The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 151 Found an adulterer!

Chapter 151 Found an adulterer!
In front of the man he loves, he doesn't pay attention to his image, and only his woman would do that.

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, and asked curiously: "What did you just say? You can believe a man's words, and a sow can... hang herself?" Sow hanged herself? !In the evening, when Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin left the Nangong kitchen, Anfeng had already sent someone to temporarily transfer Feng Die Wu to work elsewhere, in order not to let Feng Die Wu see Tang Lin coming from the backyard of the kitchen. side out.

After returning to Xuanyu Palace, Yu Shengjun didn't get Tang Lin's explanation until after dinner.Now that I'm having dinner, I don't forget to ask Tang Lin again, "Say, what does that sentence mean? If you can believe a man's words, sows will hang themselves. What's the meaning?"

At Nuo Chang's huge dining table, Tang Lin didn't sit opposite him, but sat next to him, but the clothes on each other's arms just touched a little.

When he asked this question again, Tang Lin finally held back a "puchi" and squirted a mouthful of rice back into the bowl. She stared at Yu Shengjun, "My dear, you have asked me dozens of times, why don't you ask me?" Are you not tired?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Shengjun threw out a new question, "My dear, what is this name?"

A sly light flashed in Tang Lin's eyes, "That's... the meaning of a lady calling you husband!"

"Pfft——" Yu Shengjun was about to take a sip of water to moisten his throat, so that he could continue to ask impatiently. If he didn't ask an answer tonight, he didn't intend to give up, and he didn't intend to give up.Unexpectedly, Tang Lin's answer to that question later made him unable to resist spraying water.He stared into her eyes, and looked at her with weird eyes, "What did you say? What does the lady mean when she calls you Xianggong? That is to say, every time you call me dear, you are calling me... Xianggong?!"

Tang Lin suppressed a smile, and replied leisurely: "You can also call me a bitch!"

scare!Yu Shengjun was startled, and his face turned pale, "Cunning goblin, you actually deceived me in your native dialect like this, and you called me a real husband for more than a month! You are so sorry !"

Tang Lin giggled, not only did not know how to repent, but also smiled treacherously at him, "Junjun, you are so stupid!"

Yu Shengjun gave her a blank look, and said unconvinced: "It was you who tricked me!"

"Hey, are you openly challenging Queen Tang with me?" Tang Lin retorted fearlessly, and looked at Yu Shengjun with a queen's attitude, "Yu Shengjun, Queen Tang, I warn you, don't think you are mine Men, you can challenge me!"

Yu Shengjun laughed contemptuously twice, and said with a sinister smile: "I just challenged you, what should I do? Return the Queen of Tang? I am the emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty, the strong of the earth, you are just a small Weak woman, dare to be above my head? Hurry up and tell the truth, what does it mean for a sow to hang herself? Don’t you know that a sow with such a heavy body is not only difficult to run, but can also climb trees ?”

Tang Lin let out a "poof", and then laughed out loud, "Yu Shengjun, you are so funny, hahaha!"

Why is her smile so gloating?Yu Shengjun's brows turned cold, and he narrowed his eyes tightly, "Are you laughing? And it's the kind of gloating!"

Tang Lin shrugged her shoulders and said bluntly: "Yes, this queen is gloating, my dear, what can you do to me? If you have the ability, show me your madness and prove your anger!"

"You said it, then I will prove it to you!" Yu Shengjun was not polite, and as soon as he finished speaking, he rubbed up his sleeves rudely, ready to do something to Tang Lin.His eyes looked very angry, and his body was full of hostility.

Tang Lin felt the chill, and when Yu Shengjun rushed over, she hurried to the door and yelled for help: "Help——the big devil Yu Shengjun has killed—"

The door of the bedroom was not closed, and An Lin and the guards guarding the door could see the scene inside.But now, when Tang Lin was running towards the door, Yifeng and Yitang Yishuang came back together.

When she ran out of the door, she happened to bump into Yifeng who was standing between the three of them gorgeously. With a "dang", her body was bounced back by the opponent's body as strong as iron. If An Lin hadn't held her up in time , she fell to the ground, "Miss Tang, what's the matter?"

Yitang and Yishuang were not wearing masks. When they saw that it was Tang Lin, they were startled. Just as they were about to turn around to avoid it, Tang Lin screamed, "Oh, why is it you?" After turning around, I finally understood what was going on, "Hmph, so, that day, you joined forces with your hateful master to repel the robbers that appeared at night. I'm still surprised, how did the three of you know each other!"

The two turned their heads and showed innocent smiles at Tang Lin.

Yishuang said weakly: "This is what the master ordered, we...we can't do anything about it, right?" Touching Yitang's arm beside him, he motioned for him to do the same.

Yitang was stunned for a moment, but when he came back to react, he smiled innocently at Tang Lin, "Yes, yes, Yishuang is right!"

Yu Shengjun came out, pulled Tang Lin to his side, and introduced: "Linlin, the three of them are my most powerful bodyguards. This is Yifeng, the deputy commander of Ouchi's bodyguards." Pointing to his strong body The handsome and masculine Yifeng, then pointed to the handsome, cold, delicate and quiet Yitang, "This is Yitang, one of the most capable guards in all aspects among the guards." Then he pointed to the cold beauty beside Yitang The gorgeous, but enchanting and sweet Yishuang, "This is Yishuang, the only female guard among the inner guards!" Finally, pointing to An Lin who Tang Lin often sees, "This is An Lin, he is the chief of the inner guard, An indispensable staff member in front of me!"

