The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 143 Don't Think You Are My Boyfriend

Chapter 143 Don't Think You Are My Boyfriend

Seeing that she was so sleepy, Mei Chun'er and He Shiya didn't bother her any more, and they all fell asleep. They didn't know when Du Yuanyuan and the others would come back.

When Tang Lin woke up naturally, it was already noon.When she woke up, she couldn't see anyone else, but she saw He Shiya packing her things, she was puzzled, "Shiya, why are you packing?"

He Shiya smiled at her and said, "I'll be leaving the palace in a while!"

"Why?" Tang Lin asked incomprehensibly, suddenly, she remembered something, "It's because of the emperor..." Yes, how could she forget about this matter, she asked He Shiya to seize the opportunity last night, He Shiya will not really confront Yu Shengjun...

She didn't dare to think about it. Without knowing that the emperor was Yu Shengjun, she wished He Shiya could fight for her own happiness, but now she found that Yu Shengjun was the emperor. Isn't she just looking for trouble for herself?

He Shiya lowered her head and said with a faint smile, "I have no fate with the emperor, so let it be!"

"Shiya, I..." Seeing He Shiya's expression, she was obviously embarrassed, and Tang Lin felt extremely guilty at this moment.If Yu Shengjun really only loves her, Tang Lin, then he will definitely reject all women. Doesn't He Shiya's departure show that He Shiya was embarrassed by Yu Shengjun?
"Boss, I'm sorry!" Originally Tang Lin wanted to apologize, but now He Shiya apologized instead.

Tang Lin was confused, "Excuse me?"

He Shiya said in shame: "I don't have the charm to capture the emperor's heart. I failed your expectations last night. The emperor rejected the cheats you gave me for chasing men, but I didn't use any tricks."

Tang Lin asked anxiously, "Is it because he really doesn't like women?"

He Shiya shook her head and nodded again, "No, no, he is."

Tang Lin frowned, "Is it true or not?"

He Shiya said truthfully: "Actually, the situation is like this. In the past, the emperor was not close to women. Of course, this is what the emperor told me last night. But he also said that he only loves... A person, do you know who it is?"

"Who?" Tang Lin realized that she was asking knowingly, but she still wanted to hear He Shiya say it herself, so that it would be more reassuring.

He Shiya pointed at her, "You!"

This time, Tang Lin frowned even tighter, and pointed to herself, "Me? The emperor told you this himself?" A cramp smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Isn't it? He and I...we haven't known each other for four years. God, why..."

He Shiya enviously said: "That's what the emperor said, I heard it right. Boss, you are so lucky. In this world, there is no woman who does not want to win the emperor's heart and favor, and you have it!"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "How can this be enviable? Being liked by the emperor is such a headache!"

"Ah?" He Shiya was taken aback, "A headache? What should I say?"

Tang Lin said: "Think about it, a woman wants to have a man with the three thousand beauties in the harem, and in the future, she has to guard against wild flowers outside. You say, this is not a headache, what is it?"

He Shiya talked about the matter: "But the emperor only gets close to you and puts an end to other women. Isn't this something to be envied? The emperor is admired by all people, and he is a wise king through the ages. If you can get his love, what can you do, boss?" ..."

"Hehe!" The corners of Tang Lin's mouth twitched again, "You said it before,"

"Boss," He Shiya held her hands, and said earnestly, "I'm leaving today, and I don't know if I will have a chance to call you boss again, but don't worry, you, Tang Lin, are in my heart, He Shiya. Among them, he is the boss of a lifetime. The emperor is a man worthy of your love, just accept him and don't play against him. As for your sweetheart... I don't know what to say!"

Tang Lin said comfortingly: "With your concern, I, Tang Lin, can be so virtuous and capable. But Shiya, you don't have to worry about the matter between me and the emperor, I will be reasonable. If you really become his queen one day, I will treat you to a drink." Wedding wine!"

He Shiya smiled like a flower, "Really? That's for sure, if you don't invite me, boss, I won't consider you my boss!"

Tang Lin gave her a white look, "Do you believe me when I'm joking? Besides, it's not that the emperor doesn't have a queen, it's just...not in the palace!"

He Shiya added helplessly: "Please, my good boss, that is a queen who escaped from the palace. From the moment she escaped from the palace, she was destined not to be the queen, but Concubine Leng, who will be in the cold palace when she comes back." Concubine Leng!"

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed softly, "This is the fate of women in deep palaces. Tell me, why am I still lying in this muddy water?"

He Shiya laughed and said: "The problem is, you won't be thrown into limbo by the emperor!"

Tang Lin said contemptuously: "You are not the roundworm in his stomach, how do you know he can't? Shiya, don't tell me the boss, I didn't remind you, if you can believe the words of men in the world, sows will hang themselves. So, for men If so, don't take it too seriously!"

He Shiya nodded, "I will pay attention!"

"By the way," Tang Lin suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Where's the letter I gave you?"

"Uh..." He Shiya hesitated for a moment before saying truthfully: "The emperor saw it, and then... confiscated it!"

"What?!" Tang Lin's eyes were terrified.

Afterwards, Tang Lin personally sent He Shiya to the Nangong Gate, as long as she walked out of this gate, she would be completely free.

Tang Lin caressed He Shiya's hand and said shortly, "Shiya, go slowly!"

