint smile on his lips, "Why don't you talk?"

Tang Lin pretended to be very individual and turned her face, "It's contradicting! If you want to kill or cut, you can listen to it!"

Yu Shengjun asked unintentionally: "If the person you are facing right now is your sweetheart, how dare you treat him with such an attitude? After all, I am the Ninth Five-Year Honor, who is more important than your sweetheart." No matter how you say it is noble, you haven't given yourself some time to think about being my queen?"

The corners of Tang Lin's mouth twitched, "Forget it, my lord, not all women in this world are rare in the queen's throne. Besides, it would be better if my sweetheart is not your identity, so that I, Tang Lin, don't have to share the same man with the three thousand beauties in the harem." Already!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun's heart "thumped", and he was inevitably flustered and afraid because of Tang Lin's words.He asked calmly, "You... you really mind that your sweetheart has many women, right?"

Tang Lin didn't give a clear promise, just because she never thought about this question at all, "My boyfriend won't do this!"

"What if he is?" Yu Shengjun strengthened his tone, insisting on knowing what Tang Lin was thinking.

He's afraid of losing her, he's afraid of her leaving him because of his complicated relationship with a bunch of women.He is very nervous now.

"Even if it is, I can't see it anymore!" Tang Lin said annoyedly, "We have been separated for many days. He left without giving me any explanation. He once said that he would not marry me. I don't Know how long it is."

Yu Shengjun's eyes were hot and humid, and he felt her depression at the moment. "He won't, he won't want you!"

Tang Lin glanced at him, "You're not him, how do you know?"

Yu Shengjun smiled slightly, "Intuition!"

Tang Lin took advantage of the topic, "Then the emperor has a hunch that Xiao Tang can finish the game tonight?"

"Aren't you afraid of ghosts?" He raised his eyebrows.

Tang Lin excitedly said: "Your majesty, you promised Xiao Tang to participate in the competition tonight?" The premise was that she didn't have to sit on his lap.

Yu Shengjun didn't want to embarrass her anymore, so he nodded, "Yes!"

Now, Tang Lin was so excited that she couldn't help hugging him, but the other party was the emperor, so she controlled herself, "Then Xiao Tang, on behalf of all the sisters in the dormitory, thanked the emperor, and thanked the emperor for giving us this opportunity to perform!"

Yu Shengjun added in his heart, "I'm giving you face, otherwise those people don't even think about it!"

Night, soon dark down.

The moonlight was dim.

Because Sister Lei gave her face, Tang Lin asked Sister Lei to take Du Yuanyuan and others to the entrance of the Nangong Houshan Forbidden Area to be with other contestants, while she stayed in Lanyuan and had something to tell He Shiya and Mei Chun Son.

In the end, because she was afraid of ghosts, Mei Chun'er chose to shrink back and did not go to the competition.

He Shiya didn't want to join in the fun, and she had already expressed her opinion at noon.

Tang Lin won the last bet. Not only can she continue to be the boss, but she can also ask for something from everyone in the room.She just wanted an answer from Du Yuanyuan, about the source of the jade pendant given to her by the landlord of Fengyuelou.

Furthermore, she also wanted an answer from He Shiya, why He Shiya hated her so much, it turned out that it was because He Shiya was afraid that she would rob the emperor.

She hasn't asked for other people's things.It's not that she doesn't want it, but that she hasn't waited for the right time to ask for it.

Tonight, here is my chance to ask Mei Chuner to give me something!

Tang Lin called He Shiya out of the room and asked He Shiya to wait for her at the gate of Lanyuan.Then give He Shiya some orders.She sent He Shiya away because she wanted to explain to Mei Chun'er alone!
Seeing that Tang Lin was so serious, Mei Chun'er couldn't help being a little nervous, and stood in the room waiting for Tang Lin to speak.

Tang Lin closed the door. This time, Mei Chun'er was even more nervous, and there was still a trace of panic crossing her heart. When Tang Lin walked up to her, she immediately closed her eyes and covered them with her hands, feeling so frightened. Nonsense, "Boss, don't punish me, I really didn't mean not to participate in the competition, I'm actually afraid of ghosts..."

Tang Lin pushed her hand away and said with a serious expression, "Chun'er, look at me!"

Mei Chun'er looked over nervously, "Boss..."

Tang Lin asked her, "What do you owe me?"

Why is she asking that?Mei Chun'er took a breath, shook her head and nodded again, and said in a panic, "Boss, I don't owe you anything, except that you won one thing from everyone in the last bet! Apart from that, there is nothing else... ..."

Tang Lin raised her lips and smiled with satisfaction. What she was waiting for was her words, "Then the boss wants something from you right now, will you give it to me?"

Mei Chun'er smiled foolishly, "Boss, don't be joking, I don't have any valuables on me, what do you want? Yuxin has a gold bow string, Chen Chen has a sharp spear gun, Yuan Yuan has a sharpened iron A sword like mud, Shiya has a sharp dagger, Yunshan has a poisonous whip, but I... have nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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