The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 137 Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless

Chapter 137 Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless

Xiao Du smiled sadly, "So that's the case, I'm still wondering, it's been two months since the Empress Cheng Huan's affair, why did you suspect it after two months? You're actually trying to catch big fish with a long line, you're really good at it!"

Yitang showed a rare smile, "Everyone!"

"But..." Xiao Du suddenly remembered that when he was with Tang Lin on the folk street last month, Tang Lin clearly waved at Yu Shengjun in the crowd, and she also called out Yu Shengjun's name. name.

Why did Yu Shengjun and Fake Shihe know each other?
At that time, he really wanted to tell the young master about Yu Shengjun's life among the people and about Yu Shengjun's acquaintance with fake Shihe.But when he wanted to tell the young master about these two things through Feige, the empress dowager's people forcibly took him back to the palace, and then he was sent here by Yu Shengjun.

In this way, he has been treated like death for the past few days.

It is said that a good king will not abuse lynching, but the execution room in this underground palace is more...horrible than the punishment room in the Ministry of Punishment.Yu Shengjun is Yan Luo.

Yu Shengjun frowned, and Xiao Du's hesitation told him that the other party had something to tell him, "But what?"

Xiao Du thought about it, and decided to forget it, that girl is actually kind, so why bother her.At first, he thought it was the young master who couldn't see people and let Shihe escape, so he set his sights on this girl who was exactly like Shihe, but he didn't expect that the other party was not the person he was looking for at all. "nothing!"

Yu Shengjun turned around coldly, this time he did not look back until the stone gate of the execution room fell.

Looking at the torture room with all kinds of torture instruments in front of him, Xiao Du's eyes became blank, "Young master, do you know that something happened to your subordinate? This subordinate failed you, I'm sorry, I gave you false information, and killed so Many brothers!"

When Mei Chun'er returned to Lanyuan, she saw He Shiya walking back and forth in the room with an anxious look on her face, as if she had encountered some difficult decision, she asked: "Shiya, what's wrong with you tonight?"

He Shiya held the cheat book Tang Lin gave her on chasing men, and said anxiously, "I don't know what's wrong with me."

The purpose of entering the palace this time is to meet the emperor. If she is destined to become his concubine, she will be very happy.If there is no chance, then she will step back and hide him deep in her heart.This opportunity must not be missed, after tonight, it will be very difficult for her to get close to the emperor.

After all, should she go tonight?
On the day the second prince got married, she would never forget how the emperor came down like an emperor among thousands of guests and deeply captured her heart.She will never forget that at that time, all the ladies present were infatuated with him, wishing to throw themselves into his arms to get his love and affection.

However, how many people have the courage like her to enter the palace just to meet him.

Thinking of Yu Shengjun's treatment of Tang Lin, He Shiya gradually calmed down.She sat on the edge of the bed and smiled wryly, "If he was interested in me, he would have already set his eyes on me, right? His eyes still stayed on her after all!"

Mei Chun'er was puzzled, "What are you talking to yourself? What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?" She stretched out her hand to explore He Shiya's forehead, but she didn't find any hotness, so she breathed a sigh of relief, " Luckily I don't have a fever."

"Chun'er, I'll go out for a while!" If you don't take a step, you will never know if you have that charm.

He Shiya hurriedly said something to Mei Chun'er, then clutched the letter tightly and ran out of the room.

Mei Chun'er rubbed the back of her head, "How strange!"

Yu Shengjun returned to the entrance of the forbidden area in the back mountain, went directly into the tent, and sat on the tiger skin throne.

An Lin served a cup of tea, "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun waved his hand and said calmly: "Just put it on the table!" After An Lin put down the teacup, he asked, "Is Yifeng back?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Yifeng lifted the curtain and came in, "Master!"

An Lin stepped back.

Yifeng took a few steps forward, stood up, and said to Yu Shengjun: "Master, it's almost midnight. As soon as midnight arrives, the competition will enter the key point, and our people will start to move. Master wait for the fourth watch." Result!"

Yu Shengjun supported one side of his face with one hand, and put the other hand on the table. His slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the table in front of him, with a relaxed expression. "Then I'll just wait! Oh yes, the person who should be killed can be solved?"

Yifeng replied: "Those who are suspected of rebelling against the Royal Society have already been eliminated in the first two rounds of the competition. They are a group of young people who can't stand up to the leader. It will be beneficial to us to get rid of them as soon as possible. But for those who stay, They are all talented people, and we will wait and see if there is anyone who opposes the Imperial Council. As for General Shao's men, at present, only one will be resolved!"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled up into an evil and sinister arc, "This Shao Qi, I want to fight him more and more!"

"Master," Yifeng reminded, "our ultimate goal is to take over the country of Beilin, avenge the massacre of tens of thousands of our Yuxin people by Beilin 18 years ago, and avenge the former emperor! Since they dare to invade our land , Why can't we treat him in the same way? But now, we can't suppress Shao Qi too obviously! If the other party becomes suspicious, then the master's hard work in the past ten years will be wasted. "

Yu Shengjun sighed, and said lightly: "I don't know how to measure it, but I really want to see how those people go on. Yifeng, you don't need to worry about me, I won't lose my sense of proportion!"

