Chapter 138

Yu Shengjun asked: "Why don't you speak?"

"I..." He Shiya's eyes dodged, she was very nervous, because she was afraid of meeting Yu Shengjun's eyes.She tightened the envelope tightly in her hand, and every time she wanted to muster up the courage to speak out in one breath, she swallowed back the words that came to her mouth.

Yu Shengjun noticed the envelope that she squeezed into a ball and held in her hand, "What are you holding in your hand?"

"Uh," He Shiya immediately put her hands behind her back, and hurriedly replied, "No, nothing!"

"Bring it!" Yu Shengjun stretched out his hand and ordered.

He Shiya hesitated for a while, fearing that Yu Shengjun would punish her, so she replaced the wrinkled envelope and put it in Yu Shengjun's palm.Anyway, those contents are exactly what she wants to do to him, and he can read it, she can just see if he is interested in her, and she doesn't need to express her intention.

Yu Shengjun opened the envelope, glanced at the nervous He Shiya, then took out the letter inside, and opened it again. The familiar note on the letter made him stand up in shock, "This, isn't this Tang Lin's note?" ?”

He Shiya was terrified by his surprise, she quickly knelt down, begged for mercy, and told the whole story, "I'm sorry Your Majesty, Shiya didn't intend to play tricks on you like this, Shiya... Shiya..." Go all out Alright, let's die.Gritting her teeth: "The girl Shiya has been in love with the emperor for more than a year. Seeing that Tang Lin is so fond of the emperor, Shiya told Tang Lin about her liking for the emperor. Tang Lin planned to help Shiya Ya fulfilled this fate, so I gave Shiya a trick to make the emperor like Shiya. Please enlighten the emperor, Shiya has no malice, and Tang Lin has no malice!"

... After waiting for a long time, He Shiya did not hear Yu Shengjun's voice, let alone feel his anger.But, gradually, she heard some intermittent laughter!laughter? !

Slowly, He Shiya raised her head and looked at Yu Shengjun, but was suddenly stunned.

Yu Shengjun was looking at the cheat book written by Tang Lin, and the more he read it, the more he wanted to laugh, especially when he saw the back, he couldn't help but burst out laughing and slapped his leg, "Haha, this damn Linlin... It really made me laugh..."

He Shiya could feel that she had been left alone.It's okay to hang out.But the problem is, the various performances of Yu Shengjun in front of her now really make her stunned and dumbfounded.

According to the rumors, the cold-tempered and moody emperor would have such a...cute side?
According to the rumors, the emperor, who was not close to women, would smile so happily because of a woman's letter?
Senseless!She is really confused!Is the man standing one meter away from her at this moment like the one in the legend...

Slowly, Yu Shengjun stopped laughing, glanced at He Shiya, coughed twice seriously, and then took Tang Lin's cheats on chasing men as his own.He put the envelope and letter paper under the map on the command table, and said to He Shiya lightly, "I have confiscated this letter. You can go down!"

He Shiya stared at him with startled eyes, full of shock.

He neither blames her nor asks her what she thinks of him. What does he mean by that?
If he did this, wouldn't it be the same as personally stabbing a sword in her heart?
If he didn't mean anything to her, he should at least mention one thing, why be so ruthless and directly order her to quit?
Yu Shengjun knew her heart well, but he knew very well that he could not accept her.After calming down, he said truthfully: "I understand your intentions, but I don't want to delay your future, so don't be willing to enter the harem just to stay by my side. The rumors outside are indeed true, I am not close to women, Of course...not all women. Let me be honest, the woman I love is her—Tang Lin!"

Knowing the result, I didn't expect it to be so fast.

He Shiya smiled lowly, feeling a little sorry for herself, "Your Majesty, Tang Lin is indeed worthy of your love!" A capable woman and an even more capable man, they are such a good match, aren't they?
Yu Shengjun said: "For your words, I will work harder to love her!"

He Shiya smiled, feeling relieved. When she looked at Yu Shengjun, her eyes were already filled with tears, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty, on the way here, the daughter of the people thought about all kinds of results. Having this result made the Minnv feel at ease. The reason why the Minnv came in by participating in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition was to see the Emperor again. At the wedding banquet of the second prince that day, the Minnv fell in love with the Emperor at a glance. Since then, she has never forgotten the Emperor, almost Falling in love!"

It's the Second Prince's Mansion again, just like Fengdiewu!
If he hadn't shown up at the Second Prince's Mansion that day, perhaps he wouldn't have received the confession from these infatuated women.

Yu Shengjun sighed softly, and said with regret: "Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless. Miss Shiya, this is a sentence from me to you. I don't want to reject you so harshly, I hope you can...understand."

He Shiya nodded with a smile holding back her tears, "Shiya understands. Shiya will leave the palace tomorrow."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Are you not participating in the competition?"

He Shiya wiped away the disappointing tears and smiled, "Your Majesty, the purpose of Shiya's entry into the palace is to see the Emperor again, and she has nothing else to do. Shiya failed Commander Zhang's recommendation. When the Emperor saw Commander Zhang, Please help Shiya to say sorry, thank you!"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "What can I see? It can make you put down your identity as a young lady and come in!"

