The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 150 You are a smart person!

Chapter 150 You are a smart person!

Tang Lin smiled softly and said, "This is a paper towel invented in our hometown. It is used to wipe... tears!"

Yu Shengjun was taken aback for a moment. After being mentioned by Tang Lin, he realized that he had unknowingly shed tears for Guan Eyun. Heartburning pain, every time unconsciously, I shed tears for this brother and sister who was tortured by the poison.

He was afraid that Tang Lin would think wildly, so he quickly explained: "Linlin, I didn't..."

Tang Lin interrupted him, pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly, "I know what you're going to say, and I understand it in my heart!" She moved closer, looked up at his handsome face, and wiped off his handsome face with a tissue. Those tears in the corner of the other eye.

Just now when the mask was covered, she only saw that his eyes were moist and hot, but who would have known that he is so easy to cry for his family...

As an emperor, he also has an unknown emotional side!
If she made him love so much, then he made her feel bad like that.

The old imperial doctor was busy prescribing medicine for Guan Eyun, so he didn't notice the scene of Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin.

An Lin understood, he quietly gave An Lin a wink, and then the two reached a tacit understanding, one grabbed the old imperial doctor's hand, the other covered the old imperial doctor's mouth, and dragged the old imperial doctor out of the wing.

The old imperial doctor was dragged away without knowing what happened, struggling all the way to leave the wing, and then the door of the wing was closed by An Lin.

Yu Shengjun held Tang Lin's hand and asked softly, "Do you want to know about E Yun?" Tang Lin was not in a hurry to answer, she let go of his hand, walked to the bed and sat down, watching him closely. Guan Eyun's green face, I couldn't bear it, let alone others, "Just now, I... heard everything you said to the imperial doctor!"

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, "It's just two sentences, what can you hear?"

Tang Lin didn't look at him, but looked at Guan Eyun, and said in a light tone, "I heard two meanings!"

At this moment, her expression was calm, and her tone was also calm, as if he had done something wrong, that's why she treated him and tortured him in this way.

Yu Shengjun's heart suddenly ached, and mist flickered in his eyes again, " the two meanings you hear affect my image in your mind? Do you think that I... ...very cruel?"

Behind his back, he had a dispute with Yifeng, that is, whether he agreed with Tang Lin to enter the back mountain competition.At that time, he strongly opposed it, but Yifeng said, "Master, you have already promised Miss Tang, don't break your promise, let her enter the mountain for competition. If her psychological endurance is not strengthened, I am afraid that you will have a hard time with the master in the future." It's hard to get along, after all, your master's means... unless a kind-hearted person like Miss Tang can accept it, anyone who knows it will misunderstand you, let alone Miss Tang who likes you!"

At that time, he followed Yifeng's advice and let Tang Lin enter the mountain to compete.Yes, he wanted to train her, train her heart to be as hard and cold as a stone, so as not to cause conflicts and unhappiness because of his affairs in the future.

At that time, he was afraid that something would happen to her in the back mountain. After all, that place was so terrifying that no man dared to stay there, let alone a woman.

Fortunately, in the end... she came out safely, and he could finally let go of his fears!
She is a smart person, now, she must have heard some conspiracy from what he said to the old imperial doctor.She must have thought that the poison on Guan Eyun's body was caused by him, and he deliberately told the old imperial doctor not to completely cure Guan Eyun.

She must think that in order to control the emperor's younger brother, the second prince, Yu Zichen, he used the second concubine to achieve his goal.

She must be thinking so, right?

Tang Lin's heart hurts. In fact, she said this on purpose, and she also replied to him so coldly on purpose, just wanting to prove it.Feeling the hurt breath coming from him, she was startled, and immediately looked into his eyes.

She intuitively felt that he was an emotional person, so sometimes it was easy to cry for certain things, sad!

"I'm sorry!" Tang Lin immediately got up, ran over, hugged Yu Shengjun, choked up and said, "I just thought of that meaning, but I'm not sure that you will do that, really, I didn't go Definitely! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Seeing your hurt eyes hurts me so much, it really hurts my heart, I shouldn't have told you so coldly! Shengjun, forgive me, forgive me, right?"

Yu Shengjun hugged her back tightly, got her explanation, got her apology, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, the suffocating air that blocked his heart finally disappeared.A tear that was suppressed in the eye socket finally let go and slid down the cheek, and said hoarsely: "I don't blame you!" Kissing her hair, "Really, I really don't blame you, but I want to thank you, thank you Can you believe I didn't do that!"

She left his arms, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes alone, and smiled broadly at him, showing her white teeth, "I said, from your conversation with the imperial doctor, I thought of two meanings, one is that I I didn't confirm it, there is another layer, I was moved by you!"

"Moved?" Yu Shengjun was a little puzzled, but after thinking about it, when he found the tissue in Tang Lin's hand, he suddenly came to his senses, "You judged by my tears...?"