The four of them nodded politely at Tang Lin. They seemed to regard Tang Lin as one of them, and they all expressed their affection for Tang Lin.

Tang Lin bowed to everyone once, bowed twice, bowed three times, bowed four times, then went up stupidly and held their hands with both hands, and said with a smile, "Brother Yifeng, hello; Handsome guy, hello; and Miss Yishuang, you That's fine; Mr. An... the manager, you're fine, you're fine!"

She shook the hands of the four of them one by one.Yu Shengjun watched, but there was no way to stop him, he could only watch with a stern expression.jealous.

After returning the polite greeting one by one, Tang Lin retreated to Yu Shengjun's side, and then moved closer to him. With the voice heard by the two people, she smiled at them in the hall, and said to Yu Shengjun nympho: "You The guards here are all stunning, and none of them are ugly! I should be able to see them often in the future, right? Tang Lin is really embarrassed by such stunning looks, who should I start with first?"

Yu Shengjun's face turned pale, squinted his dangerous eyes, gritted his teeth and whispered back: "You dare to seduce my guards, I will skin you alive like a pig, kill you, steam, boil and roast you!" have eaten!"

Tang Lin squinted her smile, and gritted her teeth and replied, "If you have the ability, try it and see if your ability is better than mine, Tang Lin's. You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, let's... Just wait and see!"

"You are too arrogant!" Yu Shengjun replied fiercely, but the next sentence made Tang Lin smile, "But I like you like this, you are brave enough!"

"Hahaha——" Tang Lin laughed loudly, completely disregarding her image, and was overjoyed by Yu Shengjun's praise.

Before dragging Tang Lin into the bedroom, Yu Shengjun told everyone: "If there is anything to discuss in the imperial study tonight, let's all go down to eat!"

Everyone responded, "Yes!"

After Yu Shengjun finished speaking, he grabbed Tang Lin's sleeve and carried her into the door.The people at the door seemed to have never seen such a scene before, they stared at each other, and they couldn't help themselves.

It wasn't until the door was closed by An Lin that everyone looked at each other in embarrassment, and then left together.

After returning to the dining table and sitting down, Yu Shengjun said: "Tonight, come with me to the imperial study?"

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, "Aren't you afraid that an outsider like me overheard your court secrets? I don't want to die, don't go!"

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, and explained: "It's not as exaggerated as you think. I have secrets to tell everyone, but I want to reveal all my secrets to you in the Royal Study Room tonight, so that you won't have to talk to me later. I am in conflict!"

Tang Lin had already picked up a piece of meat and chewed it in her mouth. Looking into his eyes, she said inarticulately, "All the secrets? I thought you had already told me all the secrets, so there are more..."

Yu Shengjun said: "I mentioned the plan for the past ten years to you, on the one hand, I want to see what you think!"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Then I will try to listen to it." She took off the half-bitten meat and put it in Yu Shengjun's rice bowl, a little annoyed, "Why is it so hard to chew? Junjun , your teeth are sharp, eat it, don’t waste the country’s food! There is a poem that says it well: on the day of hoeing, sweat drips down the soil. Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard work! Therefore, Please don't waste it!"

She has come up with poems, can he not eat it?Yu Shengjun obediently picked up the chopsticks and swallowed the leftover piece of meat in one gulp, "Well... it doesn't smell at all, it seems that something that has been eaten by someone is not edible!"

Tang Lin narrowed her dangerous eyes and stared at him, "Say it again!"

Yu Shengjun sat down better, ate seriously, and stopped singing against Tang Lin. Tang Lin looked at her well-behaved appearance, making Tang Lin want to laugh, "Please, don't make me laugh, okay? Your appearance makes me want to spit food, you know that?" ?”

Yu Shengjun ignored him and continued to eat in a serious manner, taking a bite and chewing a few times.

Tang Lin couldn't resist him, so she had to think of other ways to stop his behavior.She thought about it, and suddenly had an idea.The next second, she put her legs on his, "Honey, can I sit like this?"

Yu Shengjun glanced down, and slowly, he looked at her and smiled: "Yes, yes!"

Tang Lin smiled sweetly: "What a blessing!" Then, she put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his arm. "By the way, I want you to talk to someone! It's Feng Die Wu, have you known her?" Yu Shengjun was stunned, his eyes flickered, and a gleam of light was fleeting, but Tang Lin didn't catch it .He frowned and asked, "Swallow Butterfly Dance? She's pretty good, Linlin, why did you mention her?"

Tang Lin's expression was a little dignified, "I always feel that Die Wu is weird today, but I'm not sure if I'm thinking too much. By the way, I almost forgot to ask you. She should know that you are the emperor. Then, before She didn't tell me that you are the emperor, you gave her the will and asked her to keep it secret?"

"This..." Yu Shengjun recalled for a moment, and said truthfully: "When I was in Jundiexuan, I asked her to keep my identity a secret. But since I left Jundiexuan, I haven't seen her until now. Zichen said that she is also in the palace, working in the kitchen. I don’t know why she likes to do rough work so well. It seems that she likes to stick to Eyun too much. I heard from Zichen that they are Very friendly sisters, always have a lot to say, usually outside, and often go to each other's houses. Maybe, Eyun is in the palace now, Diewu is there, it is understandable. She is a young lady, Apart from Eyun, I don't think I have any other friends, so I want to enter the palace to have fun!"

(End of this chapter)

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