The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 132 Absolutely Impresses You!

Chapter 132 Absolutely Impresses You!

Originally, there was one thing about her that was worth mentioning, and that was the brute force on her body.However, when she dealt with Tang Lin's backpack with all her strength, she was defeated by the backpack that kept burning and being cut by knives.

She can't even afford to lose her strength now, what does the boss want from her?
Tang Lin glared at her and said, "What I want is not what you said."

Mei Chun'er was puzzled, "Boss, what do you want?"

"Do me a favor!" Tang Lin said very seriously. "This is busy, it's a bit risky!"

"Adventure?!" Before she knew what she was busy with, Mei Chun'er was already in a cold sweat from fright, and her lips quivered slightly as she asked, "What, what... busy?"

Tang Lin said: "Help me go to the main palace, or the harem, and find someone!" A person named Xiao Du.

She wants to find out about Queen Cheng Huan, and what does it have to do with the landlord of Fengyue Tower.At the same time, she also signed an agreement with the owner of Fengyue Tower, and established a document. If the matter of replacing Lian Xin as a palace maid is not resolved as soon as possible, I am afraid that Lian Xin and Yueyue will be in danger.

"Ah?" Mei Chun'er's eyes widened in surprise, "Boss, there is a deadly rule from above. All contestants are not allowed to enter the main palace. That is the place where the emperor and civil and military officials go to court. , will be beheaded!"

Tang Lin's attitude turned cold and hard, "In a word, to help or not to help?"

Mei Chun'er's expression froze. It was the first time she saw Tang Lin lose her temper. She felt the coldness around her.Because she was afraid of being scolded or being held hostage by Tang Lin, she stammered and agreed, "Yes, yes, Boss, I will listen to you!"

Tang Lin took out a token that can pass anywhere in the city, took Mei Chun'er's hand, put the token in her hand, and revealed the specific situation, "This gold medal is a pass in the city. The card was given to me by the emperor when I won. I have a friend, he should be... the eunuch in the palace." Xiao Du's figure, face, voice... obviously the eunuch is right. "With this token, you can go to any place in the palace. No one will block your way, even if you go out of the palace. What about you, tonight, while the emperor is watching the game in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, take the token Look for a person named Xiao Du in every palace except Nangong. Anyway, you have the token, you can ask any father-in-law, if anyone knows Xiao Du, they should tell you where Xiao Du is. I I have already asked Sister Lei to prepare a set of palace maid clothes for me. You can go to other palaces to help me find someone after you put on the palace maid costumes. Nothing will happen to you. I will let you go when I do the work!"

Mei Chun'er asked: "Then I found Xiao Du, what should I do?"

Tang Lin said: "You tell him that someone is looking for him, but don't say that I am looking for him. You bring him to our room, and I will rush back to see you as soon as I win the game. Remember Are you staying?"

Mei Chun'er nodded a little helplessly, "Well, I remember it, but I'm afraid that I might come back to see you tonight, Boss!"

"It'll be fine, be smart!" Tang Lin encouraged her by stroking her back.

Mei Chun'er put the token into her arms, "Okay, then boss, I will do my best. If something happens to me, boss, you must protect me from the emperor, okay?"

Tang Lin smiled, "Okay, I see!"

After ordering Mei Chun'er, Tang Lin left the room and went to meet He Shiya at the gate of Lanyuan.When He Shiya saw her, she immediately said: "Boss, the competition is about to start, tell me if you have any important matters, or you won't be able to enter the back mountain if you are late!"

Tang Lin calmed down, breathed a sigh of relief, then looked into He Shiya's eyes, and asked seriously: "Tell me, do you like the emperor very much?"

He Shiya lowered her head, but Tang Lin couldn't see her blushing face.She responded weakly, ""

"Here, here you are. Open it up and have a look. It's definitely a surprise!" Tang Lin held a yellow envelope in her hand and gave it to He Shiya.He Shiya took the envelope in her hand, and didn't open it immediately, but asked, "What is this?"

"A coup!" Tang Lin said with a chuckle, "Don't you like the emperor? So, I came up with a coup for you overnight. Try it, follow the steps above, and you should be able to get the emperor's... Attention! "

He Shiya couldn't help herself, she looked at this and that, "But, I'm so ordinary, if the emperor would have taken a fancy to me, he would have noticed me long ago, let alone now. Boss, your coup... I'm afraid it won't work !"

Tang Lin said: "I haven't tried it yet, how do you know it won't work?" She patted He Shiya on the shoulder, "That's it, I still have to go to the competition, you will start from now until four days ago You can do activities anywhere in Nangong, it's up to you to seize the opportunity." Then, with a bad smile, "If you have that kind of relationship tonight... don't forget to tell me when you come back, good luck! "

Turn around and leave.

He Shiya called her, her eyes were a little foggy, "Boss, why are you so kind to me?"

"No!" Tang Lin turned her head and shrugged. "We each get what we need, no one is nice to the other!"

"Then..." He Shiya didn't understand, she looked at the envelope in her hand, "Aren't you helping me?"

