The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 145 My Queen Is You

Chapter 145 My Queen Is You

She looked into his deep and beautiful eyes for a while, and suddenly, she stretched out her hand, tore off his mask, and took a closer look, heh, it was still her handsome and handsome boyfriend, even more handsome than before.

No, he was originally handsome, but in the past, in order to make himself more ordinary, he made adjustments to his external image.

Seeing him now, he is a clean and handsome king of a country.

She thought she couldn't take off his mask this time, but she didn't expect it to be so easy.In fact, it was Yu Shengjun who didn't stop her at all, otherwise, there would be no one in this world who could take off his mask.Otherwise, the martial arts masterpiece would not cause a sensation in the world.

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Why, are you afraid that I'm not your boyfriend?"

Tang Lin was noncommittal, "Of course!"

Yu Shengjun lowered his head and smiled, not knowing how to reply.The jacket has been put on for her, but how to help her zip it up is a difficult task.He searched and searched carefully, but he never saw the so-called buttons.

Seeing his serious and bewildered look, Tang Lin couldn't help but let out a smirk, gloating at his misfortune.

He suddenly pinched her pink cheeks, and smiled helplessly: "You," he didn't know how to describe her.She was more mischievous than ever, and she was easy to talk to, which was a comfort to him.

If it were any other woman, she would have been furious because of his concealment, and would have cried, made trouble, and hanged herself, but she didn't.

Tang Lin giggled, it turns out that the feeling of being pampered is so wonderful.After a sweet little meeting, she suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Yu Shengjun: "By the way, boyfriend, girlfriend has a lot to say to you!"

Yu Shengjun smiled and nodded subtly, "I know!"

"You know?" Tang Lin frowned, "I haven't said it yet, how do you know?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and remained silent.If she had nothing to say to him, how could she find out that he was Yu Shengjun?

Seeing his mysterious appearance, Tang Lin pouted her cute mouth, since he didn't want to say it, then she shouldn't listen.She zipped up the chain of the coat, then hooked his slender hands around his neck, then poured her delicate body into his chest, and said lazily: "Honey, where are you going to explain to your girlfriend that you concealed your identity?" ?”

Yu Shengjun was almost speechless, "I thought you wouldn't think about it!"

"How can I do that!" Tang Lin's tone became tougher, her girlfriend's domineering aura came out, "You wear a mask and change your voice just to hide from me, do you think I can stop thinking about it? ?”

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, and obediently compromised, "Okay, okay, let me explain it to you, okay? The premise is that you have to make sure that you don't turn around and leave after listening to my explanation!"

Tang Lin snorted and said proudly: "If you don't betray me, I won't turn around and leave!"

Yu Shengjun smiled softly, looked into her eyes, and said sincerely: "Linlin, thank you!"

Tang Linjiao glared at him, "Why are you so serious?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head and laughed, "Okay, I'm not serious anymore!" He took her hand and walked towards the door, "I'll take you to a place, when you get there, what do you want to ask me, what do you want me to do, It will be all right!"

"That's what you said!" Tang Lin lowered her head and smirked.Then, strip him naked.

After walking out of the room, Tang Lin remembered that the contestants from the four gardens of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum were all there, including Du Yuanyuan and others.Du Yuanyuan and the others are definitely not kind, and they already have killing intentions towards her, Tang Lin. If they know that she has a relationship with Yu Shengjun, it will definitely be bad.

She took her hand back and did not let Yu Shengjun hold it. When he was puzzled, she explained: "The contestants outside are all bad people. If our relationship is exposed, they will definitely start another conspiracy!"

He hugged her with one hand, "Linlin, thank you for reminding me. But you can go out at ease, no contestant will see you!"

"Huh?!" Tang Lin frowned, "Where did they go?"

Yu Shengjun took her hand again, and said as he walked: "Linlin, don't worry, before coming to Lanyuan, I have ordered the people below to take the contestants to other places, and they will not disturb us. "

Tang Lin praised: "You are really thoughtful!"

Yu Shengjun accepted her praise graciously, "Thank you! Let's go!"

The two happily walked out of Lanyuan hand in hand.

There was not a single contestant outside Lan Yuan, only An Lin, a few guards, and the Imperial Forest Army guarding the gate of the palace.

Yu Shengjun took Tang Lin's hand, walked up to those people, and said, "Go back to Xuanyu Palace!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in a low voice.

Yu Shengjun glanced at Tang Lin, "Let's go!" Then he led her and strode out of the palace. An Lin and the other guards followed closely behind them, keeping a distance of two meters.

After walking for a while, Tang Lin asked curiously, "What is Xuanyu Palace for?"

Yu Shengjun smiled mysteriously, "You will know when you go!"

"Still playing mystery with me? Don't tell me, I'll ask other people!" Tang Lin turned her head to look at the group of people two meters behind her, and raised her voice and asked, "Yeah, some guard brothers, I'll ask you, you guys The Xuanyu Palace that the master wants to take me to, what is that place?"

Everyone's faces changed, and they were so embarrassed that they didn't know how to reply. Of course, they didn't dare to reply.

Tang Lin walked backwards, those people didn't give her an answer for a long time, which made her feel depressed, "Why don't you talk?"

