The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 149 This is a tissue!

Chapter 149 This is a tissue!

"Oh, it's like this," Feng Diewu seemed to be relieved, and then asked calmly, "Then Xiaotang, have you seen the second princess?"

Tang Lin was startled, thinking about which answer to give.After thinking about it, he finally denied it, "Uh... no, I just wanted to go and have a look! I was wondering why the second princess is here."

Feng Diewu said instead: "Never mind him, Xiao Tang, don't watch it, how about staying and tasting my craft?"

"But..." Tang Lin was a little embarrassed.After all, Yu Shengjun called her to accompany him just now.Just in time, she also wanted to see how Eyun was doing, and then asked Yu Shengjun, Eyun, why the second princess was here, and whether the second prince sent his own princess as an eyeliner in order to usurp the throne, so that he could be more Easily monitor any situation in Nangong.

Feng Diewu got up immediately, grabbed her hand, and dragged her into the kitchen. She didn't know if she didn't want Tang Lin to see the Second Princess, or if she really hoped that Tang Lin could stay and try her craft, "Oh, don't be so Now, it’s rare for me to do it once, can’t you, the kitchen master, show some face?”

Unable to resist Phoenix Die Wu, Tang Lin compromised and said, "Okay, I'll try it, as it happens that I haven't eaten today!"

Just like that, Tang Lin was dragged into the kitchen by Feng Die Wu.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, Feng Diewu immediately put on her apron, then picked up the shovel, and left Tang Lin behind her, "Xiao Tang, it may take a while to make it, just wait, it will be soon, believe me now Let's cook!"

Tang Lin smiled wryly, "Speaking of which, it's really not an easy thing for you, the beautiful young miss of Fengdiewu, to be able to cook!"

"That's because I'm not a simple young lady!" Feng Diewu turned her head and praised herself to Tang Lin, then turned her head and started to put oil and salt into the pot.

Tang Lin looked at the fire stove, and was immediately defeated by Feng Diewu, "Miss Qianjin, the fire hasn't started yet, how can you cook for me?"

"Ah? Is that so?" Feng Diewu was stunned, looked down, and sure enough there was no fire, she patted her forehead annoyed, "Look at my memory, why did I forget this step. Xiao Tang, wait a little longer Wait, I'll make it soon," she said, squatting down, and clumsily put those sticks into the stove, but what to do next, she dawdled.

Tang Lin couldn't stand it any longer, and asked weakly, "I said Miss Qianjin, have you ever started a fire?"

Feng Diewu stood up and faced her, with embarrassment on her face, and said weakly: "Xiao Tang, I... I'm just too nervous, after all, I'm going to make it for you, a master! How about Xiao Tang, you teach Teach me?" Tang Lin looked at her watch with a look of anxiety on her face.After all, they had been together in Jundiexuan before, so they were very worried about Guan Eyun, a good-tempered, cheerful and optimistic woman. "Die Wu, why don't you forget about it today?"

She was puzzled, Feng Die Wu and Guan Eyun were working in the kitchen together, but something happened to Guan Eyun, why didn't Feng Die Wu go and see?What's more, she still looked leisurely, obviously not knowing that something serious happened to Guan Eyun!

Did she really not know about Feng Die Wu, or did she deliberately pretend not to know?

"Little Tang!" Feng Diewu grabbed Tang Lin's hand, shook it, pouted at Tang Lin, and looked at her with big innocent eyes, "Can't you stay with me? I don't know Why is the second princess here, but people over there are not allowed to come close, and we can't go in to have a look! It's about the emperor's house, so let's not join in the fun. By the way, I haven't told you yet, Zichen and Eyun have left the palace!"

This time, Feng Die Wu said something amazing again, Tang Lin could no longer calm down, and always felt that Feng Die Wu was weird, "You mean... Eyun and the others have left the palace?" If they did, the second princess What's the matter?

Just now she obviously got Yu Shengjun's consent to go to see the second princess with him, if Feng Diewu knew that Yu Shengjun was the emperor, she shouldn't hinder her?Moreover, seeing that she was allowed to go with Yu Shengjun, Yu Shengjun did not stop her.

If Yu Shengjun gave Feng Die Wu some instructions before, let Feng Die Wu deliberately pretend in front of her that he does not know him, it is Yu Sheng Jun.But just now, she was following behind Yu Shengjun, and Fengdiewu didn't get Yu Shengjun's order to intercept her Tang Lin halfway, but Fengdiewu automatically intercepted her, and told her that Yu Zichen and his wife were out. After going to the palace, why is Feng Die Wu's behavior so unreliable today?
"Miss Tang!" At this moment, Anfeng's slender figure appeared at the kitchen door.

Tang Lin looked over at the sound and asked, "What's the matter?"

Anfeng glanced at Fengdiewu calmly, and then said respectfully to Tang Lin: "The emperor said, if Miss Tang doesn't want to wait outside the kitchen, please follow me to the cool breeze pavilion and wait. Things will be moved to the cool breeze pavilion!"

Tang Lin's heart was already flying out. She was very grateful to Anfeng for showing up in time to save her, and also thanked Yu Shengjun for not forgetting her and knowing how to send someone to help her.Now, if it is judged that Fengdie Wu really wants her to stay and try her craft, then Fengdiewu will try her best to keep her.She glanced at Feng Die Wu's face from the corner of her head, and then said with embarrassment to the dark face: "Brother guard,'s pretty good here, I'll wait for the emperor here..."

"Xiao Tang!" Without allowing Tang Lin to finish speaking, Feng Die Wu immediately interrupted her, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Since I am so nervous today, I must not be able to cook anymore, then... try again another day How is my craft?"

