The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 139 The "Human Arm" Trap!

Chapter 139 The "Human Arm" Trap!

Originally, she was just out of kindness and wanted to show the way for everyone, but she didn't expect that these people who were shrouded in the light thought they were going to the west sky, rolled their eyes, foamed at the mouth, and fell to the ground.

Those contestants who were not afraid of coffins or skeletons were suddenly covered by a beam of light, and they all stood motionless without any reaction.

Dong Chenchen slipped away quickly, and had already run under the tree where Tang Lin was.She took a breath, then looked back, her eyes straightened suddenly, and she saw a very strong beam of light that covered all the contestants, and that beam of light could move around, illuminating the surrounding environment up.

That beam of light appeared from above his own head.

Dong Chenchen held his breath, looked above his head, and saw a figure, and that beam of light appeared from the figure.Just when she thought it was the light made by a ghost, suddenly, the light fell on her.

Tang Lin couldn't see Dong Chenchen among those people, so she looked around, and the light like a flashlight was in a trance, and finally, the light fell under the tree.

Seeing Dong Chen and Chen Zheng looking up at her, Tang Lin greeted with a smile, "Hi!"

However, what Dong Chenchen gave her back was - falling down gorgeously.

"Chen Chen!" Unexpectedly, Dong Chenchen was stunned. Tang Lin was a little worried, worried that Dong Chenchen would be scared to death.Immediately turn off the lights, jump off the tree, then help Dong Chenchen to lie on his lap, shaking Dong Chenchen's head, "Chen Chen, wake up, Chen Chen!"

After shaking for a while, Dong Chenchen still didn't wake up.

Tang Lin had no choice but to give up, put Dong Chenchen down, and then got up.The surroundings were already quiet. It seemed that those who were awake had already fled, and those who were afraid were already lying on the ground.

She turned on the light and walked past the corpses, foaming at the mouth, pale and twitching.

Tang Lin didn't stop until she reached the coffin that had been broken into several pieces.She looked at the ground and saw a pile of skeletons.Then I took a photo of the stele that was no longer bleeding.Suddenly, she unexpectedly shined above her head.

The surrounding trees are too tall and have many branches.

At this moment, Tang Lin was photographed like this. Those imperial guards hiding in the trees originally wanted to hide, but they didn't expect to be caught by Tang Lin.The corner of his mouth curled up into an evil smile, "Brothers of the Imperial Forest Army, come down!"

Those imperial guards who were in charge of "throwing" the coffin jumped down one after another and stood in front of Tang Lin together.

Tang Lin turned down the lights so that the Imperial Forest Army could see her clearly.

It turned out to be a woman, and, moreover, she was also the man of the game in the first two rounds.These imperial guards had all seen Tang Lin in the first two rounds of the competition, and it was very unexpected to see Tang Lin now.

One of the imperial guards said in disbelief: "It's a miracle that you didn't get scared half to death!"

Tang Lin smiled contemptuously, "If these skeletons can scare me, Tang Lin, then I'm not Tang Lin. You guys are really insidious. You lit three candles in an uninhabited area, and set up a bleeding machine." The stele is already scary enough, and you even used the trick of "coffin falling from the sky", that's all, but the skeletons in the coffin are running around, isn't this killing people? I'm fine, but you all scared the players so much It’s foaming! What if I’m scared to death? It’s hard to save after the game!”

The Royal Forest Army shrugged and said helplessly: "There is no way, we are also following orders!"

Another Imperial Forest Army clapped their hands, "Come out!" A group of people in official robes came out from all around, each carrying a medicine box.

Tang Lin finally understood, "It turns out that there is an imperial doctor on site!"

The Yulin army said: "Of course, after all, human life is at stake. We must guarantee the life of every player. After these people are rescued, we will take them out of the competition field first, and we cannot give them a chance!"

Tang Lin giggled, with a cunning smile in her eyes, "Then, where is the exit of the back mountain?" Get out early, and expose Yu Shengjun as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the Royal Forest Army shrugged, "I'm sorry girl, the emperor said, you can't tell each contestant where the exit is, unless... stay in the back mountain until the fourth watch, then we will tell!"

Tang Lin gave her a blank look, and said powerlessly: "At that time, maybe I had already found the exit and left. Waiting for you to tell me? Xiudou! Well, without delaying your rescue, I will go to other places to touch the ghosts, 8!" said When it's over, turn around and leave.

"Hey girl," the Imperial Forest Army stopped Tang Lin.

Tang Lin turned her head, frowned and asked, "Is there anything else?"

The Imperial Army pointed to the pistol in her hand curiously, "What did it come from? It's amazing that it can glow at night!"

"That's right, it's a god, haha!" After laughing twice, Tang Lin turned around and left without explaining what happened to her light.

After turning over the hill, Tang Lin never used the lights.She walked through the woods by the bleak moonlight.When passing by a very big tree, a gust of wind suddenly "swish", blowing from behind her.

Tang Lin stopped and did not look back, her eyes rolled for a while.

Suddenly, an ethereal white shadow passed by her, she immediately looked up, but there was nothing.