Yu Shengjun sneered, and reminded Tang Lin: "Don't rush them, they won't talk about it! Xuanyu Palace...that's...a good place, you will go there often in the future, no, It's every day!"

Being so whetted by him, Tang Lin wished to know where Xuanyu Palace was right now, so she started guessing wildly, "Is it the most beautiful palace in the palace?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, shook his head, his mouth was too strict to be spanked.

Tang Lin guessed again, "Could it be the place where civil and military officials go to court?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head again, almost couldn't help laughing, "No!"

Not long after, Xuanyu Palace arrived.

Stepping into this huge and gorgeous palace, Tang Lin had the feeling of being on the clouds and looking at the grand picture of the world, "Wow, wow, what a grand!"

Xuanyu Palace is a big palace, and in this big palace, there are several small palaces. These small palaces include Yu Shengjun's bedroom, Yu Shengjun's study room, and some scattered rooms where other things are placed. Gong Yu.

The gate of Xuanyu Palace is protected by Ouchi guards and Imperial Forest Army.And inside the palace, there were waves of imperial guards patrolling around, and those big inner guards stood at a distance.

Yu Shengjun took Tang Lin's hand and walked to the door of his bedroom.

The door of the bedroom was closed, and there were four or five guards standing at the door. There were no eunuchs or maids.

An Lin stepped forward to the door, then bowed his waist and asked Yu Shengjun what he meant, "Your Majesty, do you want to go in?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Well, open the door!"

"Yes!" An Lin opened the door of the bedroom.

"Good boy, Linlin, go in first!" Yu Shengjun held Tang Lin's shoulders with both hands, and gently pushed her into his bedroom, "I'll go in and find you later." After dawdling in, the smile on his face disappeared completely, and he told An Lin solemnly: "The order will go on, the matter between Tang Lin and I must be kept secret to the end, and if anyone leaks it, it will be reported to the harem or to the ears of civil and military officials." Among them, I will punish his nine clans!"

An Lin responded: "Follow the order!"

Yu Shengjun didn't say much, threw off his robe and entered the bedroom.

An Lin immediately closed the door, with a smile on his lips, and said in his heart: "I didn't expect Concubine Han to be on the emperor's big bed first, but Miss Tang. It's interesting!" But it gives people the first image and feeling of being antique and comfortable.There are a lot of wood-red things here, all of which are wood-red, with carved beams and painted columns, which are eye-catching.

Sleeping in such an antique and elegant large room, or in a daze, will definitely lead to a long life, which is very suitable for health preservation.

At this moment, Tang Lin didn't pay much attention to those well-carved chairs or table shelves.He is even less in the mood to take care of those expensive or priceless porcelain and other furnishings.The same is true for those potted plants on the windowsill, I am not in the mood to take care of them.

Now she is like a wooden figure, staring straight at the rosewood carved bed in front of her, completely dumbfounded.It turned out that the place Yu Shengjun wanted to bring her to was his... bedroom!

Yu Shengjun walked up to her side lightly, seeing her staring at the bed all the time, he suddenly laughed and said, "Scared you?"

Tang Lin was stunned, and when she reacted, embarrassment appeared on her face. Yu Shengjun knew why she had such a reaction, but he still reminded her in front of her, didn't he want her to find a ground drill?
Yu Shengjun smiled slightly, then walked to the tea table, picked up the teapot, set up the teacup, poured a cup of warm tea, and brought it to Tang Lin, "Girlfriend, here it is!"

She glanced at him, pursed her lips and smiled, very humble and respectful, then took the tea in her hand, "Thank you!"

His eyes were as light as water, and he watched her drink the warm tea in a flash. It was the best Longjing tea, which needs to be savored slowly. Does she know how to drink tea?Or, is she feeling extremely thirsty because she is here?
Tang Lin gave him the empty teacup rudely, "It's over!"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips raised a hearty arc, and when he was about to take the teacup, Tang Lin simply threw it over to test his reaction ability.But he raised his hand gracefully, and when her eyes settled down, the cup was already firmly in his palm.

Tang Lin proudly turned aside, "So-so!"

Yu Shengjun put the teacup back, and when he was about to turn around and walk back, suddenly, Tang Lin ran over from behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.With no one around, she could do whatever she wanted with him. "Pig, I miss you so much..."

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows, "Pig?" This woman, how dare she call the king of a country a pig?How unreasonable!

Tang Lin buried her head on his back, greedy for the warmth of his body, and said with a playful smile, "I didn't say you were a pig, you heard me wrong!"

He wrapped his arms around her and brought her behind him to his front. Without saying anything, he picked her up and put her on the table to sit.

She was sitting on the table, with her hands propped on the table, her legs hanging under the table, and she just looked at him with a sweet expression, which made people want to taste everything about her.She pouted at him, then pointed to her mouth, "Kiss!"

Yu Shengjun bowed his head and gave a slight smile, a little helpless to Tang Lin's request, but more of a pampering one.He took two steps closer, and his body was close to the edge of the table, only one finger away from her.The tea table is less than one meter high, so he has to look down at her.He lifted her chin with one finger, making her look up at him, then tilted his head down, and gently covered her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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