The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 140 The god horse didn't see it either!

Chapter 140 The god horse didn't see it either!
Yuxin blushed, but unfortunately the firelight couldn't reflect the blush on her face.

Yun Lei stretched out his hand, "Grab my hand, and I will pull you up!"

Yuxin stretched out her hand first, grabbed Yunlei's hand tightly, and was then pulled up by Yunlei.After she stood firmly, he continued to stretch out his hand, "Xiao Cao, it's your turn!"

Cao Dan couldn't wait to go up, and immediately grabbed Yunlei's hand, "Brother Yunlei, work hard!"

However, no matter how hard Yunlei tried this time, he couldn't pull Cao Dan up, and the people around were all anxious, so Fu Yushu also joined the ranks of pulling people up, pulling Cao Dan hard together with him.

Cao Dan tried his best to get up from below, but his body seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't get up no matter how hard he tried.

Tang Lin took out her pistol, turned on the light, and shone at the entrance of the cave. Everyone was surrounded by light.Because at this time, everyone's eyes were on the bottom of the hole, and they didn't look at other places.

When the beam of light from the lighting of Tang Lin's pistol fell below the hole, everyone could see the scene below the hole very clearly.Next to Cao Dan, where Yuxin was sitting, there were several bloody arms protruding from the ground, shaking towards everyone.

And the other arms are now pulling Cao Dan's lower body, and there are a few hands that firmly fix his legs. These hands are skinny, and... very dirty, bloody, and extremely ugly. .

The most important thing is that these arms... still move?

Countless hands with very long nails, like sprouting seedlings, ooze out of the ground and move.Can the hands move?Will it grow from the ground?

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes widened at the same time, and with their hissing, they gasped.Han Xueyan was the first to pass out, and Yun Shan also passed out, followed by Du Yuanyuan and Yuxin.

Even Du Yuanyuan, who was active at night all year round, could not escape this disaster.

Shao Qi swallowed, and looked at the scene below the hole without moving, his body was completely stiff.The same is true for Yunlei and Fu Yushu.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were full of horror, and the woman had already passed out.Cao Dan was a little puzzled, so, following their gazes, he looked at his legs and waist.Because his legs and waist were paralyzed earlier, he never knew why he couldn't get up.

Taking a closer look, some of those hands, those bloody demonic hands, were waving at him, pressing his legs a little firmly, not letting him get up... Seeing this scene, Cao Dan's heart suddenly contracted, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn't get up and passed out.

Tang Lin sensed something was wrong and hurried down the tree. "What happened?" Tang Lin ran over with a pistol like a flashlight and asked Fu Yushu and them.Just as she was approaching them, Fu Yushu suddenly came back to his senses, turned his back, and stopped her.

Tang Lin pulled his hand away, "Don't block me, let me have a look!"

Fu Yushu was a little confused, he didn't know why he used his body to block her way, but his intuition told him that he didn't want anything to happen to her, so he didn't want her to be frightened by the terrible trap.

Shao Qi and Yun Lei had recovered, they stopped staring at the scene below the cave, and looked at Tang Lin together.

Shao Qi said: "Miss Tang, you better stop watching!"

"I'm not!" As she said, Tang Lin pushed Fu Yushu away forcefully, and said impatiently, "Oh, don't block me, who are you? Really!" The impatient and stern tone was her intentional way of.

He is someone who opposes Yuhui and is the enemy of Yushengjun, she doesn't want to be with him.

Fu Yushu's heart felt cold, and he obediently moved out of the way. When Tang Lin stepped over him, she was no longer the Tang Lin he knew in the past.Now, she treats him with indifference, impatience, and... anger?
It was fine last night, how could she change?To him, she has always been quite humorous, why did she have such a tone today?
Tonight, he should listen to Du Yuanyuan and kill her, otherwise, once she joins forces with the emperor, it will be the beginning of his nightmare.But, he...can't do anything to her, really can't do anything.He has taken care of her enough, why did she break his heart with her words and attitude...

Tang Lin walked to the edge of the cave, looked down, and suddenly exclaimed, "Ah—"

Shao Qi and Yun Lei looked at each other, a little gloating, "Tell her not to watch, she will still watch!"

Tang Lin looked at the three of them angrily, pointed at the entrance of the cave, and asked, "Why is there nothing down here? Since there is nothing, why did Xiao Cao and the others pass out? Explain! I want to explain!"

"No way?" Tang Lin's words surprised Yun Lei. He hurried to the entrance of the cave and looked down. He was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't find anything. "What's going on?"

Tang Lin turned the light on Shao Qi's face, "Tell me, what happened just now?"

Shao Qi replied: "When we were about to pull Xiao Cao up, we found that there were many people's arms under the trap, and Xiao Cao had already been caught by those hands. We couldn't pull him up, so..."

Tang Lin glanced at the trap again, and roared, "But there's nothing down here?"

Yunlei shrugged, "We don't know, this is the fault!"

"Okay!" Tang Lin didn't want to listen to any more explanations, and ordered: "Hurry up, pull him up!"

"Oh!" Shao Qi and Yun Lei were stunned by the queen-like Tang Lin for a moment, and they were very obedient. They walked to the trap behind Cao Dan, and then squatted down. They grabbed Cao Dan's arm and held Cao Dan It was dragged up.