Sure enough, Feng Die Wu is eager for her to leave now!

Tang Lin frowned calmly, pretending not to notice anything, "Die Wu, didn't you say you want me to teach you? I just happen to be free now, so I can..."

"No need Xiaotang, I won't delay you to go to the cool breeze pavilion, go quickly, the oily smoke here is heavy, I'm afraid that if you smoke you, then you will have a bad impression on the emperor!" Phoenix Diewu interrupted again Tang Lin's words made Tang Lin more sure that her feeling was right.Feng Diewu really wanted her to leave quickly, the premise was that as long as she didn't go to see the second princess, it would be fine.

The other party was so enthusiastic, how could Tang Lin live up to her, "Alright then, I'm going to the Liangfeng Pavilion, Die Wu, I'll see you again when I'm free!"

Feng Die Wu smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

Tang Lin didn't say much, she pursed her lips and left with a smile.Soon she and Anfeng disappeared at the door.

After they left, Feng Diewu let out a big breath, feeling much more relaxed, not as depressed as before.She walked to the door, and in an instant, the dark wind had brought Tang Lin into the backyard.

Feng Die Wu didn't see it, and thought that Tang Lin and the others were going to the Liangfeng Pavilion, but they didn't know that they went to the wing room in the backyard to see the second princess.

in the wing,
The old imperial doctor was giving acupuncture to Guan Eyun who was lying on the bed. Many thin silver needles pierced Guan Eyun's arms and face, as well as the top of the head, the sides of the shoulders and the back of the head.Yu Shengjun stood beside him, watching closely.

Guan Eyun's face was light green, no, it should be said that her whole body was light green, it was obvious that she had been poisoned by some kind of poison.She closed her eyes tightly, her two black eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together, her expression was extremely painful.

The old imperial doctor did not produce every single silver needle, which was covered with black poisonous blood.

At this time, the dark wind brought Tang Lin in, "Master, Miss Tang is here."

Yu Shengjun looked back at Tang Lin, then turned around and continued to watch the old imperial doctor detoxify Guan Eyun.

Tang Lin stood beside him and took a careful look at Guan Eyun.Although Guan Eyun's face turned green, she still recognized that it was Guan Eyun's face.Such an optimistic and cheerful woman, how could such a thing happen? "How could she be like this?"

Yu Shengjun said: "It's a long story, I'll explain it to you after I return to Xuanyu Palace!"

An Lin walked up two steps, glanced at Guan Eyun, and said in confusion: "Your Majesty, the Second Prince and the Second Concubine are always inseparable, but this time the Second Prince is not by the Second Concubine's side, is there something wrong?"

An Feng replied: "The Second Prince left the palace in the morning!"

A light flashed in Yu Shengjun's eyes, "Going out of the palace? Did you find out where he was going? What are you doing?"

An Feng said: "Master, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. I haven't found out where the Second Prince is going, but I have sent people to follow up. I believe there will be news back soon. We secretly observed that something happened to the Second Princess, so Report to you immediately!"

Through An Feng's words, Tang Lin discovered something.What Anfeng said was to send someone to follow the second prince, and he was also secretly observing the second princess.That is to say... Yu Shengjun has already been prepared for these two characters?

At this time, the old imperial doctor stood up, faced Yu Shengjun, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, the toxin has been partially cleared, is it the same as before?"

Yu Shengjun responded indifferently, "Yes!"

Tang Lin frowned, she found the conversation between the old imperial doctor and Yu Shengjun too strange.Why did the old imperial doctor say it was the same as before?Could it be that Guan Eyun used to always get sick like today?Then, the old imperial doctor only cleaned up part of the toxin each time, and the rest was intentionally left in Guan Eyun's body?
This is the second concubine, Yu Shengjun, why doesn't he want the old imperial doctor to clean up all the poison of Guan Eyun?Instead, it continued like this intermittently.

Could it be that the poison in Guan Eyun's body was injected by Yu Shengjun's order?

The second prince has the ambition to usurp the throne, and there are secret movements.Is Yu Shengjun trying to use the second princess to achieve something?
Thinking of this, Tang Lin glanced slightly at Yu Shengjun, and she clearly saw the mist in his eyes, and his intolerance towards Guan Eyun.Seeing Guan Eyun like this, he is a relative of the emperor after all, he should be moved, right?

She saw that he couldn't bear to see Guan Eyun in his eyes. Since he loves Guan Eyun so much, then he would not be so cruel to use Guan Eyun to achieve his goals, would he?

Remembering that there was a tissue in her pocket, Tang Lin reached into her pocket to explore, and sure enough, she took out a tissue, and she gently replaced it for Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at her sideways, his originally hazy eyes gradually became clear, and the considerate smile of the beloved woman was reflected in his eyes, and he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.His eyes fell on the tissue in her hand, and a puzzled look appeared in his eyes.

Tang Lin knew that he didn't understand paper towels, so she walked over two steps, took off his mask by herself, and then gently wiped away the few tears that wet the corners of his eyes due to the deeply poisoned Guan Eyun.

Yu Shengjun's heart clicked, and Tang Lin's actions made him feel warmer than ever before.He grabbed her hand and said hoarsely, "Linlin..."

The people in the side room, apart from the two of them, An Feng and An Lin, the old imperial doctor and Guan Eyun who was lying on the bed, there was no one else.These people are all loyal and loyal people who work for Yu Shengjun, so Yu Shengjun didn't feel panic when the mask was taken off, nor did he blame Tang Lin.This just proves that these people in the room are all his people, they only help him with affairs, they will not betray him, and they will not tell anything about this place.

(End of this chapter)

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