Tang Lin shook her head and said with a smile: "No. I'm helping you, but I'm actually helping me figure out some things. I heard people in the inner palace say that the emperor is not close to women. I don't believe it, so I used you as an experiment. , to see if it is true. Since you like the emperor, I also want to know whether this emperor is a person who is not close to women, so I will ask you to approach him. If he is not interested in you, then prove it What the people in the palace said is true!"

It sounds like she was being taken advantage of, but He Shiya didn't feel that she was at a disadvantage. Tang Lin just wanted to know if the emperor was not a womanizer, and she might have a chance to rise to the top. Not happy, "I understand!"

"Just understand, so don't think about it anymore. If there is someone who treats you very well and doesn't care about it, then she... really treats you as a friend!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin gave He Shiya a steady smiled, then turned and left.

He Shiya stood where she was, pinching the envelope, wondering whether she should take this opportunity to get close to the emperor tonight?
The entrance to the forbidden area behind Nangong Mountain.

This area is very dark, surrounded by palace walls on all sides, and the height does not reach the top.

The entrance to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain is only as wide as a gate, with two walls on each side. There is no door installed at the entrance, but a wooden sign is inserted on the ground in the middle, which reads - Forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, no passage, violation The orderer - beheaded.

This place is gloomy and there are no palace lanterns.

There is a very bright fire here, the torches held by the guards around the entrance have already been lit.

Yu Shengjun's tent, throne, and the special umbrella for the palace to avoid fog at night have all been set up at the entrance, and there are guards composed of more than a dozen guards on the left and right.

Yifeng was ordering the other guards to pull out the wooden sign inserted in the entrance from the ground.

All the contestants are already waiting in the open space next to the camp. Since there are only more than 300 people, the occupied area is not large.Fu Yushu, Du Yuanyuan and others were at the front, watching the guards pull the wooden sign out of the ground.

Du Yuanyuan and the others stood at the front of the first team, while Fu Yushu and the others stood at the front of the second team.

Yu Shengjun was standing outside the tent, with his hands folded behind his back.The distance between the tent and the entrance gate was only four or five meters. When he saw that the wooden sign had been pulled out, Yifeng walked towards him and said, "Master, we can start after you give an order!"

Yu Shengjun turned around and looked at the group of contestants.Starting from Du Yuanyuan, he browsed all the way to the last one in the team.I didn't see Tang Lin, so I didn't answer Yifeng's words.

When Du Yuanyuan met his gaze, he quickly averted his gaze, deliberately not wanting him to look at each other.

Yu Shengjun glanced at everyone calmly, then looked away, and said to Yifeng in a faint voice: "Let's start!"

"Yes!" Yifeng took the order, and then took the signal flare sent by a guard, walked to the front of the teams of those contestants, and said loudly to everyone: "The rules of the competition have been explained to everyone just now. After I order, The game will start immediately. Counting from the start of the game, you will stay in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain for four hours. After the four hours pass, the game will end. After the game, whoever can come back here from the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain soberly will be Cleared the level. There is no limit to the number of places in this round. So, whoever can come here soberly at the end can continue to participate in the fourth round. Everyone, do you hear clearly?"

Those contestants all responded weakly, "I understand!"

"Very good!" Yifeng responded with satisfaction, then turned around, raised the signal flare, and then pulled out the plug. Immediately, there was a sound of "咻", and everyone on the scene witnessed a white smoke, filling the vision. With a perfect arc of sensation, it rushed into the air, and finally exploded with a bang.

After the flare exploded, all the contestants, under the personal leadership of several guards, stepped into the...forbidden area in the back mountain, one team after another.

In a blink of an eye, more than 300 contestants have entered the back mountain, and they have disappeared without a trace in the dark and gloomy back mountain. There is not even a sound of people, only the sound of crows, and from time to time The sound came out, piercing the silence of the night.

When Tang Lin arrived, only Yu Shengjun and his guards were left at the entrance.

Yu Shengjun was standing by the command table in the camp, on which was a topographic map of the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, Lu Yitang was using a small wooden stick to describe the site of the back mountain in detail to Yu Shengjun and Sun Bailing, "...this The checkpoint is to test the courage of the contestants, and there have been a lot of "ghosts" there..."

"Hey," Tang Lin had already lifted the curtain of the camp tent, but she didn't come in, just because she was afraid of disturbing the three people, so she leaned against the doorway and greeted them cautiously, "Excuse me!"

Lu Yitang glanced at her, then looked at Yu Shengjun, seeing that Yu Shengjun had turned his head to look at her, so he had no choice but to stop explaining.

Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin, and immediately said, "What do you mean?"

Tang Lin smiled apologetically, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I was delayed by an urgent matter, which caused Xiao Tang to come here now. The competition has started, right? continue to chat, I'm going to the competition!"

When she turned around to slip away, Yu Shengjun stopped her, "Stop!"

Tang Lin turned around mechanically, and felt chills running down her spine after being yelled at by him. Did he blame her for being late? "Emperor, Your Majesty... is there anything else?"

Yu Shengjun repeated the sentence in the evening, this time with a bit more emphasis, "Are you sure you are not afraid of ghosts?" His emphasis was intended to tell her that this competition is unusual...mainly because there are...ghosts .

(End of this chapter)

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