The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 133 A Skeleton Appears Suddenly!

Chapter 133 A Skeleton Appears Suddenly!

Tang Lin smiled foolishly, "Your Majesty, if I was afraid of Xiao Tang, I wouldn't have come!"

"Do you two think that after four hours, she will be able to walk in front of me safe and sound?" Yu Shengjun asked Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing playfully.

Sun Bailing sized Tang Lin up. Tang Lin seemed to be in good spirits, but she was a daughter after all, so it was impossible for her to withstand the "horrific test" in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.She shook her head slightly at Yu Shengjun, and said truthfully: "I feel that this contestant... has a very low chance of getting out!"

Lu Yitang has already figured out what kind of checkpoints are set up in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain tonight. He is convinced that no woman can handle it. He is afraid that Tang Lin will be scared to death.Therefore, I suggested to Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty, let's forget about it? The few female contestants who held invitations just now, I feel that I am hanging, let alone this one. The content of this competition is not a joke. , I am afraid..."

"Want to bet?" Tang Lin never forgot to bet with people, especially those who disagreed with her.She looked at Lu Yitang with a provocative look in her eyes, "Do you dare?"

Lu Yitang was stunned, "This..."

Father likes this woman so much, and he also... likes it? !

Never let her have an accident.

After watching Tang Lin's performance in the first two rounds, Yu Shengjun intuitively felt that Tang Lin's psychological quality was very good.Coincidentally, he also wanted to exercise her psychological quality, so that she would not be scared to death by many of his actions in the future.

"I allow her to participate in the competition!" After Yu Shengjun finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yitang, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "Do you want to bet with her? I can tell you responsibly that her performance will definitely satisfy you She's amazing!"

Lu Yitang was still discussing the matter, with a troubled expression on his face, he said: "Your Majesty, even a man can't handle it, so what about a woman..."

Yu Shengjun interrupted him, "So, you just need to answer and bet if you dare!"

Lu Yitang looked at Tang Lin, then at Yu Shengjun, and finally lowered his head, "I...don't dare!" Even if you gamble or not, the winner is still him.No matter how strong the psychological endurance is, it is impossible for a woman to withstand the test of tonight's round of competition.

Tang Lin looked at her watch, it was already 08:30 in the evening, she didn't have time to chat with a few people, "Your Majesty, Xiao Tang went to the competition, I'll chat with you when I come back from victory!" She waved her hand and turned around to leave.

When Yu Shengjun and Lu Yitang walked out of the camp and looked at the dark place in front of the entrance of the back mountain, Tang Lin and a guard disappeared there.

An Lin came over and said, "Your Majesty, Miss Tang was brought in together!"

Yu Shengjun said "Yes" and didn't say much. He looked at the back mountain where Tang Lin's figure disappeared for a while, then turned his head to look at Lu Yitang beside him, and the corner of his mouth curled up with confidence, "You Remember her performance tonight!" Maybe one day, you will make a tough move.Yishuang took Tang Lin to the deep woods, and left quietly. When Tang Lin wanted to ask about the situation, she was already gone. "I still want to ask about the situation. Why leave so quickly?"

Before the other contestants entered the competition, they all took their respective weapons.In a word, with weapons in hand, they can enter the mountain with confidence.

Tang Lin didn't come in with her sniper rifle on her shoulder, and she wasn't here to kill people anyway, so she didn't take it, but took other things.This time, she drew her pistol.Her pistol is different from ordinary pistols. This pistol is equipped with a lighting function, so when she turns on the button, the gun hole of the pistol is equivalent to a flashlight. A beam of bright light immediately illuminates a corner of the trees, and this beam of light It is farther and bigger.

Tang Lin pointed the pistol around, the farther the light of the lighting lamp shines, the more things can be seen, and the larger the area can be seen.However, the function of the lighting is limited after all, and the place illuminated within 20 meters can be seen clearly, and it will be blurred after 20 meters.

But for Tang Lin, it was enough to be able to see clearly within 20 meters, which was considered very good.

There is a universal battery on the pistol. To put it bluntly, it is a battery that supplements energy with light. It can be used anywhere, and it is mainly not damaged.

She glanced at the instruction manual, which seemed to say that this battery was the same as her cell phone's battery, that it could replenish energy from light and automatically convert it into electricity for use in lighting and cell phones.I don't know if it's true, but when the last battery of her mobile phone runs out, she will take it to bask in the sun.

The lighting function on the pistol is a bit weird.Tang Lin had to admire the person who invented this pistol.

The trigger of the pistol is used to control the light distance of the lighting.If the trigger is pulled tighter, the farther and more intense the light will shine, until a distance of 20 meters is reached.If the trigger is released, the light can only clearly illuminate the environment within five meters, and the aperture is only a tiny bit, only the size of the palm of your hand, which is equivalent to the aperture that appears when you shine a flashlight on your palm.This is for fear that the light will cover too much area and attract the attention of the enemy, so there is only a small aperture so that the chance of exposing yourself is low.

Tang Lin pulled the trigger to the deepest point, because no bullet was loaded and no bullet was fired.She used the strongest and farthest light to illuminate the surrounding area, and she could see clearly if there was anyone within 20 meters.