Tang Lin took a closer look at the trap with a light, but it was still an empty trap with nothing in it.She stopped looking, so she turned her pistol to the women on the ground, "I'm already dizzy, how can I get out?"

Shao Qi suggested, "Back!"

"If you like it, then you can memorize it!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin put one hand on her waist and faced them, looking at the watch on her wrist, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, and immediately urged everyone, "Hurry up, memorize it quickly, everyone No time to go out!"

Everyone helped them up one after another, put their hands on their shoulders, and planned to carry them away like this.

However, there were still two people not paying attention, Tang Lin urged: "There are two more!"

Yun Lei said ashamedly: "We have already brought people, there is no way to bring two more, forget it, just leave them here. They are so courageous, they are not suitable to be Ouchi guards at all, they should be eliminated as soon as possible , don’t suffer sooner!”

Tang Lin pointed at Yun Shan and said angrily, "Then why don't you keep her? Selfish guy!"

The three men were speechless, a little aggrieved by Tang Lin's scolding.They exchanged glances and found that Tang Lin was very angry tonight.

Fu Yushu asked with concern: "The person in charge, are you... all right?"

Tang Lin stared at him, staring fixedly: "What do you think?"

Fu Yushu said: "Are you frightened by tonight's environment?" It must be so, otherwise, how could she, who is always kind to others, lose her temper at him.

"So what? Don't talk to me, I don't want to talk to you!" After speaking angrily, Tang Lin bent down and pressed Cao Dan's Renzhong acupoint.

Cao Dan immediately took a deep breath, and slowly opened his eyes.The first person I saw when I opened my eyes was actually Tang Lin. Now, she burst into tears with joy, "Wuuu, Sister Tang, I saw you!"

"Unmotivated guy, get up!" Tang Lin said impatiently, and then slapped Cao Dan's thigh before getting up.

Cao Dan moved and tried to get up, but his legs didn't work, "Too bad, my legs are numb and I can't get up, what should I do?"

Tang Lin gave a sinister smile, twisted her neck, and came towards him, saying ghastly: "It's okay, I can help you." After finishing speaking, her eyes turned hard, then she raised her legs and slammed hard on Cao Dan's eyes. Legs down.

At the critical moment, in order to keep his legs, Cao Dan scrambled to the side and stood up again.Hippie smiled and said: "Okay, I'm done!"

Tang Lin glared at him fiercely, and said angrily, "You can continue to play dumb, hum!" Turning around and leaving.

Cao Dan walked up to Fu Yushu and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with the person in charge?"

Fu Yushu shook his head, "I don't know, I must have been frightened!" He looked at Tang Lin's retreating back, and a lot of melancholy gradually appeared in his eyes.

Tang Lin led everyone for a while, and then they vaguely heard the melodious sound of the piano coming from the front.

Tang Lin stopped and listened carefully.

Cao Dan put Yuxin down and supported her with his hands.He asked everyone, "What's the sound?"

Fu Yushu said, "It's the sound of the zither!"

Yun Lei said in a positive tone: "The sound of the piano must be deceitful!"

"No!" Shao Qi waved his hands, and listened carefully to Xiaohui, feeling relieved immediately, "This is the sound of the emperor playing the piano, I used to hear it often in the palace. It seems that we are very close to the exit!"

Fu Yushu and the others heaved a sigh of relief at what he said, and all of them guessed that the emperor must have played the piano to relieve boredom.

However, Tang Lin was not relieved, and her expression was a little dignified. She said to everyone: "Whether we have reached the exit or not, we still have to go this way, so hurry up and follow!" After finishing speaking, she walked first.

Others followed one after another.

It's just that the further they walked, the closer the sound of the piano was, so close that it seemed that the sound of the piano was just a few meters away.However, a few meters away, there was no fire at all, and there was no group of guards surrounding the entrance of the back mountain, and even the emperor's tent was nowhere to be seen.In addition to black, it is still black, black that can't be seen, weird black.

The lights on Tang Lin's pistol were always placed within three meters.When the sound of the piano was so close, she stopped, and then, slowly, aimed the pistol five meters away, at the source of the sound of the piano.

When the light of the lighting fell on that place, the back of a woman in white gauze with flowing hair came into Cao Dan's eyes.

The woman's back is perfect, like a fairy descending from the earth.

The woman's shoulders and arms were moving, apparently she was playing the Guqin, which was presumably placed on her lap.And she, sitting cross-legged on the ground, played her piano leisurely and contentedly on this dark and windy night.

Seeing such a stunning back, Cao Dan felt as warm as drinking Wuliangye, and smiled at the two brothers, "Look, there are beauties in the forbidden area behind the mountain!"

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi couldn't laugh, their faces cramped.Because of the sentence in Cao Dan's mouth, "There are beauties in this forbidden area behind the mountain", they couldn't laugh.May I ask, isn't this the forbidden area behind the mountain?
Just then, the sound of the piano disappeared.The woman with the stunning back turned around slowly and looked at Cao Dan and the others.

Fu Yushu held his breath first, waiting for the woman to turn her head.

(End of this chapter)

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