The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 146 I have the same appearance as Shihe!

Chapter 146 I have the same appearance as Shihe!
Tang Lin closed her eyes, feeling the subtle sensation from his lips.

Suddenly, Yu Shengjun let her go, leaned on the edge of the table beside her, and said softly: "Linlin, what do you want to ask, what do you want to know, I can tell you everything now, please tell me! "

Tang Lin was flattered and said, "You're giving me face?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "If you don't give face to your girlfriend, who will you give face to?"

"In that case, then..." Tang Lin asked unceremoniously, "Why did you hide your real identity from me? You said you would marry me. Are you still worried that I won't marry you?" ?”

"It's...not like this!" Yu Shengjun slowly explained: "After all, I am the king of a country. Not only do I already have a queen, but I also have a harem. I am afraid that if I confess to you, you will leave me. Therefore, I plan to find the right time to confess this matter to you again. Because Empress Chenghuan is the daughter of Loyal General Shi Hong, who saved my father many times during his lifetime. Well, I secretly gave a marriage to Shihong's daughter, betrothed to me as the empress. This matter has always been known only to my empress mother. She did not confess this matter to me until a few months ago. Although Empress Cheng Huan escaped from the palace , but she is the daughter of General Poetry after all, I can't go against my father's last wish to abolish her as a queen, so after discussing with my mother, I decided to let Queen Chenghuan sit in the back seat for another year, one year Afterwards, I will be crowned Empress again. My queen candidate is you—Tang Lin. I originally wanted to tell you in a few months, but I never thought that I would still be caught by your eyes and be discovered by you!"

It turned out that he was afraid that if she knew the truth and knew that he had a harem, she would definitely not be able to accept it, so he left him.That's why he chose to hide it from her by wearing a mask and changing his voice!

Second, he wanted to explain the late emperor's last wish, so he allowed Empress Cheng Huan to take the throne for another year, even if Empress Cheng Huan committed a great crime.

During Queen Cheng Huan's reign, he definitely couldn't tell her about him. Once the truth came out, she who loved him would know that he already had a queen by his side. Then she couldn't accept it, or thought he was playing with her all the time. feelings, so they will choose to leave.

After Yu Shengjun explained, after Tang Lin understood, she believed him. No, she never suspected that he was lying to her.

Since it is understandable for him to hide it from her, she will not pursue this matter any more.

Tang Lin skipped this matter directly, and did not give Yu Shengjun any single word of reply. She changed other topics, and these topics inevitably made her look a little bit dignified, "Shengjun, you want to know why I Know your identity?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "All ears!"

Tang Lin recalled that she overheard the conversation between Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan on the top of a mountain in the back mountain last night.She said to Yu Shengjun: "Originally, I didn't suspect that you were Yu Shengjun, the you I knew before. Of course, I didn't ask the name of the current emperor. I only know that the surname is Yu. As for the name... I haven't inquired about it. So I didn't suspect you. Last night, in order to waste time, I planned to sleep and wake up before finding the way to the back mountain, so I chose to take a nap on the top of a mountain in the back mountain, but I didn't expect that I would hear the What a shocking thing!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "What is it?"

Tang Lin continued: "I was just about to fall asleep on the top of the mountain when I suddenly realized that someone was coming, and they were two people I knew. But what made me feel inexplicable was that these two people had no intersection at all, how could it be like that relationship?"

Yu Shengjun was aroused with deep curiosity, "Who is it? What's the relationship?"

Tang Lin looked frightened and said, "It's Fu Tianze and Du Yuanyuan!"

"Huh?!" Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised when he heard Du Yuanyuan's name, but the name Fu Tianze gave him a strong sense of inquiry, "Tianze? He knows Du Yuanyuan?"

Tang Lin asked in surprise, "Your Majesty, do you know Du Yuanyuan?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, and said calmly: "Yes, I understand. About her, I will explain to you later. You can continue to talk about Fu Tianze and Du Yuanyuan. I want to know the content of their conversation."

"Okay," Tang Lin continued, "I wondered how the two of them got together. After I found them, I hid in a dark corner to prevent them from finding out, but their next conversation really made me It's an eye-opener. Fu Tianze called Mrs. Du Yuanyuan, and Du Yuanyuan called Mrs. Fu Tianze. Obviously, they are husband and wife. During their conversation, they talked a lot about their plots, all about you, the emperor!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "What did they say?"

Tang Lin recalled: "At that time, Du Yuanyuan told Fu Tianze that in order to protect Fu Tianze, he arranged a team of people to mix with the contestants in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. That said, they are the ones who rebel against the Royal Society!"

"What?" Yu Shengjun's eyes were startled, he had never doubted Fu Yushu, and now he was shocked to learn that Fu Yushu was against the Yuhui. "Fu Tianze... he turned out to be someone who opposed the Royal Society?"

It's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.Xiao Du, there is no need for another trial.

Tang Lin nodded affirmatively, "That's right, he is a member of the Anti-Yuhui. They sneaked in just to take the opportunity to assassinate you. Du Yuanyuan mentioned that they arranged for their men to come in to protect Fu Tianze, but They were eliminated by us in the first two rounds of the competition. The ultimate goal of the anti-defense association organization is to kill you, so they were mixed into the contestants of the Ouchi guard selection competition!"