He Shi smiled lightly and said: "This is an indescribable feeling, I just want to see you. Your Majesty, will you give Shiya this chance? Shiya wants to see you again, so she gives up!" "Forget it!" Yu Sheng Jun rejected He Shiya very politely. "If you give up, you won't make such a request again, will you?"

He Shiya took a deep breath and buried the loss in the past.Chao Yushengjun pursed his lips and smiled, "Well, then Shiya will not embarrass the emperor. What the emperor said is right, if you give up, why would you ask for it!"

However, she never had the chance to see that handsome face that was so impressive in her mind.

Yu Shengjun asked with a little concern: "After that, what are your plans?"

He Shiya never expected that the emperor, who was rumored not to be close to women, would actually care about women, and it was the first time he had met a woman.She hesitated for a while, and then said: "Go home, be filial to your parents, and obey your parents' arrangements in everything!"

Yu Shengjun didn't say much, and didn't want to care about her, "Then take care!"

"Shiya resigns!" Said lightly, and He Shiya turned around and left.

Yu Shengjun took a deep breath, shook his head helplessly, and boasted: "Where does my charm come from?" Looking down at himself, he couldn't find the answer.Apart from the conspicuous dragon robe on his body, there is nothing else, right?

Little did he know that his identity, his status, his appearance, his temperament... were all conditions for capturing a woman.

He took out the letter paper sandwiched under the map, opened it again, and the more he looked down, the more he couldn't help laughing.And he smiled very reservedly, his hands were slightly clenched into fists and rested on his lips, and his laughter was intermittent.

An Lin came in from the outside, seeing Yu Shengjun smiling so happily, he was in a daze for a while.This was the first time he saw Yu Shengjun have such a smile.Could it be that the sun came out from the west today?Or, does He Shiya have the charm to make Yu Shengjun happy?

This future post should belong to Tang Lin, so He Shiya won't be the one to take the seat in the end, right?
The more An Lin thought about it, the more he felt suspenseful and a little uneasy.He hoped that Tang Lin would take the back seat, and he didn't want He Shiya either.She is also an alluring beauty, but the one who can match Yu Shengjun is Tang Lin after all!
Yu Shengjun couldn't bear to share, so he called An Lin, "An Lin, take a look, look at that woman's cheats on chasing men!"

"Uh, good!" An Lin was a little flattered, but he obediently took the letter paper brought by Yu Shengjun with both hands, and glanced it hastily, but in the end it was difficult to look away, and his eyes were wide open.

Seeing his expression, Yu Shengjun laughed and said, "Are you shocked too?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" An Lin said truthfully, it seemed that this was the first time he had seen such a cheat book on chasing men, he was stunned for a moment, and couldn't take his eyes off the contents of the letter for a long time.

Yu Shengjun sat down on the throne, put his hands on the armrests on both sides, and fantasized with anticipation, "This is the trick she came up with. If she experiences it personally, maybe I will love her even more!"

"Uh," An Lin was taken aback, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Your Majesty, the content behind this is a bit..." obscene.

Yu Shengjun laughed and said, "Why don't you just finish talking?"

An Lin lowered his head and said in fear, "Slave...don't dare!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Don't get me wrong, this is a letter from Tang Lin to He Shiya!"

"Ah?" An Lin was startled, "Miss Tang's?" This Miss Tang is too... obscene.

Yu Shengjun originally wanted to calm down, but when he thought of the content of the letter, he couldn't help laughing, "This woman, thankfully she can figure it out. If He Shiya does what she says, I won't be chopped off." He Shiya's head is no wonder!"

I checked my watch with my mobile phone, it was almost twelve o'clock.On this mountaintop, she actually spent three or four hours eavesdropping on what the couple said.Tang Lin put down her phone and looked at the backs of the two with angry eyes.

If you want to leave here, you have to wait for these two people to leave.However, the conversation between the two is not over yet.

When Tang Lin thought she was going to eavesdrop on the dawn, Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan took action. It wasn't that they wanted to get up and leave, but... Du Yuanyuan threw Fu Yushu on the lawn, lay on him and looked at him with a sweet smile. Slender and slender fingers gently slid across his cheek, "Master, we haven't lived together for several months, do you miss Yuan Yuan?"

Shihe has the charm of Shihe, and Du Yuanyuan has the charm of Du Yuanyuan.They were different, but both of these women were loved by him, and he couldn't resist what they did.

Fu Yushu took Du Yuanyuan's hand and said softly, "Ma'am, I'm sorry for letting you live alone at home. I should have ended Shihe's affairs and came back to accompany you earlier. I'm sorry for making you feel wronged. I've always left you alone." People are alone."

Instead, he stayed with Shihe.

If Yu Shengjun is not a womanizer, then Fu Yushu is not a man who only loves women's bodies.As for Shihe, he only possessed her body once, and that was when he ate acacia.

Unexpectedly, just that one time, Ling Shihe became pregnant with his child.

After that, although they got tired of being together every day, he never did anything excessive until now.

Greed is a mistake, he knows this truth well.What's more, he is burdened with the mission of restoring the country, and he can't devote all his attention to affairs with women.

As for Du Yuanyuan, after he and she got married, they ran around for various tasks and rarely met.The days they spent together were not as many as he spent with Shi He, not to mention how many times they had skin-to-skin kisses with her.

The moonlight is vast, and there is no style.

(End of this chapter)

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