Yifeng nodded, "This subordinate understands!"

Yu Shengjun asked again: "What's the matter with Mu Lingxuan?"

Yifeng said proudly: "Master, don't worry, this woman has been circling in the trap you set up. When the time comes, it's not too late to expose her. When the time comes, she will accompany their Northern Kingdom Disappear together!"

Yu Shengjun said: "I didn't kill her back then, just to use her as a pawn to achieve what I wanted. I wanted to see how capable she is to bring me down."

"Master..." Yifeng's complexion was a little grim, "There are some things that my subordinates don't know whether to say or not to say."

Yu Shengjun frowned slightly, "What are you talking about?"

Yifeng said: "Master has been working on this matter in secret, and few people know your plan. However, with Mu Lingxuan's sabotage, many people will inevitably misunderstand you, including the Second Prince and the two prime ministers... "

When Yu Shengjun was about to say something, An Lin walked in and reported: "Your Majesty, Miss Tang's friend He Shiya, please see you!"

"He Shiya?" Yu Shengjun frowned.Yifeng recalled it for a while, and soon found a clip of He Shiya in his brain, "Back to the master, this Lord Commander He Shiya mentioned to us that this woman is a lady of every family, and the Lord Commander met this woman on a lake tour. It's a woman. This woman is good at throwing knives. At that time, the Commander was attacked by thieves on the water. Fortunately, this woman helped him in time, and the Commander was saved. The Commander recommended this woman to enter the palace as a joke at the time. Unexpectedly, this woman readily agreed!"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said, "You ladies also want to be the bodyguard?"

An Lin's thought, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's more than that. Miss He Shiya seems to have come prepared!"

Yu Shengjun shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "What can she do with me? We can't get along with her at all!"

Yifeng calmly said: "Your Majesty, all the contestants with invitation cards are outstanding. If Miss Shiya is really capable of making it to the final round, then she will be your right-hand man, Your Majesty. We should meet in advance. Allowable!"

An Lin said worriedly: "Your Majesty, this old slave is worried that this woman has other purposes, maybe she is an assassin, someone who rebels against the Imperial Council!"

Yu Shengjun calmed down, "I really need to meet this person." Immediately ordered the two of them: "I will pay more attention, there is no need to worry. Yifeng, you go to observe the situation in the back mountain, An Lin, go and get He Shi Come in, please!"

"Abiding by the order!" The two of them responded each other and retreated out of the tent together.

Yu Shengjun put on the mask, and when An Lin brought He Shiya in, he had already picked up the tea on the table and started to sip it lightly.

He Shiya walked in with her head down, walking in a dignified manner.When An Lin's footsteps stopped, she stopped, but she still didn't dare to look up at the environment in the camp, mainly because she was afraid of meeting Yu Shengjun's eyes.

At this moment, she was very nervous and scared, wondering whether her abruptness would bring her the crime of beheading.

An Lin bowed to Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty, Miss He Shiya has arrived!"

Yu Shengjun took a look at He Shiya, who had a good figure but kept her head down, and waved to An Lin.

An Lin would notice, and then retreated, leaving the tent.

Yu Shengjun looked at He Shiya intently, without any emotion in his eyes.He Shiya is a beauty, but he is not interested, and cannot arouse his appreciation.After taking a sip of tea, he put the cup down.Looking at He Shiya for a while, he said: "For the sake of being Tang Lin's friend, I saw you alone, which is enough to save you face. But I want to know, why do you want to see me? Raise your head and speak !"

Slowly, He Shiya raised her head, she was standing only one meter away from the throne, looking at the person sitting opposite her so closely, she couldn't help but take a breath.This is the first time she has seen this man up close.

With a stalwart figure, domineering exposed!It gives people the feeling of the emperor who is supreme and cannot act rashly.

When looking at him from a distance, he has a cold aura that is repulsive to others thousands of miles away, and she dare not approach him.Now, he was so close in front of her, but she felt an inexplicable intimacy.

It seemed that this man was originally very friendly, but he stood far away from him, so everyone thought he was cold.

Wearing a mask, he is mysterious and unpredictable, but it makes people want to peek into the face inside.

She had seen him, seen him in the Second Prince's Mansion, even though the scene was a bit crowded at that time, it did not affect her seeing him.At the first sight, she fell in love with him, his peerless face, no matter what, she couldn't get it out of her mind.

Yes, she admits that she admires that face, but she loves his royal temperament even more.Noble, elegant, domineering, yet so deep and independent.Everything about him attracted her, tempted her.

She can guarantee that there is no woman in this world who can not be defeated by his first sight.

She read the cheat book on chasing men that Tang Lin gave her.

Tang Lin pointed out the first trick to her, which was to tell Yu Shengjun her love for Yu Shengjun without reservation, and to tell Yu Shengjun that she knew that for loving him and seeing him, she had to eat A lot of pain.

However, now that she saw someone, she was standing opposite her, but she didn't have the courage to speak out, and she was extremely nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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