But before she looked back, one, two, three... Countless white shadows drifted past behind her, circling around her, and making strange noises.

Those white shadows, like ghosts, are transparent and cannot be touched.

Tang Lin looked down at her surroundings. There were several people lying on the ground.Now, she understood that there are joints here.If she guessed correctly, those illusory white shadows and those terrifying voices around were the real murderers who frightened these people unconscious on the ground.

It's just that after scaring her for so long, those ghosts became a little impatient, and the number increased, forming a circle, circling around her at an extremely fast speed, without fear of dizziness.

But, Tang Lin had a bad idea in her heart.She sat down, sat cross-legged, pulled a piece of grass on the ground and bit it, then took out her mobile phone, flipped through the photos of Yu Shengjun, and looked like she was foolish and fearless.

How could there be ghosts in this world?
Therefore, Tang Lin was very sure that the white shadows around were disguised as guards with high martial arts skills.They wore white robes with black clothes underneath, and since the robes barely covered their feet, they appeared to be footless at night.They painted their faces black and looked at them at night, as if they were "headless ghosts".

These Ouchi guards are powerful in martial arts, but if they are kept spinning around for more than ten minutes, will they fall to the ground with dizzy eyes?

Tang Lin planned to give it a try, so she chose to sit down and play with her mobile phone, looking forward to the appearance of those people.

Sure enough, after about six or seven minutes, those "headless ghosts" turned slower and slower, and their strange voices became more and more "panting", like porters, out of breath.

With a smile on the corner of Tang Lin's mouth, she hummed the national anthem while beating Super Mario, "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..."

10 minutes to arrive,

Finally, those "headless ghosts" stopped, and a sound of "thump, thump, thud" passed into Tang Lin's ears. It turned out that the guards all fainted on the ground, panting, while rolling their eyes to see Winding Venus.

Tang Lin stood up, took out her pistol, turned on the lighting function, and took a picture of these people, with a wicked smile on her lips, "Brother guards, how do you feel?"

A beautiful male guard, already unconscious, but he has not completely fainted, only to see Tang Lin's face appeared several times in his eyes for a while, and became very big for a while.His eyeballs rolled twice, and after saying "It's so cool", he finally closed his eyes.

" dizzy," another guard added in a dazed manner, and then also passed out.

Tang Lin photographed another guard, who crossed his eyes and said, "Hey, why are there so many stars? They can"

"Good guy, you want to plot against me? Get a good night's sleep!" Tang Lin patted the guard's forehead with her hand, and the guard immediately fainted, then stood up, and walked forward.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Tang Lin found that every few steps forward, she heard horrible screams from around, "Ah—"

At this time, the surroundings are not only terrifying, but also gloomy, with a strange and frightening atmosphere everywhere, which makes people breathless.

Tang Lin didn't go straight anymore, but walked towards the big tree next to her.He looked around, and then performed light kung fu, jumped up the tall tree as light as a swallow, leaned against the branches, and carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

Unfortunately, it was too dark at night, so she couldn't see clearly.

At this time, Han Xueyan's voice came from not far behind the tree, "Where is this? Where is this? Why can't I see everyone?"

"Help—" Cao Dan's weak voice came from around those people.

"Huh?!" Tang Lin was surprised, and said in surprise, "Isn't this Xiao Cao's voice?"

Fu Yushu had a fire folder in his hand, and he could obviously see everyone's faces.When he heard Cao Dan's voice, he stopped immediately, and then the others also stopped and listened carefully.

Yun Lei was not sure: "Is it Cao Dan's voice?"

Shao Qi said: "It seems to be!"

At this time, another voice came out, very powerless, "Is there anyone? Even if it's a ghost, come out, okay?"

Yun Shan was startled, "Yu Xin?"

"Where did the voice come from!" Fu Yushu pointed to a corner of the forest, and then walked over first, followed by the people behind him.

After walking for more than ten steps, Fu Yushu saw the edge of a hole with the help of a fire pocket. He was on guard for a few minutes before continuing to move forward.

At this moment, Yuxin was leaning weakly on Cao Dan's shoulder, with a listless face, "Is anyone... is there anyone..." The more she shouted, the more sleepy she became.

Cao Dan yawned, "I think we are doomed, so let's stop screaming, we can go out when we sleep until dawn. If you scream again, all the ghosts will come towards us, and it will be difficult to sleep at that time." can not sleep!"

Finally, Fu Yushu and everyone came to the entrance of the cave, and they all turned their heads to look down the cave.

The two people at the bottom of the hole noticed the faint light of the fire, and they all looked up quickly, and Fu Yushu's face was first caught in their eyes.

Cao Dan said in surprise, "Brother Fu?"

Fu Yushu took a closer look at the scene below the hole. The hunter's trap was so shallow that Cao Dan couldn't climb it. He was a little contemptuous, "Hey, this trap is only as high as a person. Don't you like to sit under it?"

"No!" Cao Dan explained: "I don't know what we sat on, our legs are numb, and we can't get up no matter how hard we try!"

Shao Qi rolled his eyes at him, "I think you said that because you couldn't bear to leave the beauty?"

(End of this chapter)

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