The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 147 Junjun, Linlin

Chapter 147 Junjun, Linlin

Tang Lin said worriedly: "Master Yichan told me about your past deeds. You ascended the throne at the age of six, regained the lost land at the age of seven, began to conquer the land at the age of eight, and at the age of ten, under your care, The country gradually prospered and became rich. At the age of 15, under your management, Yuxin has become one of the bright lights on the mainland of China. However, I don’t understand. In the past, every crisis can be solved by you. Make a quick decision, and you won't let the crisis trouble you for a long time, but now that you are surrounded by crises, why haven't you moved at all? If the emperor doesn't defend early, the country will be terrified..."

"Linlin, your worries are unnecessary!" Yu Shengjun smiled mysteriously, and said with confidence: "I played a game of chess and won, and all crises have been resolved. Now, just wait to reap the fruits of victory!"

"Uh," Tang Lin was taken aback. Hearing what he said, she seemed to have made arrangements in secret. "Could it be that your majesty has been dealing with those people in secret?"

Yu Shengjun left the edge of the table, took two steps forward, folded his hands behind his back, and slowly told her his plan, "My ultimate goal is to easily take down the North Border Kingdom with less casualties, for our sake. To avenge my father, to avenge the tens of thousands of innocent people who killed my Yuxin in Beilin Kingdom... I have been playing this game of chess for ten years, and in a short time, all the pieces will come to fruition, and all crises will be solved easily! "

Tang Lin happily said: "So, your majesty, are you really defending against people from all walks of life? That's great. Now the stone in my heart has finally fallen. I was worried that the majesty has been kept in the dark by the evil forces. It seems I really worry too much!"

He turned around to look at her, raised his eyebrows, and showed a confident smile, "If I was deceived so easily, can I still be your boyfriend Tang Lin?"

Tang Lin giggled, a little ashamed, "The emperor has praised you!"

Yu Shengjun raised the corners of his lips and smiled playfully, "Now, should I ask you something?"

"Cough cough," Tang Lin moistened her throat, became serious, and was ready to answer, "Please tell me, Your Majesty, Lin Lin will definitely answer everything!"

Yu Shengjun first thought of the words he overheard outside Tang Lin's room, "Linlin, tell me honestly, what happened to you and Xiao Du? Why did he mistake you for Empress Cheng Huan? What happened to the folks during that time?"

Shock flashed across Tang Lin's eyes, "Your Majesty..."

He knew why she was surprised, and said calmly: "I just overheard your conversation with that fat girl!"

It turned out that this was the case, and I thought he really had the ability to predict things like a god.

"The thing is like this..." Tang Lin told how she met Xiao Du, how Xiao Du pestered her to say that she was Queen Cheng Huan, and how she went to the hospital to find a doctor in order to verify whether she was Queen Cheng Huan Everything, everything, everything was explained.In addition, she also told the whole story about the jade pendant that she had been wearing all the time, and the fact that Fengyuelou asked her to replace Lian Xin into the palace as a palace maid.

After she finished speaking, Yu Shengjun analyzed: "According to what you said, Shihe's appearance may be exactly the same as yours, or... Linlin, you have become their chess piece and have been used by them!"

Tang Lin said: "I know they used me, but I'm just worried about my appearance and Shihe's. Do we really look alike?"

Yu Shengjun continued to analyze: "Actually, Xiao Du was taken into custody a few days ago, and he is a person who opposed the Yuhui. If I guessed correctly, Shihe was plotted by the people who opposed the Yuhui. To clear her innocence, and..."

"It also made her belly bigger!" Tang Lin added resentfully. She didn't feel guilty for saying that about others.

"Uh," Yu Shengjun was stunned for a moment. He originally wanted to describe it in more subtle words, but she was better off, and directly "made her stomach bigger".But this is the straightforward Tang Lin he loves dearly, isn't it? "The Anti-Yuhui will use Shihe to order me to dispatch all the Ouchi guards, the purpose is to take my life in the next surprise attack. However, I am not dead yet, and half of the Ouchi guards are still in the palace. The queen should be sent in, isn't it? Once they are sent in, their plan will be ruined. At that time, I will recall all the big inner guards, and they will have no chance to assassinate me. Why is it worth them to get a fake queen? Entering the palace?"

"Your Majesty..." Tang Lin's expression was a bit tangled, she thought for a while, and said, "I feel like a scapegoat!"

"Scapegoat?" Yu Shengjun looked at the jade pendant in his hand and pondered.After pondering for a while, he came to such a conclusion, "Linlin, tell me, could it be that man who came to you and asked you to enter the palace instead of Shihe because of the child in Shihe's womb? Although the internal guards are not all capable, as long as they are given time, they will be able to hunt down Shihe who escaped from the palace sooner or later, and even find out about her and that man! If I don’t recall the guards for a day, then Shihe and the others They will continue to flee to the end of the world and hide everywhere, but for the sake of the child in their womb, they may give up their plan!"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "Since we want to do something big, how can we ruin the plan for the sake of the child? People who oppose the Imperial Council are really unpredictable! Child, Tianze..." Suddenly, she Thinking of something, he said in surprise, "Your Majesty, I remembered one thing, I'm sure Shihe and I look exactly the same!" Yu Shengjun was startled by Tang Lin's reaction, "Which thing?"

Tang Lin recalled a certain day last month.

That day, Fengdiewu was very busy, and Han Xueyan didn't know where to go. There were a lot of affairs in the private room, so she recruited the guests in the private room to share some affairs for Fengdiewu. Unexpectedly, she entered the private room not long ago. Her waist was suddenly encircled from behind, and the person encircling her waist was none other than Fu Tianze.

