The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 136 Cheats for Chasing Men!

Chapter 136 Cheats for Chasing Men!

"Hunk Lord?!" Yu Shengjun raised his brows, he was interested in this word, and he didn't become angry and furious. "Everyone in the world says that I am the wise ruler of today, but you... say that I am a foolish ruler. Where is I...faint?"

Xiao Du gritted his teeth and said, "You know it well!"

Yitang shouted angrily, "Please be honest, who is the person who has an affair with Empress Cheng Huan?"

Xiao Du smiled contemptuously, and broke a mouthful of bloody saliva, "Bah, just ask, I don't know anything!"

Yu Shengjun was very patient, and said slowly in an elegant voice, "On the night of the night between me and Empress Cheng Huan, after the accident in Ruining Palace, the doctor Wu Yu, who was still alive, told me that a man took Empress Cheng Huan away. This man not only killed all the maids and eunuchs in Ruining Palace, but also killed the Imperial Forest Army standing guard at the gate of the palace, and even the patrolling army who arrived later died, and at that time, you... just survived. Really It's strange, that man didn't kill you, but kept you alive. It shouldn't be. If I didn't guess, you and that man are the same. What kind of reaction will there be in one scene, am I right? Of course, you stayed here to see if there are still people alive, so that you can report the situation to the outside in time!"

He seemed to be right, making Xiao Du speechless, his face turned blue.

Yu Shengjun continued: "That night, the imperial doctor Wu who diagnosed Queen Chenghuan witnessed the whole process, and I believe he also knew who the man was. Before he died, imperial doctor Wu told Zhen that Queen Chenghuan was pregnant. And when he was about to tell me who that man was, he died so suddenly without warning while still breathing. I felt a little strange at the time, so I cast my suspicious eyes on you. Sure enough, later During the autopsy, it was discovered that a thin, deadly poisonous needle had been pierced into the back of Yuyi Wu's neck. Before Yuyi Wu died, there was no one else behind Yuyi Wu except you. At that time, you thought that I wouldn't doubt you? Oh, it's a big mistake. Do you think it's worth it for you to make yourself into what you are today in order to protect that man? "

Xiao Du turned to the side with a cold face, and said in the same tone, "I don't know anything!" His attitude and tone were very cold.

Yu Shengjun's eyebrows were tightened, and there was a puzzled expression between his brows, "I think it's very strange, that man should not be weak in martial arts, he can stab the imperial doctor to death with a single sword, why... he still keeps the imperial doctor alive? "

Xiao Du's expression trembled, but he remained calm, and wrote lightly: "Perhaps, it was because of the kindness of that man that he spared the imperial physician Wu's life. This is not worth pondering."

Yu Shengjun raised a casual smile, looked into Xiao Du's eyes, and mentioned intentionally or unintentionally: "Could it be that the purpose of keeping Imperial Physician Wu alone is to let Imperial Physician Wu tell me personally... Empress Cheng Huan is pregnant? "

Xiao Du was startled, his pupils obviously flashed with horror, but he was afraid that his expression would reveal what was on his mind, so he immediately pretended not to know anything, "I don't know what you're talking about, if you want to kill or cut, hurry up!"

Yu Shengjun caught his reaction.Sure enough, his guess was right, and the purpose of keeping Imperial Physician Wu back was clearly to convey to him the news that Empress Cheng Huan was pregnant.

"You're surprised, aren't you?" Yu Shengjun's deep eyes stared straight at Xiao Du's face, so that Xiao Du had nowhere to hide.

Being told what was on his mind, Xiao Du panicked, but still insisted: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Yu Shengjun turned his back and took two steps, with his back to Xiao Du, he was like a storyteller, telling a story to someone listening to a book, "I sent half of the inner guards out of the palace to hunt down Queen Cheng Huan, but , this woman has simply disappeared from the world since she disappeared from the palace. My bodyguards went to Qing County to investigate her home, her deeds, and every relative of the poet family. But my Empress Cheng Huan Ah, it seems as if she didn't exist at all, and I didn't find out about her at all. General Shi Hongshi clearly has an orphan. The purpose is to take good care of the mother and daughter of the poet family. The hard facts are in front of me, why are there no traces for no reason? After thinking about it, I came up with the general reason for the matter!"

"Oh?" Xiao Du raised his eyebrows with interest, seemingly interested, but actually wanted to know how much Yu Shengjun knew.

Yu Shengjun said: "If that man left imperial physician Wu alone, it was to tell me that Empress Chenghuan was pregnant. After that, he expected that I would send out all the guards. However, the guards couldn't find a trace of Empress Chenghuan. You won't go back to the palace, then, if there are fewer guards in the palace, it means that my safety cannot be guaranteed, and in this way, your tricks will succeed!"

"You," Yu Shengjun was able to guess what happened, and Xiao Du's eyes widened in shock.

Yu Shengjun laughed, "After all, the target of you lawbreakers is not on Queen Chenghuan, but on my neck. You used Queen Chenghuan and angered me, then I will definitely treat Queen Chenghuan Angry and angry, you will send all the guards out of the people to hunt her down. You deliberately hide her and wipe off her previous traces, so that my guards can't find them. Then, my guards will not be able to complete the mission and come back. With no guards around, you can easily assassinate me. If I didn’t make a mistake in my deduction, this trick must have come from the Anti-Imperial Council!”

Xiao Du's eyes were startled again, and he was so stunned that he couldn't speak a word.It is true that Yu Shengjun is not close to women. After all, he has stayed in the palace all these years, and he has never seen Yu Shengjun step into the harem, let alone recruit concubines to serve him.

However, Yu Shengjun debunked their young master's plan so easily, this emperor is simply inhuman!

