The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 148 Not Simple Miss Jin!

Chapter 148 Not Simple Miss Qianjin!
He hugged her body to prevent her from sliding down his body.But the "Liu Liu" she said annoyed him, he frowned, his face turned cold, and he looked at her coldly, "Liu? Is I a dog?"

She knew he wasn't really angry, so she wasn't scared.Like an adult comforting a child, she kissed him on the cheek. Not only did she not repent, but she also openly said in such a tone: "Okay, be good, don't be angry!"

"No wonder!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun picked her up and walked straight to the dragon couch.

The dragon bed is behind the three-layer curtain, and through the translucent curtain, one can vaguely see the rosewood carved dragon bed.

The first layer of curtains was lifted up and tied on the round doors on both sides respectively. They were high-quality golden dragon-patterned curtains, which were opaque.One meter away is the second layer of curtains. This layer of curtains is made of jewelry. It is made of strings of different but very precious pearls and agates. The color is not dazzling, low-key but not boring. , which makes people have a kind of elegant feeling at a glance.One meter away, there is the third layer of curtains. The third layer of curtains is two layers of thin light yellow gauze tents. The visual sense of wonderland.

When Yu Shengjun walked through the third curtain with Tang Lin in his arms, Tang Lin's face and hands were touched by the light gauze tent all the way. I seem to have entered another world, a world without worries.

In the past, on TV, I often saw the emperor holding his favorite beauty around the layers of light gauze tents. The picture of the beauty in the light gauze tents was like a vivid painting, so beautiful that people couldn't move it. open sight.

The third layer of curtains is two meters long from the side of the bed.

Yu Shengjun walked to the bed, the head and the end of the bed were wrapped with translucent pure yellow curtains, one side was lifted up and hung, the other was hung like a willow, although it was messy, it was very charming.

Yu Shengjun gently put Tang Lin on the bed.She was the first to lie on his dragon bed.

"Wow, it's so comfortable!" Tang Lin turned over mischievously, and felt that this big bed was no different from Simmons, not only elastic, but also soft.Underneath, there must have been several layers of quilts, right?

It's been a long time since I've been lying on such a comfortable bed. Tang Lin simply regarded this bed as her own, turning and rolling around, admiring and yelling at the same time, so happy that she couldn't control herself .

Yu Shengjun sat by the bed, seeing the woman he loves being so happy, he was also happy, but his happiness was only in his heart, only a little bit hung on the corners of his slightly raised lips.

Tired of rolling, Tang Lin hugged her with a pillow in the end, looking sideways at Yu Shengjun who was sitting gracefully by the bed.She pursed her lips and smiled slightly at him, "Is this the place you said earlier, where you can come every day?"

"Yes!" Yu Shengjun nodded and replied calmly, looking at her affectionately, "As long as you want, you can do it for the rest of your life!"

After Tang Lin pretended to think about it, she pouted and said, "A woman's youth is very short. After ten or eight years, Linlin can still occupy this bed, but she has nothing on her body to give to the emperor!"

"Yes!" Yu Shengjun is very cute when he thinks about things, "Well... let me think about what else I can do. Yes, we old couples can guess boxing games, guess word puzzles, etc. , isn't it good?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Tang Lin threw the pillow over, couldn't she know that he was playing tricks on her?
Yu Shengjun chuckled.

She sat up, climbed up to him, sat cross-legged, awkwardly reached his collar with her right hand, and pressed her dry lips, "Junjun, here... Linlin wants to be your fairy, can I?" Yu Shengjun smiled softly, held her hand, and put it against his heart, "As long as you want, I will allow you anything!"

"Thank you!" Tang Lin smiled gratefully and threw herself into his arms, feeling the warmth of his body.At this moment, there is no other woman who is happier and luckier than her.No wonder Feng Die Wu and He Shiya did not hesitate to pay so much for this man.

Outside the door, there was a low voice of conversation, "The emperor is resting, so I can't disturb you for now, what's the matter, wait until the emperor wakes up!"

"But Manager An, if you don't look at it, something will happen!"

Although the conversation between the two people was very low, for Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun, they could still hear it more than ten meters away.

Tang Lin left Yu Shengjun's arms, "Your Majesty, I'm looking for you, I think there is something urgent!"

"Okay, I'll go and have a look, you're waiting here for me!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun got up and left the bed, and walked towards the door.Opening the door, facing the guard who came to report the incident, he frowned and asked, "An Feng, why are you in such a hurry to see me?"

This is a handsome young man with a slender figure. His bodyguard code name is Anfeng, and he is in charge of intelligence.At this moment, there is indeed something urgent to report. "Master, something happened to the Second Princess!"

Tang Lin was startled when she heard the sound, she immediately got out of bed and put on her boots, and paused as she rushed towards the door.She walked to the tea table, took the mask on the tea table, and walked quickly towards the door.

Second princess, isn't that Eyun?What can happen?

Yu Shengjun glanced at Tang Lin who was already standing beside him, and then asked the guard, "Where is she?"

An Feng said: "In the wing room behind Nangong's kitchen, where the cooks live, the Second Princess is there now!"

Yu Shengjun gave An Lin a nod, An Lin knew it, and immediately raised his voice: "Move, Nangong Kitchen!"

Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin and said softly, "Linlin, are you going with me?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Yeah!" Then, replacing the eagle mask that was taken out, "Here!"

Yu Shengjun was stunned, and there was a very subtle change in his heart.He didn't love the wrong person, he fell in love with a woman who could understand his heart, without him mentioning, she already knew what he needed and what he was thinking.

"You're welcome!" Tang Lin said with a slight smile.From his eyes, he has already seen his gratitude to her.

If he doesn't wear a mask, he won't meet the contestants later, and he may be a spy contestant, then his event will definitely be ruined.He only needs to wear a mask to guard against those people.

In the current situation, it is inappropriate to reveal the true face. After all, Fu Tianze and Cao Dan have seen the true face of Yu Shengjun.

"Thank you!" Yu Shengjun was still grateful, then took the mask and put it on, turned around and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Tang Lin and the others immediately followed.

When Yu Shengjun and the others passed by outside the Nangong kitchen, they were seen by Feng Die Wu who was peeling pears.Feng Diewu saw Tang Lin following closely, so she waved to Tang Lin, but she didn't dare to be too ostentatious, for fear of attracting the emperor's thunderous wrath.

Everyone else was looking ahead, not paying attention to the people around them, except Tang Lin.

When Tang Lin saw Phoenix Die Wu, she immediately beamed with joy.She glanced at Yu Shengjun who was walking in front, and ran towards Feng Die Wu while he was not paying attention.As soon as she got close to Feng Die Wu, she hugged Feng Die Wu, "Die Wu, I miss you to death!"

Although Yu Shengjun walked in front, he still looked at the pair of women hugging each other calmly, with no emotion on his face, and then continued walking until the figures of their master and servant disappeared around the corner.

Feng Diewu pulled Tang Lin to sit on a long stone chair, and couldn't wait to ask, "Xiao Tang, I heard that you also went to the back mountain to compete last night, tell me, is it scary there? I heard The other cooks said that it is a forbidden place, there are ghosts!"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "Do you believe what they lied to you? What the hell are you talking about?"

Feng Diewu was taken aback, "What, no ghost?"

Tang Lin was left speechless by her question, "I've said it all, there are no ghosts. But... there are ghosts, but they are not real. The emperor let his guards pretend to be them, and the horror scenes in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain are all ghosts. It was made artificially, the purpose is to test the ability of the contestants, where is the ghost? How funny!"

Feng Diewu breathed a sigh of relief, and stroked her chest, "It turned out to be a false alarm. I thought there was a ghost, which caused me to worry about you all night. But seeing that you are all fine, I feel more at ease!"

"Die Wu, I'm sorry to make you worry!" Tang Lin felt a little guilty for letting a weak woman worry about her all night.

Feng Diewu said briskly: "Why are you being polite to me, we are good sisters! By the way, why are you with the emperor?"

"I already knew he was..."

Before Tang Lin could finish speaking, Feng Diewu interrupted her, "Have you heard about Yu Shengjun?"

"Huh?!" Fengdiewu's answer surprised Tang Lin. She thought that Fengdiewu knew that Yu Shengjun was the current emperor, but why did Fengdiewu ask where Yu Shengjun was?If Fengdiewu didn't know that Yu Shengjun was the emperor at all, then how did Fengdiewu know Yu Shengjun before?

Feng Die Wu was a little chilled by her stare, "What's wrong? He... doesn't come to you anymore?"

"Maybe...he doesn't want me!" Tang Lin planned to test Fengdiewu, she held Fengdiewu's hand, and said with a sad face: "Diewu, I still envy you, I have known him for such a long time, but We have known each other for just over a month. Now, he is gone, I don’t want me anymore, woo woo... I might as well die. I want to go out to find him after the game and ask him about the situation. By the way Wu, when you first met, did he treat you like this?"

"How should I say this..." Feng Diewu didn't notice Tang Lin's expression. She lowered her head shyly and dawdled for a long time before she could say something, "My family has contacts with the second prince's mansion. On the day the second prince got married, I went to participate, and met Yu Shengjun in the guest room."

Sure enough, as He Shiya said, they all met Yu Shengjun on the same day.And Yu Shengjun appeared that day as the emperor. Since He Shiya knew that the other party was the emperor, why didn't Feng Diewu know?
If Fengdiewu knew, then she was in front of her now, how could she ask where Yu Shengjun was?
Tang Lin couldn't figure out what Feng Die Wu was thinking. Could it be that Feng Die Wu was ordered by Yu Shengjun, and she couldn't let her know that Yu Sheng Jun was the emperor?If so, it makes sense!It must be so!

Tang Lin wanted to say something more, but Fengdiewu snatched her chance to speak again, "Little Tang, why did you get together with the emperor? I heard that the emperor loves you very much. After all, you are in the competition You performed very well, but you wouldn't have gotten so close so quickly, would you?"

"You misunderstood!" Tang Lin lied, "I have nothing to do with the emperor, he said that I performed well, and sent me here today, and he said that he would talk to me about the next round of the competition and see if I have any suggestions. Unfortunately, as soon as I was sent to him, someone came to tell him that something happened to the second princess, so I could only follow him to the kitchen, and I can only talk to me after he has dealt with the matter of the second princess. talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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