The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 144 Not Concubine Han!

Chapter 144 Not Concubine Han!

If their acquaintance was premeditated, then what should he do?
She used the token he gave her to find someone in the palace, and the person she was looking for was actually Xiao Du.Xiao Du is someone who opposes the Royal Society. Could it be that she... is someone who opposes the Royal Society?Came here to rescue Xiao Du?
Seeing Tang Lin's sad face, Mei Chun'er asked concerned: "Boss, what's wrong with you? Why do you have to meet this father-in-law named Xiao Du? Boss, do you know him?"

Just when Yu Shengjun outside the door fell into an underestimation and couldn't extricate himself, Tang Lin's answer brought him back to life. She said to Mei Chuner: "I don't know him very well, but he told me that he is the empress dowager." The people around him. Since Empress Chenghuan escaped from the palace, he obeyed the order of the Empress Dowager to leave the palace to look for Empress Chenghuan. But inexplicably, he said that I, Tang Lin, was Empress Chenghuan. Tell me, should I ask him to clarify the matter? ?”

"No way?" Mei Chun'er said in disbelief, "It's been rumored in the palace that Empress Cheng Huan was one month pregnant at the time, and it's been three months, so there must be obvious nausea reactions, but boss, you don't have any nausea reactions. oh!"

Tang Lin gave her a white look, "Nonsense, do you think my figure looks like I'm pregnant? Besides, I'm still innocent, so how could I do such a shitty thing with others? But it's impossible for Xiao Du to say that for no reason. I am Empress Cheng Huan, so I want to ask him for clarification!"

"Yeah," Mei Chun'er suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed, "Could it be that you, Boss, look a lot like Empress Cheng Huan?"

Tang Lin said: "I'm also skeptical, but I'm not sure. It would be great if I could meet Empress Cheng Huan with my own eyes, then I'll know if we look exactly the same."

Mei Chun'er asked: "Boss, what should I do if I can't find Xiao Du?"

Tang Lin shrugged, and said helplessly: "What else can I do? Let it be like this. I have made it clear to him last time that I am not some kind of Empress Cheng Huan. Besides, we went to the hospital to find a doctor. The doctor took my pulse and told me I'm not pregnant, and Shou Gongsha is still there, so Xiaodu gave up. Chun'er, you can't tell other people about this, you know? Especially Yuan Yuan and Yun Shan. Chun'er, I trust you Tell you this."

"Boss," Mei Chun'er said sincerely, "Although Chun'er is a rough person, he still has principles in life. You are Chun'er's boss all his life, so Chun'er will do anything for you!"

"You child, what are you talking about?" Tang Lin couldn't bear to stare at Mei Chun'er.

Mei Chun'er sat on the bed next to her and said seriously: "Boss, it's great to be a queen, why do you want to clarify with Xiao Du?"

Tang Lin said with a heavy heart: "Chun'er, you don't understand, people's hearts are sinister, we have to be careful everywhere. When I first came to the imperial capital, I set up a restaurant to do business. I originally just wanted to survive, but I didn't expect to meet people who would make me unpredictable An impenetrable person. Think about it, Empress Cheng Huan is a criminal who escaped from the palace. If she is caught and brought back, she will be imprisoned in the cold palace at least, and at worst...executed immediately. If I am really regarded as Empress Cheng Huan, you say that once I enter Gong, is there still life?"

Mei Chun'er panicked and said: "Boss, you are right, once you are regarded as a queen, you will be sentenced to death, and Zhulian Nine Clans, why didn't I think of this."

Tang Lin said: "So, I want to get rid of the relationship with Empress Chenghuan. However, this matter can't be that simple. I want to track it down. I not only need to know what Empress Chenghuan looks like, but also why she betrayed the emperor. Elope with others, and make a secret knot in the womb. It stands to reason that if she has someone else's flesh and blood, and has a favorite object, she should report it immediately under the imperial decree, why should she enter the palace, right?"

Mei Chun'er nodded her chin with some understanding, "Boss, you are right."

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed again, thinking of being so unlucky and being calculated by others, she couldn't help but want to cry, "Why am I so unlucky? There are so many messy people on the stall, so I don't even know what to do now." Shouldn't be coming home."

Mei Chun'er asked curiously: "Then boss, where is your home?"

Tang Lin said annoyedly: "If you say you don't know, it's better not to ask."

Mei Chuner responded obediently, "Oh."

"By the way," Tang Lin asked, "Where's the token?"

"Here," Mei Chun'er took off the token and handed it to Tang Lin, "I keep it on me all the time, for fear that others will find it in the room, so I keep it with me."

Tang Lin stared at the token and said, "I can't take the emperor's token. I will go to him later and return the token to him. If anything happens in the palace, I will definitely check those who hold the token first. I don't want to cause trouble for the person who passes the token inside, so... I'd better go back. Besides, the tokens in the palace are limited, extremely valuable, and have a wide range of uses. This token should be given to people who often help the emperor with affairs. It would be a pity to leave it here with me.”

Mei Chun'er asked: "Boss, why did the Emperor give you the pass token?"

Tang Lin explained: "I won the last competition, and the emperor promised me that he would give me anything I want. So I asked for a token."