Tang Lin covered her mouth and smiled, "Yes!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Still... moved you?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Well, you moved me. Through the conversation between you and the imperial doctor, I was thinking, since the imperial doctor can remove the poison in the body of the second princess, why only remove part of it? I will go deeper After thinking about it, if the second prince really has something behind his back and has the ambition to usurp the throne, then could it be that you deliberately poisoned the second princess and then used the second princess to suppress the second prince? But, I believe in your character , so I don’t want to be sure that you are really using the second princess. When I saw your extremely painful eyes when looking at the second princess, and the distressed tears shed for the second princess, I suddenly realized that there is a family relationship between you It exists, how can your loved ones look at your loved ones like this, how can you not be moved? However, I have a feeling, a very strong feeling, that you don't want to use the second princess, but you have to use it. You have difficulties. Your Majesty, my it right?"

He gently held her shoulders, and said with deep relief: "I am so happy to have a smart woman like you by my side. Linlin, you are absolutely right. As I said, you are a smart woman." people!"

"That is..." His words made Tang Lin conclude a possibility, "Are you really using the second princess? Using Eyun?"

Yu Shengjun said truthfully: "Yes!" Lovers should confess to each other, he can't lie, he can't crack down on fakes, unless it is absolutely necessary. "I'm using her, you're right!"

Tang Lin's eyes turned red again, and she said hoarsely, "This is definitely not what a gentleman did!"

Yu Shengjun choked up and said: "If everything is done with the heart and belly of a gentleman, then how can I keep everything?"

"But," Tang Lin pointed to Guan Eyun on the bed, tears welled up in her eyes, "she is your younger brother and sister, she is a good-tempered, optimistic and cheerful person. I have never seen her in Jun Die Xuan Is there something annoying. So, like this, how can a person use her intentionally? If she is tortured with poison again and again to achieve her goal, even if it is to protect the throne and protect the country, it is shameful. Your Majesty, I I really don't want to blame you like this, you give me an explanation, you have no choice, right? Tell me, you must have a hard time, I believe, you don't want to do this at all. Tell me, tell me the truth... "

Yu Shengjun tightly held her uncontrollably trembling shoulders, "Don't say anymore, don't say anymore, don't think about it, and don't be disappointed in me, do you hear me clearly? I'm sorry for what I did. Everyone! I will not allow you to shed any more tears!"

Tang Lin sniffed and said hoarsely, "What I fear most is to be disappointed in you. This is the source of my pain the most!"

Yu Shengjun said firmly: "I just said it, and I will tell you when I go back. It is a long story, and I won't finish it in a while, so I want to choose a time to explain it to you. Linlin, my friend What I have done, I am worthy of the world, myself, and even more worthy of you, no matter what I do, I don't want to..."

"I understand!" Tang Lin responded with a choked voice, threw herself into his arms, and sobbed, "I'm sorry, I'm not mature enough to understand you, which caused such unhappiness between us, Linlin Will never do it again!"

"No, it's not your fault!" He comforted her back, giving her the warmth that made her feel at ease. "It was because of my mishandling and improper expression that I disappointed you, made you sad, and hurt your heart. I should also review it!"

Tang Lin pursed her lips in her arms, and she was still crying, but she didn't seem to be contradicting her anymore, "No, we're going to review together, and I'm also at fault!"

Yu Shengjun smiled easily, let go of her, and said with emotion: "The misunderstanding is resolved, it's great, it seems to be watching the rain fall, and then it rained again, and finally, the rain stopped, and the wind dried our clothes , the sun came out, and we can finally stand under the clear sky again, comfortably feel the fresh air after the rain, and become two grains of the sky!"

His description pierced the softness in her heart, and her eyes became hot again, "Yu Shengjun, can you stop making my heart hurt so much? I find that I can't live without you more and more!"

He looked at her with affectionate eyes, and replied gently: "Then, can I love you more?"

With a sore nose, Tang Lin punched his chest with her fist, "I hate it! I hate it!"

He grabbed her hand violently, pulled her towards him, lowered his head, and covered her lips fiercely, taking possession like a wave.It wasn't until she had difficulty breathing that he let go of him, took a breath, and then said firmly, "Linlin, for the rest of your life, you must follow me, Yu Shengjun, and don't turn around or walk in the middle of the road." Being taken away by other men who are better than me, let alone carry me to a long distance halfway, or even never return! I take the road, you have to follow; I take the small road, you have to follow. Sometimes I am very generous, I will allow you to walk in front of me, and allow you to look back at me as I walk, but I will never allow you to walk behind me, going farther and farther, so far that I can't catch up..."

Tang Lin had a sore nose, stroked it with the back of her hand, stared at him tearfully, tears fell drop by drop, "When is it and you still make me cry? Don't you know that I have a well-developed tear fountain? Yu Shengjun, you owe me a beating !"

He said foolishly: "As long as you are willing, I will beat you for the rest of my life!"

Tang Lin proudly turned her head to one side, and tears of emotion rolled down the other side of her eyes.

"I don't believe your nonsense. If you can believe what a man says, a sow can hang herself!" Tang Lin said this on purpose, and of course the other party didn't mind her saying that.She wiped her face with a tissue, then sprayed the snot on the tissue and made a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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