The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 134 Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan's tryst!

Chapter 134 Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan's tryst!
Shao Qi gritted his teeth and said, "I know!" It was not difficult to prove his anger.

In this Ouchi bodyguard selection contest, he arranged for twenty capable generals from his subordinates to mix in. Even the emperor Yu Shengjun didn't know how many capable people his subordinates had recruited.Unexpectedly, he died inexplicably in the back mountain tonight.

Did Yu Shengjun find out that his people were spies, or did he kill his people because of the traps that killed people in the back mountain?
No matter what it is, this account will be settled sooner or later...

The rustling wind, mixed with horror, passed through the strange forest, and various echoing sounds kept ringing in the forest.This sound seems to come from another world, eerie, weird, terrifying, ethereal...

After walking for a while, suddenly, someone at the end of the line exclaimed, "Ah—there is a ghost—"

Everyone looked back one after another, just as the clouds and mist dispersed, the moonlight shone down, and it was impressive to see a skeleton hanging in front of the people behind.The skeleton was tied with a rope and hung from a tall tree branch.

The skeleton was very pale and petrified, and it happened to be touched by the screaming contestant before, so it touched the skeleton's feet and screamed out.Now, when the moonlight shone on the skeleton in the dark and saw clearly, the eyes of this person, and the few around him, widened at the same time, and their eyes were full of horror. The horror made their facial muscles twitch, and their expressions Quite a twist.Then...unable to make a sound, they all sat limply on the ground, and immediately after that, they all foamed at the mouth...and fell down.

A strong wind blew by, and all the fires on the scene were extinguished.It's weird, it's only just begun... and as soon as the fire is extinguished, the moonlight is quietly covered by dark clouds again.

It was dark and windy again.

For a while, the forest was so dark that it was impossible to recognize the direction, and the contestants began to panic again. Pairs of eyes that would light up in the night, revealing panic and fear, nervously guarded against the movement around them, in case of accidents.

And Fu Yushu, taking advantage of the chaos and the darkness of night, quietly walked away alone.

Yun Lei whispered something in Shao Qi's ear, although he didn't see Shao Qi, but he could feel that he was right in front of him, "Master, what should we do?"

"Follow me!" After Shao Qi finished speaking, with his hands on Han Xueyan's back, he and Yun Lei went to the side of the unreachable mountain road.

Cao Dan was still groping around, calling tremblingly: "Brother Fu, where are you?" However, after calling for a long time, there was no voice of Fu Yushu, but the sound of everyone running around.

In a blink of an eye, Cao Dan was the only one left in the original team of more than 20 people.

At this time, the clouds and mists dispersed and the moonlight shone down.

Cao Dan is no longer as timid as before. In other words, he has changed his role and become another person, a person who is not afraid of the night or terror at all.

He glanced at the bleak moonlight, then at the skeleton hanging not far away, and smiled bleakly, but with a different style.

He walked to the side of the skeleton and looked at the ground with the help of the moonlight. There was a rope on the ground. He squatted down, picked up the rope buried under the loose soil on the ground, looked at it, and couldn't help thinking that this must be ordered by the emperor. With the previously set mechanism, as long as someone steps on the rope, the skeleton will fall from the tree, but it will not completely fall to the ground.

In order to test the courage of the players, there is this link.

Cao Dan stood up and looked in all directions, but he couldn't find his way either.He sighed and looked at a certain corner, not knowing how many scary stages he had to pass.

Recalling the bloody corpse, he became angry, and said angrily in his heart: "Isn't the emperor trampling on human life? How can the majestic king of a country kill innocent people in vain just to get three guards?"

"Help—" Yuxin's voice came from the nearby forest.

Hearing the sound, Cao Dan's eyes sharpened a little, "Woman?" Immediately, he looked towards the nearby forest, looking for the owner of the voice.

He pushed aside the grass in a corner, and Yuxin's voice came again, "Help—"

He yelled for help twice in a row, but no one came out. It seemed that there was not a single competitor nearby.

After Cao Dan was sure it was a woman's voice, he began to respond, "Here I am! Girl, did you hear that?" If he guessed correctly, it should be the female contestants in Lan Yuan who were allowed to compete by the emperor.

Moreover, she is also Tang Lin's sister in their dormitory.

The more Cao Dan walked in, he heard someone's footsteps getting closer and closer, accompanied by panting.Due to the darkness of the night, he couldn't see anyone, but he vaguely saw a figure running towards him.

Soon, the figure is approaching, the white clothes are fluttering, so seductive.

When Cao Dan moved up from the footsteps of the figure, in an instant, he took a deep breath and stared at the headless figure with a body, limbs, and white clothes. run over.

Then the sleeves fluttered, like a ghost... but without a head!But it can run!

He has never been in the company of ghosts, and he rarely goes into scary environments.At this moment, he was really frightened by the ghost, and his feet seemed to have taken root, standing on the spot, unable to move, until the headless human body crashed into his arms!
"Uh," Cao Dan yelled in horror, his eyes widened, and he could feel the body temperature and weight of the headless body in his chest.