"Boss, you are so stupid," Mei Chun'er felt sorry for Tang Lin, "Why didn't you ask the emperor to give you ten thousand taels of gold? With a lot of money, you can do whatever you want, and you don't have to be a bodyguard anymore. "

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "Chun'er, I don't have such a big appetite. Why do I need so much money? It's useless at all. If the money is in the hands of the emperor, it will be of great use. It can be used for disaster relief. You can get relief, you can buy a lot of things that your country doesn't have but other countries have."

Mei Chun'er praised: "Boss, Chun'er deeply admires your self-sacrificing spirit!"

Tang Linjiao glared at her, "Come on, what's the use of flattering me? Go and shoot Commander Zhang. If he's happy, he might ask the emperor to make you a bodyguard directly, and you don't have to participate in those terrible competitions anymore." !"

Mei Chun'er lowered her head and said dully: "I can't even flatter my boss, how can I flatter Commander Zhang."

Tang Lin laughed a few times, "You girl..."

Mei Chun'er jumped off the bed, "Boss, I don't want to disturb you. You are going to see the emperor. I'll go out and see what's going on outside."

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Well, let's go!"

Mei Chun'er didn't say anything more, she liked the two counselors, so she turned around and walked towards the door.He opened the door and walked out, but he didn't see Yu Shengjun there.She closed the door and left. After her figure disappeared in the Lanyuan, Yu Shengjun flew down from the wall of the house and landed on the door of Tang Lin and the others' room.

Tang Lin planned to change clothes to meet Yu Shengjun and return the token to him.At this moment, she was taking out the aqua blue navy suit that was neatly folded in the closet, put it next to the bed, and began to take off her coat...

It's just that just as he took off his coat and was about to take off the tight-fitting T-shirt inside, the door of the room was suddenly opened by Yu Shengjun.

Tang Lin instinctively looked at the door, taking a defensive posture, horse gait, fists, sharp eyes... This was her first step in defense.But after confirming that the person who came was Yu Shengjun, she slowly retracted her posture and wrote lightly: "Your Majesty, it's you,"

Yu Shengjun closed the door. Tang Lin was flustered by his closing the door. Why was he closing the door?
He seemed to know what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "I didn't come to rape you, what are you afraid of me? I'm afraid that your innocent body will be seen from the door, so I personally closed the door for you!"

Tang Lin didn't appreciate it, and said nonchalantly: "Then I really thank the emperor for his good intentions!" What's wrong with her?Knowing that he is now in a situation surrounded by enemies, why did he say such heartless words?

Yu Shengjun came over and stared at Tang Lin's face for a while. When she reached out to pick up the water-blue coat, he reached out and took her coat into his hand, "I I want to put it on for you myself!"

His affectionate and melancholy eyes made Tang Lin's eyes warm, and she tried her best not to shed tears.Indifferently said: "Your Majesty, Tang Lin is not your concubine, so don't bother me."

She was about to grab the clothes, but he suddenly put the clothes behind him.

Tang Lin was furious, she leaned over and grabbed the hand behind him, "Give it to me!"

Yu Shengjun refused to give him life or death, his eyes were firm, and he let her snatch her clothes on both sides of him, but with his strong and broad body blocking it, it was not easy for her to get it.

After tossing for a while, Tang Lin stopped grabbing her clothes, and stood a step away from Yu Shengjun, staring at him fiercely, and her mouth was stubbornly raised.Her resentful eyes seemed unwilling to stare at him for three to five days, "Yu Shengjun, what on earth do you want? Don't think that you can interfere with my affairs just because you are my boyfriend!"

"You," Yu Shengjun was really taken aback, "You know I..." Tang Lin took a deep breath, tears rolling down her face, she just looked at him straight, every word almost popped out, " Yu Shengjun, what is worth your efforts to hide from me?"

"I'm sorry!" He hugged her into his arms, caring for her carefully and distressedly.At this moment, he finally understood why she was sad.

In his arms, she was so wronged that she cried into tears, "Oh, what can I do to you? I need you to treat me like this... Do you know that I am very sad..."

Yu Shengjun was so worried that she cried and trembled in his arms, which proved how... disappointed she was with him.At this moment, he could only hug her tightly, give her warmth and comfort. "I'm sorry Linlin, I'm sorry!"

She immediately let go of his embrace, pouted at him, "What's the use of being sorry?"

He had a panoramic view of her tears, and his heart suddenly ached.Immediately held her cheeks with both hands, wiped away those tears, and kissed her forehead, eyes, and cheeks, "It's my fault, Linlin, as long as you don't be sad, I can do whatever you want!"

In front of her, he does not regard himself as "I", which makes Tang Lin very pleased. It can be seen that he really cares about her and will not use the powerful to oppress her.

Unexpectedly, she punched his chest. Although she didn't use all her strength, there was already a sound when it hit his chest.Fearing that he would fight back, she hurriedly retaliated, "I can do whatever you said!"

Yu Shengjun grinned, and finally relieved the heaviness in his heart, "Yes, as long as you want, you can do whatever you want!"

Tang Lin stopped playing with her temper, quickly threw herself into his arms, climbed onto his back, covered his lips, and put all the thoughts of these days into this kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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