Tang Lin copied the original words and told Yu Shengjun, "That's what Fu Tianze told me at that time..."

"Damn woman, you actually came here for a long time, but I'm worried about you and the child in your belly. You are not allowed to wander around in the future, what if you are caught by the emperor's people."

Yu Shengjun frowned, "Why does this sound like..."

Tang Lin suddenly woke up, "Oh! Why didn't I notice this? Since Fu Tianze was someone who opposed the Imperial Society, and Shihe's escape from the palace was done by someone who opposed the Imperial Society, it must have something to do with Fu Tianze! "

Yu Shengjun squinted his deep eyes, "At that time, Fu Tianze also mentioned the child, and also regarded you as his woman. Based on these, it is not difficult for us to judge that the woman he mentioned is Shihe, and the child It's the fetus in Shihe's womb. If I'm not mistaken, Fu the leader of the Anti-Imperial Society!"

Tang Lin also felt the same, nodded, "Well, I think so too, otherwise, how could he know so many things!"

Yu Shengjun heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Tang Lin's mature yet sweet facial features, and said with a low smile, "Hehe, I never thought that my Empress Cheng Huan was actually carved out of the same mold as my future empress! "

"But your majesty, don't get me wrong," Tang Lin hurriedly explained, fearing that Yu Shengjun would misunderstand her and then questioned her, "I'm not Shihe, and I don't have schizophrenia. Two characters. Also, I am not Shihe's older sister, nor her younger sister, nor her twin sister, or her eternally young mother. I am Tang Lin, and Tang Lin is me, as if fake The modern person who changed has nothing to do with Shihe, even though we look alike, it doesn't mean I have anything to do with her!"

Yu Shengjun laughed, and was really defeated by Tang Lin, "I haven't doubted you yet, why are you rushing to explain? Besides, didn't you and Xiao Du go to the medical clinic to verify?"

Tang Lin gave him a weak look, "I'm afraid you might misunderstand."

Yu Shengjun came over, gently held her face, let her eyes only fall on his face, and said softly: "Linlin, I have been curious about your identity, but I can't doubt you, no matter what who are you!"

Tang Lin looked at him, her eyes became hot, and she immediately buried her head in his arms, "Yushengjun, I really like you!" I like what you did to me.

He stroked her back and said with a smile: "I know!"

"By the way!" Tang Lin suddenly remembered something, left his arms, looked into his eyes and said, "Last night, Fu Tianze, Du Yuanyuan, and Shao Qi wanted to kill me in the back mountain. I was prepared for it, so I survived!"

"They actually..." Yu Shengjun's heart tightened, regretting that he allowed Tang Lin to enter the mountain last night, "I shouldn't have promised you to let you in, if you didn't pay attention last night, then you almost..."

Tang Lin smiled softly, "It scares you, didn't I come out after nothing?"

Yu Shengjun asked inexplicably: "It stands to reason that in the eyes of everyone, your background should be the most innocent. You have never provoked anyone, and you have not been involved in these waves of people. Why do they want to kill you?"

Tang Lin said truthfully: "Because, as a contestant, I am deeply loved by you, Your Majesty. Fu Tianze and the others are afraid that I will help you in the end, which is a very dangerous thing for them, so take the opportunity as soon as possible Get rid of me!"

Yu Shengjun's eyes turned cold, and he clenched his fists tightly, "It's unreasonable! I will never spare them lightly!"

Tang Lin asked, "Your Majesty, what do you want to do next?"

Yu Shengjun thought for a while and said: "This time I will hold the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. First, I want to recruit a few bodyguards with good abilities in all aspects; , to achieve their goal. Since they are all here, then I... will definitely "entertain" them well!" After speaking, a deep, sinister sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was no longer as warm as before.

From the corners of his raised lips, Tang Lin saw the fate of the enemy.All the rebels thought they had kept Yu Shengjun in the dark, but they didn't know who kept who in the dark.After that, the rebels suffered some crimes.

"Your Majesty," Tang Lin said, "Linlin has an idea. She can not only protect herself, but also punish the rebels!"

"Oh?" Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows slightly, becoming interested, "I would like to hear the details!"

A cunning light flashed in Tang Lin's eyes, and she said: "Your Majesty, my idea is this. The two of us will form two groups. The content of the activity is... to wipe out all foreign enemies. Your Majesty, you are in the open, and I am in the dark." Your majesty, you are the bait to lure the enemy, and I will be responsible for... killing the enemy behind your back. Your majesty, what is Linlin's idea of ​​this cooperation? From now on, in front of the thieves, I have done enough tricks to scare these people. Turn around!"

It was rare for Yu Shengjun to laugh heartily, "Not bad, not bad, a good idea." But his smile gradually stopped, and he looked at Tang Lin with a slanted head, very serious, and his words seemed to be bargaining, "Will you help me?" I destroy the enemy, can't I go for my treasury? Tang Lin, I'll confess to you first, there is nothing in my treasury, except that I am still alive and have a body, nothing else!"

"Then Linlin, let's go to the emperor's body!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin smiled treacherously, and without giving Yu Shengjun a chance to react, she immediately hooked his neck, and with all her strength, her body climbed onto his body like this body, the distance from him face-to-face is only the length of a palm.She smiled at his handsome face, with a cunning and sinister look on her face. "Boyfriend, you're so handsome, I really want to take you out for a stroll and show off to others!"

(End of this chapter)

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