Yuxin felt that she had bumped into a solid "tree", touched it, and then she was stunned, "Why is it warm?"

She made a sudden noise, causing Cao Dan to hiss, and his body was tightly bound immediately, unable to speak a word, he closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look at the headless human body that was already approaching him, and forced himself to remain still .

The next second, it was Yuxin's turn to hiss, and immediately took off the cloak covering her head, turned around and ran, "Damn——"

The cloud and mist dispersed.The moonlight shone down.

Such a crisp voice made Cao Dan feel suspicious. He was no longer so afraid, and opened his eyes. Unexpectedly, what he saw was a beautiful figure in white clothes, holding a cloak, and a head of black hair fluttering in the wind.

However, Yuxin originally wanted to run forward, but her lips trembled in fright when she heard a voice in front of her, and tears rolled down her eyes, "Give me back my give me my" The voice was ethereal, strange and ethereal, as if it came from hell.

Yuxin sniffed and cried, "I will never participate in this kind of competition again, I want to go home..."

Suddenly, someone grabbed her hand, "Quick, follow me!"

Grabbed by a warm hand, Yuxin was stunned for a moment.With the help of the moonlight, he could clearly see the man's side face. It turned out to be Tang Lin's friend.It turned out that he just ran into his arms...

Cao Dan held her hand tightly and ran back.But that terrifying female voice kept following them behind her.

After running for a while, they didn't pay attention to the terrain. Both of them said "Oops", and then both fell into a hole, and then the hole was caught by a net. They lay down and passed out one after another...

The atmosphere in the woods became even more weird.

Shao Qi and Yun Lei each supported Han Xueyan's arm and walked in the forest.

Suddenly, someone not far away screamed, "Ah—"

Shao Qi stopped immediately, and immediately said to Yunlei: "You can't go over there, there are traps there!"

So, they supported Han Xueyan and walked another way. Finally, they walked and saw a cave in a hidden place. They walked in without saying a word, and then covered the entrance of the cave with branches.

The area of ​​the cave is small, but it is enough for more than 20 people to rest here.

Put Han Xueyan on the dry grass on the ground and lay down, and then Yunlei went to pick up the dry wood and planned to start a fire.

Shao Qi took off his coat and covered it gently for Han Xueyan. Her pale face hurt his heart.He looked at her deeply and silently, sighed, and then sat down by the fire that was already burning.

Yunlei glanced at Han Xueyan, "Master, how is Miss Xueyan?"

Shao Qi said: "It's okay, I can wake up after enough rest!" After calming down, he couldn't help but think of the bloody corpse with a hideous face, and there was scattered pain and hatred in his eyes, "Damn it, how little is it?" Got a capable striker!"

Yun Lei asked: "Could it be that Yu Shengjun discovered our plan?"

"Impossible!" Shao Qi's expression and tone were very firm, "Our plan is so detailed, he can't possibly notice it! Besides, we have more top-secret spies than his bodyguards, how could he possibly defeat us? pass us!"

Just as Yunlei was about to say something, Han Xueyan's voice came, "...Brother-in-law!"

Shao Qi got up when he heard the sound, walked to Han Xueyan's side in a few steps, and helped her up, "Is it better?"

Han Xueyan looked around, a little confused, "Where are we?"

Yunlei replied: "Miss Xueyan, we are in a cave, very safe!"

Recalling the bloody corpse, Han Xueyan suddenly had the urge to vomit, Shao Qi immediately comforted her back, "Don't think too much, it's okay, brother-in-law is here, brother-in-law won't let Yan'er get into trouble, come here!"

He lifted her up and sat her down by the fire.

"Brother-in-law..." Han Xueyan gradually began to cry, leaned on Shao Qi's arm, sniffed, and said, "I miss my sister, when can we rescue her? Yan'er misses her so much!"

Yun Lei comforted: "Miss Xueyan, don't worry, my lord's purpose is to rescue Miss Lingying. At present, the Imperial Forest Army and guards in the palace are all following the orders of Yu Shengjun, and the palace guards the forest. Can’t enter the harem and take Miss Lingying away! The only way to do this is to replace the imperial guards and guards in the palace and replace them with us!”

Han Xueyan choked up and said, "Can't we just go to the harem to grab it?"

Yunlei smiled, "If it works, then my lord has already done this. The problem is, even the anti-imperial society who became famous for assassination can't do anything to Yu Shengjun, let alone us? The anti-imperial society enters the palace to assassinate Yu Shengjun almost every year." , but after repeated battles and repeated defeats, if our people step out, it will be even worse!"

Tang Lin was already in a deserted hillside section. She used the light of the pistol to illuminate the uphill road. Only then did she realize that if she went up, she would reach a hilltop.

She looked at her watch, it was only ten o'clock, and it was still far from morning.Scaring needs to be most effective at one or two in the morning.The top of the mountain above should not be visited by anyone, after all, what the contestants are looking for is the way out, not the top.Go up to sleep, it will probably be very comfortable.

After making up her mind, Tang Lin turned off the light of the pistol. The moonlight could easily shine on the road on the hillside, so she walked up the hillside by the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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