After confirming that there was no one there, she released the trigger and turned off the function of the lighting.She came out with a pistol just to scare Du Yuanyuan and others, not just to identify the night environment.Du Yuanyuan and the others dare to challenge, let's see how she scares all these girls to death in the back mountain.

After turning off the function of the lighting, Tang Lin entered the depths of the back mountain with the help of the very weak, pitifully weak, and frighteningly weak moonlight.She thought that it would not take long to meet the "ghost" arranged by the emperor to come to her door.

She was often thrown into haunted houses by her leaders before, and she was not used to seeing all kinds of ghosts. To her, ghosts were no longer worth scaring her.Therefore, she also understood that the so-called mass graves in Houshan were all arranged in advance.

Sometimes, in order to train a group of useful talents, the imperial court had to design a terrifying and terrifying place like the forbidden area in the back mountain, so as to better train people's ability to survive in harsh environments.This point, whether it is placed in modern times or ancient times, has the same meaning.

When the moon is dark and the wind is high.

The woods in the back mountain were terribly quiet, and there was a suffocating terror in the air.

Contestants in groups of three or five, they groped each other to find a way out.Because before entering the mountain, the Ouchi guards brought them in, and after entering, the guards disappeared without a sound, and they couldn't find the way out.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah." The sound of a crow, dubbed by the world, sounded from all directions.He heard his voice, but couldn't hear where it came from.

A group of contestants were passing a downhill road at this moment. Due to the dense branches, the bleak moonlight could not shine in, so they could not see the road clearly.And these contestants included Fu Yushu and the others.

The cry of the crow came from around, making Han Xueyan's hairs stand on end, she leaned uncomfortably behind Shao Qi, holding his arm tightly, her eyes were particularly sharp at night, but there was a hint of fear.

Han Xueyan almost called out her brother-in-law.

Shao Qi held her hand tightly and led her forward, followed by Yun Lei.

Fu Yushu and Cao Dan walked in front.

Cao Dan was extremely timid, and he also walked while hiding on Fu Yushu.Except for Shao Qi, Fu Yushu was much calmer and calmer than the others. He held a torch in his hand, illuminated the road with this faint light, and led everyone out of the back mountain together.

However, the further they walked, the more silent they felt, so silent that everyone's heartbeat could be heard.

In front of Fu Yushu and the others, there was a group of other contestants. These people used to be masters of night walking and were never afraid of the dark. Therefore, even if they fumbled, they could walk this trail very smoothly.

The person walking in front, I don't know who it is, yelled "Ah", he tripped over something on the ground, and then fell to the ground.

The few pitiful fire pockets were immediately sent to the place where the fallen contestant fell. Immediately, a shocking man's corpse appeared in front of everyone.

Ferocious face, bloody.There is no eyeball on one side, and the eyeball on the other side is so staring that it is about to burst.

The body is incomplete, missing an arm and a leg, and the internal organs have been emptied? !

Seeing such a cruel and bloody scene, two contestants were blinded immediately... and fell to the ground gorgeously.

Everyone panicked.

Some people recognized the corpse, "Isn't this our contestant? How did he die?"

Another person added terrifiedly, "Besides, the time was very short, he was behind me just now, but quietly... that's it!"

I don't know who said, "How did he die? Could it be that there is a ghost?"

Fu Yushu acted as the leader, and hurriedly said to everyone: "Everyone, don't get confused. Listen to me, as long as we all gather together, even if King Yama comes, he can't let us go. Hurry up and get closer!"

The contestants were very obedient, and more than 20 people approached each other one after another.Those who stand around check the surrounding situation, and those who stand in the middle look up to see if there is any movement in the big tree above their heads.

After everyone got close, Fu Yushu squatted on the ground and checked the two players who had passed out.

Cao Dan knelt down and asked, "What's the matter?"

Fu Yushu said: "They fainted from the fright of this corpse, and they probably won't wake up for a while." Then, he shone the fire clip on the corpse. The horror of the corpse made him frown. "This person seems to have been torn apart. Looking at the claw marks left behind, it should be ghost claws!"

Ghost Claw? !When Han Xueyan heard this, the whites of her eyes were exposed immediately, and she wanted to faint.

Shao Qi immediately shook her twice, worried: "Xueyan! Xueyan, wake up!"

Slowly, Han Xueyan opened her eyes, and after regaining her sanity, the hideous corpse came into her eyes again, unable to breathe, this time, she passed out directly and fell into Shao Qi's arms.

Fu Yushu stood up and looked at Han Xueyan, "Brother Xue Yan must have never seen such a dead body before, so I can't accept it. Which one of you will carry her?"

"I'll come!" Yunlei volunteered.

Shao Qi handed Han Xueyan to him, and urged him: "Be careful carrying it on your back!"

Yunlei responded respectfully, "I will!"

"Everyone else follow closely. There are man-eating monsters in the woods, so be careful!" Fu Yushu said to the contestants behind him. He walked ahead, took a step, and paid attention to his surroundings.

When passing by the hideous corpse, Shao Qi took a look at the deceased, he clenched his fists secretly, his eyes showed hatred and pain.Yunlei was beside him, and said in a low voice, "My lord, you belong to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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