The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 141 The first appearance at the terminal!

Chapter 141 The first to appear at the terminal!

Cao Dan was very sure that it was a beautiful woman, so he looked forward to her turning around very much.There was an expectant smile on his face, and he thought to himself, she must be a beauty, she must be, there is nothing wrong with it.

The woman turned her head, and inside the clothes and hair, there was a face—a skeleton!
Hiss!The three men who were still awake took a breath at the same time, and opened their eyes together to look at the skeleton in human clothes and human hair.

Cao Dan's face turned completely pale, and his lips trembled every now and then, "'s a ghost..."

Because Fu Yushu and Shao Qi had made psychological preparations before, seeing a skeleton now, they were a little terrified, but they had already calmed down.After all, I have seen so many skeletons before, so it is not surprising to see you now.

However, they all had a slight reaction, but Tang Lin kept looking at the skeleton without any reaction.There was no scream, no sound, and no movement.

The three of them slowly shifted their gazes to Tang Lin's face, and suddenly, they were all stunned.

At this moment, Tang Lin was wearing a pair of big purple dark sunglasses, just looking straight at the skeleton, did she react.When she felt the three gazes on both sides, she asked: "Ahem, let me ask, what did you see?"

In order not to be frightened, she put on the sunglasses she brought out in advance.Now, with the double-lens sunglasses on, it's pitch black and she can't see anything.

Cao Dan pointed at her sunglasses in horror, "Sister Tang, what's wrong with your eyes? Could it be, is it really a ghost?"

Tang Lin was full of frustration, "May I ask you, what did you see?"

Cao Dan tremblingly said: "A skeleton!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Tang Lin took off her sunglasses and looked ahead. It was really a skeleton.

The eyes of the three men did not leave her sunglasses.Tang Lin ignored the gazes of the three and spat, "Let's go, what else are you looking at?"

"This..." After seeing her for a day, Cao Dan was really depressed that she was so angry.

"Come on, keep up!" Telling Cao Dan, Fu Yushu helped Du Yuanyuan and followed Tang Lin's footsteps.

The few people walked for a long time, and did not encounter any "ghosts" again.

Under a towering tree, Tang Lin stopped.She took a photo towards the top of the tree, and after calculation, it was estimated to be more than ten meters high.She took the pistol, and then took advantage of the unpreparedness of the people behind her, and pressed a button on the belt. Suddenly, the sound of wires sounded.

The steel wire jumped to the top of the tree in an instant, and finally the arrow was firmly stuck between the branches.

Tang Lin raised her hand, grabbed the steel wire, and tugged it. After confirming that it was fixed, she pressed a button on the belt. Immediately, the steel wire began to shrink, and her body went up in a straight line without any effort.

No one saw the almost transparent steel wire, and seeing Tang Lin went up it so easily, it was almost like seeing a "monster".

Fu Yushu knew very well that his lightness kung fu was good, and he thought that few people in this world could have his lightness kung fu.However, it is still a bit tricky to easily jump up such a tall tree, but Tang Lin...does it without any effort.

How did she do it?Has her lightness skill really reached an astonishing level?
If this woman is not removed, it must be a big hidden danger!
Not only Fu Yushu had such an idea, but even Shao Qi also had this idea.Tang Lin's various performances have exceeded their acceptable range.If it is not eliminated for one day, they will worry for one more day.

They knew that Tang Lin was deeply loved by Yu Shengjun. If she was really used by Yu Shengjun, the consequences would be disastrous for them.

She is a weak woman who is worth dozens of guards. If she is not eliminated, how can she make people feel at ease!

However, they were all very curious, who exactly was this Tang Lin, and how much ability did she have?How many unknown secrets are there?
She is like a riddle, no one can find the answer!

Tang Lin climbed to the top of the tree, and looked around the surrounding forest in a condescending manner.She saw that 50 meters away was the city wall of the imperial palace.And the place where the lights are brightly lit is where Yu Shengjun's camp is located, and that is the entrance to the back mountain.

Looking around for a week, Tang Lin looked at the watch in her hand, it was almost three o'clock.

If they fail to reach the end before the signal flare is sent out, then they lose, and they must rush to the entrance before the signal flare is sent out.

Tang Lin followed the steel wire and quickly slid to the ground.After standing firmly, she took back the steel wire, and said to the people in front of her: "There is still a distance of more than 50 meters and we will go out. You don't want Xue Yan and the others to be eliminated, wake them up now! There is a rule in the competition, You must appear in front of the emperor with a sober appearance to pass the level!"

Cao Dan put Yuxin down, a little confused: "These girls are very frightened, how do you wake them up?"

Tang Lin thought for a while, and then said, "Put them down first, I'll try my method, it should be able to wake them up!"

Everyone gently put the person on the ground.

Tang Lin took out her phone, squatted down, and turned on the phone's recording player.She remembered that she had recorded a lot of animal calls before, and it should come in handy now.She turned the volume up to the max and flipped to one of the recordings.

This recording is of a dog barking.

She put the phone to Du Yuanyuan's ear, and then clicked on the "play" icon, and immediately, "Wang, Wang Wang" sounded piercingly.

Hearing the barking of the dog, Fu Yushu's face was completely expressionless. He really didn't know how to describe Tang Lin. She was not just a mystery, but also an inefficient lamp.Madame hates barking dogs the most...