"Boss, take care, we'll meet later!" After finishing speaking, He Shiya let go of Tang Lin's hand, turned around, raised her head and chest out, and walked out of the palace gate gracefully.

Tang Lin looked at that chic back, and couldn't help but look forward to it. If one day, she could also travel around the world with Yu Shengjun in a chic way, that would be great.Live with the sky as your quilt and the earth as your bed.

But that is impossible.

He is the monarch of a vast country, there are endless things to do every day, how could he have that time and leisure to accompany her to travel.

Seeing He Shiya's disappearing figure, Tang Lin couldn't help feeling a little sad.In modern times, after being separated from friends, one can still keep in touch no matter how far apart they are, but in this ancient time, once separated, it is not easy to see someone again.

Gradually, He Shiya's figure disappeared from sight.Tang Lin turned around and breathed a sigh of relief, not letting herself be entangled any longer.After calming down, he went straight back to the palace.

At this moment, the large courtyard in the palace was noisy.

When Tang Lin sent He Shiya out, there was still no one in this place, but now, no less than a hundred people gathered together, and they didn't know what they were discussing.Those female contestants in Lanyuan were all sitting on the stone steps beside them at the moment, looking at the male contestants with nymphomaniac expressions.

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing were standing in the middle, surrounded by a group of male players.The emperor ordered these players to be trained, and they had to come here.

Tang Lin walked into the gate of the palace. Seeing so many people surrounded by two people in official uniforms, she felt a little depressed.She walked towards the gate of Lan Yuan, and Mei Chun'er and others were sitting on the stone steps of Lan Yuan watching.

"What's the situation?" Tang Lin approached everyone and asked.

Yuxin said: "The two counselors will be fully responsible for training the players from now on, so that the players can perform exceptionally in the competition. Just now the two counselors said that they came here to get to know everyone, and they will start training tomorrow!"

Tang Lin rolled her eyes, "Dizzy, what am I doing!"

Du Yuanyuan was leaning against the door of Lanyuan. After she turned her eyes away from Fu Yushu in the crowd, she fell on Tang Lin.She suddenly remembered the dog barking Tang Lin made at her last night, and suddenly felt angry.

Just because he failed to kill this woman last night doesn't mean he won't be able to kill her in the future.

Tang Lin felt a murderous aura around her, and the murderous aura came from the front.She looked up, and it turned out that this murderous aura came from Du Yuanyuan.Heh, this woman couldn't kill her last night, are you disappointed?
However, when she met her eyes, Du Yuanyuan's murderous aura was immediately hidden by her, and she smiled kindly at her.

Tang Lin also returned a more cordial smile to the other party, even though they were all acting.

Du Yuanyuan felt lucky to find that she didn't doubt herself.

"Chun'er, come in, I have something to tell you!" Throwing a word to Mei Chun'er, Tang Lin walked into Lanyuan.When passing by Du Yuanyuan, he behaved as usual, arrogantly said: "Du Yuanyuan, you lost again!"

Du Yuanyuan sneered, and said lazily: "In the future, there will be more opportunities to defeat you. What's the rush?"

"I couldn't ask you to massage my back last night. Tonight... don't forget to perform!" After speaking, Tang Lin evoked an extremely charming smile and walked straight into Lanyuan.

After Mei Chun'er entered, Du Yuanyuan's eyes became sharper, and he said in his heart: "Tang Lin, just be arrogant, I, Du Yuanyuan, don't believe that I can't kill you, wait, there are opportunities to execute you!"

At this time, a loud voice came in from outside the palace, "The emperor has arrived—"

Everyone woke up, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing stepped out of the crowd.

Yu Shengjun walked into the gate of the palace, and immediately everyone in the audience knelt down, including Du Yuanyuan, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Let's get flat!" Yu Shengjun raised his hand to everyone.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun said to everyone: "I came here this time to see Tang Lin, the No.1 player who won three consecutive rounds. I don't want to disturb your training. You can continue training." After finishing speaking, he whispered to An Lin After a few words, he walked towards Lanyuan alone.

When passing Lanyuan, Du Yuanyuan kept his head down.

Yu Shengjun didn't look at her at all, and went straight into Lan Yuan to find Tang Lin.Yu Shengjun walked lightly outside Tang Lin's room and saw that the door was closed and the room was brightly lit.He thought no one was there, so he turned around and wanted to leave, but with his excellent hearing, he heard Tang Lin's voice from inside the room, "Chun'er, what's up? Did you find someone?"

Find someone?who?Yu Shengjun frowned slightly, he turned around, walked two steps, and leaned against the door to eavesdrop.

In the room,

Tang Lin sat on the chair in front of the wooden table, facing Mei Chun'er who was standing in front of her.

Mei Chun'er shook her head and said, "No. Boss, I took the pass token you gave me and walked around the main palace. I asked a lot of people, and they all said that I haven't seen that person named Xiao Du for several days. You have left the palace!"

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed, "I can't find it, what a pity!"

Standing outside the door, Yu Shengjun frowned deeply. How did Tang Lin know Xiao Du?What did she want Xiao Du to do?Why do people call her the boss?Could it be that, behind her, is there any secret that he doesn't know?

Yu Shengjun didn't dare to think about it, he was already panicking, he was afraid, really afraid, afraid that Tang Lin would not be as...simple as he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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