The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 142 Sows Will Hang themselves!

Chapter 142 Sows Will Hang themselves!
Finally, several people were so tired that they fell to the ground to rest.

Seeing them fall down, Tang Lin wondered, "Hey, why are you all resting? Get up quickly, we'll be there in a while!"

yes!It will be here in a while, and it is not that everyone has not seen the flames more than ten meters away.

However, they just couldn't move.

Yunlei said weakly: "I can't, I really can't walk anymore. I don't know what's wrong with my feet. I can't lift any strength now. Seeing that the game is coming to an end, what should I do?"

Not far behind them, there were a lot of noises, and it was other contestants who were not frightened and passed out.

The corner of Tang Lin's mouth curved sinisterly, "Then I'll go first, you guys rest for a while, take your time!" After finishing speaking, she walked away leisurely in front of everyone.

Tang Lin quickly finished the distance of more than ten meters without using lights.When she first appeared at the entrance of the back mountain, Yu Shengjun, who had been watching at the door, was the first to see her, and was immediately moved silently.

She looked at him with sad eyes.Yu Shengjun's mind tightened, and Tang Lin's sad eyes blocked his heart for a moment.He walked over a few steps and walked in front of her, his voice hoarse, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Tang Lin had tears in her eyes, but she was also in tears.Since he said he wanted to take her as his queen, why didn't he confess his affairs to her?
"Are you frightened?" Yu Shengjun asked distressedly.It must be so, he thought, she must be terrified.There is nothing in the back mountain, just horror, she is a girl, she is lucky to be able to come out sober.

Tang Lin shook her head, with tears in her eyes, and said in a stubborn tone, "I'm not scared. What nonsense are you talking about? Don't think that you can despise me Tang Lin like this because you are the Ninth Five-Year Supreme. There is no way!"

Even if the atmosphere was down to the bottom, but as soon as she made a sound, the originally sad atmosphere immediately became joyful, and she was not suitable for being sad at all.

Yu Shengjun smiled innocently, "You're right, why did I despise you?"

"You already have it," Tang Lin said more and more sadly, the more she wanted to cry, tears began to fall down.In order to deceive her, this man can even fake his voice. Is he really that afraid that she will know his identity?
Seeing her tears, Yu Shengjun became flustered and was at a loss for a while, "Why are you crying? I feel very uncomfortable when you cry like this. Whatever you want, I can do whatever you want It's up to you, as long as you're happy, okay?"

Tang Lin sniffed, her eye sockets and nose were flushed from crying, she looked very aggrieved.She stared at her, her eyes full of protest, but she couldn't help but do something to comfort herself.She suddenly leaned over and hugged his body, but then let go of him, and ran away in tears.

Yu Shengjun looked back, only to see Tang Lin running away from his sight, so sad and sad.Seeing her leave sadly, he was more sad than her, this sadness blocked his chest tightly, and he couldn't breathe...

Afterwards, with the help and support of the people Shao Qian inserted, Fu Yushu and the others were finally able to appear at the entrance of the forbidden area in the back mountain together in a sober state.The moment he appeared, Yu Shengjun was about to send out a signal flare.

When Yifeng announced that those people had cleared the customs, Fu Yushu heaved a sigh of relief.It was almost lost.If you lose, you will fall short.

After the game, Yu Shengjun drove back to the Royal Study Room.But he hadn't had a moment's rest yet, and the fifth watch came again.He put on a formal dragon robe and went to court.

After the morning court, Yu Shengjun returned to the imperial study room again, and the people who were supposed to appear were already waiting for him in the imperial study room.

Yu Shengjun returned to the throne and sat down.

An Lin then took the brochures sent by the ministers today and placed them on the imperial table.

Yu Shengjun picked up the writing brush, dipped it in red ink, opened a booklet and began to review, while asking those who were standing in front of the imperial table at the moment, "Yifeng, what is the result of the third round? Excluding those few A female player!"

Yifeng replied: "Master, if not included, then there are a total of 30 people who have cleared this round of competition!"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yes." He continued to review the memorial seriously, and was not distracted by dealing with two things at the same time. "Go ahead, the fourth round will start the day after tomorrow. In these two days, the venue must be arranged and decorated. Also, those who pass the third round of the competition will be arranged to live in the palace, and their basic necessities must be taken care of. That's it, Yifeng, go down and make arrangements, be thorough."

"Your subordinate obeys the order!" After replying, Yifeng turned around and retreated.

Yu Shengjun raised his head and glanced at Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing respectively, then turned his eyes back to the notebook, and while correcting, he ordered: "Lu Aiqing, Sun Aiqing, from now on, you two counselors will be responsible for training those contestants. Gong The place in the garden is not very small, just train there. I very much hope that some of these contestants can successfully complete the competition."

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing clasped their fists together and said, "Your Majesty, rest assured, I will do my best to train the contestants and strive to be the best bodyguard for the Emperor!"

Yu Shengjun responded with satisfaction, "Well, I am looking forward to it. Then you all go down first."

"According to the order."

After Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing withdrew, Yu Shengjun then ordered the remaining two guards, "One hall and one frost, your task is to monitor the movement of Nangong, and if there is any trouble, report it to me immediately!"

The two clasped their fists together and said, "Understood!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Is there any news from Commander Zhang and An Leng?"

The two shook their heads, "No!"