Sure enough, Du Yuanyuan woke up suddenly with such a loud and piercing dog barking, accompanied by her angry barking, "Ah——"

Tang Lin turned off the dog barking, waved to Du Yuanyuan, forced a smile, "Hi!"

Du Yuanyuan stared at her, "Why are you?"

"It's fine if you wake up. I thought you were going to sleep until the end of time, but it's a pity that you don't have a companion, and you will be alone when you wake up!" Tang Lin said as she got up to see the other three who hadn't woken up. A frustrated expression appeared on his face.

Yun Shan and the others didn't seem to be interested in the barking of dogs.

Fu Yushu reached out to help Du Yuanyuan up, a little worried, "Are you all right?"

Du Yuanyuan hadn't figured out what was going on at the scene. Before she passed out, Tang Lin wasn't around at all. When did Tang Lin appear?Also, who made the dog bark just now?
At this time, Tang Lin adjusted the phone again, intending to let the few people who hadn't woken up listen to the sound of the rooster crowing.After adjusting, she pointed the mobile phone at everyone, and then pressed the play button, and the cock crowed "cough duh, cough duo" rang out crisply.

Du Yuanyuan was dumbfounded. It turned out that it was Tang Lin who did it!

Cao Dan and the others were stunned. It was hard for them to imagine that a simple object in Tang Lin's hands could make the sound of a beast!
The rooster crowed several times in a row, and Yun Shan was the first to respond.She turned to the side and said lazily without opening her eyes: "Mother, kill the chicken in the backyard, my daughter is so sleepy and doesn't want to get up!"

Then, it was Yuxin who opened her eyes in a daze, "Is it dawn?"

Tang Lin couldn't help but burst out laughing.She patted Yuxin's arm and said with a smile: "Hey, Miss, it's dawn, get up!"

Han Xueyan also woke up now, and when she opened her eyes, everyone around her was looking at her.She, who has not regained her sanity, was puzzled by the cock crowing, "It's broad daylight, where is the cock crowing?"

Shao Qi shook his head helplessly, bent down to help her up, "Okay, my good brother, it's not yet dawn!"

Yun Shan and Yu Xin were also helped up one after another.

However, the crowing of the cock hadn't stopped yet, Han Xueyan and the others all looked at Tang Lin with a look of horror, because the crowing of the cock came from her.

"What are you looking at, haven't you heard the crowing of a rooster? Really!" Tang Lin angrily taught everyone a lesson, then turned off the crowing of the rooster, pointed the pistol at the road again, and walked forward, ignoring the people behind her. people.

After walking for a while, Du Yuanyuan gave Fu Yushu a wink, which meant to kill Tang Lin.

Tang Lin turned her back to the crowd. It was not that she was unaware of the sinister thoughts of some people behind her.But she kept going straight.If those people dare to attack first, don't blame her for being ruthless.

Fu Yushu looked at Tang Lin and then at Du Yuanyuan, hesitating.

Du Yuanyuan took out a dagger from himself, and quietly handed it to Fu Yushu while the surrounding environment was dark.

Fu Yushu gripped the dagger tightly, feeling a little panicked.

Let's do it!Do you really want to do it?
He already has Shihe, he doesn't need a second woman with the same appearance, he doesn't need...

Tang Lin possesses special skills, and she is helping Yu Shengjun, if she doesn't get rid of it now, when will she wait?
If he killed someone in the back mountain, others would assume that he died of shock during the match, and they would definitely not suspect him.Therefore, before leaving the mountain, she must be killed!
"Make up your mind, Fu Yushu!" Fu Yushu encouraged himself.

At this time, Shao Qi was also preparing to assassinate Tang Lin. He exchanged a look with Yun Lei, and the two reached a consensus. They all took out hidden weapons in their hands and prepared to send hidden weapons to Tang Lin's back!
Fu Yushu closed his eyes, hardened his heart, and let go of his resentment towards Tang Lin.After opening his eyes, his sharp eyes had locked onto Tang Lin's back leading to her heart.

But just when the three of them were about to use hidden weapons, Tang Lin suddenly turned off the lights, and the scene was pitch black!
The target disappeared, and the three had to give up the assassination.

Cao Dan called out: "Sister Tang, why didn't you follow the road?"

Tang Lin didn't make a sound, taking advantage of the darkness of the sky, she used her quick and strange lightness kungfu to "swish" past those people a few times.When she arrived at the spot, it only took a second or two.

She turned the lights back on.

Seeing that the surroundings were lit up again, Cao Dan's uneasiness faded away, "It's more reassuring to have light!"

Han Xueyan's nose is very sensitive, she smelled a fragrance, "Huh? What is so fragrant?" She took a few more breaths.

Others paid little attention.

Tang Lin turned her head and smiled embarrassedly at everyone, "Just now this thing was cut off, and it couldn't be turned on for a while, which surprised everyone. It's getting late, let's go quickly, we have to get out within half an hour! "After speaking, she turned around and left.

Others followed one after another.

After walking about 20 meters, Du Yuanyuan, Fu Yushu and others felt that the more they walked, the more tired they became. The more they walked, the feet seemed to be filled with lead, making it difficult to move.

(End of this chapter)

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