Chapter 135 Kill me?
On the top of the mountain, if it is sunrise, you can see all the surrounding scenery, but it is night now.Tang Lin chose a place with thick grass on the top of the mountain, and then lay down with a piece of grass in her mouth, watching the bleak moonlight.

Originally, she wanted to sleep on the top of the mountain for a few hours, but what she didn't expect was that when she was about to fall asleep, she heard a voice not far away.

"Ma'am, you can't leave me tonight. There are traps everywhere in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. I'm afraid you will be in danger!"

Tang Lin was startled, and opened her eyes. Isn't this the voice of Fu Yushu?
Immediately afterwards, another voice came, it was a woman's voice, "Sir, what are you afraid of, don't forget that I am not afraid of the dark!"

Tang Lin was startled again. Why is this woman's voice so familiar... Du Yuanyuan? !Fu Yushu pulled Du Yuanyuan to the edge of the mountain and sat down, blowing the evening breeze head-on together.

Tang Lin avoided revealing her whereabouts, so she used her internal strength to suppress her aura to a minimum.She was very sure that the man and woman sitting not far from her at the moment were Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan.

However, she was puzzled a lot as to why Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan came together.I have lived with Du Yuanyuan for two days, but I haven't heard her reveal every detail of her relationship with Fu Yushu, but Yun Shan often mentions her senior brother Yun Lei.

These two, since they are husband and wife, why did they hide after entering the palace?

At the party last night, Fu Yushu could have introduced Du Yuanyuan as his wife in front of everyone, and Du Yuanyuan could have introduced Fu Yushu as her husband-in-law in front of everyone, why didn't they reveal it?

Did they not want others to know, or some other reason?
The evening wind was blowing, and there was no fear of staying in the woods when I was down the mountain.

Du Yuanyuan leaned on Fu Yushu's shoulder and looked at the hazy scenery in mid-air, "Master, the team I sent to protect you was all cleared away by Yu Shengjun in two rounds of competition. He is really not easy. !"

Yes, Yu Shengjun is not easy, she can intuit it on the day of marriage.

How terrifying is a man who is not close to women!
Tang Lin was taken aback, wondering why Du Yuanyuan sent someone in to protect Fu Yushu?One more thing, Du Yuanyuan mentioned a name... Yu Shengjun? !Yu Shengjun invited their men away in two rounds? !what's the situation?
Du Yuanyuan continued, but his tone was a bit melancholy, "There are only two of us left. Is there any chance to successfully assassinate Yu Shengjun? We have been dealing with this stupid king for ten years, and we still can't kill him!"

Yu Shengjun, Hunjun? !

Tang Lin's eyes widened instantly, and she almost screamed out. She seemed to have discovered something.

If the Hunjun Du Yuanyuan was talking about was the emperor who bet with her, and the emperor's name was Yu Shengjun, isn't this... her boyfriend?
Tang Lin was confused and didn't know how to think!
That emperor, the emperor who can kill with a drop of water, is really Yu Shengjun?Was it really Yu Shengjun who said he wanted to marry her?Is it really Yu Shengjun who not only said that he would marry her, but also could kill with leaves?
If so... it's no wonder that the martial arts of the two of them are so superb!
After all, is it?
"Don't worry!" Fu Yushu put his arms around his wife's arm, comforted him a few times, and said, "Right now, Yu Shengjun doesn't know that we are against the Royal Society, and he is busy recruiting his bodyguards to protect him more thoughtfully. We don’t have the energy to doubt us for the time being. It’s only because there are so many masters participating in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition this time that our talents will be eliminated. Moreover, some of our people do not meet the requirements, so they are naturally eliminated. Shengjun suspects that there are people among us who are against the Royal Society!"

It was another sentence that shocked Tang Lin extremely.

Rebellion? !Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan turned out to be against the Imperial Council?Their purpose was to find an opportunity to assassinate the current emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty?
Feng Diewu mentioned that the anti-imperial society organization was specially designed to make trouble with the imperial court of the Yuxin Dynasty.The anti-imperial society is very mysterious, and its biggest purpose is to assassinate the current emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty, and it will never stop until it achieves its goal.

Feng Diewu also said that the reason why the imperial court recruited the inner guards was entirely to protect the emperor's safety.

It seems that what Feng Die Wu said is true.

However, if Yu Shengjun is the current emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty, and Fu Yushu is a member of the Anti-Yuhui.Both of them have met in Jun Die Xuan, and they both know each other, and they can talk very well, don't they know that the other party is the target of each other?
Another point, if Yu Shengjun is the emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty, why did he appear in Jundiexuan?What are you doing in Jun Die Xuan?
Yu Shengjun's ability seems to be far more than she imagined. He was able to enter the mansion of Mr. Zhu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, and Zhu Shangshu did not blame him. This means that there is a relationship between the two of them.

Another time, she saw someone help him deliver Jundiexuan's ingredients to the door of Jundiexuan at five o'clock. At that time, it was Yu Zichen who opened the door to let those two people deliver the things.This means that the two young men and women in one black and one red clothes were sent by Yu Shengjun, otherwise, how could they help Yu Shengjun, a buyer, to buy things.

If Yu Shengjun is the current emperor, then it is reasonable for him to be able to solve the problem, but she can't figure out how he appeared in Jundiexuan Restaurant.

And Yu Zichen, why did he secretly open the door of Jun Die Xuan to help those two people without letting others know?