Yu Shengjun stopped his work, sighed, and said heavily: "I shouldn't have forgiven those who rebelled against Yuhui back then, but in the end, it caused me such a big problem."

Yishuang said: "Master, I believe that Lord Commander and An Leng will not disappoint your expectations, and will definitely find Empress Cheng Huan!"

Yu Shengjun smiled bitterly, "I don't believe it, so what can I do, so I have to wait."

After a while, Yitang and Yishuang also retreated.After stepping back, the maid Lian who was beside the empress dowager walked in, finally stood in front of the imperial table, bowed to Yu Shengjun, and said: "Your majesty, the empress dowager knows that you must not have had breakfast, so she calls you over."

For Yu Shengjun, the most important thing now is to go to Tang Lin after dealing with today's state affairs.That woman looked very strong, but in his mind, she was very fragile, and he wanted to find her.

Then, he can't have breakfast with his mother anymore, "Take my words back and tell the queen mother that I am entangled in state affairs today, and I can't leave for the time being. After I finish my work, I will go and ask her for forgiveness!"

"Your maid obeys the order!" After bowing, the maid stepped back.

After the maid retreated, Yu Shengjun continued to concentrate on marking the memorial. An Lin couldn't bear it, "Your Majesty, you didn't sleep all night last night. Not only that, it was the same in the past few days. Your body is important, so let's rest first?"

Yu Shengjun let out a sigh of relief, looked tired slowly, and continued to bury his head in the review.While saying, "An Lin, look at the papers on this table. There are a lot of papers to be approved every day. Only when they are approved in time can the country be stable and the people's lives rich. If I let it go for a few days without approval , then this great country can slowly decline, this is not acceptable. It doesn’t matter if I sleep less, but I can’t let the country decline. Let’s take the plague control in An County as an example. The situation there is reported again today , The plague has not been completely wiped out, we need to send more people to help, I have to approve it in time, if it is too late, the rampant plague will spread to the military camp next door, and the consequences will be unimaginable!"

An Lin was ashamed and said: "The emperor spends day and night worrying about the country, which is the blessing of Yuxin's people. The old slave is ashamed, not half as good as the emperor."

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "An Lin, you're belittling yourself again. If I didn't have you constantly waking up by my side, I wouldn't be where I am today. I have to thank you."

An Lin was very flattered, "The emperor's words are too serious, and this old slave dare not be a slave." But he was very relieved in his heart, he was relieved that such a great country has such a wise monarch, and he was relieved that he had the opportunity to serve this wise emperor through the ages.

Yu Shengjun laughed and said, "You are like this, if you praise you, you will talk nonsense."

After a short meeting, Yu Shengjun said with some emotion: "National affairs continue, but I only have one, and my body is weak. If the surrounding countries are in turmoil in the future, I must be focused on the outside world, and I will not be able to deal with internal affairs anymore!"

An Lin thought for a while, and suddenly had a small suggestion, "Your Majesty, you can find someone to share it with you."

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "The question is, where is that person? My imperial uncles are all vassal princes guarding various places, and they are rarely in court. Of course, I can't bother the emperor's uncles, they also It's time to enjoy the blessings when you're old. When they were young, they accompanied the late emperor to conquer the north and south. They were illustrious heroes. Later, they made countless achievements for me, Yu Shengjun. I can't bother them anymore As for the princes, you are not unaware that they gave up pampering themselves in the imperial capital, and went to guard the wild frontier one after another, in order to prevent foreign enemies from entering. Now there are only the second princes in the imperial capital, if not I have a special mission for him. Perhaps, like other princes, he has long given up his glory and wealth to defend the country at the frontier. It is said that family disputes have been inevitable since ancient times, and there are many examples of brothers fighting openly and secretly. But in my seems quite strange."

An Lin reassured: "It is God who blesses our court and protects the royal family. Therefore, the emperor's family should be worried, and it will not happen. Your Majesty, this old slave has someone to choose, neither the emperor's uncles nor the princes."

"Oh?" Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows, interested, "Who?"

An Lin said a name, "Tang Lin!"

"Tang Lin?" Yu Shengjun frowned, "How do you say that?"

An Lin explained: "Your Majesty, Miss Tang is amazingly talented, she is a rare talent. Didn't the Emperor mention that only Miss Tang will be the next seat in the future. After Miss Tang becomes the empress of the world, she will be justified. I helped you take care of domestic affairs. In the future, Miss Tang can handle such plague incidents, river water management incidents, etc. The old slave thinks that Miss Tang is the best helper you can give to the emperor, and it is worth cherishing !"

"Oh," Yu Shengjun smiled suddenly, and the sullenness in his heart was released, "An Lin, I really would never have thought of it if you didn't say these words. Yes, how could I forget that she is also a rare talent. You This suggestion is really wonderful."

An Lin was concerned, "Women have participated in politics, and there have been times in previous dynasties, but I don't know if the officials of our dynasty will cooperate with Miss Tang!"

Yu Shengjun said confidently: "Yes. Through this competition, I don't know how many government officials have become her admirers. From now on, you can see how powerful Yu Xin will be under Tang Lin's management." Back at Lanyuan last night, Tang Lin didn't do anything, she just slept with her head covered, one was too sleepy, and the other was that she couldn't figure out what to do about Yu Shengjun's matter.He didn't ask Mei Chun'er and He Shiya about some things.

(End of this chapter)

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