Yu Shengjun smiled sadly for himself, "I never thought that Fu Tianze would be someone who opposed the Yuhui. I have repeatedly given opportunities to these people. Not only do they not appreciate it, but they even wait for the opportunity to retaliate more rampantly. It is really unreasonable!"

Tang Lin continued to break the news, "Your Majesty, you may not be able to imagine how terrifying what they said next. Do you want me to say it? But before you say it, you must be mentally prepared. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it for a while, and your mind will be messed up. If you don't know the direction, you will...cut off my...head without distinguishing between green and red!"

Yu Shengjun made a funny note, and then said calmly: "Speak up, tell me what you have heard and seen, and I will not get in the way!" Growing up in various difficulties, he has already cultivated a layer of psychological protection that cannot be destroyed by any force, and cannot be overcome by anything.

Tang Lin roughly recounted what she heard last night, "Your Majesty, your current country is already facing a situation that is besieged on all sides!" Yu Shengjun didn't have any major reactions, as if he had already known the current situation, With a look of sure victory, he asked: "I am in a situation where I am surrounded by enemies?! How should I say this?"

Tang Lin roughly summed up what she overheard last night, "Fu Tianze said that apart from the threat to the Yuxin Dynasty from their Anti-Royal Society, there are three other waves of forces. The first wave is their mysterious organization from the Anti-Royal Society. They The purpose of the anti-imperial society is to assassinate you. They came into the palace just to find an opportunity to eliminate those guards. When you are no longer protected by the guards, they will wait for an opportunity to take your life. This second wave of forces , Fu Tianze said, according to the news he got from his father, it was said that the second prince, Yu Zichen, had made moves and was suspected of usurping the throne. Your Majesty, you have to pay attention to this point. For the throne, there have been sibling rivalries throughout the dynasties. Be careful! Sailing for thousands of years. This third wave of forces is the enemy country. The enemy country may also send spies into the palace to obtain information from the palace in order to pass it on to their country. If the empire knows the internal secrets of the Yuxin Dynasty , that would be unimaginable!"

After waiting for a long time, Tang Lin didn't continue to speak. Yu Shengjun frowned, "Why didn't you continue? Who is the fourth wave of power?"

This fourth wave of forces is related to Shao Qi, the general of the world's soldiers and horses. Tang Lin was afraid that if she said it, Yu Shengjun would be sad because her love would betray her, so she said with embarrassment: "This fourth wave of forces... ...It's a bit difficult to say!"

But, before she mentioned it, Yu Shengjun spoke out for her, "Is it about Marshal Shao?"

Tang Lin's eyes widened and she said in surprise, "You know what I'm going to say?"

Yu Shengjun smiled slightly, and said: "Fu Tianze understands the situation in Yuxin world so well. He knows the movements of the Second Prince and the conspiracy of the enemy country, so he will naturally be interested in the Generalissimo. You know, there is a big force What cannot be ignored is Shao Qi. He controls most of the soldiers and horses of the Yuxin Dynasty. If I hadn't guessed, Fu Tianze would have doubted whether Shao Qi would embrace his own strength and finally turn against each other and rebel!"

Being mentioned by them, Tang Lin panicked, and really broke into a cold sweat for Yu Shengjun, "It turns out that Shao Qi is Qilin, the majestic general of the world's soldiers and horses. Your Majesty, there is something unexpected by you. It turns out that Xueyan Her brother-in-law is Shao Qi, and Shao Qi and the concubine Han Lingying of the harem..."

"I know!" Yu Shengjun said calmly.It's come to this juncture, but at this moment, he can still smile as clear as a spring breeze, without a trace of panic. "I know the relationship between them!"

Tang Lin suddenly remembered something, and looked at him like a monster, "You took Shao Qi's fiancée?"

"No!" Yu Shengjun said truthfully.

Tang Lin wondered, "Concubine Han in the harem is not his fiancée Han Lingying?"

"No," Yu Shengjun changed the subject, "Han Lingying is Shao Qi's fiancée!"

Tang Lin was confused when she heard that, "If so, why did Han Lingying become your concubine? Also, why did you give Shao Qi such great power? He now holds the life and death of the Yuxin Dynasty in his hands. How can you... ..."

Yu Shengjun smiled, still calm, he looked into her eyes, and said softly, that magnetic voice that can cleanse people's hearts, it sounds like the sound of nature: "Linlin, what I know is far away. Knows more than you, and knows more than anyone else in this world. Sometimes you think that I am already in a situation surrounded by enemies, but you don’t know that I may be just... an outsider! Or, I am the... controller of this situation! "

Tang Lin frowned, and found that she couldn't understand his words more and more, and also wondered if she was playing the piano to the cow, "Your Majesty, are you okay? I have told you so much, how can you be so calm and relaxed? "

He pinched her cheek dotingly, his warmth remained the same, and his doting on her continued unabated, "You are such a silly woman. If I didn't feel the crisis, how could I rule Yuxin's world? "

Being mentioned by him, Tang Lin suddenly remembered what Master Yichan said.Master Yichan said that Yushengjun is a genius, and he is a good monarch for the people of the world. Not only that, but he is not a simple lord.

He was able to regain the lost ground at the age of seven, so he naturally had the ability to fight against foreign enemies, so how could he not be aware of the serious situation now?
It's just that, now that the situation is serious, he should take measures. Why hasn't he moved at all?Instead, let the people from all directions go wild!

(End of this chapter)

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