This Yu Zichen, he also has a problem!
Yu?At?And the royal surname is Yu. Could it be that...they are all surnamed Yu, are they royals?One is the current sage, and the other, isn't he the prince?

Based on this calculation, isn't Guan Eyun the princess?
Yu Xinrui's surname is also a homonym. Could it be that the three of them are... brothers and sisters?
If so, why did they appear in Jun Die Xuan together?Why did they all put pseudonyms on the personnel register?

The more Tang Lin thought about it, the more complicated it became. She only knew that the royal surname was "Yu", and she hadn't inquired about the name of the current emperor, the name of the prince, or the name of the princess.

If her deduction is correct, Yu Shengjun is Yu Shengjun, the current emperor;

Is it right?Did she infer right?If yes, what should she do?Boyfriend is... the Son of Heaven!
However, the emperor's voice is not like Yu Shengjun's voice, this is impossible!

At this time, Du Yuanyuan's words interrupted Tang Lin's crazier thoughts.Du Yuanyuan suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Fu Yushu: "By the way, Mr. Xiang, I discovered a very strange thing!"

Fu Yushu frowned, "What's the matter?"

Du Yuanyuan didn't tell the matter right away, but asked a question in advance, "Sir, tell me, how is Queen Chenghuan Shihe doing?"

Fu Yushu's heart trembled, and he didn't show any traces on the surface, "I have locked her and her mother in a hidden place, and all the guards in the palace have dispatched, so they may not be able to find them. Ma'am, why do you ask this?" gone?"

"It's strange," Du Yuanyuan said in details depressedly, "Sir, do you remember Tang Lin?"

Now, Fu Yushu felt a little uneasy. He always felt that Du Yuanyuan had discovered something, but he still said calmly, "I know! Those contestants knew her last night, so I also knew her. What's wrong?"

Fu Yushu didn't tell the truth about his acquaintance with Tang Lin.

This point made Tang Lin very puzzled, why did he lie to Du Yuanyuan?
But one thing is certain, that is, Empress Cheng Huan's name is Shi He.Sure enough, the landlord of Fengyuelou asked her to enter the palace instead of Lian Xin for a purpose, but I don't know if it has anything to do with Fu Yushu.

Du Yuanyuan said: "When I pretended to be Empress Chenghuan and entered the palace instead of Shihe, the eunuch in charge of the palace gave me a jade pendant, saying that it could prove the identity of Empress Chenghuan. Take it off, and take off the jade pendant too. At that time, you didn't wear the jade on Shi He?"

Fu Yushu didn't reveal the truth, but took advantage of the topic, "At that time, I put the new clothes on Shihe, but I didn't wear the jade pendant for her. I forgot, but no matter whether I had it or not, the jade pendant is no longer useful to her!"

Did she find that Tang Lin had the jade pendant given by Shi He?If it wasn't for this reason, she wouldn't be able to ask like this!

In Fengyue Tower, Shihe personally handed the jade pendant to Tang Lin, hoping that Tang Lin would replace her as queen in the palace, but unexpectedly, Tang Lin not only failed to become the queen, but was also discovered by Yuan Yuan.

Du Yuanyuan felt uneasy, "But, the jade pendant is now on Tang Lin, how did she get it? If you didn't put the jade pendant on Shihe, how did the jade pendant pass from the palace to the people, and then Tang Lin got it? I I asked her, and she said that it was given to her by a man, this man...who could it be? How did he get Shihe's jade pendant?"

Fu Yushu smiled lightly, and comforted him, "Don't think too much about it. It is estimated that the jade pendant was sold by the people in the palace, and then Tang Lin bought it. As long as Yu Shengjun can't see the jade pendant, nothing will happen!"

Du Yuanyuan suddenly panicked: "What if Yu Shengjun sees it? Then doesn't he regard Tang Lin as the Queen Cheng Huan who escaped from the palace? If Tang Lin is regarded as Shi He, then it is equivalent to the Queen Cheng Huan who escaped from the palace and returned , Then, Yu Shengjun will recall all the guards. In this way, our plan will be ruined? We originally used Shihe's identity and innocence to anger Yu Shengjun, in order to let him All the guards sent out to the palace to look for Shihe. All the Ouchi guards were dispatched, and Yu Shengjun was alone without a guard to protect him. Our people can sneak attack the palace and successfully kill Yu Shengjun! But now, the plan is about to come to an end. It's gone. If all the guards come back, will we still have a chance to get close to Yu Shengjun and kill him?"

Fu Yushu never thought about her worry.However, he has fallen in love with Shihe and has his child.For the safety of mother and child, he had no choice but to give up this plan and let Tang Lin become the queen.

For him now, killing Yu Shengjun is important, but Shihe's mother and son are more important.

When Tang Lin heard this, she blinked her eyelashes and didn't have time to do so, her mind was filled with shock and disbelief.

God!What did she hear?
Does the emperor know that he has been plotted against?
Fu Yushu gave a suggestion, "You find a chance and bring the jade pendant back, so that Yu Shengjun won't be able to see it!" Since Tang Lin has no intention of being a court lady, forget it, and find another way to keep Shihe and her mother.Speaking of Tang Lin, Du Yuanyuan felt an indescribable anger, "Master, I hate Tang Lin, a woman who also participated in the competition tonight. Master, me kill her tonight, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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