Yu Shengjun looked at his terrified and incredible eyes, and smiled slightly, "It's all about this, what secret do you think you can keep from me? Fan Yuhui, a group of perishers, what do you think? You can overthrow Yu Xinfu's Chu State with your little tricks? It's simply beyond your control, it's a dream!"

Xiao Du sneered, "Yes, we are just dreaming, but Yu Shengjun, don't forget that in the past ten years, our Rebellion Association has grown stronger and more mysterious, and it is dedicated to taking your dog's life. Now , you can’t do anything to fight against the Royal Society.”

Yu Shengjun sighed, "I made a wrong move at the beginning, it was ridiculously wrong. In the past ten years, I have underestimated the ability of the descendants of Chu, and I have been thinking about how to lay out the enemy's country in one fell swoop. The Yuhui is getting bigger and bigger. At the beginning, I also wanted to wipe out the anti-yuhui, but I thought that one more bloody would be better than one less bloody. I thought, sooner or later, these perishers will surrender to me, Yuxin. But I am shooting myself in the foot with a stone. The people who opposed the imperial society repeatedly attacked me. I let them go. I just hoped that they could understand my heart. I didn't want to embarrass them. However, in the past two years, they have become more You are crazy, you enter the palace every now and then to assassinate. Do you think your surprise attack plan is very thoughtful? Do you think you are strong if you have no casualties? I tell you, it is because I let you go and don't want your life!"

Xiao Du didn't understand a little bit, "Then why did you kill everyone in the surprise attack last month? That's why you didn't want their lives?"

Yu Shengjun sneered and said: "I really want to let them go, but the Anti-Yuhui took my queen to the knife. Isn't this a challenge to my endurance? What is it that I have given you so many opportunities to start a new life in the Anti-Yuhui, Not only are you ungrateful, but you have even worsened and harmed me. I tell you, I will not let you go again, especially the leader of your anti-imperial society. If you don’t tell who it is, I will make your life worse than death!"

Little Du laughed three times, "Yu Shengjun, if you keep going on like this, I'll see if you have the time to torture me for the rest of your life. Before long, our young master will lead everyone to overthrow you, Yu Xin, and restore me. The Kingdom of Chu is over. Yu Shengjun, you just wait to die young on the battlefield like your father!"

Yitang immediately walked up to Xiao Du, one, two, three, punched each on the cheek, abdomen, and thigh, "Tell me, who is your young master?"

Xiao Du spat out a mouthful of blood.What surprised Yu Shengjun was that he actually agreed, "Okay, let me tell you, is it okay?" Yu Shengjun's face turned cold, and he said sharply, "Who is it?"

"Hehe!" Xiao Du licked off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and suddenly grinned again, that extremely happy smile again.He glanced at Yishuang standing at the door, then at Yitang in front of him, and finally at Yu Shengjun standing behind Yitang, the smile on his face gradually twisted, "He is the second prince, Yu, son, dust!"

Before seeing Yu Shengjun's reaction, Xiao Du immediately let out a low drink, and was coldly punched in the abdomen by Yitang. His facial features were pulled together in pain, but there was still an extremely happy smile on his face, "Haha Haha! Hahaha—”

Yu Shengjun stepped up in two steps, pushed away, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Du's neck tightly, twisting it tightly, his eyes were frighteningly cold.

Xiao Du's breathing was blocked for a while, his face blushed and his neck thickened, and he choked in a low voice from time to time. He felt that if Yu Shengjun tried a little harder, he would go to see King Yama.However, see you soon, see you soon, so as not to drag the young master down. "If you have the just...just try harder...just a little harder..."

Yu Shengjun approached his face, and said coldly: "I will tell you clearly that I doubt the people of the world, and I will not doubt my emperor's younger brother. Do you hear me clearly? You really impress me by daring to sow discord." "Suddenly, he took his hand back and gave an order: "Send the order down and "entertain" him well. If you are willing to reveal the last secret someday, give him a happy one, otherwise you will never talk about it!"

He clasped his fists together and said, "Obey!"

"Go to the back mountain!" Throwing down three words coldly, Yu Shengjun flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

Only then did Xiao Du regain his composure, and he tried his best to squeeze out his voice to stop Yu Shengjun, "Wait, wait a minute!" He had something to ask, he was afraid that he would not last long, even if he died, he would die clear.

Yu Shengjun turned around and said coldly: "Have you figured it out? This is not your style!"

Xiao Du pulled his lips weakly, and said contemptuously: "Yu Shengjun, you look down on me too much. It's just that there is one thing I can't figure out all the time. Let me ask. If the emperor doesn't want to answer, I won't force it!"

Yu Shengjun asked coldly: "What do you want to know?"

Xiao Du said: "Since you suspected me the day Empress Cheng Huan escaped from the palace, why did you arrest me these few days? not logical!"

Yu Shengjun did not answer, but answered together, he said: "At that time, our master guessed that you must be that man's accomplice. You stayed in the palace and did not go out, which proves that you still want to know something in the palace. Things. If you are arrested rashly and your information cannot be sent out, then your accomplices will intuit that something has happened to you, so they will stop planning. In order not to startle the enemy, we deal with everything secretly. On the surface, we have acted All the inner court guards, in fact, are just doing a show for you to let you send out this false information, so that your accomplices really think that all the inner court guards are in the private sector, so that they can plan how to break into the palace. So later, The Anti-Defense Society really carried out a sneak attack, and in the end, all of them were arrested. Unfortunately, they took their lives too lightly and committed suicide by taking poison. In order to prevent your accomplices from finding out that something happened to you, none of us Go follow you, you will continue to serve the Empress Dowager in the palace, and continue to listen to the Empress Dowager's order to find Empress Cheng Huan among the people. We will... formally arrest you after the assassination of the Anti-Royal Council is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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